Bodhidharma, Occult Buddhism, The mind, Symbolic Buddhism, The Buddha…
(Lecture 1)
(First idea for contemplation)
(Lecture 2)
(Second idea for contemplation)
(Lecture 3)
(Third idea for contemplation)
Let us do our protective formula.
(Lecture 1)
I begin with a Great Master, exceptional, merciless, he belongs to fierce Loyalty: Bodhidharma.
First: Bodhidharma is a Great Warrior and Buddha-Master. A being of Great Clarity, i.e. Pure Sight – no world, no illusions, no other world: Pure, direct sight.
He understood every teaching because he understood himself. – Here starts the understanding of all teachings. I have said: All branches are of the same Tree, all rivers reach to the Sea. – And whoever has not understood themselves, they understand neither their teaching, nor others.
His mind is in the Spirit and not in the mind, i.e. the mind is tied up, mastered, locked: it has become a servant. His mind is Clear, Deep, Void, i.e. Boundless, Mastered, and therefore, he is Spirit and speaks as Spirit – as we will see – and his mind is simply a pure servant, an obedient servant.
He has become Truth from the Inside. This is the approach of the Spirit – there is no mind in It, no world, no createdness, no delusion of any sort. Here the mind is, as I said, a pure instrument. Something more: he has gone beyond all comprehension and incomprehension – he has become The Third Bank of the River. We have spoken of The Third Bank of the River before. He has become Nirvana, the Great Freedom. He does not interpret the occurrences of the world – there are no analyses and delusions here; he penetrates them and surpasses them.
Bodhidharma is an Ancient Spirit, he is the Kingdom of God, this is where he has descended from. The Chinese Sages call him Da Mo, the Japanese Sages – Daruma. A mighty… some of you have seen him: bearded, stern old man with a very Wise and dangerous gaze. His gaze is something like a Sword – The Sword of Truth. He is Absolutely not attached to any world – especially to this long dead world.
He says: I renounced everything and I attained Dao.
This is a being in itself Primordial, in itself The elixir of Life – he is not looking for the Elixir, he has found the Truth within himself. He has led a very Deep life in Dao, i.e. in Dharma, the Great Law, or said another way – The Truth – and not in scriptures, not in quotations, not in arguments. Very simple: when you have become the Truth, all arguments are dead.
He has descended to Earth but he lives with Dao. Such a being you can never approve of or critisise: you can only follow him, and in your own way, because such beings give Freedom. Either you follow him, or you do not follow him.
If you are seeking knowledge you cannot comprehend Bodhidharma. You have but one choice: you must honestly seek Truth – only then will you have a connection to Bodhidharma. With such Truth which is from Dao, hide away all your pitiful knowledge, including pure spiritual knowledge. Listen sincerely, come sincerely and listen carefully, because Bodhidharma has not belonged to this world or the other world since very long ago.
Here, with him, there are no two opinions. As I said, The Third Bank of the River, i.e. it is Depth that is speaking. This is Pure Word from the Abyss. There is no good and evil here, no pitiful philosophy, because – he says: Truth is marvelous! If you are worthy, you will hear It. If you live It, you will understand It.
With this Truth you can have truthful relations and no other kind: there is no meditation here; it is excessive, it is secondary. The question here is: Do you have the right relation with Truth and with Dao? Here meditations also fall away. Here it is important whether you live with the Truth or not… There is no need for faith here, no incense and rituals, as we will see later. Incense is a big tragedy, we will explain later in Symbolic Buddhism – what Buddha said.
If here, on Earth, you understand this Dao, this Truth, you will go to It, and if you argue you will remain in yourself and in your own death, i.e. in your limitations.
If you seek knowledge instead of Truth you are yet far off and in you there are still no conditions for development. Only Dao, i.e. the Truth in you is your Saviour – faith does not save.
I have explained to you before – The Truth is the measure. And this is why the Master says: Be Truthful! –not a believer, not religious, not good. Be Truthful! – I will explain: Faith is only a guiding power, and Love towards Truth – this is already the Way to Salvation. Outside of Truth there is no Salvation – this is the Occult, Deep Buddhism: it is based on Truth, it excludes faith. I have met numerous people with faith: and they live in ignorance. Faith does not help. You must have entered into Love, and Love must have allowed you to seek Wisdom and Truth. This Deep Buddhism (later we will speak of it) – no rituals help here. No charity: charity never saves people. In time, when I speak to you of Islam, you will see that this charity of the world can be punished – it is distant from Truth.
(First idea for contemplation)
Bodhidharma says: Good deeds are illusory ghosts. – I will repeat, because these are the Deep Truths: Good deeds are illusory ghosts. – The Sage is saved with or without deeds. If a foolish person helps people a lot – the Sage does not help. The fool continues to perish and die in many incarnations. – The Sage has outgrown the deeds. If the Sage does… If they bring you sorrow, this is something very nice; if the fool brings you happiness, this is something very bad.

Bodhidharma is Depth – and many Buddhist scholars were perturbed because he is odd. Very simple: Truth is never scientific, as many expect – it never was scientific. Bodhidharma has sliced both science and religion to pieces. Truth – this is what he upholds, there he sees Perfection. Here science and religion have no access. Here only Divine Beings enter: not scientific, not religious, not some other… Divine Beings only. Here the lowest level, in this world – the world of Truth – the lowest level is Purity. Here is the Kingdom of the Pure Spirits; from here many degrees up begin. Here Bodhidharma guides you towards Dao, he corners you: you either choose Truth, or delusions…
But let me explain. The Truth – this is the Way of huge, raw discipline, self-discipline. You create it for yourself, you choose it. You do not wait for someone to impose it upon you – you begin to shape it yourself.
Bodhidharma does not speak – he resounds. And his Quiet is also sometimes resounding and cutting because of the big Depth. You have heard people say that silence is gold – it is not so. Fish are silent, too – says the Master – but they are no Sages. The fool, even if they remain quiet their whole life, their silence is noisy. We are speaking here of an entirely different type of Quiet – Bodhidharma has attained the Truth and It has allowed him to enter into the Supreme Truth. There is no silence there, even. If I must… I shall explain another time.
Bodhidharma – of him they say, like of Lao Tzu: As if a Dragon. He is a Diamond in the rough.
He says: Either the Truth, or remain in karma and in the world.
He admits that Buddha was his Master, but he himself is such fierce Loyalty that many have said that Buddha himself marveled at him – such Loyalty, such a rare diamond.
Bodhidharma is self-created, a rock, indestructible – Truth in body. He evinces a Mighty and Pure Speechlessness… unless he disturbs you.
He moves as a Storm: he comes to shake you. There is no quiet knocking on the Heart, like Christ – Bodhidharma does not knock on the door of the Heart. He differs from Buddha and from Christ both – he is a Living Sword. Of course, Softness is a Sword as well, but Bodhidharma is something else: he comes Mightily, as a whirlwind. Sometimes in life God comes in the same way. God Himself comes as sharpness and as softness. Truth itself has within It huge sharpness so that nothing impure can enter inside It.
When the Emperor of China saw him – there had to be a meeting – when he saw him he was immediately disturbed. – As a whole, everything impure, everything of the mind is immediately disturbed, regardless of whether there are reasons or not. The quality of the mind is disturbance and worry. – Bodhidharma had one shoe on his head and the other one – on his foot. An Approach: if you accept him like this, he will reveal to you Deep things… A drop of criticism and you are already far: far in your delusions, far away from Truth. He wanted to tell the Emperor: Are you looking at me externally? – the approach was such. – “Do you accept me as I am? Because God has accepted me as I am. How do you accept me?”. Absurd – he is absurd, illogical – such is Truth. Life itself has no logic, it is above logic – such is Truth.
And says Bodhidharma: Because I have come in order to destroy the world within you, to destroy the mind, time, creation.
Bodhidharma is a peculiar world, but very Pure if you study him in the right way, and very veiled. The tiniest criticism, and you can no longer understand him – you have missed it.
And the Master says: If you diverge with only a hundred millionth part from the norm, you can no longer understand me. – here the matter is of an even deeper measure.
(Lecture 2)
All the practices you do are in your mind – and these are never True practices. – I will repeat: Whatever you practice, all the practices you do are in your mind. These are never True practices. – What is the main practice of the world, which people deviated from? Mastering the mind. This is the most important practice in the world: control. This means: control over thoughts, feelings, deeds and secret inner deeds. This is the Supreme practice.
This means also mastering the Word, because the Word is God. One slipped word (I will repeat, as before) – you can lose 20 years from your development, you can lose 20 000 years… Control! Bodhidharma observes this, he emphasises here. There is no Brotherhood here, no wheat diet*, no colour rays of light**.
*Translator’s note: Known as “Wheat regimen”- a wheat diet combined with spiritual practices given by the Master Peter Deunov to His then disciples over 100 years ago.
**Translator’s note: “The Testament of the Colour Rays of Light” – A collection of specially arranged Bible verses given by the Master Peter Deunov to His disciples in 1912.
The Master Himself told me that these things are obsolete, but for some people – they simply must do something. They wanted me to present a lecture on the colour rays of light, I said: There will be no such lecture. Because I have understood from the Master: On a Deep level Truth has no colours. These are limitations. Focus on Truth! Otherwise you can occupy yourself with many other lateral things: growing einkorn wheat etc – it will help with nothing. Not long ago in the interview on vegetarianism, there I said on the conference: Nothing can replace Love towards God: no vegetarianism, no pure eating… No pure eating! Something else is required because the times are intense! So.

The most important practice is this. Everything else is only exercise, not practices. Breathing: breathe as much as you want – this is not a practice. If you have mastered your mind you are already No-mind, you are walking towards the Spirit, you are already Pure; then all other practices become Pure. So after this practice, afterwards – practice whatever you want, sense is already brought into it, and if you have the right attitude it will be in its proper place – otherwise you are playing mind games and exercises.
Those who do not understand Dao, the Truth – they swallow evil, i.e. they perceive evil. Evil will be imposed upon them. Those who understand the Truth, they overcome evil because they only perceive Dao and the Truth: then their Truth swallows evil.
The ones who do not understand seek the known; the ones who do understand seek the Unknown, and in this way they feed on Dao and the Truth.
The matter of mastering the mind is Sublime: a Sublime, Essential practice because only from here on, you embark towards Self-knowledge and Dao – this is the Great, Substantial matter. All other practices are games of an exceptionally cunning mind. Centuries and thousands of years of rituals, incense, ritual sacrifices – instead of sacrificing yourself… The Master says: You slaughter the sheep and you say “No problem” when the knife passes through its throat, but when the knife passes through your throat you say “Wait a minute, not so”.
This mind loves everything which is without Spirit and without Soul. It loves to do whatever, just so that the person may die and the mind can trick them. This mind – this is no philosophical matter (to solve), it is not for priests, not for scientists, because they are all in the mind themselves. The mind means the world and humanity, the fallen Adam. They are all in the mind and they cannot get out of it. This matter is Deeply occult and Essential, a Deeply Internal matter. Only Sages and Greatly Devoted ones master the mind and become Pure Spirits and Souls – Released Essences. Or, as the Atlanteans call it, they become Free Wind. Clever ones can talk of the mind for thousands of years – and not solve the Secret of the mind. The mind proves to be deeper than them and they are left enclosed within it.
What is the mind? The Master says: the snake of olden times, Satan. It is not easy to outgrow it – this is a Cherub. He wields such subtleties, that people have no notion. You can only overcome it through fierce Loyalty towards God – and in one moment, God will allow you to understand it. The Master says: What is the mind? Something very clever and well-played: an old, wise Cherub, a very experienced spirit – you can never overcome it easily, unless through fierce Loyalty towards God and a special and distinct attitude towards Truth. A half-attitude towards Truth does not help.
The Emperor asks Bodhidharma:
-I have done many good deeds, I have built temples, I have given food to many monks, money for translations of sacred books, etc.
Bodhidharma says:
-Let us examine this enormous ignorance…
Bodhidharma simply looked at him, disturbed him again and said to him:
-But how can you do these deeds? You have no Dharma, you do not have Truth within yourself. What deeds can you even do, as a whole?
Bodhidharma was laughing unrestrained. The Emperor was perturbed because he had a big entourage, right – he thought there will be a king’s reception, a friendly conversation. Bodhidharma is mercilessly honest. He directly says to the Emperor:
-You are truly a fool. You have not built anything, until you have built the Truth in yourself. You do not have Dao within you.
The Emperor was sweating and he asked:
-So then, is there anything holy or not?
Bodhidharma tells him:
-There is nothing holy and unholy, there is only Truth and Boundlessness!
Again, another blow against the ones who do not understand. I have explained, holiness is also a sin. Saints are to be pitied – sometime I will especially present that matter. And you will truly understand it, because this matter is explained through Divine logic and not through human things, in human ways. So!
–Holiness and unholiness are mind games, just like good and evil. You truly are a real fool!
The Emperor was just stunned. If he could run away, he would, but he had never heard such direct Word. He had never met such a Master in his life. Bodhidharma is a fragrance from this Great Truth – but if you are not ready for this Truth then it is torture for you. Bodhidharma is Truth in action, Spirit in action. He has gone beyond the mind and all its numerous many thousands of games a long time ago.
The Emperor asks him:
-Who am I speaking with?
Bodhidharma says:
-I do not know.
I will explain. Because Bodhidharma comes from the Unknown, he says “I do not know”. He does not come from the known. All Wise Masters from Anciency, who know God, know Him exactly as the Unknown One – this is why this answer is very precise.
(Second idea for contemplation)
What Bodhidharma tells us of the mind:
When the mind lives in illusions – this is simply hell. – Some seek hell… The world has been hell for a very long time, the pit is something deeper – there, underground, with the demons.
Worldly minds constantly cause illusions. – This is a way of life, a way of thinking. In this way they naturally live in hell, regardless of whether they are in this world or the other one: hell continues. Because they are always… they remain in the impure mind – this is hell itself, you need not look for another hell. As Al Hallaj says: If you possess worldly thinking you do not need another failure – this is enough.
The mind has two manifestations – says Bodhidharma – pure and impure. – The impure, the worldly, the ordinary mind – this is simply madness. All kinds of desires, conflict, nonsense: today you are agitated, tomorrow you are sad, then you are joyful, pessimistic, optimistic, desperate and confused – the mind is the master of illusions, the impure mind – an exceptional master, a sculptor of delusions. Endless mind games… Here everything is the opposite of the Primary State, the Buddha State, of which we will speak later.

The other mind, the Pure mind, the mastered mind –there is Immutability here, there is Reality, Liberation, Essence. Here the mind does not create any world because it does not create illusions: it is conquered. Here the mind is transformed: it has become Pure Consciousness, with no impurities. This is also called the No-Mind, i.e. your True nature, and whether you call it Spirit, Buddha, Christ – this is of no matter. This is all One… It is all Dao, this is the Primordial State.
And so: with their earthly mind the earthly people create more and more world for themselves, more illusions – building endless illusions, endless castles in the air. This is an old, dead game from thousands and millions of years and it renews with every incarnation. The impure mind walks from one hell into another. That, which is impure will never receive Peace: it has no such nature, Peace cannot be given to it. If you are silent, but you have not mastered the mind then your silence is also poor and vain. It is the unmastered mind that creates karma and reincarnates with its karma. The mortal ones create karma and they wrongly think that there is no retribution – but can they deny suffering? Because it will always chase them. You sow and you reap. How can you avoid this? You cannot. If you are sowing, you cannot. All those, who have fallen into their impure mind are dependent on their own karma. They are mortal and they pass through countless sorrows because they have darkened their own Essence.
The root of ignorance is the impure mind and from here countless evils originate. They sprout like leaves and branches – from the tree. Mortal people who do not understand the Truthful Practice and do good deeds – in their next deeds they will be blind, i.e. they are in blind karma. They do good but the mind remains impure and ignorant, i.e. nothing changes. Under a special type of pressure from God these people become monsters. They are otherwise polite, seem nice, right – and quiet – all of a sudden they turn out to be murderers and whatever else. If evil attacks these blindly good people their impure mind is seen immediately, but it was always inside them and in their blind good. Liberation from the mind is a big purification and mastering because heavy, painful reincarnations always await the impure mind.
(Lecture 3)
A disciple asks Bodhidharma:
-Buddha has allowed lighting incense?
Bodhidharma says to him:
-This has nothing to do with the material incense. This means To ignite the Truth within yourself. Because only in this way will you burn the evil inside you and your big impurity. And with the external lighting of incense you remain in ignorance.
So Bodhidharma tells him:
-Light the Truth within yourself, and the other incense – tie it up, it is false practice.
But people to this day still do not understand the Wisdom of Buddha, even today they interpret it literally. They use an external flame and pray for future blessing which they will never attain.
It is the same nonsense with flower offerings. Here the matter is, according to Bodhidharma: Are you offering virtues? – Because according to Buddha these True Virtues never wilt, but they blossom eternally – and only through these True Virtues do you truly receive many blessings, not because you want them, but because you are Pure. And if you think of hurting flowers – this is another type of ignorance, another impurity of the mind. Buddha never harms the forms of life, not even by mistake. Buddha has said: “If you pick a flower, even by mistake, suffering awaits you.” – Even by mistake. “How can you await a blessing – says Bodhidharma – when you have brought sorrow to the flowers?” The Master says the same: “When you pick a flower, it will wilt – in time you will also resemble a wilted flower.” Nothing more! When you pick a flower you have done a violation. This is the impure mind – and Bodhidharma says: You are in karma. – This is enough. One flower and you are already in karma.
Another matter, Buddha said: Ignite your lanterns. Buddha wanted to say, explains Bodhidharma: Acquire the True Knowledge, the Sublimely Pure Knowledge, because only it enlightens the Way. The light of the external lantern will never bring you Freedom. This is one elementary, simple lantern. Ignite within yourself the Power of Wisdom – this is a Flame, and the other, external one is only smoke, fume and illusion. With the external lantern for millions of years you are unable to disperse the darkness of karma, for millions of years you are unable to disperse the darkness in the consciousnesses of the impure minds. The external remains transitory… Whoever has become Buddha, they can light the lantern, the consciousness of others… They can pass the Truth on to others – and this is Dharma, the Great Law. In this way others become lanterns – and in their turn can ignite other consciousnesses. Buddha has ignited millions of people and there is no need for baptism at all here, because this is another form of ignorance. Simply – Life within Truth. In this way all the Light is transmitted.

Buddha has also said: Build monasteries! Bodhidharma explains: This was also misunderstood. – But in the impure minds everything is murky. And Bodhidharma explains: Monastery means to build your own, personal discipline. This is the idea of the monastery. This means that if you have such discipline you do not need an external monastery – you are already in the monastery, you are already in Truth. If you do not have discipline, in the monastery you are not in the monastery. But all these impure minds roam some monasteries and wander in vanity. This is why Priest Bogomil said, time ago, of churches: Clever foxes (of the monks) – they hid away in the monasteries, they ran from the world but they understood nothing.
The idea of fasting: this means an exceptional decisiveness to pursue Purity. This is guarding your mind from any pollution – this is fasting. Otherwise you may fast as much as you want to – not a problem, but it will not solve anything. So: You must guard your mind against any pollution! If you do not purify yourself, fasting is false – you remain again in the impure mind, in the fall. If you feed on delusions what sort of fasting will help you? Fasting cannot help for delusions, for delusions there is no blessing.
Bows have also remained misunderstood – because what deserves bowing is only the Pure actions of the person. The rest is some fitness programme, some exercise: one thousand bows, three thousand bows – a tragedy. “Whoever understands Pure actions – says Bodhidharma – they follow the Truth”. And bows are from the fallen minds. To bow means reverence and humility towards Truth – this is bowing. External bows always speak of ignorance of the mind: these bows are poses in the world. Of course, a person with deep respect and reverence, this is another matter, but they instill Heart there, i.e. there is no mind. Wherever the Pure Heart acts, there the mind cannot act. This vain thinking means heavier and heavier reincarnations. Only discernment frees the person from evil deeds. The more you master yourself, the more you purify yourself.
And says Bodhidharma: Must you look for meaning? – Again a Deep answer: No. While you are looking for meaning you will find nothing. – This is philosophical delusions of a different kind. But while you are purifying yourself, you yourself will become sense itself more and more because sense is your Buddha nature. It starts from Purity upwards. There are about six degrees, but Purity is the lowest degree of the Spiritual world, this is where you start. This is the meaning – purification, your Buddha nature. People foolishly occupy themselves with building temples and statues but they are not able to ascend into their Buddha nature, in their own Truth, in their own Essence.
(Third idea for contemplation)
Some people look for origin. Bodhidharma says: Truth has no origin. – The Absolute never had an origin. It created other things, they originated from it: Gods etc, they have an origin. The Absolute, the Sublime Truth, never had an origin. It has always been. Truth has no origin: It has always been, it always will be. And what has an origin, it has descended in order to learn that there is no origin: there is only Dao, there is only Boundlessness – Sublime Truth. Beings of Dao, of the Truth, descend among people in order to explain what No-Origin and Buddha nature is.
The Buddha State is the Primordial State, the State of No-Origin. It is before any origin. There is no seeking Dao here, there is no seeking God here even: there is only disappearance, or as Sufis call it: Fana – dissolving into God – you become a Primordial Being. You still have independence, your Higher Self, but of a completely different kind, i.e. now God in you is your Higher Self, and not your self, which is on a lower level. I am speaking of your Supreme Self – it is on a high level. Here we are speaking of the instilling of God, which is much more than the Higher self and this is why Christ says “Into Your hands I commend my Spirit”. Yes, there is the Truth – in God. So there is only disappearance, as I said, and dissolving.
Dao is bottomless and nameless. Origin has an end. Dao has no bottom, no origin – not a beginning, not an end. Dao is boundless, free and independent. The Truth within you is Deeper than any miracle and It surpasses the whole history of the world.
I have explained: the word history means a fall. We are before history, as Spirits, way before it. This is precisely why the Atlanteans erase their biography, erase themselves – because they return, they wish to return into Truth and not in some world. They give up on names because one person has hundreds and thousands of names in all their incarnations. In the end, which one is their name? Who are their parents? Which is their country? Only one: the Boundlessness – this is their country, this is their Homeland. This is where millions of Atlanteans have returned to, millions of Sufis, etc.

Through the Truth you are in the Buddha State, in Dao, and there is no bigger miracle than this. A miracle is a poor event compared to the person of Truth. Your totally purified mind is your Buddha nature. This means that this entirely purified mind is your liberation. Here you are not waiting for “Judgment day”, you are not even waiting for Resurrection. You are within yourself, free. If you have the Truth and live in It you need no other salvation. This free mind, this is the Way itself, the True Way, and this is why they say: What is Tathagata (i.e. Buddha, the Buddha-Essence)? The one Who comes from nowhere and is going nowhere – they are always within Themselves. They are themselves – this is the Ancient, Primordial Buddha State. In the bible this is called, and spoken as: “I am Who I am”.
What is Buddha? The One Who has reached Dharma, the Great Completeness, the Truth. What is Dharma, or the Truth? That which has never originated and it never ends. This is why It is called Dharma or The Greatest Law, The Law of the Universe and The Law beyond the Universe. All those who do not comply with it will always reincarnate in heavy karma – regardless of whether they believe in karma and retribution: this is of no matter.
The Mind of Buddha – this is the No-Mind, i.e. the Pure Spirit, the Primordial: in this way He has entered into the Boundlessness. Even while He was on Earth, He was in the Boundlessness. He comes with the Boundlessness in Himself, He lives in the Boundless like Lao Tzu and He returns to the Boundless. He was not in the present because He is deeper than the present: He was in the Boundlessness. Because if you are in the present but you are not in Truth, you are far from Dao.
Whoever practices the Truth, they do not act deeds: they act Purity, they act Voidness – this is the Sublime Practice. Said another way: Whoever practices God, they do not need any other practices – absolutely no other practices.
The Buddha State – this is the Absolutely Pure Consciousness which does not allow even the smallest evil to arise in itself. And the Master says it: If you have even microscopic evil inside you, you are already in death. – this evil may become big. Here (in the Buddha State) the person is awakened both within and without.
The Buddha State is the state of Striking Awareness. Bodhidharma says: I follow the One Who has never been born, Who has never walked the earth, Who has never spoken through words – but through presence… – he follows Him, the Truthful Buddha – …and everything else which you call “history” is nothing more than a dream, dreamt by the people asleep. – The ones who have not seen Dao, i.e. the Truth, in themselves, are meditating in vain. (I am not saying to not meditate – let them meditate, but reduce meditation to a few minutes and devote themselves to Truth because in time meditation will outsmart them – it will turn out so that it will not help them).
The Buddha State – this is the Primordial Human, the Pure Spirit. Whether it is in a body or without one – this is Spirit. If Buddha had said… if some worldly people had asked Him “Do you believe in spirits?”, he would have said: Here I am, in front of you! – but the earthly person cannot see anything. So this is Pure Spirit, the Primordial Spirit. It resembles a void space, it resembles the Boundlessness – and this is why people wonder at such a person: are they here, are they not. It is so. They are both here and they are not.
Buddha says: Because people are deluded by their mind, their actions are endless reincarnations. – No faith can save the delusional person, i.e. the impure mind. Their faith only helps them enter into new, even heavier reincarnations. The Buddha State, i.e. the Deeply mastered mind – this is the Primordial Spirit. Even in Anciency it was not in Purity. Purity is a much lower level. Of course, then it descends into Purity to do something, but it is much deeper than Purity. But it was – such Spirit – it always has been within the Truth, within the Great Law. It has lived in the Great Spirit, in Brahman, in God.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel