Atlantean Aphorisms Vol.1 – part 1
Compiled by Eleazar Harash, Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
The Toltec
The Toltec sows a Secret Life. It is Wisdom and Speechlessness.
The Toltec does not seek the way, but Truth.
The Toltec says: Live with Truth – this is the Way.
The Toltec is not a believer, the Toltec is Boundless.
The Toltec is a Completeness which expects nothing.
Completeness is similar to Boundlessness.
The Toltec lives within their own Boundlessness.
When the Toltec is born, they are Spirit; when they die – they are Freedom.
The Toltec is a Spirit above time and createdness.
The Toltec does not see the world, they see the Boundlessness.
The Wise one is Peace and Clarity; Clarity and Boundlessness; Boundlessness and Mystery.
For the Toltec Impeccability is the Pure Breath.
The Toltec wanders within Peace, Truth and Boundlessness.
The daily life of the Toltec is Impeccability and this is more than the Way, because what is the Way without Impeccability.
Impeccability paints the Boundlessness.
What is Impeccability? A movement of the Eagle.
Boundlessness has been allowed for the most Supreme Impeccability.
The Eagle grants His Deep Gaze to Impeccability.
The Toltec who has Impeccability is Deeper than questions and answers.
What is Impeccability? The other observation, the fine observation.
Only the Impeccable one has Concealed observation.
The Deep and aware Intent within us – is this not the Eagle?
Intent is an act before the act itself.
Intent gives birth to the Essence.
Intent is the Secret of Life.
Taken from “The new Atlantean way of thinking”
Death is the state of the lost striving towards God.
The body is a ghostly breath, the Spirit is an Imperishable Breath.
When the Toltec dies they increase their Boundlessness.
Death is a Way from the unknown towards the immeasurable.
When the person does not seek Impeccability they are seeking death.
If you accept death it will never surprise you.
Death – this is the deluded, tied up energy.
Death is a peculiar act of Tezcatlipoca – the illusion.
The one who loves Truth overcomes themselves.
Only Impeccability can heal the illusions.
Death is very precious because it obliges us to attain the extraordinary Knowledge.
Death is the loss of the Primordial consciousness, the Primordial behaviour, because something in the person’s behaviour has fallen sick and has darkened.
The ill behaviour or the lost behaviour is an old friend of the illusion.
Impeccability buries the distorted behaviour. Impeccability builds up within us something of the unknown part of God and this unknown part is connected to Immortality and to Freedom.
The distorted behaviour – this is the dark state of the consciousness. When Impeccability heals this dark state we return into the Home of Truth.
Whoever lives in their distorted behaviour or in their dark state of being, they cannot understand their Way towards Truth.
In every mortal being there lives the illusion – the destroyer. Where the destroyer is, there the True Knowledge is missing.
Whoever has the ordinary knowledge, they are mortal, and whoever has the Speechless Knowledge, they are Immortal.
Only the True Knowledge can transmute the distorted behaviour.
The person has become mortal because the universal illusion has robbed something from the consciousness of the person, it has robbed something from the reality of the person.
Impeccability is what returns the part which has been taken away from the consciousness and the reality of the person.
Through the illusion something of the Awareness, of the Pure Free Spirituality, of the Flight – was lost; and then death came – the darkened spirituality or the partial spirituality.
The illusion has torn away reality from the consciousness of the person, something from their completeness – and this is why we must choose Impeccability.
What is Impeccability? Impeccability is penetrating into our own self until the Clarifying Light is reached.
The person must return into their Deep part because the illusion has torn something away from it and this is why they have become mortal.
Impeccability is entering into the Pure Place of the Beyond.
Impeccability is willpower for returning into the Complete Reality.
Along the Way of Impeccability the person becomes enveloped by an Ancient calming wind.
Impeccability enlightens the lost part of the consciousness and in this way the person starts to see through their Completeness.
Along the Way of Impeccability within the person there shines the Ancient Consciousness – the Primordial, beyond earthly Consciousness.
The person is mortal because the illusion has torn away one part of the consciousness of the person and has killed it, but Impeccability returns the Picked Flower – the lost part of the consciousness.
Death means that the illusion has become a master of the person but Impeccability gradually destroys the magical effect of this illusion called death.
Death means that the person has lost the Secret of Intent.
Impeccability is returning into Mictlan – Timelessness.
The one who lives in death, in time, speaks differently from the one who lives in Ehecatl – In their Pure Spirit.
The mortal ones speak in a secondary language – the fallen human language – because they have lost Ehecatl – the Spirit or the Proto-Language.

The Sacred and Pure words are the traces of footsteps of Truth, they are the signs of Immortality and Freedom.
For the Atlanteans funerals were small celebrations to honour passing the education on Earth.
The person is liberated from death by returning the earth, water, air and fire to Mictlan – the Pure Place of the Beyond.
The Soul is a Divine Bird whose Voice is Immortality.
The illusion is very precious because it set Impeccability in motion.
Only the ones who practice Impeccability will survive within Truth, within its Core.
Awareness requires a Total Devotion to Truth from the person.
Where there is Total Devotion, there is returning to the Proto-Fathers – the Gods.
The external person is a shadow – a drawing in the Book of the Gods, while the inner person is an idea of Boundlessness.
Impeccability is a Summoning for a Mystical participation of Truth within the person.
The Wise ones do not require religion but Impeccability.
The Wise ones discovered that Impeccability is a way to penetrate into Truth.
The Wise ones discovered that Impeccability penetrates into the core of the illusion and through this it strikes death, as well.
The Wise ones discovered that only Impeccability creates Immortality.
The Wise ones discovered that only Impeccability grants True Freedom.
What poisons the energy most is the illusion.
When you do not practice in Impeccability you separate yourself from development.
Impeccability reveals the Boundlessness of the person.
According to the Wise ones when you have a big difficulty and you have a pleasant feeling towards it, this feeling is the reward for control over yourself.
The Wise ones understood that even with a heavy situation, when you preserve a pleasant feeling this is accumulating Pure Power which is especially necessary for the meeting with Truth.
When you act in a bad way you become more and more rooted into createdness, the external universe.
Only Impeccability is a way out of the external universe – the world.
Impeccability is significant only to the Inner Universe.
The ordinary person does not have Impeccability – Pure energy though which to interact with the Supreme Powers.
According to the Wise ones without the big cataclysms humankind cannot know the higher dimensions.
The biggest joy for the Wise ones is the Total Devotion along the Way of Impeccability because this meant to walk your own and Eternal Way – this was called the Gift of Truth.
The Wise ones discovered a Secret: They came to know that Impeccability turned the Unpredictable into a personal friend.
Flaws are given so that we may transform them into Pure Spiritual Powers. This is why flaws are Gifts.
The True Seeing depends on how you are silent and how you use words. If you used silence and words in the right way, then the Seeing came.
Impeccability must always come before rulership and riches because if their places were to be swapped, then Virtue died.
It is Impeccability that brings us inner comfort which means a beautiful Spiritual state.
The Impeccable ones live within the Spirit – and within the Spirit there are no times of year.
The most Supreme Impeccability leads us out of the world and the Universe.
The difficulty is not a difficulty, but a summoning for a Spiritual way of thinking and ascension – but for the ordinary person the difficulty is a difficulty.
When the Wise one meets the difficulty and solves it, then the difficulty secretly smiles to them.
The Way of seeking Truth passes through the big Dark – a particular experience.
In order to reach to the Core of Truth, an Absolute, Unconditional Impeccability is required. This has been withstood by very few people in the world excluding Toltecs.
Without Absolute Impeccability Toltecs knew that they would be destroyed through the fearsome Power of the Ancient Truth.
For Toltecs the Ancient Power of Truth was a wondrous Core of Might.
The most Sacred Core of Truth requires the highest degree of Impeccability. Only in this way they received the Gift of the Eagle – Freedom – without being destroyed by it.
It is the Truth that allows the Wise ones to feed on Freedom without it destroying them.
Many people who have entered unprepared into the Core of Truth have lost themselves, their minds, their lives, and have returned to the chaos of the old illusion.
The True Toltec is neither body, nor mind, nor reason, nor even an aura of light because these are merely ingredients – and the Truthful person has outgrown their ingredients, they have become a Core from the Secret of Truth. They have become a part of It.
When Toltecs entered into the Core of Truth they acquired a totally new point of view. This point of view gave them a big intensity which came from Truth itself. In this way they would change the surrounding environment which is an illusion.
Through the Power of their Truth and their intensity they removed the illusion of the world. And in this way they began to realise that already, they did not belong to the world but to the Eagle.
Every Truthfully-Impeccable person can become a Core of Truth.
Every one who has completely realised their intent towards the Truth is already a concealed Nagual – Master.
Those who do not develop their special attitude towards Truth will become victims of the perceptions of others and of all kinds of circumstances because then the illusion against them will be strong.
The ones who do not have a special attitude towards Truth will become enemies of themselves and they will live in their own lack of understanding.
The Truth within us is the weapon against the universal illusion.
All those who took root in the Core of Truth, the Fearsome Power was on their side.

With a special attitude towards Truth the consciousness is always expanding.
Truth does not exist in the lower worlds. There It is lost due to the inability for It to be understood.
Every Truth appears on Earth as a half-truth due to the lack of ability to understand, because Truth is only for those who rise up in the Spirit.
You have devoted yourself to the Way of Truth when nothing else diverts you from It.
The right understanding of things depends on your approach towards Truth.
Truth must be experienced, otherwise It will remain a mystery.
The farther you go from Truth the more you become dependent on the world.
To walk the Way of Truth means to battle for your inner life.
The Truth is unpredictable because It was born before the Word and before the world.
If you can merge with the Truth you will start to understand It.
Becoming devoted to the Truth is the Way to our own Initiation.
The Ancient rule of life is called Reverence towards the Truth.
Whoever does not have Love towards the Truth, they ensure chaos and darkness for themselves.
Of our own choice we can become One with Truth.
One with Truth – this means Seeing through the Spirit, Seeing through Truth.
For the chaos the best thing is when the person devotes themselves to their illusions and their ego.
In the chaos there is no Aim because the illusion is limited by its own dark.
The chaos can only temporarily delude the person because they are, more or less, travelling towards their Truth.
Chaos has a say only in the illusion.
If the person sets off with Perseverance towards their Impeccability, then the illusion will gradually leave them because Impeccability separates the person from the illusion.
The person of the illusion and of the world cannot understand their Way towards God until they have developed an Impeccable attitude towards Truth.
Without the Truth the person does not have a Complete Gaze.
The illusion is only alive in the chaos, only in the impure thinking. Whoever has impure thinking – the illusion is their failure.
The illusion survives through the unorganised energy in the person.
The external and ordinary thinking is the fruit of the connection to the chaos and the world.
Through impure thoughts and relations the illusion hardens within the person.
The one who clings to the illusions slowly self-destructs.
The illusion exists for those who have given up on the Truth.
The world and chaos depend upon trickeries, upon knowledge, and the Wise ones depend on Impeccability which leads to the disappearance of the warped mirror – the distorted consciousness.
The social order is a big illusion, one encompassing all humans. The Wise ones say that this illusion is due to the false perception of life. They say that this is a mistake in the Depth of the person’s perception.
The people of today receive only the gifts of the illusion.
According to Toltecs to have an enemy means to have created an illusion within yourself – a duality. The enemy can only enter in duality.
The Wise ones noticed that the zodiac is one big illusory island, a big limitation, a big starry rock. They decided to leap over this rock.
Both the physical and the astral universe are illusory but the person had to pass through them.
The meeting with death is a meeting with the illusion, but not every person has overcome the illusion.
The mind of the person has become so sober for the external things that it is no problem for it to enter into a trap even while knowing that it is a trap.
Only the Toltec can use this sobriety for the purposes of the Pure Spirit.
The Pure Spirit observed their own “clever” mind for a long time and now the time has come to explain to this mind that it has given the Spirit nothing of substance, because the person has not reached Freedom.
In this way the Pure Spirit of the Wise one creates circumstances in which the “clever” mind begins to understand its own foolishness and even to laugh at itself.
The Pure Spirit has knowledge of an entirely different kind and this is why they are obligated to liberate themselves from all knowledge and illusions belonging to the “clever” mind. The Pure Spirit has the Knowledge of the Dragons – the Gods.
The Complete Seeing belongs to the Pure Spirit.
The Secret Knowledge is more Supreme and Mighty than the person themselves, it is found very Deeply within and it is not composed of the Word, but of Spirit, it is composed of an Ancient Presence.
The Ancient True Knowledge is found within the Pure Spirit.
The person is not a body, they are Spirit, a constantly glowing egg, they are flowing energy.
Death trails the person but it cannot trail the constantly glowing egg because it has a concealed nature which always eludes death.
The mind works in what is complicated and the Pure Spirit lives within Simplicity.
The Ancient Unity is the domain called the Nagual – the Master.
The Nagual – this is the Reality of the Unfathomable. This Reality is not within the reach of the world.
The person is not truly a body nor mind – they are a Sacred egg, an Innermost Core – this Core is a Nagual.
A True Nagual does not live in time, nor in Eternity, nor in a constantly eroding universe. They live within the Depths of the Eagle.
The Nagual – this is everything which is inaccessible to our notions, this is the Unfathomableness.
The Nagual is a Being who wields a specific energy.
Every person who wields Intent strong and aware enough, can become a Nagual.
The Warrior is different in this – they have an immutable Intent to discover Truth through their Impeccability.
The person becomes Spirit in the big trials.
Freedom makes the reasonable person become Truth.
Whoever has a special Love towards Truth, they will be given a Divine Guide.
Knowing yourself is a Key towards the Freedom of the universe and the Eagle.
Self-knowledge is overcoming the weaknesses and with this you overcome death as well.
Self-knowledge is a realisation of the Spirit of Freedom.
The one who is awake knows that if they devote themselves to the material things there will be no time left for spiritual development, health and self-awareness.
Whoever wastes their energy on something secondary loses what is internal, essential, important. If you give a lot for external love, you lose the Inner Love.
Without obstacles no Awareness and Self-knowledge can be developed and this is why in this world there are many obstacles.
The Complete and Deep inner energy of the Toltec corresponds to their Deep Seeing of things.
The big enemy of the person is the bad habits because they engulf the precious energy and often – the person’s whole life as well.
To help one person at a time which was not determined for this is a lack of understanding the Truth and this is a clear loss of Personal Power on the Way of development.
The Aim of hunting Pure Power is that the person reaches their Spirit and their True Purpose – the Soaring.
Hunting Power is a very fine ability. It is a rule which is determined by the Secret of the Pure Intent.
The pursuit during hunting is not a pursuit of animals, but a pursuit of the True Knowledge which leads to achieving the Aim of life – the Completeness.
If the hunter errs towards the Secret of Power they will be stricken by an animal with a Power bigger than their own.

The bigger one temptation is – the bigger Power can be attained. Either you will tear out Power from the temptation, or it will drink your power.
The difficulties that come in life are methods through which the Personal Spiritual Power is gained.
Understanding is not enough – it is only a Way, a direction of the Striving towards Depth – and Depth is a preparation for merging with the Spirit.
Wise is only the one who can be a master of their time.
If you become very strong your heart will become weak. If you become very weak your heart will become foolish, but if you become Wise your Heart will be Fragrant.
When you hear your Heart you will see your Soul.
When you drink water from the Wellspring do not drink the Wellspring dry.
Do not soar as high as the Eagle, very high up, because there is the ruin.
All rocks are brothers who await me. All plants are my brothers who have embarked towards me. All animals are my brothers who glance at me. All people are my brothers by Eternity.
The flower gazes upon me with its fragrance and I gaze upon it with my eyes.
Every degree of Self-awareness leads to new Unfathomableness.
The Deep and Truthful Knowledge moves quietly amongst people, it moves without noise and proclamation, it is imperceptible.
The new knowledge is acquired through fine situations of conflict.
Self-awareness requires not sobriety but Wisdom -because here the invisible danger is big.
When a flood is upon you, this is the Golden time for outgrowing yourself and entering into the New time – another Consciousness.
Toltecs dwell in the Sublime state of consciousness. This Sublime state of consciousness never becomes a victim to circumstances.
Egotism is precious not in order to fight it, but in order to outgrow it.
Though their Impeccability Toltecs noticed that they reached their Primary action – the Real Pure action – the one that ordinary people lack.
Impeccability is the most necessary quality for attaining Awareness.
The Striving for Impeccability creates within the Toltec big and exceptional energy.
Death is a lack of Impeccability, a lack of True Knowledge.
Impeccability composes Immortality because Impeccability removes death and evil.
The Striving for Impeccability is a Pure separation from the fall and from createdness.
The Impeccable one has Pure thoughts, feelings and actions and the One who has reached the most supreme degree of Impeccability becomes a Shining Mirror of the Eagle.
Impeccability – this is an eternally liberated Energy – and religion is the deluded, shackled energy which must be redeemed because it has missed the Eagle.
Toltecs noticed that the Impeccable one gradually became more and more liberated from society and the dependence on it because the Impeccable one became more and more a part of the Eagle.
Impeccability turns the energy into lightning.
The Impeccable person is liberated from all shackles, traditions, societies and norms.
Through Impeccability a new inner direction of life was gained.
True Knowledge was not given as a gift. It was to be attained only at a very high price and this price is: devoting your whole life to Impeccability.
Listen to your Impeccability, it is Wiser than all sciences.
Impeccability is а preparation for a birthing into the Wisdom of the Eagle. It leads you towards being born again in the Secret of your own Spirit – what others call “immaculate conception”
The Way of Impeccability leads to merging with the Truth.
According to Toltecs in the continuous Impeccability the Revelation of the Eagle is born.
Impeccability deals with the parasites because it is the Inner Purity. It is the psychic protection, and not talismans and rituals.
Rituals are not connected to Impeccability and to inner Purity.
Impeccability closes all gaps for evil. It gives Light permission to grow.
Along the Way of Impeccability words turn into a weapon of Light.
Always, apparently or concealedly, be Impeccable.
Whoever strives for Impeccability, they will engulf their own darkness.
The Way of Impeccability means to destroy your past.
Impeccability overcomes all kinds of difficult times.
Impeccability overcomes every dangerous area.
Every Toltec who perfects themselves in Impeccability, they transform the Universe.
Impeccability is the awakened action.
According to Toltecs Impeccability is the beginning of the Secret Wisdom.
Impeccability leads to seeing the signs of Wisdom in the Depths.
Along the Way of Impeccability you enter into new relations with yourself.
With Impeccability you do not fear negative thoughts even if they are a current, because you have firmly chosen the Way and nothing can divert you.
Along the Way of Impeccability you know how to soar above everything that pursues you because here the Eagle is with you and you have a new concept of Reality.
According to Toltecs only Impeccability leads to a new point of view which shifts the old thinking.
It is not important what is happening to us, but what is happening through us.
Survival is decided by our Intent, not by fate.
I am not teaching anything, I am merely awakening the remembrance.
We are creating the dream and the dream is creating our life.
Absolutely everything is indestructible.
What is the Spirit? What is Its Secret? I call it Intent.
Intent is an energy of the Spirit, an outflow of the Spirit.
The person is a being who is dreaming that they are not God…
Intuition means to know without thinking, without doubting.
Intuition leads us towards Truth and ordinary knowledge is the obstacle towards Freedom.
Only our own love can make us Wise.
What you know of yourself is under control, and what you do not know of yourself is controlling you.
If your perception is Pure it discovers its Way towards Boundlessness.
Energy is not matter, nor is it Spirit. It is a mutable instrument of the Spirit.
What is good is created anew by what is evil.
It is not time that flows, we flow.
Feeling hate, the person destroys themselves.
When a beastly animal is reincarnated in the body of a person for the first time, then the person is always on a very low level and possesses many qualities of the beast.
Sicknesses are the fallen vibrations of thoughts, feelings, actions.
Zombifying is built on the basis of vibrations.
The Deep Nobility does not tolerate any type of light. It draws its Power from Love.
Never understand the world of the person. Understand yourself.
Be Boundless or you will collide with yourself.
If you make the water flow upwards, it will drown you. If you let the river flow through you, it will purify you.
The eyes tell the feet where to go and the feet tell the eyes: “Here now, you watch!”.
The True Warrior is Secretly Concealed amongst people.
Death misses only the one who has become aware of their Power – their Wisdom. The Toltec is the one who has captured the Power through Wisdom.
The Wise Power of the True Toltec destroys death -which is the limitation of consciousness.
There was astrology with Toltecs too, but they understood that Impeccability is a Purity that Sees, and not astrology.
We can become victims of fate only by our own choice.
Eleazar Harash
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel