Laws of Life – 24.5.1990
The Spirit kills every speech.
Of God, of Love, should not be spoken.
“What is God?” is the most unreasonable question in the world – says the Master.
The Third Eye can be transmitted by one Higher will; it is achieved by the Inner qualities. The Fire which resides there can handle all powers and energies.
Whoever achieves the Third Eye has defeated death (the end of reincarnations).
Kundalini is opened through a lot of sufferings and trials. When your close ones are torturing you, these are very valuable trials. When trials are given, they are calculated to be weaker than your willpower.
God is found within every problem.
The Primordial human was Kundalini – this is connected to the law of Purity, a Fiery Principle.
“We work for Christ and death is our profit”- Saint John of Rila.
We must not seek salvation from the outside. It is in our thought. The Spirit is within us, God is in us. He is in our trials, in our sufferings. Obstacles help, they do not hinder.
If a person is weak, the danger becomes very strong. Everything is a technique of tranquility.
Through Kundalini you enter into the world of Truth.
Truth and Purity are kindred, therefore the Truth is given to the Pure ones.
The mind does not like Wisdom.
When you meditate with perseverance – this is a sign that the Spirit has entered in you. If you are not persistent in prayer, then the mind is working.
Perseverance is the most Supreme power.
One of the goals of sufferings is to make us more loving, more humble. Often times, people close to us are chosen to torture us, to haunt us.
It is considered that death is a law of ignorance. Death has the purpose of destroying the dark forces. During death, Satan loses power over the particular Soul. There is death on the other planets, as well.
For the following reincarnations the Angels calculate the parents, through whom the person will continue to develop, will unfold their nice qualities.
One of the secret names of God is the Pentagram – it means a Fiery willpower. The Pentagram, this is the synthetised Spirit. The Pentagram requires above-earthly qualities, which is the True Reality. Only the person of the Fiery willpower can develop these qualities: Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice, Virtue.
Formula: “God, place a Mighty Fiery guard on all our gatherings”.
Bad fate is found only in our thought.
True Life is a life without doubt.
One of the main laws of True health is morality. Without morality the psychic health collapses.
As long as there is astral, there is no knowledge of Kundalini.
Truth is a gate, through which the Spirit passes. This is accumulating energy for our future.
The Flood is one of the secret moves of God. The Flood is a mighty, powerful elemental dynamic of the White Brothers. The Pure ones survive and they are given a new sky, land or another planet. During the Flood, it becomes clear who belongs to the Black and who – to the White Brotherhood.
The Pure qualities are powers in which the Supreme beings are instilled.
Purity – it means indestructibility. The Pure Love is God and God is Love.
In the Diamond Willpower the energy of Love is intensified.
The Flood rules out the impure ones.
Science is an external wisdom. Religion is an internal wisdom. Occultism is Divine Wisdom.
Kabballah – an inner attainment of God, but not in His most Sublime part. He will remain in eternal Secret, so that there is development.
Love is the most magical occult power. In it the person is Spirit, the barrier disappears.
When the person is mind, the temptations can take over them. When we fail in life, this is the mind.
Raja Yoga – means that God Himself is Raja – composed of the Pure Word, Pure thought.

Evil is a scarcity of light.
Truth will never be given to inconstant people.
Sufferings cultivate the heart, contradictions – the mind. Contradictions are a sign of poor thinking. If you have contradictions – you are a poor mind, if you do not have any – you are Spirit.
Meditation is a law for destroying the world, it attracts light particles. When a person is devoted to meditation – within them the Spirit is speaking.
Tranquility is the protection of God. Tranquility is a Fiery Power. It is above all sciences and religions, directly connected to God.
A little eating, a little sleeping and a lot of work.
With the thought – there is expansion, and with the feelings – tension.
True concentration surpasses the vibrations of light.
The person is God in development. God can develop in a person with strong striving, not with an ordinary one.
Unreasonableness turns into unhappiness.
When you make a Fiery decision – this means a new preordination of destiny – only then do helpers come, on the basis of the Fiery decision.
The impure ones do not have a Fiery consciousness, idea, striving.
Small things must not be ignored. The Truth is found in the details. The Master, the White Brothers, want determined, immutable people.
The mind is what forms karma and meditation ties up the mind.
Kundalini is a key to a Supreme existence, an inner observation of the cosmos.
Purity forms the inner, occult eye.
The five poor feelings must be defeated.
Only through Purity do the invisible things become visible.
The opening of the Third eye is your cosmic right.
All formulas are guardians of your chakras. Chakras are energy vortexes, centres of clear sight.
Purity leads to Unity with God and to salvation.
Formula: “God, you deal with this danger”.
12 A.M. – the hour of Wisdom.
When a person who is sick is being cured, they have to agree to it. There is a small sacrifice needed from them – to let go of some things.
Formula: “God, teach me to attain inner and outer Purity”. This formula is repeated at least 100 times and more. This is an idea fasting. When you are saying the formula, imagine yourself as the Sun, spreading rays of light. This image must be in the Third eye. The rays mean full participation of the Spirit – this is the Sun. All hardships are ice and all formulas – rays.
We imagine danger as a sugar cube in a glass of water: the hands (fingers) are inside the glass, pronounced is the formula: “God, as this sugar is melting, may my hardship melt”. The glass symbolises the Moon.
In hardships, in dangers, you must see the people who hate you – in them hides the disguised Master.
The True knowledge is something internal.
For the enemies – a mighty blessing. Scatter the devils in them, melt down the evil. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged”.
A blessing for people, animals, plants: “Aum, Love and understanding”.
True Love between two people exists only when God has blessed that Love.
Formula: “God, kill the evil within this Soul”.
Bad qualities have a foul odour. When such a person is in front of you, imagine the image of a rose and its fragrance.
Christ and the Master were present when the world was created.
Materialism was created so that it can be defeated.
Psalms are pure Kabballah.
All Divine Powers are concealed in the Word.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel