Questions of the Children towards Eleazar pt.15 – 23.11.2024
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
Questions of the Children towards Eleazar pt.15 – 23.11.2024
Presiyan’s questions, 23.11.2024
When did God live? I do not want toys, I want Love. Does God make mistakes? How come Eleazar knows so much?
-Let us say a Formula before we begin – “Let the Master be present.”
-Hello, friends. Today is part 15 of our series, “Questions of the Children towards Eleazar.” Today, Presiyan will be joining us with his questions. He is seven years old. But before that, let us ask Eleazar: If we remove the word “evil” from the dictionary, how would you name that, which God creates through it?
-It seems like it exists, but there is no evil. There is only the Way – a Way of Development. The Taoists say: There is no evil, there is no good – there is only the Way. On the other hand, the Only One has created evil – God Himself is the evil within evil, in order to free us from evil, and He has allowed it. And when He has allowed it, this means that He will turn it into good – evil has no chance. It does not know what it is doing, but God knows what He is doing. They act with different intentions: evil wants to harm, and God turns all of this into good. In fact, there is no acting evil, because there is God.
-That is, there is a Way, which is…
-A Way; everything is a Way towards Him!
-But this consciousness requires disciples – that is, disciples are able to have this consciousness.
-Even if they do not have it, and those who do not have any consciousness, will have it in time. Because they will not endure evil, right, which is His attack, right. – He tests the Depths of people. Even bad thoughts are not from the devil; the Only One sends them – He tests the Depths, what will you choose; in order to know whether He will live within you or not. Evil has no choice from any point of view – it has no free choice, it has no power. If it had power, at this moment, millions of people could be made to commit suicide, if it had power. It has partial power from time to time and if God allows it to, it acts. But behind it is still God, and again, evil does not know what it is doing. It is simply the Fearsome God acting everywhere! And this is why, everything will be mended in time – both those who want to and those who do not want to. Everything will simply come into place because Only One governs everything.
-And when we say that there is no good and evil, but only a Way – a Way towards what?
-Towards the Depths.
-The Depths – oh, how beautifully you said it. So, we begin with Presiyan’s questions: When did God live?
-First, should I tell you the Formula, or later?
-Yes, the new Formula that you gave us. Whenever you decide.
-Yes, we have a new Formula in the Ancient Language of Arazuma: It is Air Arayra – I am Love. “I am Love” means – My Anciency is without creation, without worlds. I am Love, saturated with the Boundlessness, with the Ancient One, with His Mystery. There will also be a song on this matter. “I am Love” is His Ancient Name.
-Yes, thank you, and regarding the new Formula, we shared it: “Master Stern, be merciful.”
-Yes, yes.
-Yes… So: When did God live?
-This is our little Presiyan from Dobrich, we spoke on the phone – yes, seven years old. When did God live? God and the Concealed Absolute have always been. This is something beyond life. They have been in the Mystery, Which is before the birth of life. Life came later, it flowed. The life of God, as Mystery, is Speechless Completeness, Pure Essence of Love, Pure Elixir. This is Life beyond life and death. It is, the same way as there is Love beyond love and hatred – Primordial. God has an Absolute and Immutable Life in the Mystery of the Proto-Ancient One. In this way Christ, the Master, Melchizedek, and so on, were created. This Great Being, God, has always been – back when there was nothing. But He had no Name back then. For the sake of people, He became God – out of necessity; otherwise, He was the Supreme One. Only the Supreme One existed before He descended as God and Akasha. It was only Him. And these – air, fire, water, and earth – descended later, after the free choice which separated from the Mystery of Nothingness. This is the Ancient Life of the Spirits – Life without death and without a fall. God and the Absolute meet in the Primordial and Incommunicable Love, Which is without beginning and without end – from abundance to Sublime-Abundance; the Proto-Abundance of Life, Which is beyond life and death. God has always lived in the Absolute, because He is the Absolute Itself, descended into Itself, in self-limitation. This is why He governs everything, and absolutely everything is in His power – neither evil nor good, neither Lucifer nor Christ, have power – Only He. He has descended in order to become more accessible and close, of course… And the understanding of all this about Him comes only from one rule: The Special Love for Truth. That is it.
-Yes, Presiyan’s second question: “I do not want toys, I want Love,” he says.

-This is your Soul’s thirst for God and the Primordial life, because here, Love is everything. It is beyond scriptures, religions, miracles, knowledge. It is the Solution to everything, because Love is God. And toys can… – they can lead you into the world and into illusions. You might start dreaming and miss Reality. The greatest fall of the person is the lack of Love. Only with Love we return into God. By the way, speaking of evil, if God penetrates it – it immediately disappears; it has no Reality from the beginning. God uses it for His purposes, but if God penetrates it – it disappears completely, leaving no trace. But God does not want this, because there is a Conception. Only with Love do we return into God, and Love is the measure. And which religion or teaching we follow is of no importance. Love is Boundless, unlike teachings… – teachings, religions, and scriptures. They will fade, and the Suns will fade, but Love – never. It does not have this ability. That is the second question.
-Yes, in one of your books, about the Elders, it is said, the Ancient One says: All will become close to Me one day. What is it that will make everyone close to Him?
-When the Great Returning happens, when the Conception is fulfilled, when the worlds are finished – and they will all return into Him, and on a higher level, they will be close. But only He remains Sublime and Proto-Sublime. Actually, God is Sublime, and the Absolute is Proto-Sublime.
-The third question from Presiyan: Does God make mistakes?
-God never makes mistakes, but seemingly, it appears that this world is some kind of mistake. But this is a Deep Conception. God incessantly thinks about us, but we are not as constant as the wellspring that says: “Pray incessantly.” This Being, Which can do everything for you, is the Immaculate God, because He is Sublime. Deep within us there is a thirst for Sublimity. At our Beginning, we were Sublime like God, but not like the Absolute, Which is a Proto-Sublimity. That is why in the Bible it is said… in the Bible: Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect’’. But no one can be Perfect like the Absolute. We have a long Way to God and to the Proto-Father, and that is why we want Love. So, the question “Does God make mistakes?” – God does not make mistakes because He is Sublime. He is the One granting all Boons, and everything is One Wise Conception. If the person is looking with their own gaze, it seems as if God has made a mistake. But if we look with His Eyes, we will see one Sublime Providence. Because everything is set in motion by Him for the sake of Development. He has created us deeply Divine and Sublime, but we did not entrust ourselves to Him, but to ourselves. Whoever has entrusted themselves to Him, then God will pour His Sublimity into them and His Completeness. When we become Nothing, we will come to know His Sublimity and the Whole Completeness. He can Act completely only in our Nothingness. Only in the Nothingness, in the one who is Nothing, does God come to life in His Completeness and His Actions, and here we come to know Him as Sublime. This means that only the Nothingness is Sublime because it is Complete.
-And Presiyan’s fourth question: How does Eleazar know so much?
-First, it is not necessary to know much; it is enough to love – especially Humility and the Nothingness. And then He, the Knowing One, the Concealed Knowing One, comes into me and speaks important things. The important thing is for me not to hinder Him, and this is why I love the Nothingness and Humility, and it knows – Humility – it knows, without knowing. The Nothingness is entering into God – into the One Who knows. I am only the small Nothing, the small instrument of the Great Nothing, Which is the Master. The Master within me knows, and I have only devoted myself, and this has happened long ago – thousands and millions of years ago. We know when God and the Master become known within us, when the Nothingness becomes aware within us. The Nothingness is a deeper degree than Love and than Humility. It is the Origin, but for now, let us stop here. It is the Origin. It is the Depths. In the Nothingness, there are far deeper degrees than Love; it is where Love also originated from.
-Thank you, thank you. And for the next month, let us say that our guests will be: Iliya, Carla, Dara, Hristina, four years old, and Isabella, four years old, with their questions. Each of them will have one little question, which you will answer for us. We will be much quieter – without questions, so that you can unfold in answering their little questions. And I will read only two of them: “Why don’t I see my friends anymore when I am told that they have passed away?” – this is one question. And the other question is: “Why is God important?” We will answer them…?
-Yes. Such wonderful children’s…
-Yes, yes… But Eleazar’s answer to this and other questions – in our next conversation. Thank you to everyone for the time and attention given. Thank you.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel