


Eleazar Harash: The Aware Choice – New Year’s message…


Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation

We shall make one New Year’s message for our Souls, for the Trembling Souls and for those who follow our things.

So, here, on Earth, the big question is: Which reality will you choose – Satan and the world, or God and the Master – i.e. Love, Wisdom and Truth. It is not Satan and evil, which bring us peril, but our choice, our path, our way of thinking. The Sages, the Initiates and the Masters gradually transfigure people by removing them from this other reality, called the world, or knowledge. Because knowledge is not Love and therefore, it is death. The Secret of the answer is concealed within the heart of the disciples. People wonder at the world: what kind of reality is this. And the awakened and aware ones follow the Way of the Master, i.e. Love, Wisdom and Truth, and they transfigure this old deluded Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which has lost Love. And otherwise, there is much knowledge. The way of knowledge is fatal. Here, Satan leads people and they accumulate experience, but experience without Love, and this is a failed experience, until they awaken at some point in time. This world is one separate and peculiar reality, a made up reality, and God knew that Satan would create it. But God always walks ahead of the world and this made up… and ahead of this made up reality, and He waits for the person’s awakening. Because this is a reality without Love, without a Way and without an Essence. But within people themselves, there is one Concealed Reality and through it, if they hear it, they (can) strive internally, in a powerful and pure way, towards God and the Master. And then God will begin to separate them from the world and He will resurrect the Essence of the Soul and of the Spirit within them. The battle of these two realities, of the world and of God, is within the person, and in the Way of the firm choice of the person, it depends which way they will go: towards God and the Master, or towards death. Where God and the Master have entered, death dies, evil dies and the world dies, and only God and the Master remain – the Pure Primordial Reality. This is it.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Questions of the Children towards Eleazar, pt. 16 –…

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation

Questions of the Children towards Eleazar, pt. 16 – 21.12.2024

Iliya, Karla, Dara, Hristina and Izabela’s Questions – 21.12.2024

Of the letters and the words. Of our deceased friends. So many lectures. Her light. Why is God important?

-Five children, five questions. Or was it four?

-Yes, five children, five questions.

-Five children, five questions.

-Let us start with a protective formula?

-Yes, yes.

-Hello, friends, today is Part 16 of our series Questions of the Children towards Eleazar. Today Iliya, Karla, Dara, Hristina and Izabela will be our guests with their questions. And here is the first question, from Iliya, who is five years old: God still allows Himself – he says – to take some letters, words and to place them here. – And his mother clarifies: Can Eleazar explain this child’s outpouring the way only he is able to? Thank you, we hug you.

-The letters, the words, the thoughts, arrange and make our destiny. The Word is alive and it leads us in our Way. We must seek the Pure Word, because it is the connection to the Supreme Beings. The words themselves are illnesses or health, a Way or a lack of Way, and therefore – be vigilant regarding the words that come out of you and that you perceive, because these are beings. Every Pure word is a communion with a Pure Spirit. The future is flowing now, because now is the sowing. God arranges our words, but we must also arrange them. Through words and thoughts we determine our Way. All impure words are fallen, failed beings, they are dark within themselves and want to ruin us. Words and thoughts are an invisible world that comes to us. The ancient Pure words and mantras are the Elixir – they are the Way towards God, the Master and Love. We must arrange for ourselves the brightest words, the Ancient words, the Pure words, so that we have a Way.

-And can God speak to us through… through our words, through our word?

-He speaks to us there the most.

-Through our words?

-He has given them to us and He will fulfill them.

-Yes. The second question, from Karla, who is six years old: Why don’t I see my friends – she says – when I am told that they have passed?

-So, they must hide in the Invisible world, to rest from us and from themselves. Many of the deceased are burdened by this world, by glances, by knowledge, by attitude, by karma and so on. In this sense, death is a reliever, the Good news. In death there is a finely concealed beauty, because it is a returning into freedom and for the Loving and Wise Ones it has a voice like honey, because it is a returning into the Essence, and the Essence is invisible. There is also a danger, it applies to both the deceased and the living – Satan can easily pose as the dead and only the discerning one is able to see the difference, because they see through God. In this world both life and death are God’s Love, and this is Preservation from the Ancient evil.

-Yes, thank you. The third question, I will read it the way it was sent to us: My daughter Dara is five years old and wants to ask Eleazar – How did he make so many lectures?

-I neither thought about them, nor planned them, nor did I make them – this is God’s Work. I planned something else – when I was exiled by N******l S******y into the woods, and in which… I intended to stay in the woods until the end of my life, near a monastery, called “Saint George”, which they even allowed me to live in and even to lead it. But I refused – I understood that God wanted me to present the Word. I argued a little with God and said to Him: My God, who am I to teach God within people? But God insisted and at one point I understood that I had to give in. And He created the conditions – cities, villages, houses, forests and so on, and so on, until the current conditions. God deeply desired, together with the Master, and I understood that I had to give in, and it is this way for about 44 years now: lectures, conversations, books. You simply cannot argue with God.

-Thank you. So, the fourth question – Hristina, four years old, says: Her light, of Grandfather God, He has given light in her heart. – If you can clarify this.

-This is the Primordial, Innate, Original light in us, in our heart, this is the idea from God in our heart and the pure child’s Soul remembers it, as does this little soul, because she has lived as a Soul in this light, which is otherwise the Proto-Light. Through this innate light sooner or later every Soul will discover God within itself, Who is waiting for us to wake up and to self-awaken, and to become aware of ourselves. Only in this way can we become guides of ourselves towards God and through God, and to want Him to be our Deep Guide, and not us. That is it.

-Yes. Okay, the last question from Izabela, four years old. She asks: Why is God important?

-This is, so, the most beautiful question, I answered it a little longer. A very beautiful question: Because if we do not become… Because if we ourselves become very important, we will die. We must put God first in our lives and then gradually He will arrange our lives and we will see that life is wonderful, but only when His will is working on us and we yearn for it. But when we arrange life in our own way, He slightly steps aside and we keep arranging and insuring ourselves, and this is why the Master says that the cemeteries are full of insured people. God is important because He is Love and only this Love – the Divine one – can truly arrange life, even when it is difficult. God is important because He is the Beginning of life. He flows in us as life, He bestows His Love, Himself upon us. He, within us is the gradual development, He is Bliss, Peace. He loves us Sublimely, He gives us the Primordial Love and such is His Original Will. Why else is He important? Because if He has given us certain prayers, He Himself will fulfill them, but we must have great patience and enormous trust, and Great Perseverance. If He, the Only One, has given you certain prayers, and He gives them – He Himself gives them – this means that this prayer, it is already heard. He has heard the Soul, your Soul. And that is why it is said: Pray incessantly! For thousands of years, thousands of reincarnations, you have deviated and now you want everything to happen for you in a month or two, or a year. That is not the way. There are prayers that have come true in minutes – I am talking about my own life too – in days, in months, in years, in 30-40 years, and some even in the next reincarnation. I am not in a hurry, why would I oblige God? And He is the All-Knowing One. If I must have Love and Perseverance, and Great patience – this is how the Master has taught me: Love, patience, Perseverance, and the rest is His work. It is silly to set deadlines for the All-Knowing One and the Only Acting One – He has given me Love, and it is His Supreme Good. He sends the Masters, the Sages and the Initiates to ease your difficulties and your Way, and so: He is important, important and very important – for everything He does for us and for everything He does not do. He is the All-Knowing One. The true relations of Love and understanding are in the Hands of the Only One and if He is the Guide, everything will gradually happen, and it will happen in a Sacred and beautiful way. That is also why He is important. God has given us a Master, and devotion to a True Master is salvation from oneself. There is nothing more important than devotion to one True Master. The True Master is Nothingness, and in Nothingness there is no mind, no snake, no karma. This Way leads us directly into the Master. Loyalty towards the Master surpasses all your knowledge of God, all your philosophy, even self-knowledge. Without loyalty to one True Master, everything will gradually be lost.

-If we say that God is important, then what is the Master for the disciple?

-He replaces God, He is an altered God. He is simply playing the role of God and when He has chosen Him for you, He knows why He has sent Him to you, why He has chosen Him for you, because He knows your Way and knows your consciousness.

-And does God or the Ancient One choose the Master for you?

-So, the Master works simultaneously with God and with the Ancient One, and whatever judgement He makes… We do not know for sure sometimes whether it is from God, whether it is from the Ancient One, from the Absolute. But it is always correct, we know that.

-Yes, thank you. Just to say for the month of January that Shining, Alexander, Adelina and Loa will be our guests with their questions, and we will read one of the questions. We will not say whose it is: What is the colour of the Internal Fire in the person? Good, isn’t it?


-But Eleazar’s answer to this and other questions – in our next conversation. And we thank everyone for their attention and time given. Thank you.


Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Eleazar Harash – Excerpts on Dolphins


The secret of Dolphins

(Second idea for contemplation)

Further in time, if the Master allows it, I will tell you about the Secret life of bees too, of mice even etc – of all kinds of beings from the other kingdom.

The main thing you must remember is that Dolphins are human beings from old times, reincarnated people, who originate from one proto-old humankind. Of this humankind I will not speak today – I have another idea. They chose to live in the water, which for their Souls is one peculiar city. The sea is one invisible and rich field for them to work. They are people, according to the Occult science, who have realised within themselves one High Ideal – it happened during the times of the proto-old humankind.

All of this seems like a fairy-tale, but do not be fooled, because the Master says that the fairy-tale is a method of Truth. And when He says what the most Truthful thing is, He says that this is the Fairy-tale. The Master says that the most Truthful thing is the fairy-tale. Not the greatest, not the sweetest, not the fastest… everything is put in its place. In this case He speaks about the most Truthful thing – that is the fairy-tale.

Dolphins are spiritually happy Beings, because they have preserved within themselves the joyful nature of their past. I will explain to you later where their joyfulness originates from.

According to the Master: ‘’The cruelest world – this is the sea’’. In the sea live the cruelest beings. In one world of a deep astral sea (the matter is of the external sea as well), which is infected by cruelty, dolphins are calm, honest and responsive.

From another angle of the Occult science, dolphins are also Spiritual symbols and unusual such symbols, for the world of the sea. They symbolise one hidden and concealed symbolism of the inexhaustible hope and the sea for them is the symbolic Paradise. They live in it and after it, they enter into their Paradise again, in which they have always lived.

On this matter, the Master says that: If Paradise is not within you (here, on Earth), you will never enter into it. – Regardless which world you go to. The person must carry things inside themselves.

According to the Occult science: for the dolphins, no purgatory is necessary. They jump over this pit. They have solved this matter as Souls in their past. They have escaped purgatory, because they have come to know their Way, their Dao. A person, who knows their Secret and their past, very easily becomes their brother. Even though they live in the heavy life of the sea, they are liberated from death (the matter is of spiritual death as well). They have no concern about death, they do not even have a fear of death, because they have understood the Way of Self-renunciation and Sacrifice – they have no fear of death. Precisely Self-renunciation has turned into their joyfulness and, of course – into gracefulness. They carry within themselves a Secret celebration – something which each person should also carry within themselves.

When the dolphins begin to love someone, they bestow them with their joyfulness, which originates from Self-renunciation, and with their presence. They shine from the knowing of the Law of Joy, but this, in fact, is the Law of Self-renunciation itself. This is why, according to Occult science, they are children of joy and they have remained children. But they have a greater future, because in time it is determined that they will meet not trainers, but Initiates, who will take care of their Souls, in order to lead them into deeper Secrets of Being and of life. Of course, joy of a different kind awaits them there, of a different dimension, which will originate not from Self-renunciation, but from Wisdom.

This is why the Master says that: ‘’In the life of the disciple there is something deeper than Self-renunciation’’. Of course, further in time I may explain two things to you, which the dolphins have not understood, but I have not planned this in this lecture.

Dolphins reached Self-sacrifice and they still do not know that it is a Mystical Way towards something deeper, immeasurable, a Way towards one Secret of Life, into which they will be introduced by Initiates in the Occult sciences.

When the dolphin dies in the external field, it retains its exceptionally pleasant feeling. This pleasant feeling is one of the biggest powers of Nature. This is its habit from the humankind from time ago. Death cannot touch this feeling, it does not allow this, because it carries Completeness within itself.

The other important moment about the Deep Consciousness and Soul of the dolphins is the following: When the dolphin dies, it considers that another, more supreme world, pays its great attention to it. And the dolphin’s concealed Consciousness understands this and this is why the dolphin is filled with a very pleasant feeling and simultaneously with awe. The dolphin understands that the sea has abandoned it and that a more supreme world, a wiser world, has called it to itself. Because the dolphin understands this, it preserves its pleasant feeling after death too, i.e. it is not interrupted, because the dolphin has solved the Law of Sacrifice. In the completeness of this pleasant feeling the dolphin is absolutely incapable of fearing death. For the dolphin, death is, still, a surprise – one small, pleasant surprise. This pleasant feeling was developed in the past through Self-sacrifice, and it has turned into Paradise for the dolphins.


The Secret of Dolphins – continuation

(Second idea for contemplation)

So, one more lecture at the most, I will continue about them… and in time, if the Master allows me to, I will tell you… if He gives me a pathway – I will tell you more about the Secret life of other animals, too. For example: of mice, of bees, of sheep etc – all beings of the White Brotherhood, especially bees, cows, sheep – servants of the White Brotherhood.

When the dolphin dies, it suddenly sees that it has no strength for life in the water anymore, it sees that it can no longer swim in it. And then it enters into its pleasant feeling, into its Voidness. After it understands that it cannot move in the water, it perceives this as one unusual Revelation, because it is a selfless being. But the Deeper Secret of the Voidness is not known to it. In this regard: there are many Masters too, who think that when you attain the Voidness, that is the final Limit. But the Master places things on another level, in another area. The Voidness is not the final Limit, because behind it, there are other degrees of Wisdom, other levels.

So: The Secret of the Voidness is not known to the dolphin, because it has reached to the Law of Sacrifice at most. And the Master says that there are higher laws than the Law of Sacrifice or the Law of Loyalty.

Its Selfless Love (the matter is of the Love of the Dolphin) illuminates it on the inside and this is why it experiences its stillness as a pleasant feeling. And because this feeling is very deep, it enters into the Voidness. And by the way, because in Sofia I saw that many people wish – on the last lecture – that we spoke more often of animals from an Occult point of view, not from a scientific one, this is why I think that we will have the opportunity to reveal (things) about many animals. Including animals of all kinds, which are simultaneously servants of both the White, and the Black Brotherhood. Because there is True desire to know… And I sometimes need just one Sincerity, one person, one Soul to want it more deeply, so that we can speak on these matters. Two are many… So, I think that on these matters we will speak more and more.

Here I will tell you a few things about the body of the dolphin. The head of the dolphin symbolises mastery and understanding of the underwater knowledge and secrets of life. The body of the dolphin is built dynamically, i.e. built by dynamic Supreme powers – in its composition, Supreme Beings have taken part. The tail is another Key, which means, on the one hand – an additional steering wheel, a guide, and on the other hand – additional dynamic for its swiftness. All of this means that we are not speaking of an ordinary being and an ordinary body.

Death cannot sadden it. I will explain why: because the Dao in the dolphin is natural and the Dao does not allow the dolphin to be saddened. And this is why in the moment when the dolphin becomes sad, it immediately and very naturally starts to become joyful (and I emphasise this word again – naturally – a very deep word.)

Through the power of Self-renunciation the dolphin becomes familiar with the beauty of its self-dependence. Here I want to explain something very important to you, which dolphins have understood from their past, from the humankind of old times. From their experience in the past, dolphins have understood something very essential – they have come to the conclusion that the deepest means of communion is sacrifice and silence – and in a very deep sense, they are right. This understanding is one small feat, many Souls must do this, must attain this, but not all. Why? Because many Souls can perish in the sphere of silence. I.e.: the ones who have not reached the Completeness of Sacrifice, may perish in the sphere of silence. In this regard I will say also that Silence is a part, a very deep part of the Concealed and Sacred Essence of the Souls. Here the matter is specifically of the human Souls – including the dolphins.

According to the dolphins and their experience, when something very important must be said, then the silence must be the strongest. This is a Sacred moment in their life. Here I want to explain to you, that according to the Occult science, Silence is an Occult method, it is a most important moment for the awakening of the Secretive, Internal activity of the Souls. And the life of the dolphins is the life of the Souls, the life of Silence. They have chosen this Way, which is also a Way towards the Supreme life.

The Deep and exceptional Essence of the Souls cannot be expressed with words, with talking, even with movements, but only with silence – which is one of the deepest Forces of life. Here I am using the word Force (of nature) because I have something in mind: In the deepest silence, one Soul standing before another Soul – the matter is of a Soul, who has known the Secret of Silence – then they can transmit Internal Secrets to each other in silence, which cannot happen with speech and in many cases should not happen. This is why I said the Force of Silence – this has another meaning as well…

And this is why in the Daoist Teaching it is said that the state of non-being of Dao always remains beyond the boundaries of everything spoken. So, here we are specifically speaking of the state of non-being, because Dao has its sphere in the state of non-being, its transformation.

But here I must say something else: here we are speaking of the reasonable Word, of a person who has mastered themselves etc. And when Dao instils itself in the Word of the person, they become a Son of Dao and Dao becomes their Way. This is for the ones who have achieved mastery over themselves through Loyalty.

Dolphins are beings who have aimed internally into themselves, to find there, in silence, ways of communicating (and they have found them). The matter is of ways to communicate with people, and with beings of all different kinds. And ways of understanding the world in which they live, and of its secrets.

And finally: the dolphin is a being of the Finer energy. And the finer energy, according to the Occult science, is (remember) the True Hearing of the Soul. Here I am not speaking of the Heart, I am not speaking of the ear, but I am speaking of the finest energy which has to do with the finest area of the Heart and there is also one area which surpasses the Heart.


The secret of Dolphins – Continued

(Second idea for Contemplation)

In speaking, many people have lost their Soul, their Divinity, their individuality. This means that speaking is a big responsibility and this is something that dolphins have given up on. The dolphins have come to the conclusion… the matter is of their Secret Consciousness…

By the way, some time ago, I observed the Secret Consciousness of one dolphin – I will only tell you briefly, without going into detail. I saw that the dolphin observed some people who were talking about it, and simultaneously, they were speaking, I will use this word – nonsense, a lot of ordinary things, very earthly things. The dolphin was wondering how could people waste their time, their energy and their speech to talk in such a way. This was one true marveling. And simultaneously, with the dolphin, (this was) mixed with an amazement of life itself. There was no criticism, because its consciousness is much deeper… as we shall see in time for many other beings of this kind, who have their Secret Consciousness, a concealed one, which observes and does not bring things out. There are such Scientists Adepts in the True science, who make exceptional discoveries, but they do not say anything… They give other discoveries to the world, because the world is not ready, and they keep the Essence for themselves. They are True Initiates, of whom the Master has spoken, but still, few. They remain concealed, anyway.

According to the dolphins, according to their Secret Consciousness, the Deep things are judged based on their silence, based on their Invisible Essence. With this I want to say to you that Silence belongs to the Unknown Intention of the Concealed Supreme Will. It is actually a big science, according to the Master, of which we shall speak in time, we have spoken and we shall speak again…

The original relations of the Souls were relations of Silence. And dolphins hint of this past and of this lost richness. The Soul of the dolphin has come to the world of the sea, in order to converse with its destiny. In knowing the Secret of Silence, the human Soul draws closer and closer to the Truth, to its God, to its inexhaustible Source.

Before I continue, I will only remind you, I have hinted it some time ago – that, as a whole, when you are talking to people, you must observe not so much what you are talking about in particular, but that inner dialogue, which happens between the Souls, that speech without words. It shows whether you will understand each other, whether you should trust each other, how to approach, how to help. I want to say that this invisible speech on the inside, of the Souls, is more important than anything that is being said. Sometimes it is nice to reaffirm things with both speech and silence, for both speeches to be in unity. But very often it so happens that the external shows that the internal has another opinion and that paths diverge…

And by the way, in recent days, when we were looking for a few community reading centres, we visited… As soon as we started speaking, it became clear that there is prejudice, that we are a sect – it has been infected by the newspapers, by many other things, and when people do not have their opinion, they rush to close a door and to say ‘’it Is dangerous’’ without knowing that danger will come from another place. Here I do not have the idea of criticism, of judging, I am only reminding… I want to say that many people are enslaved by fears, by prejudice, and they do not even want to listen. Like in this auditorium, the new headmistress – she does not even want to listen, she wants to run away… But we are grateful, because we know that for us, it gets better and better. I have inexhaustible ways and possibilities for our gatherings, even when they become strictly forbidden. Even by the state, imposed by law, I have a few ways for us to get together, but I have not reached this extremity to speak of them – it is simply not necessary. I want to tell you, that we simply have many possibilities and no one can stop us. Occult possibilities are richer. And this is why, uncoincidentally, many people have feared occultism, because it gives richer possibilities and all kinds of them, for penetration and for understanding the moves of both the state, and the laws, etc.

The True life of the dolphins is realised in their Soul, i.e. in the invisible field of the Soul.

The speech of one person cannot tell us anything, if they do not know their Soul and if they do not live according to the laws of their Soul.

The dolphin is one symbolic means for expressing the Soul and its richness – silence. For the dolphin, the internal life of the Soul is more important than anything external and at the same time it has not renounced the external life, but it has turned its external life into a manifestation, into its own manifestation, i.e. into its own sacrifice. For the dolphin what is Essential is in the internal interaction and for the dolphin it is the internal interaction which preserves the life of the Soul.

When the Soul of the dolphin listens to something in a deep way, it is because of the internal, because of the invisible. And when the Soul of the dolphin listens to the sea in a deeper way and when it hears something, that is the Soul’s Eye. You know that if you end up in the sea and you look, you are able to see up to 20-30-50 metres at the most, 100 metres… But the far away dangers, the far secrets of the sea cannot be seen. Translated, this means that when the dolphin heard – it means it saw. This means, that in this case, the hearing is an Eye. So: in the sea, ‘’it heard’’ means ‘’it saw’’. This means that the hearing is the True seeing of the Soul, in the hearing is concealed the True seeing of the Soul.

Of course, in time I will explain to you something deeper in the Daoist Teaching, because the person must not stop till this moment, because according to the Daoists, the person must not listen with the ear, but with the heart, then – even deeper – with the Fine energy of the Heart, and finally, to hear through Dao, with the Spirit of things. So the matter is much deeper. But here, because we are speaking of the dolphins, I stop here. With everything that I am saying about the dolphins, I am not saying that all of them are right… Last time I pointed out some things about their life: that there is Reasonable Word, people who work with the Reasonable Word and become Sons of Dao…

The Spiritual powers of the Soul, according to the dolphins (they reached this conclusion and it is very important) – are more Supreme than the words and Word. So: if we must go much more inward – here is a Deep Truth: the Spiritual Powers of the Soul are more supreme than the words and than the Word. This is why no Holy Scripture is able to express that, which the Soul feels. Because it is inexpressible, it cannot be contained within any Holy Book, because it is deeper than any measure of the Holy Books. The mere powerlessness of words and of the Word to express the Depth of the Soul shows, in itself, that there existed another kind of language, which is deeper and more expressive, and that this language is not composed of words and of sentences, but of the emanated fine states of the Soul and its boundless internal riches, and that the dolphin has drawn close to this language.

As I said before: the dolphin symbolises the impetus towards one more internal world and this means that people must pass through many sufferings and tears, in order to reach the Depth of their Soul.

The dolphin, as I told you before in previous lectures, is of one Proto-old humankind. The dolphin has walked a very long way, it has battled evil greatly, and finally, it succeeded. It succeeded to turn the evil nature into its inner shining, into its joy, into its paradise.

And in the end, I will finish with this idea: the main idea, which the dolphins understood (the matter is of Self-renunciation) is that the Secret of Self-renunciation is not a matter of techniques and practices, but it is a matter of a Profound understanding of the Soul – this is a process of the Soul, and not of the mind.

And if some want to go deeper than I have into the secret life of dolphins, I will give them just one rule: In order to understand the Secret life of dolphins, a peculiar type of energy and alignments from another world are necessary.


Excerpt from ‘’The white horse’’

(First Idea for contemplation)

In the Daoist teaching it is said that the white horse is not a horse. It is a being of the Non-being, it is not an earthly reality. According to the daoists the Power of the white horse consists in this – that it responds to the Boundless. When the person takes root in the Boundless, they can become noble. While the dolphin symbolises seeking the Secrets in the underwater Depths, the horse seeks the Secrets in the Boundlessness. For this reason, the white horse is already not a horse. It is transformed in the invisible world as one Luminous energy.

Both the horse and the dolphin have understood that the true sacrifice is a process inward. This means that whoever seeks external ways will not ripen for the Way of Dao and they will not ripen for the Shining of the colour white, because this Shining comes from the inside.


Excerpt  from ‘’The three beasts’’


This lecture is a bit more difficult, a bit heavier, it is connected to the Bible. Some time ago I had started speaking to you about the beast. And I hinted to you that in the Bible it is spoken of three beasts. Today, we shall speak of the three beasts and in the end, we will finish with ‘’The secret Way of the disciple’’, which is connected to this.

Next year we shall continue with this matter too, because it is one of the deepest ones. On a Biblical level it has never been made clear and it shall never be explained. In the churches they do not speak on this matter, because there is no depth (there) to understand these secrets of the three beasts. In occultism it is rarely spoken, but despite everything, the Master allows to speak gradually, little by little, because this is a heavy matter. The disciple will have a big battle with these beasts. These three beasts are aimed towards the disciples of the White Brotherhood especially.

The first beast, which the Bible describes, consists of the following: this being is red – it is the principle of evil and of violence. This being namely is the snake of olden times, which seduced the first people.

The second being – this is the beast with the seven heads and ten horns. This being is connected to the blackest secrets of the sea. All seas and oceans, all the cruelty, which is in them, are directly connected to this being. All kinds of sharks, all kinds of beings of this type: killer whales etc, are connected to the blackest secrets of the sea, unlike the dolphins, who are servants of the White Brotherhood and disciples of the White Brotherhood – beings who have understood the Law of sacrifice very deeply…


Excerpts from ‘’Atlantis and the way of disintegration’’


During the time of Lemuria, black magic was in the power of its astral bloom, and in Atlantis – in its material, external bloom. The power of black magic in Lemuria was so strong that it even penetrated into the Centre of the Earth. This is why the Master says that the centre of the black brotherhood is there. Consequently, a mighty fiery eruption raptured Atlantis to pieces because of the black magic, and later, this same concealed fire sent Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean (the matter is of the fourth catastrophe). The third one was very strong, the fourth one was total. The last flood completely wiped out Atlantis and its last inhabitants – around 60 million. Even they began to become corrupted by the black magic.

And in the end, black magic was sunk by the all-conquering elemental force of the fire on the inside, and of the water on the outside. I shall explain. Black magic was sunk by the all-conquering elemental force of the fire on the inside and by the mighty waves of the secret force of the ocean on the outside. In the occult archives it is said that this ocean was completely indifferent to evil and to black magic. And this means that a big part of evil was locked away and tied up in the hands of water, in the hands of the oceans and the seas. This is why the Master says that in the water, in the oceans and the seas, the cruelest life is found. Of course, we spoke some time ago, that there is also a good side there (some time ago we spoke of the secret life of dolphins). But, generally, life there is very heavy. In time we can dwell on the life of sharks, too.

For example, there are beings there, which, with big concentration that they have trained for thousands of years, turn into a rock, into a piece of rock. You sit, you think that this is a rock, and a mouth opens and you disappear. So, there are beings which have learned all sorts of tricks from the past – demonic beings. Of course, dolphins are saved because of their secret of hearing. Because they are servants of the White Brotherhood, these are souls who have descended to help, and a big part of dolphins (not all) have this vigilance, this depth. They hear at big distances, and in the sea, to hear, means to see. But, in time, if we must, we will speak again on this topic.


Excerpt from ‘’The Egyptian Physics’’


The True breathing is with the Soul. The True breathing is not with the mouth, nor the nose, but with the Soul. By the way, dolphins breathe in this way, but in time we shall speak of them. They possess a secret kind of breathing, which Thoth calls ‘’spherical’’, a very deep kind of breathing, breathing with love, breathing with Soul. Where there is Love, it is not the nose or the mouth breathing, but it is the Soul.


Excerpt from ‘’Introduction into Hekau – the Word-Light’’


Hekau, this is the Sacred language, the Sacred speech, the culture of the Gods, which was studied secretly in the pyramids. The Pure Sacred speech is Hekau – Sacred land, Promised land, virgin land. I want to tell you something of Moses, before I continue: he wrote the Genesis in Egyptian, very few people in the world knew the secret of the hieroglyphs, the pronunciation and the way to inscribe them. In time it was translated to Chaldean, Babylonian, Aramaic, Ancient Persian, Greek, Roman – Latin. From the beginning, almost no one is able to translate from Egyptian, even Moses. He only wrote something, as far as the priests uncovered to him something of the secret of the hieroglyphs. This means that in the present moment, the Bible is written in such a way that simply, if one person, who knows, reads it – they cannot recognise it. There is no real translation, if any of you are seeking one – there are medium translations by great initiates, Cabbalists, who know the secrets of translation, but still medium translations – the meaning is still concealed. Because in the meaning there is something that each one must find themselves, of course, if they are a Seeker of Truth. So all pretense regarding translations, you better leave them aside and better take up seeking the Truth, life within Love, within pure actions, so that you can, afterwards, understand, that the human Spirit, Merkabah, is the Bible, and besides that, it surpasses the Bible. The human Spirit is able to write such things, not only the human Spirit even, the Supreme Soul in the person can experience such things, which even the Sacred Word cannot utter. I am not speaking only of the Bible. I have one book – ‘’The Sacred book of all peoples’’. So, all holy languages cannot express the states, the depths of the Supreme Sacred Soul. There comes a moment, in which the words, including the sacred words, fall away. This is the science of speechlessness. So, whoever masters Hekau – the science of speaking, of the Sacred Word, of control over every word, they will later be lead into Speechlessness – the Primordial Language, the language of the Gods, the language of God – a language, which the dolphins understood, too. They also wield this language and they wield many things. They live on Sirius, they come from there and they are going there. They are beings from Sirius, very advanced, but this is another topic, for another lecture.


Excerpt from ‘’ТHE OCCULT WISDOM OF THE ATLANTEANS – Introduction’’


In Atlantis people changed their consciousness. This is why now people of very different levels live here, with very different degrees of consciousness, numerous degrees of consciousness. From then until now there have been many degrees of the fall of consciousness until we have reached the level of the third dimension. In the Bible this is called by the simple words of ‘’the fall’’.

Along the way of the fall we have lost Hekau, of which we spoke – i.e. the Sacred Word – the life Essence of things. We have lost our Divinity and we have reached so far as to feed on fallen energies now, called air, food, water and so on. But on the other hand, through these energies we can return. If we purify them within ourselves, if we take them in correctly, we can return. If a person breathes Hekau, i.e. their Pure Essence, then according to the Atlanteans they will have completely different perceptions of reality. According to the Toltecs then reality will raise them, will change them, will return them.

Hekau is the Living Bread which was lost in Atlantis. I will say this differently: When a person has lost the connection to Hekau, i.e. the connection to God, they have changed both their breathing and their thinking. This means that they perceive a completely different reality. When they have fallen from the Pure Word, they are already breathing completely different air and they have a completely different way of thinking. This means that they are perceiving another, second reality. The person has forgotten how they were created – as Reality – creation. And after their fall they have started to breathe through their nose and mouth, instead of how dolphins breathe – with their Soul. Dolphins breathe in the True, original way. Breathing through the nose and mouth means that you cannot find Reality. This is shallow breathing, this is another way of thinking. The ones who breathe in such a way, the Atlanteans call them people with a stricken consciousness, which is a heritage from Atlantis but from the fourth subrace – the Turanians, from the person’s agreement with them, with this race. Back then the person has signed a contract with them to serve them and this is what has diverted them.


Excerpt from ‘’The Toltecs’’


Toltecs say: Within us is concealed the seed of the Magical Bird, the Bird of Freedom. The Warrior knows that each right act increases the freedom. And regarding the Toltec of the Third attention, they embody within themselves the Ancient knowledge about the Dragons. The Knowledge about the Dragons is an expression of the most deeply concealed, True nature of the person. When the Toltecs of the Third attention accumulate energy through one specific control of their consciousness, they attain one peculiar kind of energy. So, not the one which fate or stars has given to them, but an additional, other kind of energy, through which they create for themselves a fiery space. I will only add here that the warrior must practice Impeccability for a very long time, until they become a Toltec, i.e. they must wage battles for a very long time, for their transfiguration, until they reach the release of the most concealed internal energy, which with the Toltecs is called Dragon-Wolf. Toltecs of the Third degree are called Dragon-Wolf. As I told you, we shall speak more about them, because they are exceptional beings, they are not lost, in the encyclopedia there is general talk, but both the Dragon, and the Wolf are Sacred animals. In them, there is very Deep Wisdom, if we can understand them, like with the dolphins. Time ago we spoke much about the dolphins, they are most deeply observed in Egypt, they are called Kha in Egyptian, this means ‘’dolphin’’. They have a very Deep history, a very Deep Wisdom. They know the secret knowledge of the ocean, of the water, and they transmit these to the planetary Spirit in such a fine way, which science is not able to comprehend at all. And the planetary Spirit gathers this knowledge for the future of humankind. Dolphins are one of the successful attempts in the world, unlike the mermaids, the centaurs, the Amazonians, of which I will tell you some things later on.


Excerpt from ‘’The mermaids’’


The word Khaah, in Egyptian, means the Enlightened Dolphins. Truly, they have attained Enlightenment.


Excerpt from ‘’Jacob Boehme’’


On the other hand, Toltecs work on a very, very high level – the biggest culture, which has been attained. Toltecs had many gatherings mutually with the Ancient cats. The Ancient cats chose which child would become a True Priest, because the Ancient cats were able to read the aura and to know the secret energies within children. All children, whom the cats chose, became True Priests. During that time, the dolphins were people and walked the Earth. Over time, the land did not appeal to them and they returned into the water, a small part of them remained on land and continued to interact with the dolphins in the water. In this way, between the land and the water, connections are maintained, but then we will speak of many such things – how the animals were in big progress when they interacted with the Toltecs. Later we shall speak of the Proto-Turanians as well, who are now also found on Earth. Their core reincarnates, the peak of black magic was there, it is now lost. They reincarnate later as a core in the Mongolian race, and now they are incarnated in Tatars and Chechens, but their power is now much, much more decreased. But when we speak in detail about the Secrets of Atlantis, of its Races and their language, then we shall speak with more details.


Excerpt from ‘’Atl’’

(Second Idea for contemplation)

Atl is a word of the Toltecs, in the language Nahua, in their language, it means water.

Water is, say the Toltecs, an Ancient observer of human development. People sometimes think that they are observing the sea, but the water is observing them. They sometimes think that they are making experiments with the dolphins, not knowing that dolphins are making experiments. While the person even thinks of the dolphin, the dolphin’s thought is 16 times quicker, it has already weighed so many things, like the cat, that it is already too late. The person is simply so late and even their outlooks are very, very limited, the person is simply very slow, but this is another topic, of the dolphins we shall speak another time.

Water is an Ancient observer of human development. It has concealed Reason within itself, this is why, the more water that a person drinks, the more reason they have. Besides this, water, I shall add here, has this ability, I am reminded, to clear the karmic remnants in the person, which helps against karma, as well.

Atl, or the water, has a silent mission. It, the water, is eternal and tireless. It is mysteriously connected to the Primordial energy. Toltecs say: it is the beginning of all Being. It is also the mother of all Being.

What does water know about us? Much more than we think. Because externally, it is life, but internally, it is energy, an energy of the Spirit, descended energy.

Water cleanses the beings as an Ancient mother. It purifies, awakens and clarifies things within the person. Water is an emissary of the Eagle. It rearranges the world and people in its own way. It is a part of the Sacrament of the Eagle, a part of the Primordial Force of Nature of God. Those, who have observed the large waterfalls – Victoria, Niagara – of course, from a spiritual point of view – were amazed by the force of nature of the water, and not like with the Scottish… the Scottish regret about this water, because there was no economy, it was too non-economic. Of course, the most economic Scotsman is the dead Scotsman, this is another matter.

When the water died, it became, say the Toltecs, earth.

To drink pure water, this is a special symbol, because this pure water is a liberated energy, which is taken by the Spirit in us, and it embarks with it on a Way towards God, on a Way towards the Eagle. See how the thought of the Toltecs works.

There is such a Bogomil formula: ‘’O, you, Ancient, Sacred and fast river! Take my illness away into the Sea.’’ This is one Bogomil formula: you enter into the water and very sincerely pray that the water takes away the illness. And if you are sincere, it will work; if you are not sincere, a lot of water must pass, and this is another matter.

Dolphins, as I told you before, are people, relocated into the water. They have a very deep point of view regarding water. I will just briefly say something here, further we will examine it more deeply: they have a much deeper point of view than the person, not only regarding water, but in this case, regarding water. As I said, dolphins are transformed people and this is said not by just anyone, but by the Ancient Thoth – Hermes. He says: Dolphins are transformed by the Secret Power of the Netjer, i.e. by the Secret Power of God, (transformed) into dolphins. Dolphins are simply Sea people, water people. Even when they were on land, they loved water a lot, they loved to bathe, much more than the ordinary person. Because in the water, they know that there is a presence of the Ancient energy, a presence of God. They know that water is simply an energy of God, and not some water, not some oxygen and atoms. Whoever drinks H2O, they do not know what they are drinking. Whoever drinks the energy of God with that Ancient feeling, they draw Spirit from the water, both life, and Spirit, etc. And because they know that this is the energy of God, in this water, they become calm. For them the land was simply very dry, simply the land is dry.

Water for them is an Ancient idea, an Ancient memory. And it reminds us of this, that some time ago, we lived, according to them, in the energy of God, which some call Paradise. Some time ago, we lived in the energy of God, in this Ancient Being, whom they called Ocean. On the other hand, this is simply another name of the Abyss – an Ocean.

Water is the substitute of God on earth, because without it, as you know, both religions, and culture, everything will dry up.


Excerpt from ‘’The Third Race – Lemuria – Occult history’’


Let me come back: the Lemurian consciousness is very slow to suffer, very slow to perceive, very slow to rejoice, very slow to think and to feel. The same way as the person is slow in comparison to cats and dolphins: the cat walks by, glances at you, and it has weighed up so many things in you and it has even forgotten, while you have barely begun to think. The dolphin thinks 16 times quicker, it is a being from Sirius. The person has barely begun to think, it is not even known if there is a thought and half-thought, and the cat has already weighed you up, it has forgotten and it already lives in another world. I have spoken to you about cats and dolphins, in time we may say some things again.


Excerpts from ‘’Atlantis’’


Water originated from a word of the Eagle – and this word is Atl. I will tell you of this word, which is more than a word. And so, the word Atl (Water) means that the Atlanteans were bringers of the True Life. For the Atlantean Priests this is an Ancient Word, an Ancient Speech of the Eagle, i.e. of the Boundlessness. This is an epistle of the Eagle: Be Truth for others! Later, the word Atlanteans originated from there, as well. Be Truth for others! Be Water for others! And, said another way: Be Life for others, so that they may flow towards their Source.

According to the First Race of the Atlanteans, Rmoahali (we have spoken of them previously – the First Race is one of the deepest of Atlantis), according to them, the word Water means a Tutoring about the Way towards the Abyss, about the Way towards the Boundlessness. They say: ‘’To stand against the Water means to stand against the Unknown’’.

By the way, let me tell you, that it is not the water, which flows. Water does not flow, what flows within it, is the energy. If the energy exits, the river dries up – or the wellspring dries up and it is gone. What flows is the descended energy. If the water had not descended – say they – beings would have begun to die on the inside. Rmoahali say that water is a sacrificed feather of the Wing of the Eagle, i.e. a part of the Essence of God, descended to lead people. The Master says that the word water is olden and it originates from the root ‘’to lead’’, ‘’leader’’ – it leads people. And so: the word Atl, or Water, an emissary of the Eagle – and it is something which rearranges the face of the Earth, it is a great Master.

At the time of the First subrace of Atlantis, the dolphin was a person, who walked on foot – but when they saw the water, say Rmoahali (it happened during that time), this wondrous force of nature, the person became drunk, they firmly decided to live in the water and to swim. Later, the Toltecs called the dolphins Sea People – and this truly is so. For millions of years water is with us – in it, there is something of the Proto-Language. In the Concealed world, the word Atl means Flowing Light. But here, on Earth, water is something a bit different – flowing energy, and the body of this energy is the water. The external body of this energy is the water. That, which flows in the water, is the ability of the energy. Of course, there is another kind of water – the stale water. But the Toltecs say: ‘’This is the ill, sick, dirtied water: the swamp. But the swamp – say they – this is the agony of water’’.

Rmoahali and Toltecs had a completely different, secret gaze of the water. I will explain. According to Rmoahali, the Flood is something exceptionally beautiful, because it is a returning into the Wing of the Eagle, the Place of Life. And according to the Toltecs – they called the Flood the Embrace of the Eagle, the Hour of Reveling, the Hour of Truth. They also call it the Embrace of Life. Such is the Approach they had, but it comes from their Impeccability. Because they have exercised for thousands of years in Impeccability, they have an entirely different perception. For them the Flood is not a flood, because they have Impeccability, which comes from the tutoring of the Gods – this means that Impeccability gives birth to another gaze, another acceptance, another perception. The Master calls it (the Flood) simply a baptism in water – a huge baptism in water, without the interference of the earthly powers. Supreme Forces are working – and whoever knows how to meet this, is born again.

And so: every Toltec is an Ancient Heart, descended from the Water – the Unsullied Light (because the original meaning is Unsullied Light). This is a way of thinking which comes from another kind of order. Those who have a wrong worldview, they perceive the Flood as a fall and as punishment. This worldview gives birth to having no way out. But the Impeccable one sees the other Reality: the Impeccable one discovers within themselves the seeing, which is a part of God, because the Eagle grants them a part of His Eyes. And the sinful one sees themselves – they have no other gaze, it is not given to them, they have no additional Eyes. Only Love towards the Eagle grants additional Eyes. They (the sinful one) see themselves, they see – in the Atlantean language – mitote, which means chaos and disorder. Because they have lived in this way, they have sought this – this is what they see.  And so: the ordinary seeing is a lie, it is the fall of the person. Said another way: the dead ones will always die, and the Impeccable ones will always return.

According to the Toltecs the tutoring in Impeccability is the creator of the bridge, through which one crosses over the world. The tale of Atlantis is universal and it will always exist, because it is a Teaching of Impeccability – something True, towards which only the purified ones strive, only the ones, who have a True aim and awareness.

Everything is preserved in the Temple of the Pure Heart, say the Toltecs: in it, there is memory of Ancient events, i.e. no archaeology, no digging. In this Heart there is concealed memory and it only needs to remember.

I will explain. The Pure Heart has a memory, deeper than any archaeology: it does not dig – it remembers, it is a Living Temple. It has written down everything within itself; but without Impeccability and a complete Purity of the heart, we cannot speak of true memory – there are other memories there.


Excerpt from ‘’The Swan’’

(Third Idea for contemplation)

And in the end, I will tell you something, I have spoken to you before about dolphins – I will add a bit. Often, at the seaside, many people who have drowned, the so-called drowned ones, are cast out by the water in the morning, and people say ‘’The water brought them out’’ – but the Master says: No, the dolphins bring them out to the shore. Why? Because… (another time I will explain in more detail how it happened in Atlantis, how the dolphins saw for the first time the Secret of the Water – in the First Race of Atlantis – and they were in awe. They desired that they become dolphins  and God turned them… And since then, they are called Sea people.) But here I only want to say that the dolphins, because they love people a lot, they love the human form, they love the Soul of the person – and they bring the drowned ones out to the shore, so that people can bury them.


Excerpt from ‘’Zen Wisdom’’

(Lecture 3)

To the ones, who have chosen the Way, the Way gives its Power, its Lightness and its perception, its understanding. We can call this a Deep feeling and a Deep sense, like it is with the dolphins: the dolphins are beings of the very Deep sense.

Excerpt from ‘’Atlantean Aphorisms’’ – Vol. 3

One of the most favourite beings of the Atlanteans were the Dolphins – they gave them secret intel of the Sea.

In Atlantis a part of education was the communion with flowers, friendship with birds, communion with beasts, sensing the concealed life in the rocks, and other secret things on Earth.

Children in Atlantis were able to sense the incoming storm very early on, or the invasion of a dangerous group of animals – and in this way they hid in their homes behind the thick stone walls.


Excerpt from ‘’Animals are a great idea of God’’

Interview for Portal 12

Interviewer: Let us have another introductory question – What must our concept be of animals as a presence here on Earth? Do they carry a Soul? Do they have the ability to develop a memory and (or, even further) thought? Or, on the other hand, the cognitive activity is a privilege of humans only?

EH: Some animals do not have a Supreme Soul. Some animals have a part of a Soul, which is very close to the Supreme (Soul), but with them, it is very concealed. But here I would like to tell you something about dolphins, for example: They speak to each other in two different ways – very oddly. One of them is a quick way of speaking, which means that they are speaking important things. Because the speed is high, words are almost lost. What remains is subtleties of sounds – the speed is high and they transmit important things to each other. When they speak extra-quickly, then those are not important things, but Secrets being transmitted between them. And no one is able to understand, because it is a speed which is too high. And they have a part of the Soul within themselves, but it remains slightly concealed on the side – the Supreme Soul. But let me just tell you something important, which I presented recently, in the last lecture. All these drowned people in the sea, who are cast out by the water, and people say… In the morning they go there, and the deceased one, the drowned person, is cast out on the shore. And they, the people say: The water cast them out. – it is not the water, but the dolphins that cast them out. I will only tell you why: the dolphins cast out the deceased ones, because they love the human form, they love the human Soul, they want people to bury their dead ones, because dolphins love man very much. And this regard – they do not have information about the person, and knowledge – they have a Sense. The Sense is a big Secret, sometime I can dwell on it in detail. It is similar to Intuition. Not to the hunch, the hunch is a different thing. The hunch can mislead, Intuition – no. They have a deep Sense of the person and of the human form and this is why they cast them out on the shore. They even sometimes protect (the body) from sharks. And they cast it out on the shore, so that people can honour their person and to… It is regard towards the Soul in the person.

Interviewer: The brain of the dolphins very strongly resembles the brain of the person: it is slightly larger, more developed, from a purely physiological viewpoint. According to some people, dolphins are on a higher evolutional level than man. What do you think?

EH: So, there is such a difference between many people too – both between people and animals. In some, the abilities are more developed, in others – not so. This is where respect between each other comes from – both between people, and between animals, because this ability can do something for you, it can aid in your development. For example, the cat: the ability for concentration. One acquaintance said: I was preparing to commit suicide, but the cat looked at me in such a way – I forgot everything! – There is the helper, it is able to… Concentration means focusing the Spirit, one look – and it erases her thought. See what an approach, and in the precise moment, right.

Interviewer: In this same logic of thought, are… My initial question was going to be, are people able to instill thoughts into animals? But, in fact, do animals instill thoughts into people?

EH: So, it is mutual. The Master says: Why are they able to transmit to each other – because animals are created through Word and this is why they can be influenced through the Word. If you want, I can begin to tell you what the Master says, and…

So: The Animal kingdom is an alphabet and whoever understands animals, will also understand human life.

And look now, what the Master says: When is the person a butterfly? When they give the Spirit a place within themselves.

Each animal has its specialty, its gift. And the person says: ‘’This is instinct.’’ I will explain: in the Occult language, instinct means an Ancient Reason. Now, they, the animals (I will interrupt myself a bit) travel from instinct towards this Ancient Reason, and it is there, right. For example, like the bee: what the bee does, we say ‘’instinct’’ – this is an Ancient Reason. So, the Sage and the Saint cannot make honey (I have told you), they can only eat it.

Interviewer: Yes, but I would like to add something here. I.e. the Intuition, of which the question arose earlier, it is in fact, the connection to this Ancient Reason?

EH: So, precisely the Intuition – it is not the hunch. The Intuition amounts to the Deep Sense in the dolphins, Sense. They do not need information, but they have a Secret Deep understanding. Similar within the person, this is the Intuition – it corresponds equally to the Deep feeling within the person. The Master says: the Deep feeling within the person is always right. We are speaking of the very Deep (feeling), especially of the purified person. But even of the other (type of) person as well, it is found somewhere in the Depth. And Intuition means In-Tao, the Inner God – there is no mistake.

Intuition always leads you in the right Way, the hunch – not so.

Animals are a great idea of God and of the Gods.

‘’All peoples, animals and plants – says the Master – implement God’s Plan.’’ – the plants too… Sometime we will speak of plants and flowers, if we must.

God takes care of the snake and the pigeon simultaneously, of the wolf and the sheep both.

Animals – says the Master – I call them our ‘’little brothers’’. From many points of view, these are our little brothers.  And this is why infringement is… It is not ignorance, it is slightly worse than ignorance, because there, you infringe upon… ‘’Animal’’ derives from ‘’life’’*, you infringe upon life itself.

*Transl. note: in Bulgarian, the word for  ‘’animal’’ derives from the word ‘’life’’, ‘’to live’’.

Years ago I was explaining to this Adventist preacher, he was killing flies with a fly swatter, I said: ‘’You have no right!’’ I said: ‘’First, if your kitchen is clean, what would the fly be doing there? And second, you are infringing, you are killing life itself. Not the fly – in the fly, there flows life – you are infringing.’’ – He did not understand me… ‘’Goodbye’’ – ‘’Goodbye’’, there is no problem!

Interviewer: One question though: With the killing of animals, especially to use them as food, are they sacrificing themselves, or are they a sacrifice of our unreasonableness?

EH: First, one part of the animals sacrifice themselves, another part do not want to sacrifice themselves, but they are forced into it. Now, the Master says that for the animals, this death, more or less, is good, because they will grow from this sacrifice, but it is bad for people. And this is why, this infringement, for example upon dolphins, is a big mistake. For the dolphin it is light, because it is not attached to the body and it very easily separates, it returns back to Sirius, it is a Supreme Being, advanced, right. I can tell you much about them and I will tell you later, but there are many things that I will keep quiet about, because it is a long story – it begins in Atlantis. When they saw the water, the waterfalls for the first time – Rmoahali, if you have heard (this is the First Subrace of Atlantis) and then there were these people, who later became dolphins – when they saw the water, they were amazed. They said: ‘’This is our Kingdom, it is not the land!’’. And then He, God, transforms them, but I will tell you other things later, about dolphins.

So: ‘’All animals are’’ – says the Master, take note – ‘’degraded people.’’ – So, here the matter is very deep.

Interviewer: Without exception?

EH: Without exception, because the Soul can shrink itself, it can become a little fly, it can take up a big, wide space, right. Now, people will not… they will find this difficult to understand, but we are saying it, because it is a Deep Truth. And this does not mean that the Supreme Soul in the person is an animal, or that it grows – it falls behind to learn its lessons. It is not a human Soul, it is not an Angel, so, the Supreme Soul is a Goddess, but it goes through lessons. And it reincarnates, in order to learn these lessons, which it will later need, so that it becomes a complete Goddess and becomes a Servant of God. People will be upset by this. There are things that I keep silent about, because we will disturb them totally; (this way) we will disturb them a little, with measure. I know that some people will criticise my lectures (I wish them long life and health!), others will praise them – I do not care about these things. For me it is important that people are ignited for God and the Truth, and in time… But I bless those ones, who criticise me! But, the ones who criticise are creating karma for themselves. Do you know what criticism means, Bore? A world not well organised. And the more criticism… He, God, has warned: Do not judge! But let me not divert, I will continue.

Interviewer: But, I do apologise. After you said that all animals are fallen people, I cannot not ask one of the possibly primary questions, which, both in conventional education (regarding the myth and absurdity, according to me) that man originated from the monkey? Is it not precisely the monkey, which is the example that the person has degraded and devolved backwards?

EH: Now. In Anciency something happened, which, some Souls… So, the Supreme Soul was given, monkeys refused using it. And then God turned them into monkeys, and the others became people. And monkeys degraded, because they did not accept the Supreme Soul. But, simultaneously, they have been preserved as monkeys, so that they do not descend even further down. And now they are having fun, they play. It is not known who is advancing more, whether the human or the monkey. Let me tell you this too, because a person who kills, who is cruel, who develops cruelty… and the monkey, which is playing, which is more harmless and is learning things, will later become a human Soul. The Divine Conception is very odd. But monkeys are fallen people in a certain sense, and in another sense they have been preserved, and in time they will get their chance. And everything will flow, because it is in the hands of God’s Love. And God is truly doing what is best. This, that we do not understand it, is another topic.

Some think – says the Master – that God cannot send people back (in development). But if He has turned some Angels into snakes and animals with horns, and had them grow hooves, then God is able to alter every form and He does alter it. Now, whether people accept it…

The Master says: If God locks you inside a fish, you shall live with the consciousness of a fish – what choice do you have? And who is asking you whether you believe, things are simply happening, right? This can bring – says the Master – upset into your mind, but the form is simply a limitation, which compels beings to think and to develop.

The Souls of which animals – says the Master – are closest to a human incarnation? He lists the main ones: Firstly, the elephant, the ox, the horse, the sheep, the monkey etc. If you enclose the human consciousness in the form of a bird – says the Master – it will live and think as the bird – it has no choice. (It will simply learn its lessons there.)

Now, hear something about the Soul: It can shrink and it can expand; it can enter into every animal and living being, into a human, into an Angel. But it is neither an animal, nor a human, nor an Angel – it is a Goddess, but it has its lessons to learn. And when it becomes Supreme Soul, it will already have only the desires of God. It will have walked this big experience – through the animals, through the human, through the Angel.

In each animal there is one human Soul, to which Soul, it has been determined that it lives only a brief, determined time – it cannot live there for the whole lifetime. It enters as if into a cabin, as if into a room, as if into something, in which it is calmed. Because it has not earned the boundless space, it has no access to the Boundlessness and there, for it, it is horror, upset. And when it enters into some small animal, it is calmed.

Says the Master: Who organises the ants, who organises the bees? (It is not coincidental that they are… right?) The playing of the animals is not simply playing, but acquiring abilities. In this way animals accumulate one concealed experience in the world, for the future conception of God. And in this Conception there are no bad animals, there are no good animals. Everything is a Conception of God. Bad and good is…

I begin with the dolphins. Do you have questions, or? Because… For a few animals I will tell you some things, specific. Yes.

Dolphins – during the time of Rmoahali in Atlantis, the dolphins were people (symbolically so called humans in trousers – people) but when they saw the miracle of water, they went mad – they were absolutely amazed, because this is… Then water was set in a different way: very emanating, very alive, and in comparison to the dry land… it comes to mind – dry land is dry land. They were in awe, and the Great God… they desired deeply a life in this Kingdom of water. And the Great God, since way back then, transformed them, and since then, they have been called sea people. They do not perceive the Sun, for example, as a body of Light, but as a Great Energy. They do not think with notions, but with Sense. For them, the Sense is deeper than notions. (I am telling you right away: people have a notion. If you do not have a Deep Sense, what would you do with this notion? Some definitions – you are playing games.) The sense is more important than the notion. They love the person for the person themselves, and because of the Ancient memory when they were people and Souls. They have joy from existence. God has transformed them, but they were not created by God, but by the Gods – He takes part Secretly, but they are creation by the Gods – a successful attempt, along with the whales. But there are unsuccessful attempts, for example the centaur and the mermaids. If we have to, we will explain why, but they did not prove fit for development in a more Supreme sense. Dolphins have no writing, because the water does not allow it. They transmit Wisdom to each other verbally, they have no external library. They have an internal one – that is their memory, concealed memory. The consciousness of the person leans on words, the consciousness of the dolphin leans on sounds and vibrations. For the dolphin, water is a home and a house, it lives there. These beings are the Reason of the ocean and they have very accurate tales of many drowned people, as I told you – dolphins bring them out to the shore, and it is not the water that cast them out. This is the old Love towards their memory – the human body, the human Soul, the human form, so that people can take them back and bury them. For the dolphins – they speak to each other, as I told you, in two ways: quickly – in this way they conceal their words, they do not want other beings to hear them – this is one way, then they are speaking important things. When they speak supremely-quickly, it is already not important things, but Spiritual Secrets. Sometime we can dwell on the matter what Secrets exactly they are concealing from people, but this is another topic. Now I will tell you some things about mermaids, if you have no questions.

Interviewer: I have a question about dolphins, about the vibrations and this specific sound that they make. And in fact, sometimes, small babies, among people, make such a sound, when they are happy and they are joyful.

EH: These sounds are vibrations of the Soul. They are aimed precisely towards close and kindred beings, towards the dolphins. And they immediately understand, at large distances, because water is a great receiver. Water is the most receptive being, it is a living being. And sound immediately goes to faraway distances. And it is known immediately whether the dolphin wants help, or wants to transmit something, or is concealing something, which only this specific dolphin knows. Very speedily, very accurately, right, and simultaneously, concealed.

Interviewer: And one, more grounded question, so to say, after all, in some countries in the world there are many bad practices of rituals and killing of dolphins. We are observing in the last years, especially in Japan, and it is taking shape in other places too, and many prophets speak – will man pay for these killings?

EH: First, there is nothing that the person will not pay for. So, one touch, if you touch a stranger’s shirt, not even their arm, in the next incarnation the opposite will happen – they will touch you. So, consider, to what… No one can get away. During the wars in the past, Americans would train dolphins (and the Russians) to carry bombs and to attach them to the ships. Cruel thing – it will also be paid cruelly. And they use them as weapons, right. Let me tell you something more about the dolphins. There is one occurrence, a fisherman went deep into the sea with his boat. With a dog, to catch fish, but the dog was barking very anxiously, very disgruntled. The fisherman got fed up and threw it into the water. A dolphin took the dog and pushed it out to shore, to save it – the dog continued to bark unhappily. The dolphin took it again and brought it back into the deep – to drown. Translation: disgruntledness must be drowned! Now, whether people will approve – this is a rare case, I think it was in the Netherlands – I forget the exact place. No matter, the lesson is…

I could tell you about mermaids?

Interviewer: Yes.

EH: The mermaid is neither human, nor a fish, because she has not accepted fully neither the human nature, neither the water nature – in the middle. The Gods created the woman of the water as a peculiar type of beauty, but it turned out that she is in a difficult position, she has problems. On land – enemies, in the water – sharks. And they are beings of one gender, they are always female. They are born in a peculiar way, the embryo is inside of them. I am saying this, because some people wonder how Christ was born without parents. Later, in the second interview, we will speak of this. This is very… God forms Him directly, like Melchizedek. God is able to create Beings, He does not need a man or a woman – it is silly.

Well, this is… the birth through a woman – it is one of the last attempts of humanity and it is a backward way. People think that God has no other ways of giving birth, and He has millions of ways for birth – anyway. So, this method God revealed it to the Gods – regarding the mermaids. They were very peaceful, they did not like predators and fighting in general. They have no… The mermaid is not able to cry – one of the things about her – and this is why her sufferings are big. Aside from this, she cannot bring sense to suffering. Dolphins are able to learn something from suffering and to create reason there, for something reasonable to originate. This has been taken away from mermaids, they do not have True Soul – this is why they seek man, because they want to touch his Soul and to receive something from the Soul of man.

Interviewer: And do mermaids exist today?

EH: Today they live in the air. Otherwise, in the 14th century, a mermaid was buried. They have lived many times, there are many occurrences. Even some ritual was done… One fisherman even took her into his house and taught her some things, but this was in the past. And because she is an unsuccessful attempt, and it is not Reasonably-Wise and Wise according to God, for her to live, now they are in the air, and are awaiting new conditions in time, favourable conditions, because they were not appreciated, aside from the difficulties they had.

Interviewer: The next question from one of our viewers is the following: When the axe separates the chicken’s head from its body, it continues to run for up to a few minutes. Why?

EH: Now, I will answer you. First, let me tell you what the Master says. He says it about the sheep. When the knife – says the Master – passes through the neck of the sheep, you say: It is good! – and when It passes through your neck, you say: Wait a minute! – Now, when the head of the chicken has been chopped off, life still… The Soul does not exit from there quickly. The chicken is an attached animal, like the swine. It still lives, because, a big… This is why the swine cries and screams like crazy, because… (ok, let it not be ‘’like crazy’’), it cries very loudly, because it has a great attachment to life, and it is losing it. While the dolphin very easily separates, with lightness. It is not attached, it is a Higher Being. It is similar with the chicken: it is such a bird, it has lost its wings, because of the fact that it lost its Higher thought. By necessity it also must learn its lessons. They are another long topic, but life still slowly leaves there because of this attachment. And some time must pass and this soul is still trembling, the inferior soul is still trembling because of the old connection and the old memory with the body. And then it is also calmed. And in one moment, it goes into the world of… Into Peace, ‘’to die’’ means ‘’into Peace’’**, in the world of Peace, says the Master.

**Transl. Note: In Bulgarian, the word ‘’to die’’ is composed of the words for ‘’into’’ and ‘’Peace’’.

So, it is one very nice world, the other world, but it is also not understood.

Interviewer: The next question is brief: Are animals able to read and understand our thoughts?

EH: Example: The dolphin and the cat, as soon as they cast a glance at us, they figure us out very quickly and they even forget about it, while the person is still looking, thinking, while there is… The ant, as much as it gazes at us – says the Master – it will not understand a thing. So, it is different again, it is a matter of speed again, but with the dolphin and the cat, it is… There is something Ancient in them – a part of Spirit, which is very quick in figuring out, seeing, weighing up and then forgetting, while the person is slow. They think that they have seen, right, but that, which they have seen…


Excerpt from ‘’Revelations of God’s Love + formulas for helping our close ones’’

Interview for Portal12

Love is a Beginning, which has no beginning. The ones, who have remembered Love, have become dolphins. The ones, who have forgotten Love, have become sharks. These are simultaneously symbols, and…

Excerpt from ‘’Ancient Shards – From the Unuttered Wisdom of the Twenty Second Elder’’ (Avirohol Tahariya) – by Eleazar Harash

This Voice has an Eye within Itself

If Darahar decides to appear to you, you shall hear the Clear Speech. This Voice is Clarity itself. It is composed of Divine Simplicity. This Wise Simplicity guides everyone. This Voice is Wondrously Unforgettable. It has the Ability to spread Its fragrance within you for a long time. This Voice has within Itself an Eye – a Supreme Eye, Which sees even the slightest detail. This Eye is hearing. It is the Temple of Darahar. This is why it has been said of dolphins: ‘’To hear, this means to see’’.

Excerpt from ‘’In the Temple of the Master’’ vol.1

I have passed through Millions of forms

But I have tried Love in all its forms. (16/31:31)                     

I have passed through millions of forms. The person is obliged to come to know the Essence of Love. The angel is an angel when they come to know the Essence of Love as light. The Essence of Love with the bee is honey itself. The essence of the Dolphin is in this, when it comes to know the Secrets of the sea. The essence of the person is in this, when they reach self-knowing. I have passed through all this and I have renounced all of this. For Me the Essence is in knowing God. Love is the Greatest and most dangerous Depth. Not anyone is able to swim through its Essence. I managed to swim through it and this is why I am now speaking to you. Love is the cosmic circle of the Universe. Everyone must suffer it and swim through it, in order to return to Me. This is asked of My disciples.

Excerpt From ‘’ A Book of Secrecies’’ – Compiled by Eleazar Harash

(From the Word of the Master Beinsa Douno – Commentaries by Eleazar Harash)

Sirius and Alpha Centorius

Of Sirius it is said that it is found further away from the Earth than Alpha Centorius. This is proved by the time necessary for its light to arrive to Earth. Three years are necessary while the light of Alpha Centorius reaches the Earth, and for the light of Sirius, more time is necessary. (37/page 161)

Odd beings live on Alpha Centorius and great beings live on Sirius. The Core of the reasonable beings on Alpha Centorius research the strange things in the world and in the otherworld. They research odd and dark things. They research the world of mists of all kinds – both physical and spiritual. They study the world of swamps and why certain beings have been locked inside the swamps. They study the world of darkness and what the way out of it is. But it has not been given to them to penetrate into the biggest Secret of the Dark, because they do not yet have the ability to penetrate into the depths of the Dark. For them, this will happen in other times and epochs. While, on Sirius, great Gods and Masters live. Many of them have reached the bottom of the Dark. And this is why they are now able to secretly penetrate into many worlds, without being noticed. These great beings are great observers. Their disciples are even the dolphins. Sometimes they make their disciples descend as dolphins into the seas and oceans. And the most advanced dolphins give them secret intel and knowledge about the invisible life in the water. Communicating with people, dolphins study the human world, as well. And all of this they pass on to their Masters. Dolphins are beings, for whom death is of no matter, because they easily separate from the body. And even though they live in the water, and even though they have lived as people on the land, they are, before all else, beings of the air. For now, their favourite activity remains Contemplation. They are spiritual Contemplators.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel