Boundlessness – 366 Sacred Thoughts
Compiled by Eleazar Harash
Whoever lives within the Truth, they are Deeper than any aim.
- the Master Melhoriya
Your sufferings must enlighten your delusions.
- the Master Melhoriya
If you lose the support of your life – gain certitude.
- the Master Melhoriya
A person is beautiful when they have created the Boundlessness within themselves.
- the Master Melhoriya
Sorrow taught me how to fly.
- Zulayra
If you want to destroy your enemy – help them.
- Zulayra
Seek Wisdom within the Untempted Ones.
- Tehuti
God is not created, but He is the Creator of everything.
- Jacob Boehme
Everyone has life, because the Great Dao is Overflowing.
- Lao Tzu
The Sage arrives without embarking.
- Lao Tzu
The Divine Dark is The Inaccessible Light, within which God Himself dwells.
- Dionysius the Areopagite
Where the wellspring runs dry, there the Boundlessness begins.
- Morongon
Within Darkness the Most Ancient Eye is Concealed.
- Azavot Mahariya
Be Boundless, not good.
- The Priest Atlantean
Show the Eyes of the Boundlessness to fear.
- The Priest Atlantean
If the Dark envelops you – pierce it, because you are an Ancient Sword.
- Azavot Mahariya
The Truthful person seeks roads not walked.
- Heraclitus
The Truthful life is not of this world.
- Raymond Lull
Listen to your Instant and never trust time.
- Sorin Cherin
I do not need any festivities. I am always in Blissfulness.
- Sai Baba
Do not add religion to Purity, so that you do not stain it.
- Al-Hallaj
The Wise One strikes the trials.
- Al-Hallaj
The Seeking Soul – this is called Predestination. This is what It has sown.
- Sorin Cerin
When God is within you, darkness glows and sorrow shines.
- Al-Hallaj
The Wise One does not have religion, they have God within themselves.
- Al-Hallaj
Golgotha is an Entrance towards One Ancient Secret.
- Al-Hallaj
If you cannot find a loyal friend, then become a friend to your own self.
- Pythagoras
The person is more Supreme than the stars, if they live under the rule of Supreme Wisdom.
- Paracelsus
If Christ is born thousands of times in Bethlehem, but not within you, you would remain forever lost.
- Angelus Silesius
No kind of knowledge can replace Purity.
- Plotinus

Love is the Hymn of Anciency.
- Orpheus
If you do not respond to the hostile vibrations, then you are not allowing your enemy to cause you evil.
- Sri Aurobindo
You cannot destroy ignorance with good deeds only. Ignorance is destroyed with Wisdom.
- Shankara
Golgotha is an Island of Proto-Light.
- Eleazar Harash
The Good Bird flies in the fog with Certitude.
- Atlantean Proverb
When you do not know how to act – act Wisely.
- Atlantean Proverb
When you leave this world, take the Boundlessness with you.
- Atlantean Proverb
The Inspired One has no destiny. They have only God.
- Ibn Arabi
Love is my religion.
- Ibn Arabi
I am overpowered by my Love for God.
- Mechthild
Awaken God within yourself and you shall be healed.
- The Master Peter Deunov
God is more Real than you are.
- The Master Peter Deunov
If God is not within you, all temples are useless.
- The Master Peter Deunov
The Abyss – this is the always Unborn Absolute.
- Basilides
There is only one monastery and one only – The Truth. Enter into It.
- Basilides
There is only one indemnity – God within the person.
- The Master Peter Deunov
True Rulership is not overt.
- Serapis Bey
Beatific is the one, who is mad with God.
- Ramakrishna
The Great Soul does not allow good within Itself, but only God.
- Juan De La Cruz
You must come to reach this, that you cannot come to know.
- Juan De La Cruz
The beauty of life consists in the Things Not Understood.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Love will never accept to be understood.
- Sorin Cerin
Whoever has merged with God, they have overcome Judgement Day.
- Angelus Silesius
Whatever I may taste, God is the most savory for me.
- Angelus Silesius
I drink sorrow like honey.
- Angelus Silesius
Specially chosen sound, rhythm and image, heal illnesses.
- Pythagoras
The Wise One loves the Unknownness.
- Lao Tzu
Everything depends not on destiny, but on Wisdom.
- Maurice Maeterlinck
Destiny cannot act against Love, because Love is found within the Light.
- Maurice Maeterlinck
The Strongest is that, which is closest to God.
- Socrates
Anyone can become Christ, if they fulfill the Divine Will.
- Martinez de Pasqually
The Pure action is Divine-Communion with the Truth.
- Martinez de Pasqually
It is not the past that is important, but Anciency.
- Tehuti
Do not speak of God, but live within Him.
- Egyptian Wisdom
If you are calm in front of the great difficulty, then you know the Power of your Spirit.
- Egyptian Wisdom
The Truth is an Island of Fire.
- Egyptian Wisdom
True Knowledge is an attainment of Spirit.
- Tehuti
Whoever loves the Truth, the Truth arranges their life.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Think that God is close to you and He will truly be close.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Love Inspirits, Wisdom brings sense, Truth makes Divine.
- The Master Peter Deunov
The first and biggest help towards the person is the thought.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Truth never counts the years, only the Instances.
- Sorin Cerin
Your Love is your lit candle.
- Priest Bogomil
Whoever lives within the scriptures and not within God, they miss God.
- Boyan the Magus
The Boundlessness understands you only if you cannot understand It.
- Sorin Cerin
Whoever is within God, they are not of the world.
- Boyan the Magus
Knowledge is a punishment. Wisdom is a gift.
- Boyan the Magus
Truth does not need candles, but Pure Life.
- Boyan the Magus
Wisdom is Deeper than events.
- Merlin
There are Sages Who are beyond the sense of things.
- Merlin
The Sage never lives in times and epochs. They always live within the Spirit, in Timelessness.
- Merlin
Love is above the Cosmos. When the Cosmos is in desolation, Love is Untouchable.
- Tehuti
If your Love has not engulfed your knowledge, you are in danger.
- Tehuti
Divinity has existed always beyond the desolations of all civilisations.
- Tehuti
This Ancient and Shining Fire descended and turned into the Woman.
- Tehuti
Whoever has fallen in Love with the Truth, they will be led into their Boundless Way.
- Tehuti
When you are within God, you have Boundless Eyes.
- Tehuti
That, which you have done with Love – this is your Secret future.
- Tehuti
When God Loves you, He sends you a True Master.
- Tehuti
The Wise One does not enter into battle and this is why nothing can rival them.
- Lao Tzu
The one who conquers themselves has True Power.
- Lao Tzu
The Wise One acts according to Truth and never seeks support in laws.
- Lao Tzu
Whoever practices Dao knows that all else is unnecessary.
- Lao Tzu
Whoever follows Dao is Free; whoever follows themselves is a slave.
- Lao Tzu
The Pure action gains the Truthful Knowledge.
- Lao Tzu

Only the Pure Action knows the Great Way.
- Lao Tzu
Be Truthful and you will be in Unity.
- Lao Tzu
Water is soft, but it can smite everything.
- Lao Tzu
Peace is the removing of the worlds.
- Lao Tzu
Purity is the Secret Way.
- Lao Tzu
The Wise One drinks Peace and Boundlessness.
- Lao Tzu
When Dao is with you, the danger is harmless.
- Lao Tzu
Whoever is in agreement with Dao, they govern themselves in the Right way.
- Lao Tzu
The one who loves Truth a lot, they see a lot.
- The Master Peter Deunov
When God directs His attention towards the person, He kills everything within them, which is not God.
- Al-Hallaj
The Love towards God surpasses all methods.
- The Master Peter Deunov
The one who learns from God cannot be led by the world.
- The Master Peter Deunov
The Truth within the person can handle everything.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Be Truthful, so that you have God on your side.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Whoever wants to attain the True Love, they must sacrifice themselves for God entirely.
- The Kabbalah
When the Ancient One descended, He turned into Love, and there – above – He is Boundlessness.
- The Kabbalah
When everything has been taken away from you, have Supreme Love towards God.
- The Kabbalah
Do not seek the Truth in history, seek it within yourself.
- The Kabbalah
Evil is relative, it is not real even when it destroys.
- The Concealed Zohar
The world has fallen in consequence of the Concealing of the Secret Teaching.
- The Concealed Zohar
The Promised Land – this is attaining God within yourself.
- The Concealed Zohar
The Ecstatic Inspiration is above every Teaching.
- Abraham Abulafia
Whoever does not have True Knowledge, they cannot gain their Soul.
- The Kabbalah
The Truth is big grief for the impure ones.
- The Kabbalah
Whoever does not have one great notion of God, they cannot receive support from the Truth.
- The Kabbalah
Whoever sees the Face of the Secret, they gain something which is not found in the world.
- The Kabbalah
Whoever finds themselves in darkness and rises up, they bring joy to God.
- The Kabbalah
Whoever has destroyed evil within themselves, they attain Salvation.
- Isaac Luria
The True person is sculpted by the Boundlessness.
- Isaac Luria
Prayer is a Way of gradual returning into God.
- Isaac Luria
Prayer has the Power to change even the decisions of God.
- Isaac Luria
Your choice, sown today – this will be your destiny.
- The Kabbalah
In order to receive True help, you must want it with your Soul.
- The Kabbalah
The more you think of God, the more you mend yourself.
- Abendana
When you love, you learn to give birth to the Boundlessness within yourself.
- Sorin Cerin
The striving for knowledge is the act of humans. The striving for God is an act of God.
- Abendana
Success in this world is attaining the Sublime Love.
- The Kabbalah
Whoever has no fear of God, they will fear themselves.
- The Kabbalah
God is a Fearsome Sublimity.
- The Kabbalah
What is Love? A Boundless Reverence before the Ancient Unknown.
- The Kabbalah
Since I saw the Almighty, I understand nothing of the transient anymore.
- Rabi Shimon
If you see God, or if you do not see Him – it is all the same, because He is indescribable.
- M. Cordovero
The Ancient One is Pure Shining without form.
- Isaac Luria
The meeting with God is striking, it transforms the person forever.
- Isaac Luria
The Living Spirit is One, always living. His end has no end.
- Sefer Yetzirah
Within the Pure Heart, Eternity is Concealed.
- Abulafia
The Word makes Divine.
- Zarathustra
As much as you enter into the Word, that much you are healed. The Word is the Great Reality.

- Zarathustra
Whoever speaks in the Right way, and does not act in the Right way, they will be warped by the Truth.
- Zarathustra
Life can be governed only through True Knowledge.
- Zarathustra
Beauty – this is the Magnificence of Truth.
- Plato
The Word is a bigger Bestowment than the human life.
- Basilides
Eternity is for the Pure ones. The Abyss, the Boundlessness is for the Divine ones.
- Basilides
God does not commune with religion, but with the Truth within the person.
- Basilides
“Know thyself” – this is a life within Truth.
- Basilides
The person does not become Purified by practices, but by coming to know the Truth.
- Basilides
Every person must make their darkness radiant.
- Basilides
Every seeker of God really seeks only one thing: to restore their Entirety.
- Basilides
Do not ask Sufi, but hear them, because Sufi is the answer, and not the question.
- Sufism
Sufi is the only Being who never wants to alter anything.
- Sufism
Sufi is the one who in their poverty and destitution praises the generosity of God.
- Sufism
Interact a lot with God and little with people.
- Saidani
For Sufi, if one forgets God even for a moment, this is heresy.
- Sufism
When you are without God, abundance is also poor.
- Sufism
For Sufi big limitations are a celebration.
- Sufism
Only those ones have True experience, who have attained Total Union with God.
- Bayazid Bastami
Whoever has seen the Truth, they no longer need any Teaching.
- Sufism
There is no other world – we are always within ourselves.
- Saint-Martin
Sufi is akin to God – they are not living, they are Boundless.
- Sufism
God is one internally defined Essence. The Absolute is one undefined Essence eternally.
- Stanislas de Guaita
Every one has the need to ask something of You. I have come to ask You to give myself to You.
- Ansari
When Sufi finds themselves in a bad mood, they rob the bad mood.
- Sufism
The one who is Truthful – all temples are in their Soul.
- Sufism
The person does not exist before God, only before others.
- Sufism
The Boundlessness hears you only if you do not ask It anything.
- Romanian Wisdom
The Daoist practices only one practice – the Boundlessness.
- Chuang Tzu
Whenever the Truthful person appears, True Knowledge appears also.
- Chuang Tzu
The Wise One brings sense to senseless things, and the foolish one makes sensible things senseless.
- Chuang Tzu
The world does not need rules and rites, but Dao.
- Chuang Tzu
The Anciency sends us Truths, not history.
- Moses
If the person does not find God within themselves, they will go to Holy places in vain.
- Ramakrishna
Only God is necessary to you – all other things will come after.
- Ramakrishna
When the person comes to know themselves, the end of the world occurs.
- Valentinus
God is the Power that makes evil nonexistent.
- Basilides
If you do not have God’s Love, evil will befall you.
- The Master Peter Deunov
If evil is outside of the person, and it is not within – then it is harmless.
- The Master Peter Deunov
If you bring one word to life – it will do everything for you.
- The Master Peter Deunov
One good act is a beautiful being, who is smiling to you.
- The Master Peter Deunov
The Fearsome Fire within the Prayer – this is God in action.
- The Master Peter Deunov
If I have given my place to God – I have become a Master of Myself.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Never arrange your life without God.
- The Master Peter Deunov
I can give you something, which is not found even in Eternity.
- The Master Peter Deunov
God is home, but we have gone out for a walk.
- Meister Eckhart
In order to come to know one thing Deeply, you must engage your entire life.
- Meister Eckhart
True Knowledge is Absolute Peace.
- Meister Eckhart
God in His Essence is not something existing – this would limit Him.
- Meister Eckhart
Within Nothingness, nothing else can come to Life, but God.
- Meister Eckhart
Self-renunciation is so close to the Nothingness, that within it only God is contained.
- Meister Eckhart

When the understanding comes, then Sacred Words come.
- Native American Wisdom
Knowledge understood in a wrong way, inevitably becomes an enemy.
- Native American Wisdom
If you have mastered yourself – everything surrounding you will be under your rule.
- Native American Wisdom
There are no illnesses, only an accumulation of weaknesses.
- Native American Wisdom
Energy is found everywhere, but Power is not. Power must be summoned.
- Native American Wisdom
The Way of Life is the True Way – this Way is Sacred.
- Native American Wisdom
The Sacred Ways are the Primordial Science.
- Native American Wisdom
I love these people, who revere God without a bible.
- Native American Wisdom
I love these people, who abide the Divine Laws without ever having read or heard them.
- Native American Wisdom
We are all taught by One and the Same God.
- Native American Wisdom
Power is set in motion only when the Ancient Requirements have been observed.
- Native American Wisdom
If you believe that something is alive, it is alive.
- Native American Wisdom
All religions are part of the Great Spirit.
- Native American Wisdom
Return into yourself and the Secret will Gaze upon you.
- The Second Elder
It is Love, that becomes health.
- Boyan the Magus
The Testament of Life is: Live constantly with God!
- Boyan the Magus
Whoever has entered into Truth, they determine the events on their own.
- Egyptian Wisdom
Love is more supreme than the stake. The stake may be extinguished, but Love is never extinguished.
- Boyan the Magus
The stake is the Pure Way towards the Secret of God.
- Anoriha
Whoever burns out for God, they attain Him.
- Anoriha
The Invisible is everything – we live within It.
- Boyan the Magus
Love is our Inspiration. The stake is our Celebration.
- Priest Bogomil
That, which you are stintless towards, gives you Power.
- Indian Wisdom
The True Striving within you – this is God.
- Indian Wisdom
Everything that is happening is Sublime.
- Indian Wisdom
Religion is temporary. The Universe is temporary. Love is Eternal. Love is Secluded Eternity.
- The First Elder
One Ancient and Great Reasonableness observes the entire Universe.
- The First Elder
O, Allah, you inflicted the inquisition upon me in order to give me Yourself.
- Al-Hallaj
Whoever has come to know God, they never ask about Him.
- Bayazid Bastami
Coming to know God personally gives the person Completeness and Control over themselves.
- Al-Junayd
Do not commune with the one who cannot help you after death.
- Malik Ibn Dinar
When God gazes upon you only once, you will attain everything that is necessary forever.
- Bayazid Bastami
The True Doer of everything is God.
- Bayazid Bastami
Do not consider what you cannot understand, to be a lie.
- Al-Ghazali
We live among one inhabited Invisible World.
- Eleazar Harash
If you must overdo something, overdo being Grateful!
- Eleazar Harash
The Eyes of the Soul are found within the Pure Heart.
- Eleazar Harash
If you live within God, you have foreseen everything.
- Eleazar Harash
You are Wise when you approach things from One Secret, Deeper than the world.
- Eleazar Harash
Enlightenment is soaring above thinking.
- Eleazar Harash
The most Secret Words which you pronounce Deep within yourself, shape your life.
- Eleazar Harash
The Wise One attains a Life which is not found in the world.
- Egyptian Wisdom
If you have Divine Love, then God is planning your life. If you have human love, then others are planning your life.
- Eleazar Harash
The Dynamic Faith acts as one Mighty Living Being in the Invisible world.
- Eleazar Harash
The bad state within the person is also a Bestowment from God. It is a Bestowment from another quality of God.
- Sufism
Only Love will save you from your own self.
- Jami
O, Allah, I cannot be satiated with You!
- Rumi
Sufi – this is a day which needs no Sun.
- Al-Harakani
God is the Creator of all events and so you must observe with a Mystic Eye.
- Sufism
God tolerates evil because God wants to save the world from one bigger evil.
- Sufism
If, except God, you also see something else – this is a disgrace.
- Sufism
Love is a Sword which cuts time and everything transient.
- Ruzbihan
Only God is Worthy of True Love.
- Al-Ghazali
Sufi is a Seeker who disappears in Seeking God.
- Sufism
Where there is True Knowledge, there are no real troubles.
- Sufism
Within difficulties the salvation of the unhappy ones is concealed.
- Sufism
When you love God unceasingly, your enemies are locked away by God.
- Sufism
Sufi is a Sun, but they know that they are a shadow of God.
- Sufism
If within the Word there is no Quiet, there is no Wisdom, either.
- The Elder Mavahari
Inspiration overcomes the Universe.
- Orpheus
The Heart is a Concealed Sanctuary.
- Orpheus
Life is the way downward, and death is a returning upward.
- Orpheus
God is unsullied because He is Untouchable.
- Orpheus
For the Glory of God, we carry within us Sacred Humility.
- Orpheus
The Way is revealed by the Rays of your own Truth.
- Orpheus
The Strong Water goes upwards.
- Persian Wisdom

If the person lives within the Truth, what is untruthful will die.
- Zarathustra
The Truth can be mastered only by becoming a part of It.
- Tehuti
When Speechlessness speaks, this is the Word.
- Ancient Egypt
The Truthful person can undo what has been predetermined by God.
- Hasidism
The Truthful person creates God’s Word.
- Hasidism
For the one who believes – there are no questions; for the one who does not believe – there are no answers.
- Hasidism
The future is not something that awaits us – it is something that we create.
- Sufism
The Wise One has Shining grief.
- Egyptian Wisdom
All of Sufi’s thoughts – both apparent and secret – are Light.
- Sufism
Do not renounce evil, but renounce your evil.
- Sufism
Monasticism is concealed not in the monastery, but within the heart of the person.
- Sufism
Within the Secret of God, Satan is subdued.
- Sufism
The creation of Satan is a sign of the Great Rule of God.
- Sufism
If you seek God in a visible way – He will be concealed; if you seek Him in a Secret way – He will be Apparent.
- Attar
Before Creation, God dwelled within His Own Self.
- Ibn Arabi
As long as you are attached to the earthly, for you the Good News will never come.
- Attar
Do not come to know the Truth through people! Come to know the Truth trough Itself!
- Ali Ibn Talib
The Wise One is not under the influence of the stars.
- Omraam
If the murderer escapes human justice, they will not escape Divine Justice.
- Omraam
The Spirit never depends on circumstances.
- Omraam
People seek something new, something original in life, but not the Truth.
- Omraam
Whoever lacks Humility, they will not see what is Essential and Primary in life.
- Omraam
God speaks very quietly and does not insist.
- Omraam
Make it so that in your Heart, there lives a Sage.
- the Priest-Atlantean
Whoever sincerely seeks the Truth – they will find It.
- Omraam
If the person does not develop one exceptionally sincere attitude towards Truth, they become an enemy of themselves.
- Atlantean Wisdom
The Truthful Knowledge moves quietly among people – without any noise and proclamation, it is Imperceptible.
- The Toltecs
Impeccability overcomes all the kinds of difficult times.
- The Toltecs
If you begin to love Truth firmly, evil will only gesture and grimace.
- The Toltecs
You originate from that, which you bow down to.
- Atlantean Wisdom
The Truthful person does not belong to society, but to the Truth.
- Atlantean Wisdom
Impeccability is the destroyer of the old way of thinking.
- The Toltecs
There do not exist any successes and victories – the person must seek only their Ancient Divinity.
- The Toltecs
Without the Truth people cannot comprehend anything in the Right way.
- The Toltecs
Self-Purification is Self-Liberation.
- Chan Buddhism
Speaking the Truth you come to know your Primordial Heart.
- Bodhidharma
In Chan the ordinary turns out to be Marvelous.
- Chan Buddhism
Firmly choose to follow the Truth and evil will let you go on your Way.
- Bodhidharma
The Truthful Seeker has not come in order to attain a priest’s garments, but to attain the Truth.
- Hueinen
The one who is able to purify themselves, they are a Buddha.
- Chan Buddhism
The forest changes – the trees turn into white cranes.
- Chan Buddhism
If you have the Pure Approach, the surrounding world cannot control you.
- Chan Buddhism
It is not the world that exists, but only the Boundlessness.
- Basilides
Be a lantern unto your own self.
- Buddha
The Truthful person has a Gracious Root.
- Buddhism
When you are calm, everything external disappears.
- Chan Buddhism

You cannot drive a nail into the Boundlessness.
- Chan Buddhism
Walk around in sandals until Wisdom grants you shoes.
- Avicenna
My poor home is illuminated by my Heart.
- Jami
I am pitiful, Oh Allah, but my life is devoted to You.
- Jami
Control of the Word is ahead of the world.
- the Priest-Atlantean
He has a Great Sense – He feels even the little foot of the ant. If a stone shifts under the water, He knows it.
- Hakim Sanai
Until you throw away your sword, you will not be able to become a shield.
- Hakim Sanai
The Gaze of Love does not see imperfections.
- Al-Ghazali
Be strict without roughness and soft without weakness.
- Al-Ghazali
Your True fortune is in this, which you cannot lose in a shipwreck.
- Al-Ghazali
Only the Wise One can give something to suffering.
- Egyptian Wisdom
The Pure Heart has its own Wisdom which surpasses all sciences of the world.
- Rumi
If you still have not seen the devil, look inside of yourself.
- Rumi
Whoever is able to live in the present in the Right way, they have worked in the Right way in the past.
- Rumi
You would not be looking for Him, if He had not already found you.
- Rumi
The True Power is due to a Blessing – a Great Added Power.
- Native American Wisdom
Spirits are more True than matter.
- Native American Wisdom
When you are one with God, you are the Supreme Weapon.
- Eleazar Harash
When God manifests, He remains Concealed.
- Eleazar Harash
If the person has God within themselves, they are above the holy scriptures.
- Eleazar Harash
If God utters silence, silence speaks.
- Eleazar Harash
The True Seeker attains the Absence.
- Eleazar Harash
Whoever is a master of themselves – they can subdue others.
- Eleazar Harash
Whoever has a Sacred Idea within themselves – they are liberated from their earthly pathlessness.
- Eleazar Harash
Love is the inability to do evil.
- Eleazar Harash
We are expecting God, yet He is here.
- Eleazar Harash
Humility is a Mystical Gospel.
- Eleazar Harash
Deep within the person – there is the problem, not in the world.
- Eleazar Harash
Whoever seeks the Truth, God Himself will instruct them.
- Eleazar Harash
The Quiet is not a matter of silence, but a matter of an Essence of Depth.
- Eleazar Harash
The Quiet is the Completeness of the Abyss.
- Eleazar Harash
Purity is more important than the future.
- Eleazar Harash
If you live within the Truth, does it matter what the world says?
- Eleazar Harash
“Aamora Ravaron!” – O, Darkness, shine within me!
- Ancient Native American Wisdom
Sufferings were created in order to kill the evil within you and to Raise up your Spirit.
- Melchizedek
When Goodness does not interact with Wisdom, it becomes evil.
- Melchizedek
Everything is paid off with Pure Behaviour, not with immolation.
- Essenes
If you knew how to suffer, then you would have the strength to not suffer.
- Christ (Apocryphs)
Whoever smiles at suffering, they can control it and transform it.
- Thich Nhat Hahn
The Divine Truth is beyond experience.
- Dionysius the Areopagite
Gnosis is the permission by God to see Him.
- Basilides
We are before Immortality – it came later, and death came later still.
- Yajnavalkya
If you know the Secret of Life, your death becomes Boundlessness and Freedom.
- The Priest-Atlantean
Within the Depths – there the Incomprehensible Clarity awaits you.
- The Priest-Atlantean
Become aware of yourself within every living being!
- Buddha
Whoever pronounces bad words, they tighten a knot around themselves.
- Buddhism
The one who knows Truth, they have defeated all worlds.
- Buddhism
Whoever acquires Truth, they attain Peace.
- Buddhism
The Sage is Brahman – Spirit.
- Sai Baba
There is no such instance in which God does not take part.
- Sai Baba
If you know, what could I tell you? If you do not know, what could I tell you?
- Baha al-Din Walad
Whoever is able to listen, they give birth to the Pure Way within themselves.
- Egyptian Wisdom
The broken heart – this is a precious personal experience.
- African proverb
Only the Quiet is able to speak.
- Arabic Wisdom
They asked a Bedouin of the Desert: “What do you stock up on for winter?”. He said: “On Patience”.
- Arabic Wisdom
Remember the Absent One and He will come Close.
- Arabic Wisdom
To understand God – everything else depends on this.
- Swedenborg
Whoever has God within themselves, they are saved.
- Swedenborg
When God gives Himself – this surpasses everything.
- Jan van Ruysbroeck
If you have Faith all the hardships and obstacles are powerless.
- Paracelsus
The Secret of Life is – when God gives you Himself.
- The Master Peter Deunov
Compiled by Eleazar Harash
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel