Ancient Innermosts – Part 1
From the Unuttered Wisdom of the Second Elder
Presented by Eleazar Harash
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
The Elder of the Concealed Dark
The Second Elder is a Master of the Unknown Powers, a Lord in the Concealedness of the Dark. He is an Ancient Depth, derived from the Mystery of the Absolute. He is the Power above the Black Brotherhood, because He is a Special Gateway of the Absolute. Many times has the Ancient One entered into Him to live; and He lived as Truth in Action. The Elders are One with the Absolute – the Ancient One, and this is more than a method. The Symbolic Name of the Second Elder is The Elder Azavot Mahariya. The Ancient One has allowed Him the Primordial Sight.
The Elders are a Marvelous Bestowment for the Secrets of the Way, the Secrets of the Depths. They have found Their Completeness long ago within the Concealed Dark. The way, in which the Elders have chosen the Ancient God, has made them predetermined to find Him. In this way They found within the Dark the Ancient-Shining Source.
Creation has bereaved people. The Elders have bereaved creation, because within the Depths, no creation is found.
The Second Elder is the Elder of the Concealed Dark, the Elder of the Ancient Serving to the Absolute.
Within the word Dark, there is concealed the Overabundant Power of the Ancient God. If people knew that the word Dark conceals within itself the Inner-most Mystery of Life, they would know a Sacrament.
The Dark, which is concealed within, is a Temple of God, a Concealedness of God.
The Overabundant Proto-light of the Ancient God is Blinding. Here, you can survive only with the Pure Truth within yourself.
It is the Truth within us that can handle everything. It is the Truth that allows us the Seeing. The Truth is Ancient; it is of the Ancient Days. For the Truth we must have a Special Place within our Heart.
What is the Truth? A Concentrated Fire. The Truth always avoids showing its Power, it is a Veiled Fire. The person of Truth never loses themselves.
Truth is the Core of the Power, the Gracefulness of the Ancient God.
Within the Ancient Dark the Great things are developed. Only the one who has passed through this Dark, comes to know Freedom and themselves; and the others are merely seeking themselves.
The Divine Dark is exceptionally vigilant. Its Eyes are Rays of the Abyss. If the Divine Dark has seen you, you will be Saved. Concealed within the Dark, the Wondrous Ancient Gaze is gazing upon you.
The Concealed Dark is a Gift for a Glorious Existence. The Dark of Golgotha is created so that we may return into our Ancient Origin.
The Concealed Dark is a Gift for a Glorious Existence. The Dark of Golgotha is created so that we may return into our Ancient Origin.
Eleazar Harash
Varna, 30th of September, 2018
Aahayra – the Mystical Concealedness
Aahayra (in the Ancient Language of Zalyhyr) – this is the Mystical Concealedness. HE is the Mystical Concealedness. How can you see Him, when you must disappear completely? And when you disappear completely, He gives you the Gift – Himself. The Mystical Concealedness is something elusive, but if the Sage has eluded into the Dark of Abundance, they have illuminated themselves through this Dark, through this Anciency. What is the Ancient One? He is an Illuminating Dark, an Over-abundant Life.
“Aayra Ramon!” – “Come into your Ancientness!”
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is something absorbed within its own self. For the Ancient Ones only the Dark is a Treasure. For them light is poor, goodness is poor, evil is sick, knowledge is dim. But the Dark purifies us from all of this in order to say to us: “Aayra Ramon!” – “Come into yourself, into your Ancientness, into your Concealedness, into your Essence!”, because you are neither bright, nor good. You are a Shining Boundlessness. You precede the Suns and you need no limitations.

The Temple of the Dark
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is the Fearsome Power, which, in the Dark, guards and preserves the Truth. Only the Truth is a Temple. And people do not have answers to their questions because they cannot enter into Aahayra, into the Temple of the Dark. What is the Temple of the Dark? The place of the Veiled Truth. Here, Truth is concealed in its Over-abundant Shining. And people have lost this Temple because they have become light, knowledge and goodness. In this way, the Dark will wait for people for a long time, until they are prepared and become worthy of the Temple of the Dark. In order to become prepared, people must save themselves from their light, from their knowledge and from their goodness.
A Supreme-Power that pierces the Dark
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is a Secrecy, a Secret Dark, and this Dark is Primordially Pure and Untouchable. It is Pre-eternally Concealed within Itself. Here, in this Temple, there is no place for dead hearts, because what is earthly, what is dead, does not align with Truth. Only the Living Heart can develop for itself a Supreme-Power which penetrates the Dark. But, in fact, said more precisely, the Dark sincerely opens Its Door to this Heart.
The Over-Abundant Supreme-Essence of the Ancient One
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – comes from the inside. It comes in a way unknown to us. It has its own methods, through which it prepares us for itself. When it leads us into the Dark, it reveals itself to us in private. “Into the Dark” means “Into the Over-Abundant Supreme-Essence of the Ancient One”. The meeting happens there, within the Eternally Living Ancient Source, in the Place, where Life and the Living Knowledge of Truth come from. This Ancient Dark will call to everyone in their particular time, in order to grant them itself, in order to grant them the Life beyond life.
A part of the Supreme Mystery
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is an Unrelenting Concealedness, which is a part of the Supreme Mystery of the Anciently-unuttered One. The Anciently-unuttered One is the most deeply absorbed within Himself. But sometimes He comes out of Himself and comes to see what the Dark has prepared for Him. And He becomes overfilled by those ones, who have sought Him totally and continuously, and big is His Joy, because He will grant them Himself.
A Gift surpassing all gifts
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is forbidding on the outside and Gracious on the inside. It is Divinely silent about itself and everyone fears it, until they understand that this creates a Secret Closeness to it. When it appears, this Concealedness bestows Secret-knowledge, and this grants a new redefining of life. It bestows a Second state of Non-Being, which is a new and concealed Depth within the person. A big reward is this Concealedness for the one, who has been granted to be able to think of it. Even if the person does not completely comprehend this, it is a Gift surpassing all gifts.
In the Dark He has found his Father
Aahayra – the Mystical Concealedness – lives within Deep Dark. It lives within the Supreme-Essence. In this Deep Dark, there is no sound, because here, sound has merged in unity with the most Ancient Essence. Here, the person has become Pure Spirit. Here, the Anciency has united into one with the human Spirit and with the Dark. And this is Aahayra – the Ancient Concealedness, the Mystical Concealedness. In this way, the Pure Spirit has found His Father in the Dark. Only one thing is left: the Boundless Reverence.
Golgotha is the Way Home
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – lives within the Dark, and the Dark takes away creation from us, it takes away the world and time. Through the Dark we attain the Purpose, which is an overcoming of the world. The Mystical Concealedness grants us the Meaning, or the Elixir of Life. Returning into the Dark, returning into Golgotha, is the Path Home. This Dark returns us into our Primordial Essence, that, which has always been ours – the Ancient-Alikeness.
Golgotha knows what to do for us
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is an Ancient Guardian. It is deeper than any mission. The Dark of Golgotha is a Great Divine Outpouring for the prepared ones. They are those, who were able to listen. And they will become those, who are able to serve. The Dark is an Enwisener. The Dark is Ancient, and Golgotha is only a part of it, but Golgotha knows what to do for us. Golgotha is a Shining Divine Conception, not a human one. Golgotha is the bitter Truth, which turns into our Wondrous Boundlessness.
A Heart that has withstood the Dark
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is found within every Heart. Here, Ascension awaits us, which is innate. We all live within the Concealed Essence of the Ancient God. This Essence is composed of radiating Depth and of radiating Clarity. And all of this can be explained only by the Concealedness of the Pure Heart. Every Pure Heart, which has withstood this Dark, becomes a Wondrous Discloser of everything that surrounds us.
Millions of Angels thirst for Golgotha
The Mystical Concealedness is more than Wisdom. It is a Supremely-Wise Guide. It leads us towards the Ancient Portal, which unlocks for us its Mysteries. Millions of Angels thirst for Golgotha, so that they can become closer to the Ancient God, but it is not given to them. They have light and servitude, but they do not have a Way towards the Ancient God. They are not given Love towards God. They must wait and thirst for a long time, so that someday a Closeness to God happens. But this is given to man.
The Permission to walk towards the Ancient One
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – carries within itself the Taste of the Boundlessness. The Concealedness sees the Boundlessness. Aahayra is a submerging into the Unknown. Whoever reveres the Unknown, the Unknown embraces them and leads them into itself. The Mystical Concealedness, this is the Sacred Inner Way. This is the Way without words, this is the Way of the Depth. This is the Way beyond what is visible. The person of the Mystical Concealedness is summoned to Golgotha, and this is the Permission to walk towards the Ancient One, towards the Proto-Living Source, so that you can become a Source yourself.
A Secrecy of the Unnamable Reality
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is behind the world. It is a Key, which opens the Invisible World – the Place, where Freedom lives. What is Golgotha? A Secrecy of the Mystical Beauty, a Secrecy of the Unnamable Reality, Returning into Inexhaustibility, Returning into Over-Abundance. This is the Anciently-pure Constant Current – our Primordial Home; a Home, in which we are not people, but Mysterious Essences.
At Golgotha we are transfigured forever
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness – is an Anciently-Illuminated Mystery. Every Spirit Bird returns into this Source, into this Centre. Love is the Ancient Bond with the Mystical Concealedness. Which Love? The discerning one. This Love is soft and strict. Here, Softness and Strictness are in unity. To see the Mystical Concealedness, to understand Golgotha – this is a matter of Spirit, a matter of internal Revelation. At Golgotha we are transfigured forever. This is called The Returning Home.
Entering into the Great Freedom
Everything has originated from the Mystical Concealedness. Here is the Concealed Knowledge; here is the Secret Truth. Within this Truth is the Salvation, the Freedom, the Peace, the Inspiration, the Wonderment. But whoever has favoured the world, has lost all of this. Golgotha knows the Ancient Ones, the Divine and the Spiritual beings. It knows precisely how they have sought the Meaning and it allows them an Entering, an Entering into the Mystical Boundlessness – the Great Freedom.

Avazyriya is moved by a Proto-Old Conception
Avazyriya (in the Ancient Language of Zalyhyr) – Inspiration – this is the Sword, which cuts the world. The Inspired one is moved by an Ancient Power and a Proto-Old Conception. Avazyriya – this is the Living Heart of Anciency. Inspiration corresponds with Truth, because it is a Power, which has come forth from the Divine Centre of Truth. Inspiration, this was the Ancient Way of Life. Avazyriya is a Master of making New Ways in the old world. What is Avazyriya? This is an Inspired Summoning to return into yourself.
Will overcome hell
If the Inspired person is locked into the underworld hell, they will roam it, they will illuminate it and they will overcome it. What is Inspiration? The Forgotten Truth. Inspiration is Life-Bringing, Pure, Invincible. It awakens for the Ancient Way. And because of this, it is a danger to the world and to the earthly spirit-ghosts. Inspiration is Showing Freedom, it is a Granter of Freedom. The Inspired person moves between the worlds as a Free Spirit.
Touched by an Ancient Whisper
Avazyriya – Inspiration – is a particular Vital Energy. The Inspired one has put an end to their earthly will. Inspiration is a danger to the earthly mind, because the mind knows it must disappear. Inspiration gives birth to the Pure Spirit within us. The Inspired person cannot reconcile with the mind, because this is the old world; and the old world – this is stagnation. The Inspired person has been touched by an Ancient Whisper, by the Whisper of the Ancient Voice. And when this Voice has touched you, a Source has begun flowing within you.
Tears the coil of the snake
Avazyriya – Inspiration – this is the World of the Living Ones and the World of the Ancient Ones. Inspiration is beyond all knowledge and science. Within the Inspired person there is a Luminous Certainty. Inspiration is an Ancient killer of the world, of time and of creation. Inspiration is a Power, which the world and the Universe cannot withstand, because Inspiration tears the coil of the snake.
Dynamic Power of Anciency
Avazyriya – Inspiration – is a Dynamic Power of Anciency. It carries within itself an Inner Beauty, a Spiritual Beauty. The Inspired person speaks the Truth and Truth carves for them the Way inward. Inspiration is Power, because it is a part of God, a part of the Divine Will. God has inspired Inspiration. God is the Inspirer of everything in the world. What is the Inspired person? Perseverance in the Truth.
It sees only its Flight towards God
Avazyriya – Inspiration – is Reverence towards Truth. The Inspired one is a Bird of the Boundlessness; a Bird, who descended for a while in the world, in order to perch and rest. Inspiration is a Phoenix, a Fiery Flight, a Fire Bird. She descends into the world, but she knows the world is not her Home. Her Home is the Boundlessness, and not this grievous world, which crawls in slow evolution. The Inspired person does not see the world, they only see their Flight towards God.
Ascension towards the Nothingness
Avazyriya – Inspiration – admires the Boundlessness. It is an Ascent towards the Nothingness – The Ancient Freedom. Inspiration in itself means Self-knowledge. In what lies the secret of Avazyriya? In Wholeness. Inspiration is Wholeness. It is Wholeness, because it has pledged to Truth and always walks towards it. Anyone, who has pledged their life to Truth, will solve the main problem – the problem of “self”. To solve yourself, this is not an explanation, but Life within the Truth.
God is leading you into His Divine-likeness
Who is Inspired? The one who has once before been touched by the Truth; the one who has once before experienced the Truth. In this way they have experienced the Meaning and the Meaning is leading them deeper and deeper towards itself. This means that God is leading you to His Divine-likeness. Inspiration is a Fruit of the Truth. The Truth has touched you and has fertilised you with Secret Wings. The dark forces always step back when they see a Being with Secret Wings.
Remains Unspoken
Avaziriya – Inspiration – is the Bestowment from the Nothingness, a Bestowment from the Depth – for that, which is Deep. The Inspired person is a Son of the Boundlessness. The Inspired person moves from the Unknown towards the Nothingness, and this is the Way from Completeness to Supreme-Completeness, from Abundance to Supreme-Abundance. In Anciency, they called Inspiration the Heart of the Temple, the Heart of the Mystical Temple. Often, within Inspiration, there is something concealed, something which remains Unspoken even for the Inspired person themselves.
The Sound of the Seeker
Avaziriya – Inspiration – is a Science for the Right Thought and the Right Seeking – the Seeking, which finds. Inspiration – this is the Sound of the Seeker. They are simply seeking, even when they do not know what exactly, but they are a Lit torch. To seek completely, this is the Science of everything. Chaos has always marveled at Inspired people. This is so, because they are not people, but Spirits.
Has received the Smile of an Elder
Inspiration is a movement, with Love, along an Unknown Way. This is a Way which enriches us eternally. The known way limits us. The Unknown Way is a Concealed Treasure. What is Inspiration? Inspiration is a purely-offered Hand. This is the Hand of the Ancient Friend, Who is concealed behind things. The Inspired person has received an Ancient Smile – a Smile of an Elder.
Engulfed by Secret and Mystery
The Inspired person is engulfed by Secret, and in a deeper sense they are engulfed by Mystery. The Inspired person becomes a Master of Reclusion. The presence of the Inspired person is always spiritual. The Inspired person is a Secrecy in the world. The Inspired person lives more and more into the Fineness of things, in the Fine world. The Inspired person is a part of the Concealed History of the world. The Foundation of Inspiration is Invisible.
The old Renunciation today is Inspiration
Avaziriya – Inspiration – moves among difficulties like a boat on the water. Where did the Inspiration within the person come from? From the past, from an old Renunciation in the Name of God or in the name of something, which was dear to God. And this old Renunciation has today turned into Avaziriya. Today this is the occurrence called Inspiration – a Being which lives a Marvelous life within God and within itself.
The Tradition of Silence
Avaziriya – Inspiration – is a Song of the Heart, a Joy of the Soul and a Will of the Spirit. Through Inspiration, the Anciency teaches us to walk more and more towards it. This is an Ancient Tradition. In Anciency it was called The Tradition of Silence. What does Inspiration carry within itself? Inspiration carries within its Heart an Ancient Warrior, who knows how to direct their Power.
A Voyage towards your own Disappearance
Avaziriya – Inspiration – this is Loyalty as a Supreme Art. This Art originated from the Tree of Life, from the Ancientness of Life. And this is why the Inspired person has Reverence towards the blade of grass, towards the flowers, because they speak and they are silent. And Inspiration is like this – by itself it is speech, but it remains silent about its Way. Inspiration is Experience in the Spirit. It is a voyage towards your own Disappearance, towards your own Origin, because the Inspired ones always return.
Has a Deep Notion
Avaziriya – Inspiration – in the Secret it lives, and in the Mystery it disappears. The Inspired person never chooses goodness as their Path. They are able to choose, and so they choose the Truth, and the Truth is the utmost good, the Absolute Good. Inspiration has a Deep Sensibility for things – something, which the striving lacks, which the striving is seeking. The striving is seeking, and Inspiration has found. The Striving is the beauty of Eternity. Inspiration is a Certitude of the Boundlessness. Inspiration is a part of the Mystery.
Lamarot – Lucifer
Lamarot (in the Ancient Language of Zalyhyr) – Lucifer – was created and raised by the Ancient God, because no one chooses themselves and creates themselves. Within Lucifer, God has concealed a part of His Light, and in this way He has concealed Himself. Lucifer shone, and God was concealed behind him and observed. Lucifer was outwardly Divine, but there is only One God, Who is truly Divine. There is only One God, Who is an Absolute Reality. All the others are only a Radiation, Rays of God. Lamarot was radiated and shone in the same way as the Sun shines, without the Light being his own.

“You belong to God now”
Lamarot – Lucifer – was created, in order to send those, who do not understand God and who do not have Love towards Him, into the kingdom of ignorance and death – the dark kingdom. Whoever is more loyal than Lucifer, they can return into God. And Lucifer himself says to them: “You belong to God now, not to me or to yourself.” Whoever has a bigger Loyalty than Lamarot, they surpass both Lucifer and themselves. And in the end, the Ancient One Himself appears to them and tells them: “Come, I have been waiting for you for so long!”. For the Truthfully Loyal one, it can be said: They have already arrived, their time must only run its course.
God transformed him into Dark
Lamarot – Lucifer: in Anciency God has allowed him to be enlivened into his Divinity. Later He transformed him into Dark and allowed him to be enlivened into the Dark, as well. That is God’s Will, and God knows what to give to whom, because God is a Providence of Love. The Ancient ones say that through this Dark, in time God will allow Lamarot to come even closer to Him and to shine once again, but with a much brighter Light and even with his own Light.
Has experienced something from the Sacrament of God
When Lamarot – Lucifer – was engulfed into the Dark, God allowed him to experience something from the Sacrament of God Himself: not from the Qualities of God, but something from the Essence of God. This is concealed from history, but the Tale of the Ancient Ones says that after this, Lucifer said to the Ancient One: “And will you, my God, allow me to thirst for the Dark even more?”. And the Ancient One said to him: “This is the measure given to you”.
A loyal Companion of the Ancient God
Lamarot – Lucifer – is an Invisible Ancient Companion of the Ancient God. In the beginning, Lucifer lived in a place of Light, and later – in a dark place. Lucifer is a speech of the energy. The Ancient God is a Speech of Power, the Infinite Power, Which has created everything from Itself through Emanation and maintains it. Everything that lives in the external world, depends on this maintaining Power. When God was upholding Lucifer, he shone. But when God had to enter into His Ancient Conception, Lucifer changed, but between them remained the Ancient Speechless Exchange.
Lucifer knows his Goal
There was a time, when another Will entered into Lucifer and turned him into Satan, in order to guide him for the Secret aims of the Abyss. The Ancient One turned Satan into a snake-like energy, a snake, a distinct influence. He took away his Love and this is why Satan and evil have no home within Love. This is why evil roams without an aim and there is no peace for it. Evil roams without an aim and without direction. Who are the ones without an aim and direction? The dead ones. But deep within himself Lucifer knows his aim and his servitude, because he has within himself a partially preserved Essence – something, which is concealed from Satan and the fallen evil beings.
Sees the Messages of the Ancient One
Lamarot – Lucifer – is able to see the Imperceptible Messages which the Ancient God gives him, because he was deeply trained within God. But after his transformation into Satan, something was lost, something became blurred in Satan. But within Lucifer there is always a concealed Seeing part, because God Himself did not rob him completely, but left within him the Taste for the Anciency and the Taste for Freedom. And Lucifer awaits this Freedom with great patience because God Himself has promised him that.
People do not know that they are the evil
People believe that Lucifer and Satan are their evil. And Lucifer knows that people have cheated themselves and because of that they entered into evil. Lucifer knows that people have created hell. But they do not call it “our human hell”, only “hell” or “the devilish hell”. People do not know that they are the evil because they have allowed the creeping in of the other evil. This evil, that has crept in, always seeks the flesh, and it has crept in because people do not seek God.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel