


Questions of the Children towards Eleazar, pt.18 – 22.02.25

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation

Questions of the Children towards Eleazar, pt.18: Why is Jesus Christ not coming to Earth again? What is God’s Name? What does my Spirit look like? God has made everything for us, right? About epilepsy.

Questions of the Children towards Eleazar: Danny, Isabella, Alexander, Presiyan and Yanislav’s questions – 22.02.2025

-Let us say a formula, that the Master is present.

-Yes, yes, mhm.

-Hello, friends, today is the 18th part of our series Questions of the Children towards Eleazar and today we will have Dani, Isabella, Alexander, Presiyan and Yanislav and his mother as guests with their questions. And we go to the first question, by Danny, aged 6: Why is Jesus Christ not coming to Earth again?

-So, Christ is here again and he is working for the Souls, but he is not here physically, but purely Spiritually and Divinely. He is in the Word as purity and influence. Both Christ and God, and the Master are always here, but we are not always available. I am reminded – Buddha has also said: “I will remain on earth until the last person is saved’’- also, a similar law.

-Does Christ still have the same approach?

-It is the same, yes. Ah… Christ is Love – you cannot bury Love, it is always Resurrected. It is always alive because it is God, but we sometimes abandon Love and seek something else. Where should we look for Christ, God, the Master? – In the Complete Love. God is in Completeness. If we are in the Pure Unified Consciousness, we are in Christ and in God, and in the Master. By the way, the Secret of life is Total Merging with the Master, and everything else will be resolved, because in the Master – both God and the Absolute work – this is the pinnacle of all achievements, but here I just digressed a little. So, why should Christ descend to Earth again and repeat… Repeat “Love God”? Besides, many people are waiting for him here to crucify him again. That is it.

-Yes, thank you. Isabella’s next question, 5 years old: What is God’s name? 

-We utter It in our deepest feeling of Love, regardless of the words. This, our Ancient Primordial feeling, is the feeling of the most saturated Love. There lives the Name that is without name. In the Total feeling, in the entire energy, there is the Complete God – this is the Primordial Language. A Feeling without Word is an Unborn Feeling, a Boundless Feeling that is above all languages, all alphabets and speech, for all His Names tell us that He is Nameless. But there is also such an idea of ​​uttering, for example: Oh Lord, My God and My Master – and again it all comes down to the feeling. But we have to insist on these words for a long time, practice them with Love, until this Primordial Original feeling happens. Love comes first, the Proto-Original, the Primordial feeling, and then it can be with words or without words – according to your own choice.

-Yes, the third question – Alexander, age 7: What does my Spirit look like?

-As an Image of God, as the Boundlessness, and the Spark is as a Likeness of the Absolute, of the Mystery. The True person is Spirit. When the person becomes Spirit, they overcome the world. Whoever masters the mind, the snake – they will see the Spirit directly. Spirit communicates with Spirit. The human Spirit communicates naturally with the Spirit of God. The Spirit has come into this world to unfold Its Divinity. This is a universal message: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit. If you begin to live in the Pure Spirit, it will make you Nothing and tranquil. The New understanding comes when you have been touched by the Spirit. Things are Entire only in the Pure Spirit. The mind is never Entire. In order to achieve the Complete Seeing, you must be fully and Truthfully devoted. This was it.

-Yes, and how would you comment on the idea: “The Master has no substitutes, He has only Sons and Daughters, and the Sons and Daughters can never replace their Master, but they only want to serve Him”? I have had meetings with people, they say: “I am being prepared for…” Right, they share: “I am being prepared to become the successors of Eleazar, I am going to present lectures…” What would you say to all those who are being prepared to be your successors?

-They must always be humble and not want to be neither successors, nor substitutes, nor to be authorities, if they want to… Because something of the True Knowledge will be taken away from them. Total humility, Total merging with the Nothingness. And Maharaj says: In the moment, when you say, “I am someone,” – that is an accident, that is a calamity. The Absolute is “I am not” and Total Freedom is only there, not even in God.


-One passes through God – a Deep matter, for the True Freedom.

-The Master has Sons and Daughters, but no successors?

-He cannot have any, He… He is… Kabbalah says: Every being is unique, there can never be a substitute, a double…

-Well, what is the deepest and most Sacred approach towards the Master then? -Well, serving to the bottom, to death, and that is precisely when life is.


-Then death cannot happen, because there is no death there – in the Master, in the Mystery.

-Yes, thank you. 7-year-old Presiyana: God has made everything for us, right?

-Yes, He has made everything, but we have not understood Him as Love, Wisdom, Truth. We have not understood serving. God wants reciprocity with us, He pours Himself into us and we live, but how do we repay the Gift of life? The person’s purpose reveals their Way towards God. God reveals Himself in the degree of our Love. The degree of Pure Serving determines the development in God. Devote yourself to God so that He can also devote Himself to you. God is great, but karma sometimes prevents us from seeing Him and understanding Him. That was it.

-Yes, tell me a little more about the Filial attitude towards the Master, how you understand it.

-Well, in a deep aspect, it cannot be called any attitude, because Disappearance, Merging, happens.

-And the way towards…?

-Besides, besides, serving, is: You must have been a Son for a long time, i.e. Loyally-Devoted. This always refers to, as with the Sufis, Fierce Devotion. It is not words, it is not notions. You cannot even say, “I devoted myself,” and whether that is right, it just happens, and when this has been working for a long time, many reincarnations, it is simply a Natural State and there is nothing to say, because it is a Natural State.


-It is like the Primordial State, right, we all experience it, but in the Primordial State, even God is not there. The Absolute – this is the Absolute consciousness before God, and everyone is going towards this Freedom of the Primordial Proto-State, in which the Absolute is. And there nothing can happen, because there are no worlds, no events, beyond. There you are beyond all concepts and there is Total Freedom, but it is not easy to understand this.


-Because in that state God was not, and the Meister says it: “Lord, liberate me, I wish to return into the Nothingness. Liberate me from Yourself.” Right, a fearsome Proto-State, which is the pinnacle of… Beyond the Initiations, it is deeper.

-And what can we do, so that all, who are trembling towards…  in the right way, towards the Master for the Truth, can give each other a hand and work together?

-Well, it is not known if much can be done, because – a matter of awareness, and awareness requires a very deep purity, which must be concealed. I love the concealed purity very much. Something that seems to be wrong can be shown visibly, but right there, the concealed purity, where God, the Master, sees you, the Absolute totally knows you – that is where the deepest things happen.

-So, and our additional question from Yanislav and his mother, I will read only a part of it, but it is so, somewhat longer.


-How can a mother help her child who was born with epilepsy and at 7 years old he still does not know her? What can the mother and the child do?


-…for each other.

-So, I will start: The purpose of the illness is to cure… as a whole, of illnesses – to cure the health which is not the right kind. Health is something very wrong when the aim is not God and Love, Wisdom, Truth, then… It is already an illness, if there is no such direction. The Master says: The aim of the illness is recovery and returning into God, and not into yourself. Behind every disease there stands… There are beings, hidden – strong, weak, good, bad – all kinds. A person is ill in order to learn to live in the right way. Epilepsy is an attack by inferiour dark spirits and then the child has a seizure. In this way these dark beings – says the Master – get energy, they suck it out and then – He says – they go to the forests for a while. During this time, the ill person has no seizures. After a while they come again – they have something to take. The Master says: First, deep breathing – universal for almost everything. In deep breathing the shallow spirits die, the inferiour ones. It is universal because Supreme Beings live in it, a pure vitality, the deep air. Second: plant food – important. Third: rub the navel for 40 days – says the Master – under the Xiphoid process and a little above the navel, with Olive oil. With formulas, it is known. Fourth: every evening wash the groin with warm water and rub from the diaphragm down to 25cm above the knees. For four months, according to the Master. I add: It is to be done with the words: “God shall help” or with the formula: “One with God and the Power of God.” – when these things are done. We have… Otherwise, epilepsy is a separation of the Soul from the body for a certain time, and if the Soul is constantly in the body, it can be captured by inferiour beings, and that is why the formulas are important. They are guardians. There is one Supreme Rule with the Master: Think constantly of God while you form Him in yourself. And it may still be difficult for you, because some karmas are heavy and slow to be paid off, but the child’s fate will be softened, and in the next reincarnation a leap will happen. Here I am reminded of the child from Botevgrad, a family who came to me, I think the illness was the same again – epilepsy. And before me, like that, he looked at me and said: “So what if I am sick, it is God that is important!”

-Did the child say that?

-… Yes. They also came a second time, so, we embraced, a very beautiful child, as well as a family in general – they are walking in this way. He is already healed in his Soul, in his Spirit, the health of the psyche… He has already achieved and that is number one. If that child is helped, like the churches there – ordination, healing, and if they divert him from this way, so he misses God… Because people suffer, because God wants them to know Him, and this is why they get sick, and imagine healing many people who embark in their ordinary way – this is a punishment from both sides. And whoever heals, God allows for them to be punished, because He wants there to be help, but with discernment – because they have no notion who they are healing. And sometimes it can become so severe that the consequences… Anyway, because a person has lessons to learn there, in these sufferings, in these illnesses, and without them the person cannot make a leap in their development, and you take away their development. But that is the ignorance, it is huge, it is not just in this area. So, God is important – that is the Way – not to become healthy and live your old life, but God is important – that is the Key. He already enters into God and God is in him. He does not want health, but God. I remember how we embraced and that moment filled my Soul. And one more thing: The True person suffers… How does the True person suffer: Quietly, modestly, Divinely – without any noise. They have accepted everything with Love and they will learn their lessons in the right way and they will return to the Way. This is something great, but when it is aware. Loud suffering has ego in it, there is sometimes a display, there are all sorts of things, but the quiet person suffers even with a slight smile, fine smile, with a pleasant feeling – this is the feat, this is the Soul, this is the Spiritual beginning.

-And would you recommend to such children, who, let us say, you cannot talk to them, they do not understand – to write the formula in large letters, or in large letters a very strong idea that they can perceive through their eyes?

-That can be done too, but when you speak to the child’s Soul, the Soul absorbs.


-And our Ayda, she also had epilepsy, and after many years of efforts, she almost melted it. It appears very rarely, without seizures, with… This Soul makes a lot of effort and she has achieved a lot.

-What has she done to overcome it?

-Well, many prayers, a lot of reading, she’s serious with her prayers, she’s serious in her relations, she’s been training non-judgement for years, right, and all of this. She said: “I could not achieve complete non-criticism” – it is not easy, it is a kind of feat, if it were easy… Illness awaits all critical people, without exception, even sometimes supposedly noble criticism, we are not speaking of a remark, there is no criticism in the remark.

-Even if they have a right?

-Even if they have a right, they have no right, because the Total God is acting – who are you to judge God’s Plan? In every detail, in the smallest trifle, God is there, and this is why you must observe in a strange way, like this, deeply, non-attached in a concealed way, in order to be attached in the right way. I am reminded of a Master, what he says – a very fine idea. He says, “And the pain comes, and it hits you immediately, directly, straightforwardly, the pain hits you.” You go to a doctor and they prescribe an ointment.” – and this Master says: “Who is the customer? – Pain is the customer.” – the pain is the patient, it is not you. The person is not in the body, they are sick, but they live in their Spirit, a completely different approach.

-If you could only… in this way, briefly, to clarify, if someone disapproves of something, let us say, it does not resonate, does not resonate with them in harmony, what is the most correct approach?

-Well, deep receptivity, and if you see a mistake somewhere, you have to see the mistakes in the person, but as noticing. Not to feed them – to notice it, so that you know exactly what formula to help with. That is why the Initiates are given penetration into everything, because they do not enter critically, they enter with Love and they have the right to see things in a real way, and not the ones, who… Others imagine, because without Total, Pure, Immutable Love – forget it, right.

-I.e. not a comment on what you disapprove of, but a… assisting through prayer. -The Total God is acting – how will you comment on God. But if He, through you – this yes, but otherwise everything… Your comment is karma, even if it is bright – bright karma, it is still karma. You will pay.  

-And Masters, do they have the right to comment… to criticise?

-They have a right, but theirs is the Law of Love – and as… even spoken as criticism, it is Love, and spoken as a remark, it is Love. However it is spoken, he is in the Current of God – he cannot criticise, he is not able to.

-Because what…

-God is in him.

-…what are they interweaving?

-It is… as some think that karma is punishment – it is correction, it is never punishment. However, we see what we should not see.



-Thank you.


-And for the month of March, let us just mention, Dani, Philip, Alexander, Shining will be our guests with their questions. And we will only read one question from Philip, who is 5 years old, so far he has not participated. It is more of an affirmation and he says so, Philip: “Grandfather Harash, God is kind and He only helps.” Shall we answer him?

-Total help at every step.


-Including with a violent crime. However, it is very concealed there, I will say it if I must, I will hide it if I must, right – He acts mercilessly because He knows the karma and He knows it will give a chance.

-And the approach of the person when they see something cruel and difficult to bear?

-They lack acceptance and cannot understand, grasp God’s Conception. And whether they accept it or not – God is acting.


-God does not comply.

-But what is the approach?

-He makes changes and repays karmas, and upraises both the ones, and the others. He enters both into the ones, and the others – but these things cannot be deeply explained, I am only sharing them here, because people will say “What is going on”, right – because nothing can happen without God, right. There is no such karma that… There is no such detail, element, in which God and the Initiates do not secretly participate …this is their Power, that they see Him absolutely everywhere and not 99% in this or that – in everything, without exception. This is the Total Primordial Religion, which is without religion, because this is Love – without religion.

-And you…

-You do not need religion.

-Do you make an effort to see Him everywhere?

-He reveals Himself when you have devoted your life – including as the Absolute, not only as God, right. –I.e. God is the One transfiguring all things?

-In this way, He either heals or revives, and only He has the right. The person themselves has no right to kill – they will bear the punishment, they will pay dearly, because they have no right, they have not created life, right. While God – everything in His Hands is…


-Great Purity, but Concealed Purity.

-Yes, yes.

-But if we start to…


-A whole interview, it will put people and churches and the brotherhood on edge, right. And they will say… they may think that there is a mistake and that…

-You are a specialist in spine-tingling Truths. Ok.

-And there are dangerous Truths, that is why we stay silent about them. At least a dozen are such, maybe more. We will keep quiet about them, because…

-People sense the deep things with their Soul…

-Yes… No, no, the reasonable ones – for them, yes. But many others who are watching.


-But they are not yet ready to watch and to listen, right…

-Ok, thank you. And in our next conversation, we will receive the answers to the children’s questions. Thank you all for your time and attention.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel

Musical Lectures

Laws of Invincibility by Haraval. Music for inspiration pt13.…

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation

Laws of Invincibility by Haraval. Music for inspiration created with AI Part 13. Taken from the book Ar Havaraya – Books of Sacraments in two volumes.

A project by Rosiyan Panayotov and Diana Vrangova. From the Word of Eleazar Harash.

1.Do not listen to your mind, but only to your Reason

Do not listen to your mind means do not listen to the superficial. Deep within our Centre lives an Ancient, Sacred Reason. Live always within your Centre and you shall be liberated from everything superficial.

2.Be always small

To be always small means to be able to develop. To be always small, this is the Primordial, Invincible State of the Soul. To be small, this means to always be joyful, to always be mutable in your Soul.

3.Be always insignificant

Be concealed within the Deep. Whoever is significant is open to the worries and problems. Be insignificant and no one will be able to take away your Depth. To be insignificant means to be naturally invincible.

4.Do not be interwoven into the rope

The threads of the rope are happiness and unhappiness, good and evil, joy and sorrow – everything dual. Do not be interwoven into them, but use them, tear out reason from them. Health is also a thread which has spoiled many people. Tear out your reason of light from health and free yourself of its ropes. Only in this way you shall return into your Essence, and in the Essence there are no ropes. Are the Gods not Essences of Light – liberated?

5.Forgive always, and especially the one whom you do not want to forgive

To forgive, means to preserve your energy. To forgive, means to overcome. Forgiving liberates you from the treacherousness of the internal enemy. Whoever forgives, their energy travels towards their own Inner Centre. In this way they become free.

6.Be joyful even when all around you is sorrowful

Joy, this is your inner Sun, which lives within your heart. Whatever the world around you may be, do not allow this Sun to be extinguished. Since the Sun within you always shines, then after the end of your life, you shall return into it and you shall turn into a Bird undefeatable.

7.Be always receptive to the fine, concealed joy

To be always receptive to the fine joy, means to perceive with your Soul. Only the Soul has a sensing for the finer things. To be receptive with your Soul, this means to perceive only that which God wants you to, because the Soul is a part of God.

8.Understand things even when you do not understand them.

Gain insight of your concealed understanding in your lack of understanding. When you do not understand things, just one thing is enough: to have the right approach. The right approach requires mastery, liberatedness, a state of calmness. And then in this pure and calmed pond-consciousness, the understanding shall permeate. The Unfathomable shall pay you a visit. It shall touch your pond and then your lack of understanding shall turn into understanding. In this way, not understanding, you shall begin to understand.

9.Be slumbering for every worry

Worrying enters into the person through allowance, through agreement. Allowance is from the mind, it is agreeing with the mind. To be slumbering, means to lock the mind, to free it, so that it does not make the decisions in your life. When the person slumbers in a tranquil and deep way, they have no mind. Since there is no mind, there is no worrying. In this slumbering the awakeness of the Soul is reflected.

10.Refrain from every bad mood by choosing one of the billions of Divine Ideas

Each Divine Idea contains within itself one small light, which dispels every bad mood and shows the Way to the person. If this idea is not there, the person dwells in the darkness of their bad mood. But if the person thinks of this idea only for a while and connects to it, they have already lit a candle, through which they are liberated from their darkness. There are billions of candles around us and within us.

11.Instil peace into your heart and you shall see it everywhere and in all things

To instil peace into yourself means to instil the Spirit, to begin to live in Oneness  with the Spirit. This spirit is the Ancient Peace and since you have it, you shall see peace everywhere. In Anciency this spirit was called the Golden Age.

12.Whoever has willpower, they do not have wilfulness

Whoever has willpower, they live in freedom in the right way. Whoever does not have willpower, they live in freedom in the wrong way, they have abused freedom. Whoever has willpower, they live in the Truthfulness of things. Whoever has wilfulness, they have distanced themselves from Truth and this is why they die. Wilfulness is a death.

13.Whenever it is difficult, give way to the quiet and speechless self-insinuations – regardless of whether you have no success for a while

Whenever it is difficult for you, allow one quiet, positive self-insinuation into yourself and it shall illuminate your room, it shall illuminate your mind and your heart. Persevere in this small self-insinuation and suddenly you shall come to know that the darkness has gone. In this way the light chases the darkness away. If you do not know what you must do with yourself, this small self-insinuation knows what to do with you.

14.All events that are happening around you, do not matter. Only the right perception matters. The right perception surpasses everything, which is happening

To have the right perception, this is a great art. The right perception does not belong to this world. The right perception surpasses all events which are happening. The right perception belongs to Matahor. This is an Ancient Name of the Eagle. The Right perception is the Eye of Matahor.

15.Love all your states – both the good ones and bad ones – in order to overcome them

To begin to love your bad state, this means to transfigure it, because Love instils itself into the bad state, its Depth, its Divinity, its lightness. In this way the bad state falls into an unfavourable position and is transfigured. Love is the transfiguring power. And the bad state has needed precisely it.

16.Be beautiful during hardships

To be beautiful in hardships means to preserve your Essence, to preserve your Completeness. If you become divided, hardships begin to rob your face, your heart, your Essence. Why do hardships in life come? Hardships in life come so that you become more beautiful.

17.Be blind in order to see

When you are blind to human things, to external things, you shall begin to see the internal things more and more. And once you learn to see the internal, you shall begin to understand the external as well. The internal shall give you a completely different point of view – the spiritual point of view. The earthly thinking, this is the blindness. To see spiritually, this means to have removed this earthly thinking. Who is spiritually seeing? The Ancient Ones said: The spiritually seeing one has three marks: they are shining as the Sun, pure as the Dawn and speechless as the Secret. This is the image of the spiritually seeing one.

18.Capture the fine moments of annoyance and increase your shining

When a person is speaking to you and annoying you, listen very carefully, because between the lines there are many kinds of small lights concealed. If you capture just one small light, you shall nourish your shining. But if you are not able to capture even one small light, then annoyance will feed on you. Only the insightful one is able to understand this.

19.Be shining within your own self

Be a master of your internal atmosphere. Illuminate your internal home. Only the one who has become a master of themselves, is able to shine. The servant is unable to shine, they do not have their own light. Who is a master of themselves? The one, who has returned into their original purity.

20.Be above everything that is happening and nothing shall happen to you

This means to be elevated above things, above events in the world. If you have fulfilled the law in the right way, your inner reality shall not be damaged. When you live in your superficial nature, then even the smallest pebble becomes an event for your life. When you live in your higher nature, events in the world are of no matter, because your inner reality is invincible.

21.Be limited on the outside and Boundless on the inside

Be ordinary among people and extraordinary within yourself, in your own expanses.  Be humble on the outside and shining on the inside. Be inconspicuous on the outside and awake on the inside. But what is this, to be awake? To be awake, this is the gaze of your own Essence. The Ancient Ones called this Essence ‘’The Strong Gaze’’ or ‘’The Eagle’’.

22.Be imperceptible to your own self, too

In order to be imperceptible, you must be free from the processes of the mind and of the heart. In this way you shall come to know that you are not a person, but Essence. The Essence in the beginning was not limited by the idea of being human. To be imperceptible means to purify your mind, heart and will in such a way, that your Primordial Essence is able to freely enter and exit through them, without being captured.

23.Allow for the impossible and you shall know the inexplicable

Allowing for something means concealedness, opening, sincerity. And then the inexplicable enters and shines upon itself in the person. In order for the inexplicable to enter, it must enter through a door. The door is sincerity. What is sincerity? Sincerity, this is the Soul. The inexplicable is revealed only to the Soul, it communes only with it.

24.Have an eye only for the invisible and you shall arrange the visible

Whoever seeks the internal, the internal arranges the external for them. To understand the invisible, this means to be in Oneness with it. To understand that the invisible is the most important thing in life, this means to give it your energy and your trust. Then the invisible shall give you something of its gaze. It shall bring new awareness of things into your eyes. It shall give you something of itself. I call this a great blessing. The Secret of life is in the invisible.

25.The one who does not see, sees through their eyes and preconceptions, and the one who does see, they see through the secret within themselves

The one who does not see, sees the external. The one who sees, they see through the Non-created, through the Spirit, through their True nature. Only the Secret within the person is able to see the Secret. The small Secret is kindred to the Great Secret. When the person is purified, the Secret within them turns into an Eye, which beholds the Great Secret.

26.Consider things from the point of view of the Boundlessness

Because things are slow to ripen, consider them as God considers them – with patience, without judging them. The Boundlessness has the Eyes of the Truth. Through these Eyes of the Truth you see all things in their light. The Boundlessness sees only light and shining in things.

27.Always think indestructibly

Everything that is happening should only touch you, without influencing you. To think indestructibly, this means to let your own Spirit emerge in you. Your Spirit is indestructible and Non-created and everything which is happening in the world, all events, all occurrences cannot touch it, because it was born before everything. It is more Ancient than everything that is happening. And this is why its original state is indestructibility.

28.Think as the Secret and you shall be able to unlock all doors

Think always of the concealed, which is inexpressibly noble, Wisely-Noble. Whoever thinks in this way, is liberated from the attachment to the external. Think of the apparent as if it were concealed. And the more you think in this way, the more the Secret shall illuminate you. The more the Secret illuminates you, the more it shall begin living within you. And when the Secret begins to live within you entirely, then you shall come to understand what is created and you shall come to know what is Non-created.

29.Live always within your sweet feeling

To live with your sweetest feeling, this means to live through the fragrance of your heart. This fragrance is the Eye of the Soul. Through this Eye, the Soul lives in its own Garden of Eden. This Garden of Eden – this is to have the sweetest feeling within yourself and this feeling to be permanent.

30.Always overtake surprises

To overtake surprises, this means to have an eye of another world, an eye of a different dimension. To overtake surprises, this means to have realised your unbornness. Beyond surprises, this is the person, who has known the Secret of their Spirit.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel

Musical Lectures

The Whispering Quiet – Music for Inspiration. Lyrics based…

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation

The Whispering Quiet. Music for Inspiration created with AI, part 12: lyrics based on Avalira – Book of the Wise Native Americans

A project by Rosiyan Panayotov and Diana Vrangova. With the support of Eleazar Harash.

The titles of the instrumental songs in the album are given by Eleazar Harash.

Matasanga – The Great Proto-Father of the Native American Race

Aval Mavara – The Eighth Elder, the Father of the Native American Race

Mavahari – The Tenth Elder, the Master of the Native American Race

Votaro Haya – Native American appeal towards the Great Spirit

Avalira – the most Ancient Native American Book

1.Avalira – The Whispering Quiet

 O, Avalira, the Whispering Quiet, the Whispering Wisdom –

Sacrament, concealed within the Quiet.

O, Aval Mavara, You are the One, conveying the Sun…

(Eleazar Harash) So, Galya – we dedicate this music to sister Galya, our Galya. She had a Native American Heart and a beautiful Soul. She sang very beautiful Native American songs to us at our gatherings – with her Mystical Soul. She was like the Native Americans – life with the wind. She sowed herself beautifully into the Teaching of the Master and here her heavy karma was of no significance. What was important was her Love towards the Master, towards the Native Americans and towards pure occultism. She came alive in her songs, she became a Living Soul, Living Water. Karma is karma, and Love towards the Master is of a different kind, of another World.

Galya, we shall not forget you, new meetings await us, other meetings too. Reverence!

…when the Quiet begins to speak to you, know that you are a Son of an Ancient Peoples.

Avalira speaks only to Its Sons.

2.Aha Lava – The Great Spirit

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Aha Lava

Inspiration is the sense of the Quiet. The Quiet is the sense of the Great Spirit.

The Inspired One is not able to seek – the Inspired One lives within the Heart of the Quiet.

3.Boundless Vastness. Instrumental

4.Amashiba – the Heart of the Spirit

O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Truth.


It is the Heart of the Quiet. It is the Heart of the Spirit.

Be a Great Gazing one. Live in the Third Feather of the Great Eagle.

5.Arihaya – The Great Soul

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.


This, that I am sharing, it comes from the Quiet of my Heart.

I did not want to speak anything, but the Quiet within me began to tremble.

Only the Quiet is able to speak as the Sun.


The True Song conveys Quiet – it is a call,

which comes from the Depths of the Wind.

The True song is a call, wishing that you return into your Sacred Heart.

6.I am seeking you in the Boundlessness. Instrumental.

7.Votaro Haya – Appeal towards the Great Spirit. Part 1.

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Votaro Haya

When the Great Grief paid me a visit, I understood, I understood Votaro Haya.

That was the Day in which Your Voice, Votaro Haya, was born within me.

Votaro Haya

Votaro Haya – You are the Great Old One.

Aaa, Wahanatan – you are the Great Light.

Arihaya – You are the Great Soul.

Aaa, Wahira Tanka – You are the Great Spirit.

8.In Solitude I came to know You. Instrumental

9.Shamavari – The Shamans

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Votaro Haya, bless all Shamavari.

Shamavari – these are Beings of the Worthy Way.

Shamavari – these are Beings of the Way.

Shamavari – these are the Shamans, the Keepers of the Way.

Votaro Haya

Avalira is a Sacrament, concealed within the Quiet.

Avalira is the most Ancient Native American Book.

Avalira is the Whispering Quiet.

10.I found You within my Heart. Instrumental.

11.Wakan Tanka – the Great Mystery

O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Wakan Tanka

O, Great Spirit, the Great Secret! O, most Ancient Secret!

You are the One, Who is before every Secret.

And our energy must be Sacred.

12.A Way Endless and Close. Instrumental

13.Aval Wahira – the Eagle

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Aval Wahira.

It is the Bird of Wahira.

It is the Secret of Wahira. It is the Eagle.

See the Concealed within the Concealed as the Eagle.

14.The Eagle flies without wings too. Instrumental

15.Votaro Haya – Appeal towards the Great Spirit. Part 2

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Votaro Haya! And said to me Votaro Haya:

My Truth is the Light for all those who have sought Me.

My Truth is a Light which illuminates all worlds and races.

Votaro Haya! When Votaro Haya shines within me,

Then the Souls, who have ended up in the Dark,

Shall see the Light of Votaro Haya and shall find their Way.

16.In the big Grief I became Clear. Instrumental

17.Avahala – The Greatest Trial

O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Avahala – it is the Endless Loneliness. It is a Supreme Trial.

And whoever withstands, they become the Bird of the Ancient-Most Secret.

18.Grief is an Endless Bestowment. Instrumental

19.Wahira Hava – The Bird of the Speechlessness

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Wahira Hava is the Bird of the Speechlessness. There is no speech in the Primordial Quiet.

And no one is able to share the Ancient-Most Secret.

Only the Quiet is able to share it.

20.The Ancient Father awaits me with the Heart. Instrumental

21.Wahira Tanka – The Ancient-Most Spirit

O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Wahira Tanka – The Ancient-Most Spirit. I know that I shall return to Wahira Tanka.

Wahira Tanka is the Father of my Secret.

My Breath is the Breath of Wahira Tanka.

22.Enlightened Sorrow. Instrumental

23.Votaro Haya – Appeal towards the Great Spirit, Part 3

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

Votaro Haya, let my eyes grow weary of seeking You.

Votaro Haya, let my eyes disappear along You.

Votaro Haya, I summon the Concealed Truth within You

To flow towards the whole Native American Race.


O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.

The only Epistle of the Truth is the Quiet.

You can stand Before the Truth only in one Great Veneration.

Veneration is the measure that you have known the Truth.

Veneration is the measure that you have known the Inexpressible.

O, Mavariya, Mavariya, you are the Throne above all thrones,

You are the Wreath, you are the Truth.

When you have Veneration towards the Truth,

The Truth shall arrange in you a Pure, Pure Quiet.

Only in the Quiet shall the Inexpressible Truths be conveyed.

The Profound Truths shall be whispered.

Each one, who speaks in the Name of Truth,

They preach Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.

O, Mavahari, Mavahari, You are the One conveying the Quiet.

Give us Your Quiet, so that we may hear,

So that we may hear the Speech of the Inexpressible Truth.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel