Questions of the Children towards Eleazar Part 17 –…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
Questions of the Children towards Eleazar Part 17 – Shining, Alexander, Adelina and Loa’s questions – 21.12.2024
1. Shining: What is the colour of the Inner Fire in the person?
2. Alexander: Is God visible or invisible?
3. Where do the biggest sufferings come from?
4. Adelina: Who is the creator of Egypt?
5. What is new is born in contradictions.
6. Loa: Does the Devil truly exist?
7. In February: Epilepsy in children…
-Let us say a protective formula.
– Yes, yes.
-Hello friends, today is Part 17of our series Questions of the Children towards Eleazar. Today Shining, Alexander, Adelina and Loa will be our guests with their questions. And the first question from Shining: What is the colour of the Inner Fire in the person?
-Yes. Golden children, golden questions.
-Yes, yes.
-In Anciency it was white, a White Current of Proto-Light. Then this Current descended and became gold, and later – gold-red. I will say some things about the colour white: Sublimity, harmony, purity. In Egypt – Magnificence, or the Pure Humility, is white, because it perceives only Love. – the matter is of the pure humility. In whiteness, you are not there, you are nothing, Nothingness. A Blissful colour. The colour white is the Way towards Nothingness, it is nourished by Nothingness. Peace is white because it is life in the Nothingness, in the Centre, and in the Centre the world has been removed. Loyalty, True Loyalty is also white because it, too, goes towards its Centre. The colour white is Pure Spirit. I will explain: the Spirit grows most in the colour white, in the Nothingness, i.e. in the Pure Action. The Pure action is white. The colour white is Concealed Depth. The white does not create karma because it is an act of God, the All-Wise One. In the white God Himself gushes. The colour white is the Nothingness, the victory over evil. That was it.
-Yes. Okay, Alexander’s second question: Is God visible or invisible?
-For the truly aware person of Love, God is visible. God is concealed in an apparent way both when we see Him and when we do not see Him. He is concealed in Nothingness, but through Unity He is close to us, and if He decides to reveal Himself to us, we experience Him and precisely through Love, we know that this is Him. God decides for whom to be visible, apparent and close, and for whom to be concealed and distant. This happens through the power of the illusion, which He governs and that is why He may seem distant, but He is always by your side. He may seem distant, but be next to you – but for the pure and aware person, He is always close. Closer than we are close to ourselves. In True Love towards Him, God gives Himself to us, and this is a meeting of what is Secret with what is Secret, and this is something that happens apparently and clearly in the Internal. The truly loyal one sees Him in all religions and teachings, but most of all they see Him in Love, Wisdom and in Truth. The pure loyalty itself is a supreme attitude towards God and it itself has seen Him, and that is precisely why it is loyalty, but it must seek Him, study Him and see Him through an awareness on a Deeper level and dimension, because God is Mystical.
–Yes, you recently shared with me that according to the Kabbalah – I understood it so – the greatest sufferings for the person come from their ego and their attitude towards things.
–Yes, all problems – this is the ego, which is separateness from God. All suffering is an old, an ancient, different kinds of separateness from God. And without suffering there is no returning – the ego… Osho says: If you have ego, you do not need a devil, it is enough.
-And the biggest problems of people, says the Kabbalah, depend and originate from one thing, from one word – interaction. Interaction with people, with objects, with… And when the interactions are not right, many consequences originate from there.
-I.e. from this… there are no reasons?
-No, your… Your interaction that you’ve developed, that you must rework. And here, it applies towards the enemies, as well, and towards this… because, the Master… I recently came across, (He) says: Criticism is an abnormal world. – There is simply something wrong there and it will remain that way
-In simple words… Recently, “Thoughts for Every Day”…
-Okay, Adelina’s third question, a very nice question: Who is the creator of Egypt?
– Yes.
-Little Addie.
-Ah… The Conception of the Only One. Egypt is speech of the Mystery, a part of God Himself. It is a country – then, as it was – without time. Even death is alive here. This is a Breath of an Ancient, Invisible Civilization that has descended and has gone out, into time, without being time. In order to understand the secrets of Egypt, skill is required. You must be able to enter into their way of thinking. Meaning: You must be Ancient or part of the Anciency, and only then will you have the Gaze necessary for Egypt. The ancient Egyptians did not know the division of material and spiritual. By the way, it is the same with the Taoists as well – there is no separation, there is no consciousness of separation. So, the Ancient Egyptians did not know the division of material and spiritual, and this is why, this is not a religion, but a Holy Religion, a Sacred one, which is Complete. Here everything is Holy – both the animals and plants, and death, and life and the river, and Love… And that is why Thoth says… The Tale says of Thoth that he is a Great Revelation of the Proto-Reason – Thoth himself – of the Sublime Reason. And the world is said to have been created from one single word: Hekau – An ancient word uttered by Thoth.
-The world?
-Yes, this is a fearsome being of the Ancient Deities, merged with the Absolute itself, the Sublime One. Thoth says that Truth is the Secret Soul of the Ancient One. In Ancient Egypt, the feelings, the Divine feelings, were considered to be a Door, channels for communion with the Gods and the Supreme Beings, dimensions. I.e. these feelings make a connection to other worlds, and for the Holy People this was something so natural, so simple, but I have spoken of Egypt.
-Yes. The people who call us… it shows that they live in very difficult, trying times, with many trials. Would you say something as… To these people who… As an approach to have, in order to solve these difficulties that they are in?

-Well, the world is being reorganised. The Master says that the best thing in the world… for the second time I came across it again recently – is suffering. He says: “The new is being born”… “Where is the new being born” – the Master, asks a question and answers. – “in contradictions” – They are very dear now, in order to… For disciples to make a leap. By the way, very interesting, recently, about the war… Fearsome is the Master as simplicity, He is Sublime. He says: “People ask who will win…” – see, He said it even then; and now: Whether Ukraine…- “That does not concern us, what concerns us is which nation will attain the Divine Love” – this is the measure. So that they can save themselves from the following karma and so on. Look, such fearsome style, with simplicity. This is Zen style, this is Zen: to say profound things. The Essential. Not who will win, what does it matter… Lao Tzu denies victories and heroism – they create resistance, they create enemies, new karmas… Heroism is something doomed – defeat yourself! However, how would you understand Lao Tzu and the Master easily… If you do not train every day: self-restraint, mastery over one’s self, in order to discern, right.
-Yes. When the Master says “us”, He means the Great Brotherhood, the Heavens, God Himself? -The True brotherhood, yes.
-Yes, so resistance is not recommended in a situation of increased…
-It increases evil, that is what the devil wants – fighting.
-Fighting, war, quarrels, quarrels…
-And what does the Master want at a moment like this?
-Love, humility, acceptance, and when you enter into this Divine Love, only then you are able to know what is Justice and what is not. And you will never start defending any Justice because it is ridiculous, isn’t it. When you are in Love, it is protected in itself, Love. How would you protect the Master, God or the Truth, they do not need you, they are the measure.
–So, Loa’s fourth question, the little one is very funny. Loa from Sweden: Does the devil really exist? – he asks his mother. And his mother answers him: Yes, because he is the father of all bad things, but God has allowed this, in order to test us. And Loa answers himself and draws the conclusion: Aha – says Loa – so the devil is strong, but God is able to defeat him in an arm-wrestling match.
-Yes, yes.
-How will you comment on this?
-So: Does he really exist? The devil is an unreal reality and he exists – because of this – only seemingly. If he were a real reality, he would be eternal, boundless, and events would have been completely different. God is the Real Reality, but a concealed one, and for whom it is necessary – an apparent one. The devil is in all mortal people, and they form the end of the world. The devil has as much power in the world, as the person allows him in themselves – he has no greater power. God leads everything towards development and Sublimity. The devil stalls this movement towards development in order for the True Striving of the awakened one to be formed. The devil is an illusion which does not exist, but it influences. In fact, illusion affects the illusion. The devil is a phenomenon beyond what is human, but he can be reflected and as a whole, to be reflected in the person. God uses the power of the devil in order to bring us back from the unreal reality into the Real Reality which is Him. The devil does not know the Truth and God, the Real Reality. God has created the illusion in order for us to seek Him and that is why the illusion is important. For example, I am reminded: The illusion is not found in the angelic world. The angels are not able to have contrast and to seek Him. We have been given this – to seek Him, to find Him, to merge, to begin to live in Him. Angels do not have the chance to become Gods. Simple.
-Thank you. During the month of February, Dani, Isabella, Alexander, Presiyan, Yanislav and his mother will be our guests with their questions. And I will read the question that the mother asks on behalf of both of them. And so: How can a mother help her child who was born with epilepsy and at seven years old, it does not yet know her? What can the mother do for such a child, and what can the child do for itself, even though it does not understand its own condition?
-Yes, yes, we will answer. Otherwise, the announcement?
-Let us make an announcement.
-On Saturday, April 26th, in FCC Varna, Hall 1, at around 5 p.m. The topic is: “Love and Mysticism” – together with our deep friend Guru Tan, 8 Magazine and so on.
-Yes, and ‘’The Master and disciple’’ bookstore – we will have a new event.
-Yes, and the bookstore.
-Okay, thank you.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel