Absorption into the Only One
Presented by Eleazar Harash
Everything is the Only One, everything is His Work – there is no second one.
The Only One will sit upon the Throne of your Heart, if He is the Only One for you.
As much as is your Love towards the Only One, that much is also your Closeness to Him.
If you have a True Master, the Only One within Them has chosen to teach you.
The True Master is a Secret Emanation of the Only One, Who has chosen you.
Never seek a second one in the world, because no second one exists.
Whoever has come to know the Only One, they have neither a Higher self, nor an inferiour self, no individuality, no personality.
Only the ones who seek the Only One, will find within themselves the Great Beyond-boundness.
Love towards the Only One surpasses all aims. Love towards the Only One cuts the chains of both this world and the other one.
Your relations are only with the Only One and they are always Eternal and Boundless.
If you are within the Only One, what else could you seek?
You cannot attain the Only One with anything else, but with Love and the Secrecy of Self-renunciation.
There is only One-Only-One. A second has never been born and cannot be born.
Eleazar Harash
Arot Rava Mahatoriya – I am the Only One.
Ayra Hatorot Varaha!
Summon me into the Sublimely-Real Reality!
Summon me into Your Sublime-Unutteredness!
Summon me into Your State of Sublime-Being!
Everything originates from Him, but He never originates. He is always absorbed within Himself.
His Sublime Aloneness is His Immeasurable Completeness. The Splendor of Anciency is but one small Shard of the Sublime All-Completeness.
There was not a time, when someone could enter into His Sublime Aloneness. But it happens sometimes, that He touches someone with Himself and leads them towards the Indescribable Completeness of the Sublime Aloneness.
Whoever is touched by Him and is called towards the Sublime Aloneness, they must forget themselves, lose themselves, disappear completely, in order for them to receipt the Sublime Experience of Him. Whoever receipts this becomes eternally His.
Depth after Depth, Completeness after Completeness, Unutterableness after Unutterableness – such is His Concealed Immeasurability.
Only the Exceptional Power of Absorption reaches Him, without knowing Him, but becoming overfilled with Him.
He descends unexpectedly, in order to touch you; conceals Himself unknowably, so that you may seek Him; and disappears absolutely so that He accepts you into Himself.
Expect Him with Non-expectation; seek Him without demanding Him; and immerse into Him without finding Him. He is an Ancient Bird of Freedom – one that cannot be captured and cannot be reached.
Seclusion is an Ancient Secret of the Mystery. He is Deeply Secluded within Himself. His all-Absorption knows no bounds.
Within the Depths of the beings, within the Depths of things, there echoes one Calling, and one only – The Calling towards Him.
Seek Him with Exceptional Loyalty and Deep Non-expectance, because He is always within what is Unexpected, within what is Unknown and Eternally Concealed.
Meditation is the Joy of seeking Him and living Him.
The Ancient Peace is overfilled with Him. The Ancient Peace is a Living Communion with Him – a Communion in a Mysterious language through the Words of Speechlessness.
The dweller of the Desert praises the Almighty One through the Words of Speechlessness. His most Ancient Name is a Hieroglyph of Speechlessness.
It is a Blessing that you are able to think of Him, to Love Him, to seek Him. If you knew how great this Blessing is, you would express gratitude for it in every moment of your life.
Do not try to find Him. Let Him find you. But in order for this to happen, be incessantly and Deeply Absorbed into Him.
In the Absence He is closer than in Seeking.
Within the Awe, his Disappearance Livingly-flows into you and Deeply-Satiates.
The Depths are saturated with Him. The Rejoicing of the Depths is the Rejoicing with Him.
The mind seeks in a known way. The Spirit – in an unknown way. Seek Him as the Great Unknown One within yourself.
Within His Unknownness, the Boundlessness never stops expanding.
He is enveloped in an Ancient Mystery, but He is more Concealed than the Mystery Itself.
Through the Deepest Quieting He draws you into His Mystery.
Do not seek Him, but put down roots in Him. The ones, who have put down roots in Him, are called the Untouchable ones.
His Absolute Peace is the Purest form of Non-existence.
Become so Immutable that you disappear. Through this Immutability He is teaching you His own Self.
The Ancient One has first spoken through Speechlessness. Speechlessness is the First Divine Voice within the person.
His Speechlessness utters the Ancient Truth without Word, without Voice. Therefore, listen very Deeply.
Love Him, Love Him, Love Him. Love Him beyond every Seeking and Finding. Love Him because of the Love for Him itself.
Oh, Great and Sublime Absolute, teach me to love You Absolutely, Supremely, Unknowingly, Reverently!
The Joy of Him turns into an Ancient Way towards Him. Joy touches Him not with the hands, but with the Beams of the Heart.
The Deep Love crosses the worlds and finds His Anciency. Love has devoted Its Eyes to Him, this is why It gazes only upon Him.
Feel Him in way, more real than you feel your own self. He is your Reality.
You must see through your own self, in order to see Him. You are a hue of His Image, an echo of His Reality.
An Ancient Affirmation: “I am He and He is me”. I am His Manifestation, He is my Concealedness.
I am His Wings, He is my Flight. I am His Flame, He is my Fire. I am His Gaze, He is my Sight.
I am His Breath, He is my Life. I am His Impetus, He is my Inspiration. I am His smile, He is my Joy.
I and He – this is One Being. When it is the external, it is uttered as “I”. When it is the internal, it is uttered as “He”.
When His Flight concludes and He withdraws back into Himself, there is no longer “I and He”. There is Only One Sublime Unutterable SELF.
He is so Deeply Immersed into Himself that even He disappears and only His All-Perfect Speechlessness remains. Within this Speechlessness Unity is surpassed.
The Place Deep within yourself, which you have enlightened and from which you have withdrawn, turns into an Ancient Temple of the Only One.
True Prayer is a Sacred-Deed within the Temple of the Only One. It is a Calling to the Depths, a Summoning towards His Anciency.
Seek Him in the Vastness of the Great Quiet and He will teach you not with the Word, not with a Voice, but with All-Engulfment.
He remains Always Unuttered, and what is Unuttered is sought along the Way of the Quiet.
His Voidness liberates you from the world, from the burden and from your own self. The Desert engulfs you in order to make you Free.
Within his Depth everything human is undone. The end of the world is the Beginning of Anciency.
The Splendor Of Anciency conceals uncountable Secrets: Secret next to Secret, Secret within Secret. He is the Concealed One within the Heart of the Secret.
He journeys from Secret to Mystery and from Mystery to Undiscoverableness. Seek Him and you will not find Him, but the Secrets will grant you something of themselves.
He is an Ancient Breeze of the Innermost Place of the Secret, which passes through the Concealedness of the Mystery and disappears without a trace into the Absolute Unknownness of Unfathomableness.
If you wish to follow Him, you must become Fine as the Secret, Concealed as the Mystery and Unknown as the Unfathomableness.
The Way towards Him is within the Likeness to Him. He is Supremely-Fine, Supremely-Concealed and Proto-Disappeared. This Proto-Disappearance expresses the Sublime Truth of Him.
His Proto-Disappearance is the Deepest State of the Anciently-Devoted One.
He is always His Own Self in a Place, Absolutely Unknown to the worlds and Inaccessible to them.
Towards the Unknown Ancient Place there is no Way. He is the Only One, Who returns into It.
His Speechlessness resounds incessantly in all worlds and in all living beings.

You can hear Him in the Deepest way within Proto-Speechlessness – the Place beyond all worlds, the Most Ancient Land of Voidness.
The Word leads to Him, but does not reach Him. Seek Him as the Unuttered Depth within yourself.
He has Uttered all things, but He Himself has remained Unuttered. Within His Unutteredness is concealed that, which the Depth within the person seeks.
Within Speechlessness He is Unheard; within Peace – Boundless; within Nothingness – not able to be captured; within Completeness – Inexpressible.
Within Speechlessness you attain Him, because you seek Him not with Words, but with Depth-Voidness.
Seek Him with Non-presence. Within your Deep Non-presence, He is constantly abiding.
The Ancient Thoth says: “You must be able to not exist, so that He can be”.
When you receipt the Absolute Voidness in Its True form, you will realise that between Him and you there is no barrier.
To be touched by the Consciousness of the Ancient One, this is a Sacred Bestowment. Whoever has been Touched by Him, they devote themselves forever to Him.
Life is a constant Reverence within the Only Temple – within Him.
People journey outside, the Ancient Ones journey inside. People find their poor self, the Ancient Ones find Him.
The Boundless Beauty of Seeking consists in this, that He becomes more and more Unknown and more and more Unknowable, and from this a Great Inspiration follows.
He emanates from Himself thousands of beings, thousands of His Images, and despite this, Deep within the Core, a second one does not exist.
The Depth of the Gaze always sees the Only One within itself. In fact, He alone sees Himself, and you are a participator in His Seeing and in His Life.
He is closer to you than your own self. You touch Him first, and then yourself. He is your Core, and you are His periphery.
If you want to know yourself, know Him within yourself. The Concealed “He”, this is you.
The closeness to Him is closeness to your own self. Penetrating into Him is Penetrating into your own self. “The self” is a Secret Unsolvable.
And so, one day you shall see that between Him and you there is no difference. What is left is Only One Being, containing the Whole Truth within Itself.
As the leaf is attached to the tree through its stem, so is the person attached to God through their breath. All beings are Breaths of the Ancient One. He Breathes within them, and they take down roots within Him.
At the Beginning of times, He has uttered: “You shall breathe through Me and you shall exist through Me. I am the One, Who I am”.
The Only One – He is the One, who envelops us. We cannot envelop our own selves. We are Boundless, but He is Spanless beyond Boundlessness.
We move, in order to return into the Only One. The Dance of Sufi is The Whirl of Returning.
Proto-Inspiration is that, which reaches out towards the One, Who cannot be reached. And the more He is Unreached, the more it reaches out.
Proto-Inspiration is a Brave Impetus towards the Most Fearsome Secret, an Ancient Greeting towards the Supreme Majesty.
Proto-Inspiration is the strongest Flame – a Flame for the Sublimely-Concealed Absolute. This Flame has soared and has touched the foot of the Supreme Throne – blessed for its Bravery.
The Flame of Proto-Inspiration has strived in such a way, that it has attained. In this way, He Himself has ignited His Own Self, He has reached Himself and He has returned into Himself.
Breathe with His Breath, be Speechless with His Speechlessness, be Absorbed with His Absorption and Disappear with His Disappearance, because only He knows the Way towards Himself.
The Secret of Disappearance is Undisclosable. The Mystery touches only the Ones who have Disappeared and only to them it discloses something of Itself.
The Deepest Tale of Anciency is enveloped in Speechlessness and is written by the Glints of His Sublime Irradiation.
All Ancient Beings tremble for the Beams of His Irradiation and this is why they are submerged into Constant Deep Absorption.
When you begin to listen not to your own self, but to Him, the Doorway towards the Ancient Secrets will begin to open.
Within the Deep Speechlessness He will Utter you in a New way and you will attain your Anciency.
The Ancient Languages are a Bestowment from Him for Journeying within the Ancient Secrets and Mysteries.
The hieroglyphs of the Ancient Languages are written by the Descending of His Fire and are Keys to the Anciency and to Himself.
Within every Soul there is Locked an Ancient Scripture which the person must themselves unlock, in order to learn the Secret of themselves.
In order to attain the Ancient Scripture within themselves, the person must Enlighten the Temple of the Only One within themselves.
In the future there will be a new Outpouring from the Core of the Ancient One. A Secret Ancient Word will be radiated and New Hieroglyphs will be lit within the Souls of the Anciently-Devoted Ones.
His Anciency will descend in a New way and He will grant the worlds a New Shard of Himself with such Dazzling Shine, as has never been.
In the most Ancient Time, the Proto-Time, He was Alone and Only One. And today He is still Alone and Only One in the Unknown Ancient Place.
His Absorption is so Deep, that He does not know anything else, but His own self.
The Supreme Proto-State cannot be withstood. It is formed grain by grain within the Absorption of the person.
And even though the Proto-State happens all at once, it is the fruit of long years and long centuries of efforts.
Within His Unfathomable Presence He constantly dwells within you, and in His Unfathomable Absence, he Sublimely-Dwells.
Within the Only One there is no reality, He is Freedom.
Let your Message be: “I am a Son of the Only One”, and let your life be His Message, His Emanation.
You live within the Only One, you serve the Only One and you comply only with Him, not the world.
Within the Only One you are Absorbed, within the Only One you disappear, and this Disappearance is the Great Glorification of the Only One and no-one else.
Everything that is happening to you, is a Concealed Sacred Bestowment
from the Only One.
Eleazar Harash
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel