


Eleazar – conversations between friends, part 2

Continued from part 1 – here.

Jump to: Part 3, Part 4

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation,

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel

Eleazar Harash – Knowing God. Two questions. An Ancient formula  May 26th 2023

(Knowing God)

So, first: a few things about evil, which means Knowing God. Evil is a situation in which God does not penetrate, and so we must guard ourselves from evil. The ones who have believed in the power of evil, they incarnate in very heavy lifetimes. People create their own evil but they blame the devil.

God contains Lucifer within His Reach. Chaos is simply one unknown Order. Darkness is not something you must fight with, but it is something you must illuminate within yourself. Sooner or later, every darkness will become light.

You are able to defeat your twisted perception only through pacification.

It is impossible to exit the reaches of God, because everything is God. To become God, this means to form Him within yourself, to manifest Him within yourself and to allow Him to manifest through you – this is the death of evil.

Evil loves the lack of understanding, it is food for evil. God has sent evil in the world in order to save man. The mission of evil is one of salvation. God has allowed the fall of demons and of people for Great Lessons.

When you are tempted, evil within you increases and in this way it helps you see yourself and understand yourself. Evil is something much deeper than Satan, even than the demons, because it is able to act without them, when it has been allowed to do so by the Supreme Divine Will. – This is Basilides, one Gnostic. – Evil is a weapon of the Divine Will, it is an instrument for returning into God.

Evil in this world will eternally increase that good, which has missed the True Good. God is the One who sets everything in motion in an Absolute way – sets both good and evil in motion.

Evil acts only by God’s Decree, it has no other master, evil is an absolute servant. The Divine Will, when it has not been understood, turns from semi-strict, to cruel, because it is All-Seeing.

The devil is necessary, in order for God to give you His Hand. God needed the devil in order to bring His Love and His Virtues to realisation. If evil did not exist, then good would have become a vice. Evil will enwisen the world because God uses it in a secretly-right way. All reasonable ones draw benefit from evil.

When God is placed second, then problems will always grow. Evil dies within God, within Peace. The battle with evil is within the person themselves, and not in the world.

And lastly – God absolutely has no enemy in the face of evil, but we must be in Unity with God.

(What does the Master want from the disciple, from the Son and from the Spark)


-So, we have two questions that we have prepared, Petio. Now, the first one is: What does the Master want from the disciple, from the Son and from the Spark?

-Yes, the first one. So, from the disciple – learning. From the Son – Love. From the Spark – Truth. Learning is in the Soul, Love is within God, and Truth is within the Absolute. The disciple is a Seeker, the Son has found, and the Spark has brought to realisation. The Son is Love. When you have Love, things develop as they should – in the right way. And the Spark is deeper than the right things. Love is a Seal of the Boundlessness, and the Spark is a Seal of the Depth-Mystery, the Primordial Truthfulness.

The Spark – Meister Eckhart says: It wants the Profound Depth Itself. Here, nothing separate has penetrated – the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit etc. The Spark only wants the Profound Depth of Profound Depths and the Absolute Quiet. The Quiet which does not commune with anything – this is the Concealed Peace within the Absolute.

The Spark lives concealedly in the Soul, but it is above everything, the Spark even laughs above what is noble. The Spark surpasses everything. The Spark is… – this is Meister Eckhart – The Spark is of the Abyss, it is something deeper than the Essence even. The Spark is our Sublime Part, given to us by the Absolute. The Spark is free of both the illusion and the Reality. The Spark is beyond Spirit, Soul and Reason – no thinking, i.e. no shackles.

Only with Great Love the Spark can be liberated from the influence of virtues. For the Spark even virtues are a fencing in, a limitation. The Spark is so Deep, that is has no Inner life as will, so that it does not miss Its Mysterious Primordiality. It does not even need a Sacred Life. – This is the awesome Meister Eckhart. This is the first question.

(What can move and touch the Master most deeply?)

-Yes, thank you. The second question is: What can move and touch the Master most deeply?

-Yes, so. A few things. When the disciple becomes Love and turns their Love into Graciousness, this is something above Purity, of a higher level. The other thing: Perseverance is the biggest joy of the Master because it means to be Chosen. Perseverance is when His disciple becomes One with God – this is the Sublime Joy of the Master. Another great joy is if the disciple attains absolute non-judgement. This is the measurement for the Pure direct Seeing of God. This is the Pure Consciousness.

-Thank you.

-Brief, clear – a crystal.

(Aahar Arazyma)

So, a new formula, relatively new: Aahar Arazyma – I am the Shining One. – This is one Great Liberatedness, a Deep Inner Place. The Shining is above light.

We will do them in such a way – small, crystals. We called it: a crystal.

Eleazar HarashA conversation of my Heart with the Phoenix

June 7th 2023

From an unpublished book about the Phoenix

-How have you, O Bird of the Essence, attained Freedom?

-With my Spirit.

-What is your Spirit?

-Very Deeply I wished for the Primordial Spirit and He, the Sublime One, heard me within the Depths and said to me: “My Primordial Spirit is your Spirit. Within the Primordial, there is only One Spirit, only One Pure Unity”.

-But how did you attain this Pure Unity?

-Very simple: I wished that only the Primordial One exists and He merged me with Himself. Do you not know that the Primordial Spirit is Sublimely Perfect? And He made me equal  to Him. And so, externally I am a Bird, but internally – it is Him. And I am He, because He became I, He became Himself. But you call me Phoenix because you do not see the Primordial Spirit. Gaze upon the Primordial and you shall see not the Phoenix Bird, but Him. While you are looking at me, you lose your gaze for Him. And I will share more things with you, because I love something in your Heart.

I spoke with the Phoenix. It appeared to me smaller in size, because it is a Great Power. You can marvel at the Presence – it appeared as a small red dot with wings. Smaller in size, so that I can perceive, because the Phoenix is a Force and it Engulfs. And even though I am within the Nothingness, I must comprehend what it is telling me.

There are only 47 emanated Phoenixes – Pure Spirits. Essences, from the Race of the Gods, but there are higher degrees as well. I am personally able to converse, I have the right to, with only four; I do not know what degrees they are. I know it is so; I do not know why.

I have many concealed memories with Phoenixes, but they will come forth gradually. The first time I met the Phoenix before it became a Phoenix, it was a Being of the Gods. I have observed it without understanding it. One time, it said to me: “The Sublime One has determined Self-Transfiguration for us. Why do you marvel? Want this Deeply and you shall know that the Sublime One has given it to everyone as a Primordial Right. In this Way, seek only those Gods who are able to reinforce you. But until now, only 140 Beings have achieved the Mystery of the Phoenix, because they have met in their Way Beings with a Deeper degree of the Nothingness. This is the Greatest Predetermination – towards the Depths”.

I have seen it perch on a Temple in Egypt, in Heliopolis. I did not see it as a Bird, but as a Flying Divine Essence. Because I saw God within it, it also saw that I am a friend.

Eleazar Harash – The Spark according to Meister Eckhart. Two questions. The most important thing for everyone – 24th of June 2023

(The Spark according to Meister Eckhart)

So, today we will speak about the Spark and we have two questions, brief ones, and this is the Core of… In this way, briefly – what is brief is always the best.

So, this is Meister Eckhart: The Spark is Deeply inherent within the person and its quality is Sublime-Wisdom. The Spark within the person is the Ancient Heart, the Mystical Core. The Spark is of One Essence with the Indefinable Divinity.

Within this Divinity of Bottomlessness and of the Desert, there is neither creation, nor an image. The Divine Spark wants to throw itself into this Desert.

The Spark is the Ancient Primordial Emanation. The Spark  wants one thing only: the Essence of God, as He was before the creation. It wants His very Completeness itself – as He was in His Primordial image. The Spark wants only one thing – the Mystery, the Depth of Depths.

Through the Spark we are not even Essence, but something deeper. The Spark wants the Absolute Quiet, the Quiet with no Separateness. This is that Quiet, which does not commune with anything, which is Immutably Peaceful within its own self. In the sense: it does not even give Wisdom – Wisdom is a compromise.

The Spark is free from the illusion of reality – it is above reality. The Spark is beyond Spirit and Reason, and Soul. It limits itself in them, so that they may live, but the Spark is beyond. The Spark loves the Nothingness, the Primordial Fullness of things, the Concealed Completeness.

The Spark is our Absolute part of the Mystery and the Abyss. The fall, called “life and death” is not found here. The Spark is so deep, that it has no inner life, in order for it not to miss the Abyss and the Mystery. The Spark is that, which is above all secrets. – Meister Eckhart

(What does it mean for there to be conditions for True Love between two people?)

-The first question is: What does it mean for there to be conditions for True Love between two people?

-So, True Love: God must have given a Revelation of Himself. God is True Love itself, because it is a Pure outpouring of His Mercy. True Love is the Wholeness of Love, the Wholeness of Love is the Wholeness of God. Within the True Love between two people, God has found Himself and then God Himself is the Love – it is His Kingdom, He lives within it. This Love is Blissful, it is the Supreme Grace. This Love is a very High measure, because it is the Power of the Pure Ether. It is the feeling of Boundlessness. This is concealed within the Primordial State.

(How do we ourselves turn into the Sacred attitude?)

-What does it mean and how do we ourselves turn into the Sacred attitude, Love as a Fire, Love as a Force, Love as God Himself?

-So, we are purely and loyally devoted, and He is the transformation. When you have Love towards God, the transformation is His work, His act. The Sacred attitude is an act of God towards Himself.

Without the Sacred attitude there is no Love, no sermon, there is nothing – there are only formalities. But in this world, the Sacred grows from what is heavy, from what is torturous – and if you are able to see God in the hour of what is tormenting, what is rupturing, then you attain your Sacred attitude towards God and towards things.

The Supreme in life is one Immutable Sacred feeling towards God in all difficult and torturous conditions. The Master says: If God speaks to you, then hell becomes paradise. Even in the worst things, see God concealed within them. – This is a big science, it has happened to me and I have seen it, not only in the Committee for N******l S******y.

Do not understand God – you will not understand Him, but understand your own Sacred attitude towards Him and in this way, in time, He will reveal to you something of Himself.

(The most important thing for everyone)

And here, at the end, we had something about the most important thing, as an idea, about God’s will. Yes, so, I have it here. The most important is: Seek only God and the Divine will, everything else is karma.

I will add here a little: No bad thought about anyone. So, living, deceased, all kinds of beings – not one bad thought about anyone. Why? Because in one moment that thought can become fatal, if God abandons you. There are instances of just one thought – because you have accumulated them before and you thought it will always continue in this way… Like there is a saying: The last straw in the wagon broke the donkey’s back… The last one… And sometimes this may be your final thought, and then God already abandons you. Then everything, whatever you take up – even your prayers drop out, you are not accepted anymore for a long time. A long, torturous, slow evolution. I emphasise: No bad thought about anyone, from any point of view. This is it.

Eleazar Harash – Greeting for the Birthday of the Master – July 11th 2023

So, today we are doing a greeting for the Birthday of the Master. The Master was born on the 11th – there were disputes – He has said about Himself in one place, that He chose the number 11 for Himself, anyway… So, first, something about the Master:

In order to know the Master, you must become finer than Breath. Only the Truth gives you this. This is called love towards the Truth, which is deeper than life and death. The Master is within Truth, not in the world.

And here I will say three ideas by the Master:

“God’s Will is above everything”.

“The day in which God comes to live in your heart – all your matters will align”.

And the third thought: “A Conception exists for each one, who implements God’s Will”.

It is brief, it is clear – I did not want it to be long.

Continued in Part 3 – here.

Jump to: Part 1, Part 4

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Eleazar – conversations between friends, part 1

Continued in Part 2 – here.

Jump to: Part 3, Part 4

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation,

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel

Eleazar Harash – Greetings and gratitude towards everyone on this day Jan 29th 2023

The Mystic has a Clear Non-understanding of the Ancient One, because they have chosen what is Unknown.

I send greetings to all these Souls, because we are One Whole – and this is before we have descended here on earth – this is also why we are here together.

Eleazar Harash – the Secret of your enemy

They (the saints) still do not know this matter. And the ones who do not understand the enemy, as Basilides says – they cannot understand the Secret of their God, either. A person who has not understood the secret of their enemy, they cannot understand God, either. And as the Master says: “Whoever has not understood the deep evil, they cannot understand God, either”. And this is why… because God is concealed inside evil, this is another kind of secret servitude – for growing within God – and many people do not understand it, especially the churches, poor them. And there are occultists also (who do not understand) – from the Brotherhood, there are such people everywhere, yes. This is an important matter, and essential one. Because if you believe that there is only One God Who acts truly in every moment…

We are now preparing the book “Aphorisms on the Moment” with V. – the whole book has such deep moments. And it is said there, by the Master, that you can achieve things quicker than one second, with the speed of light, if you enter within this instant. But it turns out you must have created this instant from the past. And now to reach it, because God visits billions of beings and comes to you in that one instant. And if you miss it – then again, in time. And when you have created it – it is like how it happens in Zen – one strike with a stick and you become Enlightened, a change in the course of life. But the person has created it, waited for it, craved it – and in that instant… Because some people you can strike with a stick all day long…

The enemy, evil – they are one big Concealedness of God and there is the deepest growth. You outgrow religions, bibles, scriptures – everything. And you begin reading the Bible with your Spirit and with God, and not the Bible itself – it becomes obsolete. You must read with your Spirit what… And God is deeper than the Bible, therefore He can tell you deeper things, including unwritten ones. And I considered this… It started from Basilides, the Gnostic… The main things yesterday were by him and I added a little bit there – regarding Love towards the enemies. It still remains a deep matter, many people cannot solve it, but even if you solve it to some extent, it is still…

Eleazar Harash – God is the Master of our enemies

God is the Master of our enemies – He leads them.

Love towards our enemies separates us from the long and heavy karma and evolution. With one word only, the enemy can disappear from our life – if God pronounces it – but He wants us to grow and save something within our own selves, so He waits.

The enemies are in the Hands of God but we are still not in His Hands. God tests the Depths of our Love through our enemies, otherwise we cannot serve Him.

Without the enemies you cannot enter into the Depths of God. Through the enemies God wants to give us Himself. We need our enemies for our own growth within God, in order to become like God.

The enemies are our concealed Blessing. The enemies are secret acts of God against His chosen ones. The enemies cure the incorrect love within the person.

When you love your enemies, God will handle them. The murder of the enemies is losing God, and “Love your enemies” is returning into God. The enemies are not a reality within God, but because you are not yet within God, He sends them in order for you to grow within Him.

Humility is the killer of enemies – here I must say that humility sees them in the deepest way, because the humble person has (the deeply humble one) has only one perception – they see God everywhere. And they figure out the moves of the enemies and the supremely-deep… I.e. the one who is loyal to God has a very concealed deep point of view, which they may share, or they may not – this is another matter. There, alone, between the two of them… If you are within God, where are the enemies? They are locked.

The enemies cure something important in our path. Whoever does not have love towards their enemies, they are killing themselves.

The enemies fear only God and Love. The enemies can gain something in their heavy karma – when interacting with the people of Love.

The enemies are a test of self-control. The enemies develop stability and patience within us. The enemies have been made to work for us by God, if we are able to understand this.

Love is a danger to any enemy. If we do not begin to love our enemies, we remain in the fall.

Enemies bring either a fall, or one big Ascension. Through the enemy God comes to you and says: “Transfigure yourself, save yourself from stagnation”.

Who governs the enemy? – God, Who is Concealed within them.

This is enough… There are… I will present them in time, but not soon.

Eleazar Harash – A Mystical Prayer. The Deep comprehension of evil

This is a prayer – something like “The Lord’s Prayer” according to the Sufi.

(A Mystical Prayer)

“Оh, Almighty One! Only You have the Glory and the Might. I ask You, in the name of Ismi Ahzam,

do the impossible and allow the miracle, for You are the Complete Name of Sublimity. Only You are able to do everything.  You are a Mighty Ruler and Creator, Within You is the Sublime Quality.” – and here you can add, for example, if you want: “Revive me!”,  “Heal me!”, “Guide me!” – this is according to everyone’s freedom, but the idea is to summon the Sublime Quality. Separately you can say a formula to attain the Sublime pronunciation, because it needs to come from a very deep place. And in this way,  with practice, while wanting Him to teach you Ismi Ahzam, and teach you everything… And in the end, He will enter to pronounce it, and then it can become very deep.

(A deep comprehension of evil)

And so, I will read to you some things about evil, because only when we understand evil, we will understand God, and therefore… I am starting one notebook here and I will read a little to you… So.

In its deep and Secret sense, evil is not an opposite of God, it is only an idea in God. It is void, it is nothing – it is neither evil, nor is it acting. It simply cannot act. Even Christ does not have action. Only God acts.

Evil is not opposed to God, evil is opposed to the person. Until when? Until the person grows.

God and the Boundlessness have no opposite. Black is not the opposite of white, it is merely a contrast. In its concealed sense, evil aligns with God and the Boundlessness. Evil acts as destruction, but it is not destruction, only a change. Destruction sets changes and transfigurations in motion.

Within the Supreme Purity, evil does not exist. Evil has no will – it is a servant and it can be engulfed by God because it has no foundation. Your enemy is your dark half. The enemy is on the inside – this is your own ignorance. Realise yourself as an enemy, realise that you have a dark half.

The fallen angels have attained human bodies in order to satisfy their fall with thoughts and feelings. The fallen angels have taught people to create weapons for wars. The fallen angels incarnate on earth in the span of thousands of years. They are here, among us, and they occupy high positions everywhere in the world. The fallen angels ruin the noble efforts of the person through ridicule, mockery, and of course in the determined time, they will be judged by God’s Light. The books of Enoch are a Great Key for revealing the Secrets of the fallen angels. They are among the earthly humanity and they hinder people to perceive the Pure Light of the Word and to attain the True Knowledge. The fallen angels have the appearance of ordinary people, but they are also concealed within these people and they act very skillfully and cautiously. The root of evil is in the fallen angels and the ones who agree with them. They whisper all sorts of delusions to the person, all sorts of sins and impure thoughts. They are immaterial, but they can influence in a physical way as well. The fallen angels are burdened by their past, burdened psychically, and this is why they are able to influence the psyche.

Yes, this is it, in general. The person must learn how to develop a Divine way of thinking and then they start to remove the fallen angels, and even when they influence the person, they will gain something from this Divine thinking. They will gain support.

For example, at Golgotha – I am now reminded. It is not possible for the person of the mind, the mental person, to be sent to Golgotha. They have nothing to give to Golgotha, they do not have Love, and so there are only Chosen ones at Golgotha. Golgotha, the stakes – all of this is only for Chosen ones, never for mental people.

Eleazar Harash – Friendly conversation about the Way, Eleazar about himself

(For the weak spot in the person)

So, God knows the weak point of every being – when He hits them there, the saint immediately becomes a sinner. Question: Is the person able to master this weak point? – Through God, through the Depths and especially through humility, which is the great engulfer – not only of the weak point, but also of the virtues in the person. Humility is deeper than the virtues. Humility is the total instilling of God within the person and then the weak point disappears. Yes, this is it…

(For trust)

-Now, I have towards you a few thoughts and reflections and I ask that you comment on them.


-When, on the outside, a friend betrays our trust – this is because we have diverted from ourselves, from our own Way. We must make something right in our own Path, and whether or not as a consequence, the external relations will be mended – this is God’s work.

-When someone attacks you so, in this way – this means that it is required that you change your way of thinking into a Divine way of thinking. When you change your way of thinking, you change the events.

-And the external facts and events are neutral – not for us and not against us.

-No, they do not have…

-God is acting.

-They are aimed towards the growth of everyone.

-But they are made sensible or understood only when you experience them.

-Yes, but also with… the new way of thinking can change them, it has the power. The same way as the karma can be cleared, can be blocked, can be transfigured. And it does not matter what has been written, the person can do this because God within us has no fate. And by uniting with God, and one understanding – this can change the course of your… because otherwise you will always delay.

-And how can we go beyond these facts and events?

-Well, in this way exactly – through an ever deeper Unity with God – and this is why a big patience is required. So, humility, meekness – when Christ says “I am meek and humble” – this means Deeply Invulnerable, Divine. No one can touch Him in these qualities.

-And isn’t this through the power of intention and the striving towards Truth as a whole?

-You need to have a power of intention, but it must be very aware. And then this intention also changes events. But it is again Pure thinking.

(About pain)

-And the thing about out personal indispositions, aggriavances, pains – deluding us. Every single relation in our life is a relation to God and how can we say that God has hurt us – this is merely a lack of understanding – the law of karma.

-Yes, so, God attacks us with events on the outside and He may send a person who insults you, torments you, so that God can grow within you, then remove that person so you can enter in Unity with God. And God’s aim is pure, but the matter is that we sometimes do not understand it. We think that someone hates us, but God wants growth.

(For the confession)

-Traumas and pains are healed with repentance and awareness. External sharing is often a hypocritical self-delusion, the person needs repentance towards God, not sharing.

-One deep, total confession means sweeping away all these spirits and parasites. Sincerely, on your own, locked alone in a room.

-And does the external sharing help?

-If you are sharing with a spiritual person who will participate with formulas and as a support – it does help. Another person participates with formulas for you – this is a plus.

(For the trauma and acceptance)

-And how is trauma healed?

-Well, let us say for example – the trauma is some sort of pain, deep pain. If you fully accept pain – completely accept it – you engulf it. It is transformed. If you only accept it to some extent, it stays.

-And isn’t this acceptance in us done by God within us?

-Well, it is inherently found within us. We can set God in motion, and acceptance, through acceptance.

-With constant effort and prayer?

-He has given us everything. He has given us everything, as Kabbalah says: “There is no need for salvation, because the Ancient One has given us Spirit and Soul inherently”. There is no need of faith, when He has given Spirit and Soul, He has already saved us. We only need to awaken them, as they do in Buddhism, in Zen, in Dao – they do not wait… If you are waiting for salvation, then you feel not-saved. And if you live within God, there is no feeling that way – you are within God. You are not waiting for salvation.

(Eleazar about himself)

-Petio, how did you turn towards God in this life?


-Was there a crisis?

-There were heavy trials, but…

-The turning, the initial turning?

-Well, simply through the books of the Master and in the way of a Fire, of Inspiration, but it has been sown from the past and it simply comes now and re-ignites, you simply switch off the world and start the serious devotion. A fearsome loyalty. You forget everything – the world, people… I had years and years of reclusion. Reclusion is very important for every disciple – that they work alone, behind closed doors, and grow in that way. Contact is only to some extent.

-And this deep repentance that you speak of, when that happened – how long before that was the turning?

-Well, years had passed, and I think it was in hotel “Excelsior” that I made a full confession… Whatever I could think of, I said, and I received a big unburdening, the spirits were swept away – and a deep peace – this is the sign that you have done it sincerely – you gain a deep peace in your Soul, a deep joy, which cannot be replaced by anything. This means that you have done it properly, sincerely. You say everything in front of God.

-The Sixth Elder says that God allows this repentance, so again, it must be allowed?

-You must try…

-It comes from personal effort, but…

-Yes, you must try, you must want it, and it ripens and ripens until in one moment it becomes totally sincere.

-But even in your case, from the turning to God, until the repentance, years passed.

-Well, I didn’t think about it in the beginning, I was simply engulfed and worked a lot, and afterwards I understood that it is important. Because it makes a leap. It makes a total change… and I remember one German woman, when she saw me and said “You are different!” – on the next year. We didn’t have an intimate relation, simply respect, but on the next year, when she saw me, she said: “You are different!”, I said “It’s true”.

-But you are not speaking of this leap of the New-Birth, but that each one of the degrees, when you pass through it, is actually a small leap.

-Yes, those 7 degrees… Yes, yes.

-And what the Master says, that each degree has 7 sub-degrees, then this truly takes years between the degrees?

-Well it depends on the past, it depends on the concentrating, depends on the Unity with God, depends on the thirst. The striving can attract God to its side and it can oblige Him. The Sufis say: if one True Sufi, a humble person, is able to even change God’s will in certain areas, it does not matter what has been written. They have the power to change. The Will of God Himself. But they, the humble person and the loyal one, they are a person of God.

-And what is the biggest pain that you had to experience in your life?

-Well, there was one period of big grief, something like a Deep Cosmic Grief, not human. For this, that people do not understand the Master and the brotherhood, the Way of Love, Wisdom and Truth. It was the biggest grief as a burden, but not in the human sense. Why have people lost… and then, in a different way, on a deep level, you experience… They speak so much of the Master, but they have remained on the periphery, and this is heavy for the development… of both these people, and others around them.

-And how did you experience the separation with your Soulmate, is this not a big pain?

-No, when you are engulfed by God, you do not think of a Soulmate. Besides, your deepest kinship is with God, and on the deeper level it is the Absolute.

-And nothing ever, from this daily, material life, from relations, has caused you deep pain?

-Deep pain – no. Suffering to some extent, in order for it to lead you even further into God. It is a helping suffering, a blessing suffering. I.e. seek always only and mostly God and nothing else, and from God you already embark towards the Ancient One.

-And have you ever wanted to have a family, children…?


-Have you ever had this idea in yourself? Even in your younger years?

-No, God and the Master become your family and in time, the deeper things…

-But you never had these ideas in yourself?

-For example, I will now speak of Christ in the interview… And we will present very deep things, but He is not… I can speak of Him for years, but He is not my deep interest, because I have another interest that I understood from Kabbalah – The Concealed Life of God. Of God Himself, not of Christ. And then after that, towards the Mystery. There are a few things, deeper ones, that interest me. Not these things. It is not the matter at all about family, and about…

-Even the family that you grew up in?

-They are… they are participators in the karma and we lived very nicely together, despite them being deaf-mute, we got along…

-And can you say in which years of your life did this turning happen? The initial turning.

-It is hard to place the big one… I started at around 8-9 years old studying Wisdom, aphorisms…

-How at 8-9 years old?

-Well I had a thrill for Wisdom since then…

-Where did you find those books?

-Well, there was “The Wisdom of the centuries”, whatever came in a more condensed fashion, and gradually… But it was only at 28 that the big igniting happened. Late, but on the other hand – according to karma – on time. According to the Divine Plan.

-But this was because it was prepared from the past?

-It has been prepared from the past and gradually the Fire happens, and once it starts, there was no stopping, I knew that… That is what I said to N******l S******y when they were making me quit, making me give up on these things: “Do not interfere with God’s Plan, you will be smitten!”. The Spirit gives you this certitude and you already know that this is a task, a mission… His mission, but He gives you this bravery, and this courage stunned them because for them this is a surprise. You do not speak to them like this otherwise, but He… when God is with you, He is with you – and they are the ones surprised, and they are… But you do not always speak so bravely, proudly… I would have acted in a much humbler way now, but then at times I didn’t have humility.

-How would you have said it now?

-Well, “I am continuing in my way, you are continuing in your way”, but without…

(For sincerity and the Spirit)

-And Petio, the idea that sincerity in life must be directed internally towards God. That external sincerity is often misunderstood. The Master says that speaking is very dangerous because modern day languages were not created by God, words are ambiguous and twisted. Only when Love starts speaking in the person, everyone understands them. But before that, the Spirit must have come – the Quiet state.

-The Spirit has… The Master gives an interpretation of the measurement of the Spirit – An Absolute Reasonableness. This is the Spirit within the person. And if you look into whether you are Absolutely Reasonable in everything you do, then you will know whether you have Spirit. But I have another measurement, a deep measurement, of the Spirit. For me the Spirit is – we are talking of the Pure Spirit – this a Perfect body without a body. It is such.

(Of the Ancient Words)

-And what is the Power of the Ancient Words? Of the modern languages as well.

-Well, they are something like Hearts of the Ancient One, His Emanations. And when you repeat (them) for a long time, you penetrate, and this one word can elevate you above karma, above the world, above the Universe… Because it is an Ancient Core of Truth – a Pure Ray. In it there is no createdness, it is Uncreated. At a deeper level it is even Deeper than Uncreatedness. In it, there is no duality – an Absolute Purity. And this leads you towards the Core of the Ancient One.

-And how did it happen that God allowed the Ancient Words to start coming to us again?

-He is one Innate Love towards the Souls and He wants to always draw them towards Himself – such is the Natural Law of Love. It is not something peculiar. God acts… God can only act within the loving ones, in the luminous minds, do not wait for Him to act in other places. (He acts in) the Noble ones.

-This is a special moment in the development of humanity and of the earth.

-He determines it, I do not call it “special”, I call it “A natural moment” because He innately loves the Souls and His Love is Innate, and the Ancient Words are Innate. And everyone will choose the words they like naturally. Because someone will choose one kind of Words, another will choose another kind of Words, but they are… They Penetrate beyond the world and beyond the Universe… One Word is Deeper than the Universe, than the world and the whole of Creation, all of the chaos, which… The chaos is a radiation of the mind in the world. This chaos that you see – this is the radiated mind and its projections. We must enter into the Spirit.

-And in the other epochs of humanity, have the Ancient Words descended?

-Well, they have always descended – in Tibet, in India, I even have a book – Encyclopedia of the mantras – I’ve not looked into it yet. Of many peoples. In Egypt there was also… I personally use Egyptian words, Arabic words, Vatan words, Ancient Words, Appeals towards the Master, towards the Absolute, towards Christ, a prayer towards Melchizedek, towards the Mystery… And so each person needs to have… I like the Arabic ones, I do not divide them. For example, one of my favourite ones – Subhan Allah – God is Sublimely-Pure within my Heart. It is one of my deep ones, that… The nations do not matter, but the feeling you instill – everything is One Whole. Everything is One Whole. The Ancient Words are not divided according to nations, even though they supposedly belong to this or that language.

(Of the prayer practice)

-Well, Zikr (Dhikr) always… Zikr, formulas, prayers – whatever we call it – this is all erasing the world and the civilisation of the mind – the Tree of knowledge. A gradual erasing of everything human, removing the human nature and in the end only the Natural one remains, the Divine one.

-What should the daily programme look like? For someone who starts in the Way now.

-Well, it is very personal, but they must choose at least around 10 formulas according to their own freedom – from the book (Formulas – The Sacred Keys), for example. And in time, if the formulas appeal to them more and more, they will increase them naturally, because the daily programme must be natural, and not for them to begin losing qualities and the programme to become heavy for them… The person must create it in such a way, to choose Essential Formulas…

-And the Ancient Words?

-Also, they are included in this, in the programme. According to personal freedom.

-I.e. formulas and Ancient Words according to their own freedom.


(First comes God and the Master)

-When I make a mistake, I do not ask forgiveness of anyone – I simply confess it before God and ask for advice – for Him to teach me, for Him to improve it and give a method. I have nothing to explain to people because I have not devoted my life to people or to society. I am not interested in neither people nor society – only God – and only then, He knows how I must act towards people. But He comes first.

Eleazar Harash – A friendly conversation about the Way, part 2 – 04 2023

(Of the word “Attention”)

This is a fearsome word… It is a word which is deeper than the world and never creates karma. If you have attentiveness, you cannot create karma. You know your deeds,  especially your secret deeds, your intentions and especially your secret deeds – why you act in this way – and before God, you are pure. What does it matter what the world and people say? For example: the Brotherhood rejects me, or people, or someone of the world – if God has accepted me, what does it matter? Everything falls away.

(Of loyalty)

You can only outgrow the event with the Great loyalty, because God sets this loyalty in motion… He will say to the event, to the difficulty, to the suffering (it is a being) – He will say: “Stay away from my Path!” – with One Great Unity with God, but… This usually means… usually it starts at around 18 hours loyalty a day, dedicated to God, which is hard to achieve, as a whole. This means in the other hours as well, that time – when you are devoted to God, you are devoted during your sleep, as well.

-What do 18 hours (of loyalty) a day look like? Zikr, constant prayers, formulas?

-No… prayers, spiritual work, spiritual thinking, spiritual feeling… Pure intentions, researching those things – this is again spiritual work. Because within God… What does an event mean to God? He creates it and He overcomes it. With the Unity with Him, He overcomes it naturally. It is His servant – all events are set in motion by God, they are His servants.

-So this foretelling of the events that you do, is because there is a way and an opportunity for them to be cancelled?

-Yes. And it is not good to delay, like so many… Some Indians were to become… they have many lifetimes ahead until they become a Buddha. But you do not know what conditions you will find yourself in in your next reincarnation. So you must use the current conditions for loyalty towards God and towards the Unity. And in time, to enter into the Mystical Unity.

-I.e. an event that cannot be cancelled – you are not speaking of it?

-Well, few events can be altered, because you may grow from that event precisely. And why would you want to cancel it, when He has calculated it so that you grow. But it can be shortened time wise. Instead of suffering for 3 years, it could be 2 months.

-So, when it is allowed to speak of something and for it to be predicted and foretold, this is because it can at least be mitigated.

-And even transfigured.



(Of the Third World War)

-And when the Master speaks in His lectures of a Third World War…


-And He mentions that it can be avoided… Why does He speak of it?

-So, if a person changes their decision deeply on some matter, and if they change their way of thinking deeply, then God changes His attitude towards them. There was an occurrence in the Bible when a group of people, one nation, changes… they decide to repent – and God changes their fate, alters the events that await them. Certain events awaited them – heavy ones – and He alters them.

-When we speak of such an event like a Third World War…


-What is necessary for it to be avoided?

-Well, more and more people becoming aware and less people being possessed – by the mind and the fall. But it (the Third World War) does not concern us, even if it happens, if it comes to be… it does not touch our Spirit and Soul. I told you – the Spirit is a Perfect body without body.

 (Of repentance)

-This idea from the Sixth Elder that the biggest sin is not pride, but the incapability for repentance…

-If you do not have the ability to repent, it will be very difficult for you to enter into Development. The proud person, if they remain proud, they are doomed. They will mandatorily be humiliated and crushed. Because they are not walking within what is Right. They do not have this ability. But when they are crushed – they will have the ability – which is a kindness from God. Whoever is crushed, they must desire to become softer. If they are still proud, then they await new… Life… They will be humiliated beforehand, it is known. They will be ruined. Pride does not enter into… it is the opposite of humility.

(Of the approach)

-Everything has been sown, but you can change the sowing now. You can change your approach and God changes His approach towards you, and it is softened. When He sees that you are diligent.

(Of the Toltecs)

The Toltecs as a whole… I’m not sure if there is anything they have not renounced. Including True Love. Including… Because they choose God and not True Love – an even higher level.

(Of repentance)

-Yes, so that… Maybe this will help attain the total repentance which will then sweep them away. Because repentance is not repentance if it is 90%.

-So, we are speaking of… so, repentance itself, of which the Master speaks as a degree, that it has 7 sub-degrees – we are speaking of degrees in repentance.


-It happens many times in your life?

-Many times until the True one comes. Because you can do it, but it may be incomplete, you may be not entirely sincere… When you desire to be completely sincere, He will remind you the small mistakes you have made, in general all mistakes, whatever they may be… And then the mistakes guide you, they disappear, he sweeps them away. He erases them for you, including even murder.

-What the Sixth Elder says: “The True repentance is a Great Touch of God”.


-“If God has allowed True Repentance, you will flow into God.”

-You unload all your karmic spirits. You simply send them into the wind. 

Continued in Part 2 – here.

Jump to: Part 3, Part 4

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Boundlessness – 366 Sacred Thoughts

Compiled by Eleazar Harash

Whoever lives within the Truth, they are Deeper than any aim.

  • the Master Melhoriya

Your sufferings must enlighten your delusions.

  • the Master Melhoriya

If you lose the support of your life – gain certitude.

  • the Master Melhoriya

A person is beautiful when they have created the Boundlessness within themselves.

  • the Master Melhoriya

Sorrow taught me how to fly.

  • Zulayra

If you want to destroy your enemy – help them.

  • Zulayra

Seek Wisdom within the Untempted Ones.

  • Tehuti

God is not created, but He is the Creator of everything.

  • Jacob Boehme

Everyone has life, because the Great Dao is Overflowing.

  • Lao Tzu

The Sage arrives without embarking.

  • Lao Tzu

The Divine Dark is The Inaccessible Light, within which God Himself dwells.

  • Dionysius the Areopagite

Where the wellspring runs dry, there the Boundlessness begins.

  • Morongon

Within Darkness the Most Ancient Eye is Concealed.

  • Azavot Mahariya

Be Boundless, not good.

  • The Priest Atlantean

Show the Eyes of the Boundlessness to fear.

  • The Priest Atlantean

If the Dark envelops you – pierce it, because you are an Ancient Sword.

  • Azavot Mahariya

The Truthful person seeks roads not walked.

  • Heraclitus

The Truthful life is not of this world.

  • Raymond Lull

Listen to your Instant and never trust time.

  • Sorin Cherin

I do not need any festivities. I am always in Blissfulness.

  • Sai Baba

Do not add religion to Purity, so that you do not stain it.

  • Al-Hallaj

The Wise One strikes the trials.

  • Al-Hallaj

The Seeking Soul – this is called Predestination. This is what It has sown.

  • Sorin Cerin

When God is within you, darkness glows and sorrow shines.

  • Al-Hallaj

The Wise One does not have religion, they have God within themselves.

  • Al-Hallaj

Golgotha is an Entrance towards One Ancient Secret.

  • Al-Hallaj

If you cannot find a loyal friend, then become a friend to your own self.

  • Pythagoras

The person is more Supreme than the stars, if they live under the rule of Supreme Wisdom.

  • Paracelsus

If Christ is born thousands of times in Bethlehem, but not within you, you would remain forever lost.

  • Angelus Silesius

No kind of knowledge can replace Purity.

  • Plotinus

Love is the Hymn of Anciency.

  • Orpheus

If you do not respond to the hostile vibrations, then you are not allowing your enemy to cause you evil.

  • Sri Aurobindo

You cannot destroy ignorance with good deeds only. Ignorance is destroyed with Wisdom.

  • Shankara

Golgotha is an Island of Proto-Light.

  • Eleazar Harash

The Good Bird flies in the fog with Certitude.

  • Atlantean Proverb

When you do not know how to act – act Wisely.

  • Atlantean Proverb

When you leave this world, take the Boundlessness with you.

  • Atlantean Proverb

The Inspired One has no destiny. They have only God.

  • Ibn Arabi

Love is my religion.

  • Ibn Arabi

I am overpowered by my Love for God.

  • Mechthild

Awaken God within yourself and you shall be healed.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

God is more Real than you are.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

If God is not within you, all temples are useless.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

The Abyss – this is the always Unborn Absolute.

  • Basilides

There is only one monastery and one only – The Truth. Enter into It.

  • Basilides

There is only one indemnity – God within the person.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

True Rulership is not overt.

  • Serapis Bey

Beatific is the one, who is mad with God.

  • Ramakrishna

The Great Soul does not allow good within Itself, but only God.

  • Juan De La Cruz

You must come to reach this, that you cannot come to know.

  • Juan De La Cruz

The beauty of life consists in the Things Not Understood.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Love will never accept to be understood.

  • Sorin Cerin

Whoever has merged with God, they have overcome Judgement Day.

  • Angelus Silesius

Whatever I may taste, God is the most savory for me.

  • Angelus Silesius

I drink sorrow like honey.

  • Angelus Silesius

Specially chosen sound, rhythm and image, heal illnesses.

  • Pythagoras

The Wise One loves the Unknownness.

  • Lao Tzu

Everything depends not on destiny, but on Wisdom.

  • Maurice Maeterlinck

Destiny cannot act against Love, because Love is found within the Light.

  • Maurice Maeterlinck

The Strongest is that, which is closest to God.

  • Socrates

Anyone can become Christ, if they fulfill the Divine Will.

  • Martinez de Pasqually

The Pure action is Divine-Communion with the Truth.

  • Martinez de Pasqually

It is not the past that is important, but Anciency.

  • Tehuti

Do not speak of God, but live within Him.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

If you are calm in front of the great difficulty, then you know the Power of your Spirit.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

The Truth is an Island of Fire.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

True Knowledge is an attainment of Spirit.

  • Tehuti

Whoever loves the Truth, the Truth arranges their life.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Think that God is close to you and He will truly be close.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Love Inspirits, Wisdom brings sense, Truth makes Divine.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

The first and biggest help towards the person is the thought.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Truth never counts the years, only the Instances.

  • Sorin Cerin

Your Love is your lit candle.

  • Priest Bogomil

Whoever lives within the scriptures and not within God, they miss God.

  • Boyan the Magus

The Boundlessness understands you only if you cannot understand It.

  • Sorin Cerin

Whoever is within God, they are not of the world.

  • Boyan the Magus

Knowledge is a punishment. Wisdom is a gift.

  • Boyan the Magus

Truth does not need candles, but Pure Life.

  • Boyan the Magus

Wisdom is Deeper than events.

  • Merlin

There are Sages Who are beyond the sense of things.

  • Merlin

The Sage never lives in times and epochs. They always live within the Spirit, in Timelessness.

  • Merlin

Love is above the Cosmos. When the Cosmos is in desolation, Love is Untouchable.

  • Tehuti

If your Love has not engulfed your knowledge, you are in danger.

  • Tehuti

Divinity has existed always beyond the desolations of all civilisations.

  • Tehuti

This Ancient and Shining Fire descended and turned into the Woman.

  • Tehuti

Whoever has fallen in Love with the Truth, they will be led into their Boundless Way.

  • Tehuti

When you are within God, you have Boundless Eyes.

  • Tehuti

That, which you have done with Love – this is your Secret future.

  • Tehuti

When God Loves you, He sends you a True Master.

  • Tehuti

The Wise One does not enter into battle and this is why nothing can rival them.

  • Lao Tzu

The one who conquers themselves has True Power.

  • Lao Tzu

The Wise One acts according to Truth and never seeks support in laws.

  • Lao Tzu

Whoever practices Dao knows that all else is unnecessary.

  • Lao Tzu

Whoever follows Dao is Free; whoever follows themselves is a slave.

  • Lao Tzu

The Pure action gains the Truthful Knowledge.

  • Lao Tzu

Only the Pure Action knows the Great Way.

  • Lao Tzu

Be Truthful and you will be in Unity.

  • Lao Tzu

Water is soft, but it can smite everything.

  • Lao Tzu

 Peace is the removing of the worlds.

  • Lao Tzu

Purity is the Secret Way.

  • Lao Tzu

The Wise One drinks Peace and Boundlessness.

  • Lao Tzu

When Dao is with you, the danger is harmless.

  • Lao Tzu

Whoever is in agreement with Dao, they govern themselves in the Right way.

  • Lao Tzu

The one who loves Truth a lot, they see a lot.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

When God directs His attention towards the person, He kills everything within them, which is not God.

  • Al-Hallaj

The Love towards God surpasses all methods.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

The one who learns from God cannot be led by the world.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

The Truth within the person can handle everything.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Be Truthful, so that you have God on your side.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Whoever wants to attain the True Love, they must sacrifice themselves for God entirely.

  • The Kabbalah

When the Ancient One descended, He turned into Love, and there – above – He is Boundlessness.

  • The Kabbalah

When everything has been taken away from you, have Supreme Love towards God.

  • The Kabbalah

Do not seek the Truth in history, seek it within yourself.

  • The Kabbalah

Evil is relative, it is not real even when it destroys.

  • The Concealed Zohar

The world has fallen in consequence of the Concealing of the Secret Teaching.

  • The Concealed Zohar

The Promised Land – this is attaining God within yourself.

  • The Concealed Zohar

The Ecstatic Inspiration is above every Teaching.

  • Abraham Abulafia

Whoever does not have True Knowledge, they cannot gain their Soul.

  • The Kabbalah

The Truth is big grief for the impure ones.

  • The Kabbalah

Whoever does not have one great notion of God, they cannot receive support from the Truth.

  • The Kabbalah

Whoever sees the Face of the Secret, they gain something which is not found in the world.

  • The Kabbalah

Whoever finds themselves in darkness and rises up, they bring joy to God.

  • The Kabbalah

Whoever has destroyed evil within themselves, they attain Salvation.

  • Isaac Luria

The True person is sculpted by the Boundlessness.

  • Isaac Luria

Prayer is a Way of gradual returning into God.

  • Isaac Luria

Prayer has the Power to change even the decisions of God.

  • Isaac Luria

Your choice, sown today – this will be your destiny.

  • The Kabbalah

In order to receive True help, you must want it with your Soul.

  • The Kabbalah

The more you think of God, the more you mend yourself.

  • Abendana

When you love, you learn to give birth to the Boundlessness within yourself.

  • Sorin Cerin

The striving for knowledge is the act of humans. The striving for God is an act of God.

  • Abendana

Success in this world is attaining the Sublime Love.

  • The Kabbalah

Whoever has no fear of God, they will fear themselves.

  • The Kabbalah

God is a Fearsome Sublimity.

  • The Kabbalah

What is Love? A Boundless Reverence before the Ancient Unknown.

  • The Kabbalah

Since I saw the Almighty, I understand nothing of the transient anymore.

  • Rabi Shimon

If you see God, or if you do not see Him – it is all the same, because He is indescribable.

  • M. Cordovero

The Ancient One is Pure Shining without form.

  • Isaac Luria

The meeting with God is striking, it transforms the person forever.

  • Isaac Luria

The Living Spirit is One, always living. His end has no end.

  • Sefer Yetzirah

Within the Pure Heart, Eternity is Concealed.

  • Abulafia

The Word makes Divine.

  • Zarathustra

As much as you enter into the Word, that much you are healed. The Word is the Great Reality.

  • Zarathustra

Whoever speaks in the Right way, and does not act in the Right way, they will be warped by the Truth.

  • Zarathustra

Life can be governed only through True Knowledge.

  • Zarathustra

Beauty – this is the Magnificence of Truth.

  • Plato

The Word is a bigger Bestowment than the human life.

  • Basilides

Eternity is for the Pure ones. The Abyss, the Boundlessness is for the Divine ones.

  • Basilides

God does not commune with religion, but with the Truth within the person.

  • Basilides

“Know thyself” – this is a life within Truth.

  • Basilides

The person does not become Purified by practices, but by coming to know the Truth.

  • Basilides

Every person must make their darkness radiant.

  • Basilides

Every seeker of God really seeks only one thing: to restore their Entirety.

  • Basilides

Do not ask Sufi, but hear them, because Sufi is the answer, and not the question.

  • Sufism

Sufi is the only Being who never wants to alter anything.

  • Sufism

Sufi is the one who in their poverty and destitution praises the generosity of God.

  • Sufism

Interact a lot with God and little with people.

  • Saidani

For Sufi, if one forgets God even for a moment, this is heresy.

  • Sufism

When you are without God, abundance is also poor.

  • Sufism

For Sufi big limitations are a celebration.

  • Sufism

Only those ones have True experience, who have attained Total Union with God.

  • Bayazid Bastami

Whoever has seen the Truth, they no longer need any Teaching.

  • Sufism

There is no other world – we are always within ourselves.

  • Saint-Martin

Sufi is akin to God – they are not living, they are Boundless.

  • Sufism

God is one internally defined Essence. The Absolute is one undefined Essence eternally.

  • Stanislas de Guaita

Every one has the need to ask something of You. I have come to ask You to give myself to You.

  • Ansari

When Sufi finds themselves in a bad mood, they rob the bad mood.

  • Sufism

The one who is Truthful – all temples are in their Soul.

  • Sufism

The person does not exist before God, only before others.

  • Sufism

The Boundlessness hears you only if you do not ask It anything.

  • Romanian Wisdom

The Daoist practices only one practice – the Boundlessness.

  • Chuang Tzu

Whenever the Truthful person appears, True Knowledge appears also.

  • Chuang Tzu

The Wise One brings sense to senseless things, and the foolish one makes sensible things senseless.

  • Chuang Tzu

The world does not need rules and rites, but Dao.

  • Chuang Tzu

The Anciency sends us Truths, not history.

  • Moses

If the person does not find God within themselves, they will go to Holy places in vain.

  • Ramakrishna

Only God is necessary to you – all other things will come after.

  • Ramakrishna

When the person comes to know themselves, the end of the world occurs.

  • Valentinus

God is the Power that makes evil nonexistent.

  • Basilides

If you do not have God’s Love, evil will befall you.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

If evil is outside of the person, and it is not within – then it is harmless.

  •  The Master Peter Deunov

If you bring one word to life – it will do everything for you.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

One good act is a beautiful being, who is smiling to you.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

The Fearsome Fire within the Prayer – this is God in action.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

If I have given my place to God – I have become a Master of Myself.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Never arrange your life without God.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

I can give you something, which is not found even in Eternity.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

God is home, but we have gone out for a walk.

  • Meister Eckhart

In order to come to know one thing Deeply, you must engage your entire life.

  • Meister Eckhart

True Knowledge is Absolute Peace.

  • Meister Eckhart

God in His Essence is not something existing – this would limit Him.

  • Meister Eckhart

Within Nothingness, nothing else can come to Life, but God.

  • Meister Eckhart

Self-renunciation is so close to the Nothingness, that within it only God is contained.

  • Meister Eckhart

When the understanding comes, then Sacred Words come.

  • Native American Wisdom

Knowledge understood in a wrong way, inevitably becomes an enemy.

  • Native American Wisdom

If you have mastered yourself – everything surrounding you will be under your rule.

  • Native American Wisdom

There are no illnesses, only an accumulation of weaknesses.

  • Native American Wisdom

Energy is found everywhere, but Power is not. Power must be summoned.

  • Native American Wisdom

The Way of Life is the True Way – this Way is Sacred.

  • Native American Wisdom

The Sacred Ways are the Primordial Science.

  •  Native American Wisdom

I love these people, who revere God without a bible.

  • Native American Wisdom

I love these people, who abide the Divine Laws without ever having read or heard them.

  • Native American Wisdom

We are all taught by One and the Same God.

  • Native American Wisdom

Power is set in motion only when the Ancient Requirements have been observed.

  • Native American Wisdom

If you believe that something is alive, it is alive.

  • Native American Wisdom

All religions are part of the Great Spirit.

  • Native American Wisdom

Return into yourself and the Secret will Gaze upon you.

  • The Second Elder

It is Love, that becomes health.

  • Boyan the Magus

The Testament of Life is: Live constantly with God!

  • Boyan the Magus

Whoever has entered into Truth, they determine the events on their own.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

Love is more supreme than the stake. The stake may be extinguished, but Love is never extinguished.

  • Boyan the Magus

The stake is the Pure Way towards the Secret of God.

  • Anoriha

Whoever burns out for God, they attain Him.

  • Anoriha

The Invisible is everything – we live within It.

  • Boyan the Magus

Love is our Inspiration. The stake is our Celebration.

  • Priest Bogomil

That, which you are stintless towards, gives you Power.

  • Indian Wisdom

The True Striving within you – this is God.

  • Indian Wisdom

Everything that is happening is Sublime.

  • Indian Wisdom

Religion is temporary. The Universe is temporary. Love is Eternal. Love is Secluded Eternity.

  • The First Elder

One Ancient and Great Reasonableness observes the entire Universe.

  • The First Elder

O, Allah, you inflicted the inquisition upon me in order to give me Yourself.

  • Al-Hallaj

Whoever has come to know God, they never ask about Him.

  • Bayazid Bastami

Coming to know God personally gives the person Completeness and Control over themselves.

  • Al-Junayd  

Do not commune with the one who cannot help you after death.

  • Malik Ibn Dinar

When God gazes upon you only once, you will attain everything that is necessary forever.

  • Bayazid Bastami

The True Doer of everything is God.

  • Bayazid Bastami

Do not consider what you cannot understand, to be a lie.

  • Al-Ghazali

We live among one inhabited Invisible World.

  • Eleazar Harash

If you must overdo something, overdo being Grateful!

  • Eleazar Harash

The Eyes of the Soul are found within the Pure Heart.

  • Eleazar Harash

If you live within God, you have foreseen everything.

  • Eleazar Harash

You are Wise when you approach things from One Secret, Deeper than the world.

  • Eleazar Harash

Enlightenment is soaring above thinking.

  • Eleazar Harash

The most Secret Words which you pronounce Deep within yourself, shape your life.

  • Eleazar Harash

The Wise One attains a Life which is not found in the world.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

If you have Divine Love, then God is planning your life. If you have human love, then others are planning your life.

  • Eleazar Harash

The Dynamic Faith acts as one Mighty Living Being in the Invisible world.

  • Eleazar Harash

The bad state within the person is also a Bestowment from God. It is a Bestowment from another quality of God.

  • Sufism

Only Love will save you from your own self.

  • Jami

O, Allah, I cannot be satiated with You!

  • Rumi

Sufi – this is a day which needs no Sun.

  • Al-Harakani

God is the Creator of all events and so you must observe with a Mystic Eye.

  • Sufism

God tolerates evil because God wants to save the world from one bigger evil.

  • Sufism

If, except God, you also see something else – this is a disgrace.

  • Sufism

Love is a Sword which cuts time and everything transient.

  • Ruzbihan

Only God is Worthy of True Love.

  • Al-Ghazali

Sufi is a Seeker who disappears in Seeking God.

  • Sufism

Where there is True Knowledge, there are no real troubles.

  • Sufism

Within difficulties the salvation of the unhappy ones is concealed.

  • Sufism

When you love God unceasingly, your enemies are locked away by God.

  • Sufism

Sufi is a Sun, but they know that they are a shadow of God.

  • Sufism

If within the Word there is no Quiet, there is no Wisdom, either.

  • The Elder Mavahari

Inspiration overcomes the Universe.

  • Orpheus

The Heart is a Concealed Sanctuary.

  • Orpheus

Life is the way downward, and death is a returning upward.

  • Orpheus

God is unsullied because He is Untouchable.

  • Orpheus

For the Glory of God, we carry within us Sacred Humility.

  • Orpheus

The Way is revealed by the Rays of your own Truth.

  • Orpheus

The Strong Water goes upwards.

  • Persian Wisdom

If the person lives within the Truth, what is untruthful will die.

  • Zarathustra

The Truth can be mastered only by becoming a part of It.

  • Tehuti

When Speechlessness speaks, this is the Word.

  • Ancient Egypt

The Truthful person can undo what has been predetermined by God.

  • Hasidism

The Truthful person creates God’s Word.

  • Hasidism

For the one who believes – there are no questions; for the one who does not believe – there are no answers.

  • Hasidism

The future is not something that awaits us – it is something that we create.

  • Sufism

The Wise One has Shining grief.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

All of Sufi’s thoughts – both apparent and secret – are Light.

  • Sufism

Do not renounce evil, but renounce your evil.

  • Sufism

Monasticism is concealed not in the monastery, but within the heart of the person.

  • Sufism

Within the Secret of God, Satan is subdued.

  • Sufism

The creation of Satan is a sign of the Great Rule of God.

  • Sufism

If you seek God in a visible way – He will be concealed; if you seek Him in a Secret way – He will be Apparent.

  • Attar

Before Creation, God dwelled within His Own Self.

  • Ibn Arabi

As long as you are attached to the earthly, for you the Good News will never come.

  • Attar

Do not come to know the Truth through people! Come to know the Truth trough Itself!

  • Ali Ibn Talib

The Wise One is not under the influence of the stars.

  • Omraam

If the murderer escapes human justice, they will not escape Divine Justice.

  • Omraam

The Spirit never depends on circumstances.

  • Omraam

People seek something new, something original in life, but not the Truth.

  • Omraam

Whoever lacks Humility, they will not see what is Essential and Primary in life.

  • Omraam

God speaks very quietly and does not insist.

  • Omraam

Make it so that in your Heart, there lives a Sage.

  • the Priest-Atlantean

Whoever sincerely seeks the Truth – they will find It.

  • Omraam

If the person does not develop one exceptionally sincere attitude towards Truth, they become an enemy of themselves.

  • Atlantean Wisdom

The Truthful Knowledge moves quietly among people – without any noise and proclamation, it is Imperceptible.

  • The Toltecs

Impeccability overcomes all the kinds of difficult times.

  • The Toltecs

If you begin to love Truth firmly, evil will only gesture and grimace.

  • The Toltecs

You originate from that, which you bow down to.

  • Atlantean Wisdom

The Truthful person does not belong to society, but to the Truth.

  • Atlantean Wisdom

Impeccability is the destroyer of the old way of thinking.

  • The Toltecs

There do not exist any successes and victories – the person must seek only their Ancient Divinity.

  • The Toltecs

Without the Truth people cannot comprehend anything in the Right way.

  • The Toltecs

Self-Purification is Self-Liberation.

  • Chan Buddhism

Speaking the Truth you come to know your Primordial Heart.

  • Bodhidharma

In Chan the ordinary turns out to be Marvelous.

  • Chan Buddhism

Firmly choose to follow the Truth and evil will let you go on your Way.

  • Bodhidharma

The Truthful Seeker has not come in order to attain a priest’s garments, but to attain the Truth.

  • Hueinen

The one who is able to purify themselves, they are a Buddha.

  • Chan Buddhism

The forest changes – the trees turn into white cranes.

  • Chan Buddhism

If you have the Pure Approach, the surrounding world cannot control you.

  • Chan Buddhism

It is not the world that exists, but only the Boundlessness.

  • Basilides

Be a lantern unto your own self.

  • Buddha

The Truthful person has a Gracious Root.

  • Buddhism

When you are calm, everything external disappears.

  • Chan Buddhism

You cannot drive a nail into the Boundlessness.

  • Chan Buddhism

Walk around in sandals until Wisdom grants you shoes.

  • Avicenna

My poor home is illuminated by my Heart.

  • Jami

I am pitiful, Oh Allah, but my life is devoted to You.

  • Jami

Control of the Word is ahead of the world.

  • the Priest-Atlantean

He has a Great Sense – He feels even the little foot of the ant. If a stone shifts under the water, He knows it.

  • Hakim Sanai

Until you throw away your sword, you will not be able to become a shield.

  • Hakim Sanai

The Gaze of Love does not see imperfections.

  • Al-Ghazali

Be strict without roughness and soft without weakness.

  • Al-Ghazali

Your True fortune is in this, which you cannot lose in a shipwreck.

  • Al-Ghazali

Only the Wise One can give something to suffering.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

The Pure Heart has its own Wisdom which surpasses all sciences of the world.

  • Rumi

If you still have not seen the devil, look inside of yourself.

  • Rumi

Whoever is able to live in the present in the Right way, they have worked in the Right way in the past.

  • Rumi

You would not be looking for Him, if He had not already found you.

  • Rumi

The True Power is due to a Blessing – a Great Added Power.

  • Native American Wisdom

Spirits are more True than matter.

  • Native American Wisdom

When you are one with God, you are the Supreme Weapon.

  • Eleazar Harash

When God manifests, He remains Concealed.

  • Eleazar Harash

If the person has God within themselves, they are above the holy scriptures.

  • Eleazar Harash

If God utters silence, silence speaks.

  • Eleazar Harash

The True Seeker attains the Absence.

  • Eleazar Harash

Whoever is a master of themselves – they can subdue others.

  • Eleazar Harash

Whoever has a Sacred Idea within themselves – they are liberated from their earthly pathlessness.

  • Eleazar Harash

Love is the inability to do evil.

  • Eleazar Harash

We are expecting God, yet He is here.

  • Eleazar Harash

Humility is a Mystical Gospel.

  • Eleazar Harash

Deep within the person – there is the problem, not in the world.

  • Eleazar Harash

Whoever seeks the Truth, God Himself will instruct them.

  • Eleazar Harash

The Quiet is not a matter of silence, but a matter of an Essence of Depth.

  • Eleazar Harash

The Quiet is the Completeness of the Abyss.

  • Eleazar Harash

Purity is more important than the future.

  • Eleazar Harash

If you live within the Truth, does it matter what the world says?

  • Eleazar Harash

“Aamora Ravaron!” – O, Darkness, shine within me!

  • Ancient Native American Wisdom

Sufferings were created in order to kill the evil within you and to Raise up your Spirit.

  • Melchizedek

When Goodness does not interact with Wisdom, it becomes evil.

  • Melchizedek

Everything is paid off with Pure Behaviour, not with immolation.

  • Essenes

If you knew how to suffer, then you would have the strength to not suffer.

  • Christ (Apocryphs)

Whoever smiles at suffering, they can control it and transform it.

  • Thich Nhat Hahn

The Divine Truth is beyond experience.

  • Dionysius the Areopagite

Gnosis is the permission by God to see Him.

  • Basilides

We are before Immortality – it came later, and death came later still.

  • Yajnavalkya

If you know the Secret of Life, your death becomes Boundlessness and Freedom.

  • The Priest-Atlantean

Within the Depths – there the Incomprehensible Clarity awaits you.

  • The Priest-Atlantean

Become aware of yourself within every living being!

  • Buddha

Whoever pronounces bad words, they tighten a knot around themselves.

  • Buddhism

The one who knows Truth, they have defeated all worlds.

  • Buddhism

Whoever acquires Truth, they attain Peace.

  • Buddhism

The Sage is Brahman – Spirit.

  • Sai Baba

There is no such instance in which God does not take part.

  • Sai Baba

If you know, what could I tell you? If you do not know, what could I tell you?

  • Baha al-Din Walad

Whoever is able to listen, they give birth to the Pure Way within themselves.

  • Egyptian Wisdom

The broken heart – this is a precious personal experience.

  • African proverb

Only the Quiet is able to speak.

  • Arabic Wisdom

 They asked a Bedouin of the Desert: “What do you stock up on for winter?”. He said: “On Patience”.

  • Arabic Wisdom

Remember the Absent One and He will come Close.

  • Arabic Wisdom

To understand God – everything else depends on this.

  • Swedenborg

Whoever has God within themselves, they are saved.

  • Swedenborg

When God gives Himself – this surpasses everything.

  • Jan van Ruysbroeck

If you have Faith all the hardships and obstacles are powerless.

  • Paracelsus

The Secret of Life is – when God gives you Himself.

  • The Master Peter Deunov

Compiled by Eleazar Harash

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel