Eleazar Harash has been holding lectures and publishing books on Occultism, Mysticism, Spiritual development and many other topics for nearly 40 years.
He presents the Essence of all Deep Spiritual Teachings, Sages and Mystics of all times, unifying them in accordance with the Great Universal Teaching of Master Beinsa Douno – Peter Deunov.
Content in original Bulgarian provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation.

“All over the world there are groups [of disciples] in over 40 countries. My lectures are also attended by brothers and sisters from Europe, America. But that is not important. The Teaching cannot be popular, just as love towards Truth cannot be popular. People love their daily concerns and think that those are more important. But how can something have a place before God? In the Teaching a big Love towards Truth is very important. Then comes the Divine realisation in the person. But this has nothing to do with success in life as most people understand it. Because success which is not life inside the Spirit, is a funeral. It is actually failure but people do not know that.”
– taken from an interview with Eleazar Harash for “Black sea” newspaper in 2003
“The innermost Teachings of Christ and of the Master (Beinsa Douno) are not brought out in the open: the external bible is valuable but it is not authoritative. The documents connected to the bible are but pale reflections of what was. The True Source for the Initiates is not the bible but the Akashic records. The Old Testament and its deepest part come from Egypt, from the First impulse of the White Brotherhood, from where Moses, too learned Great Secrets of Being… The Word of the Master is a continuation of the Word of Christ. It summarises all Ancient schools and Teachings...
…The efforts of the White Brotherhood now, in the Fourth impulse given by the Master, fall mainly on awakening the willpower. The Master says: “Only the development of willpower can organise all unorganised earthly powers.” The Fourth Branch of the White Brotherhood synthetises all preceding ones. The Master says: “If within a person what is working is, before all, the impulse of Love, they will extract True Wisdom and they will be transfigured” – because from the combination of Love and Wisdom willpower is born, which will defeat all earthly and animalistic powers.
The last and mighty manifestation of the Christ impulse is the Master and His School, which is open only to the ones who are ready. The Teaching of the Master has been sown, it will give fruit mainly in the Sixth Race. The Teaching of the Master is a complete presentation of the Christian Esoteric Teaching.
The First impulse was in Egypt, of the Hermetics. From there the Ancient Occult Schools were born.
The Second impulse were the Essenes in Egypt and Palestine – Moses, Abraham, the Prophets and Christ.
The Third impulse was connected to the Manichees, the Bogomils and the Rosicrucians. Priest Bogomil and Boyan the Magus – these are archangels who renew the Teaching of Christ. The Manichees from the 4th century had the task of purifying the mind; the Bogomils continued and the Rosicrucians completed this idea.
The Fourth impulse is connected to the Master and the Teaching, which gives a synthesis of everything from the past Occult Schools.”
– taken from “The Living Water”, volume of occult lectures held by Eleazar Harash in 1993