Eleazar – Foreword to Kabir’s ”Divine Poems”, 1993
This is the poetry of an Initiate, not of a poet or a dreamer, this is poetry of Love itself, of Divinity itself. Love heals the world because only the intervention of Divinity is able to save…
Kabir has merged with this Love, with this Divinity and his poetry is living and solar precisely because of that, because Love is the Sun itself, life itself.
Sufferings are the servants of Love – they work for one new Enlightenment – an Enlightenment or beginning to See, through the Love of the Pure and Clear light.
Remember: the Kingdom of God draws near to the disciple through Enlightenment and nothing shatters the consciousness as quickly as meditation does… i.e. dedicating one’s self to Divine thoughts, ideas and contemplations…
Divergence from Love is repaid with deprivation of life and in order to understand this, you must know the measure – that the White Brotherhood now does not need leaders, but disciples…
Every Master, whatever level they may be – remember this well – Every Master is only a disciple of the Absolute, and the Greatness of this Absolute is striking. Just imagine billions of beings in the Universe with problems and only one Being taking care of them. The span of His Spirit is striking and amazing. He knows the needs of one concealed and veiled ant nest from thousands of kilometres away and fulfils them – what seeing, what Essence, what grasp – I am amazed, all Masters fall silent before this greatness of His Universal Nature.
Kabir’s Sacred poems are an expression of one Pure seeing, they are Divine Laws, and these laws are the Truths, which take the person out of slavery.
If Love does not penetrate into us – life cannot come. The True life is represented by its Great Beginning – Love… And Who stands behind this Love? Who is the Creator of Love, of Wisdom, of Truth, of Goodness, of Justice – this is the Universal Being called En-Sof, or the Ancient Shining Being. But it is not easy to know Him. Even the greatest Initiates in the Secrets of the Kabbalah, who are born of the Mystery of the Spirit in the most Sublime sense do not know Him entirely, even though they possess the True methods or keys, but they know that in His Sacred-most Essence He is Universal, i.e. Unknowable.
Love is an actual and real life within God and this is why it is also Inexpressible… only what is inexpressible can be the bringer of Total life in the Universe and outside of it, there, where His Unfathomableness is.
I say: The Ancient Shining Being is light and fire and no mortal can get close and become incorporated into this Universal Immortality.
The Secret of Immortality and its Universal nature are locked in the Sacred Relations towards Love. The words ‘’Immortality’’ and ‘’Universal Nature’’ cannot be understood by earthly inhabitants for now, because these words have an incalculable light. These words, according to the Kabbalah, are magical powers of Nature and they are always luminous, but the poor earthly inhabitant is not yet illuminated and radiant.
Coming to know the word Immortality means coming to know the Secret of its symbol, and knowing this symbol gives unlimited reign in the state of Being and the state of Non-being, but before you come to know this Secret, you must become Boundless, and this is a quality of Love. This is another deep symbol. Boundlessness, this is the Primordial Image of Divine-Likeness. Boundless Love, this is His Essence, His Nature, which is expressed in a secretive way through the Sefirots in the Kabbalah. The Boundless Love determines the whole of Power of the Spirit, and the misunderstood Love turns people into a wreck, because they live in the desert and now doctors are coming in order to cure them – doctors who themselves must be cured…
Remember: It is not doctors, but Love, the Spirit, which liquidates the illnesses and sometimes it is enough not to appreciate one quiet advice of Love and enter into the desert. Whoever reads Kabir’s poems out of curiosity – they will never comprehend the Essential, but the Soul, which has passed through big sufferings and has come to this book without its prejudice and critical mind – it will understand the Essential, because suffering shapes a kind of depth within the person and precisely here, in this depth, the Soul is receptive for what is essential – such a Soul will taste the presence of the Spirit in these Sacred poems.
In order to perceive in the right way, you must love. When you love, then you listen with the Soul, with faith, with trust. When there is trust, the mind is gone, the mind is an obstacle, distrust, that is why – never speak to your mind, do not waste your energy. Speak to the Soul, because the mind listens in a shallow way, the mind is a master of shallow things.
Kabir’s poems are not for the mind. They are for the Soul. The mind is limited, and the Soul is something complete, it is able to comprehend the Essential.
Kabir is a great Initiate and Master. He comes from Unity. He is an emissary of Love, he is a ray of this Love… and this is why he carries one extraordinary poetry. The extraordinary poetry is fragrant. It is like Love, it vibrates with life. This is poetry which creates Inspiration and certitude. And certitude is spiritual protection itself. Through certitude the person expresses themselves in one more supreme field. May this certitude, which the Initiates have, permeate the whole world and penetrate into every living being on the inside.
I say again: This is poetry, which creates. And creative work is possible only for those, who function in one Supreme Divine Field. Poetry is a conduit of Supreme Spiritual Power.
A True Initiate bathes in the Word, because the Word is the Source of all Powers. The Word is a wellspring and Kabir drank from this Divine Wellspring. The Word gushed from the Wellspring of Divine Wisdom.

Each person is an idea of the Word, each person is one letter of the Great Joy, of the Great Harmony. The Word became form, became flesh, became an idea.
Those who do not have life – they do not have the Word, either. They are dead letters which must be resurrected, must come to life. Meditation is the way, in which the Word comes to life within us.
True meditation is found only with a connection to God – outside of this, there is fantasising, because outside of God, you cannot think in the right way, but you can fantasise successfully.
Remember: The Word must come to life within you, but out of your own vitality. And then, like with Kabir, your Word will be not only poetry, but a mission. It is beautiful when the Word fulfils a mission, then it is a servant of the Divine Truth.
Growing within the Word depends on the depth and the strength of the motives. If you do not have purity, no one will let you grow – there is no one that would let you. If you are Pure – the Word is born within you and you come to life. In this way you become a poet, a philosopher, a genius, a scientist… and in the higher fields you become a saint, an adept, a Master. If your word is impure, then you enter into the whirlpool of the astral and in this way you lose your independent Essence and in the end you fall into the hands of the central astral force, which engulfs you. The way of the impure one is a fall, because here, the person satisfies one wish on a whim, and the good aims and intentions slowly die. I greatly appreciate Kabir, because this is the life-poetry of an Initiate. This is a willpower, which has liberated itself of the astral desires, of every act of possession.
The Initiate does not live on Earth. They are only seemingly present on Earth – they live in their deep inner sphere, which is Heavenly and Divine. Those who have not noticed the life of one Initiate, who has lived on this Earth – they have not felt the True fragrance, because the Initiate – this is not something external, this is the Secret Flower, which must be born within you. This is the Secret Lotus, which awaits its time. And then you shall be dissolved into Eternity.
To enter Eternity, this means for life to begin to flow within you once again, this also means to be appreciated by the Word.
The Word according to the Initiates is alive and conscious, alive and reasonable. It chooses the Souls which must be filled with life and with shining.
Millions of times I thank this life, which initiated me, because my Soul reigns and my Spirit entered into the Total Secrets of life, but no external one shall know me, because I have decided to remain concealed within the Secret. Those who hate me, lose life, not because they hate me, but because of hatred itself – it is their trap. It is outside of life, it is to become powerless, there is no poetry here, there is no comprehension here, here, life runs out. With hatred, you are full of holes, your aura is cracked, you become faceless, because you have lost the clear aim. And instead of living in light, as was determined for you, you chose not Love, but hatred, not the wellspring, but the swamp. I do not wish to ask you whether life in the swamp is good, because the matter here is not about life at all.
May this book lead you towards the light, because it is not dedicated only to the loving Souls. It is also dedicated to those, for whom Love is a foreign sphere. May Love initiate you and liberate you from death. Only Love is able to make you assured in yourself, because it is the bringer of life. Where does this certitude come from? This certitude comes from the True seeing of things. Only Love is able to make you a poet and an Initiate. Only love is able to Enlighten you, and the rest is success upon success and boons upon boons.
The Enlightened one – these are the Supreme beings who take part in your Inner life. And namely one such Supreme being entered into Kabir and his Soul bloomed.
I say: Only the Enlightened one is able to live, they are aware, awake, they are not within time, they are loving, non-judgemental, wilful and shining.
The Initiate is an epistle from Eternity.
Through hatred, passion, the lie – people kill themselves.
Understand that the lie robs your fine energy, that hatred tears you apart and here your aura is open to all negative forces of nature, and passion blinds you. And then what do you do? – Seek poetry, seek Love, because they will enlighten you. God’s Kingdom is instilled in the person through enlightenments – gradually.
Do not kill yourself through your own desires. Do not become a victim of your creations, because they will turn into a destructive force against you.
The accumulated impure desires turn against their creator and terrorise them, but God is always close to you and is waiting for you. Renounce your impure desires – you are already out of breath because of them. Do you wish to die in the astral miasmas, which you have created for yourself… and you could be a poet and life could flow from your Word.
Only Love is able to heal you. It is a life-bringing ray, but you must be ready for the meeting with it. It is not an ordinary meeting. It is not anything ordinary – it will take you out of the ordinary life. It will take you out of time, because it is narrow here, and in Eternity you will come to know Love’s Power and Reign – it does not live within time.
Only through Love you are Eternal. And only through it you can be spiritual – this is the Divine Love, which is without weaknesses.

The Divine poems are not written by the person Kabir – he only accepted their life into himself and transmitted it to people. May each one become such a conduit of life! Within life are found the most active powers of the Spirit and therefore, what is essential? What is important? To carry a Bible in your hands, or life?
I say: Life is the measure. When one preacher preaches, but they have no life – let them not fool themselves and others. Remember – Enlightenment is a vibration from another sphere, this is the sphere of the Spirit. The Master works with the Soul of the disciple and not with their astral body, because only the Soul is able to comprehend the right development.
It is the Soul, that is Essential for the Spirit, and not the astral body, so the important moment in life is the Soul coming to awareness. It is the Soul that is able to grasp the sound of the Sacred.
The disciple whom I am speaking to, is not an astral or a mental type, but an intuitive type. The disciple must learn to live as a spiritual being, and not as an astral being.
The meaning of intuition must be studied, and of the creation of intuition I shall speak someplace else, and for now, I will only say that through Intuition you are able to make a sincere analysis of yourself, a sincere analysis of your motives. The mind is not able to make such analyses because it lives on the surface, it lives in the external.
When the disciple unites with their Master, the vibrations of the disciple unite with the Aura of the Master and they are heightened – then the disciple accepts laws of a more Supreme degree.
The spiritual growth of the disciple is seen mostly in trials, then their internal life is revealed, as well.
With heavy trials the Essence of psychic Power is revealed – and if this Power is Pure in its foundation, you can become a poet, an Initiate or a radiant Being.
The most beautiful image of the person, this is the Sacred Word, which they attain, and through which they have become an Initiate.
The Initiates have been chosen by the Spirit and they live according to the laws of Eternity, because the laws of Truth have an absolute practical implementation in life.
Heavy trials are the best, the most luminous hour of the Initiate, because then the Initiate is born into the Light.
Beware of disgruntledness of the smallest kind, so that you do not lose the Divine Poem of Life, so that you do not lose the precious Enlightenment.
Kabir’s poetry is a manifestation of gratitude, and only the Enlightened one is grateful. The one who is asleep is unable to be grateful. In sleep, there is no life and from this, it follows that there is no gratitude, either. Gratitude is Supreme awareness, Supreme bringing to sense. Gratitude is the most Sublime poetry, because when you are grateful, you live.
The Master says: Only the grateful one develops, only the grateful one is able to be transfigured.
I say: When some things are not understood, this means that they have one deeper, internal sense.
Where the consciousness has awakened, there is poetry, there is life, there is light.
When a person is ill and they do not strive to become healthy, they are completely lost, they are a parasite, and no one likes parasites.
When the person does not work on themselves, sooner or later they will become a parasite, and when there is no one to love you – you remain outside of life, you enter into the state of sleep.
There are all different kinds of poetry. The poetry of Kabir is luminous – it comes from knowing your own self. Whoever has come to know themselves, has entered into life.
There is poetry of the state of sleep. For example, an unhappy person is the one who considers prison their home. They are convinced that their shackles are adornments and instead of throwing them away, they strive to keep them. Then the person becomes weak and insecure. The shackles, these are the delusions in the person. The delusions cannot be preserved, because this means to preserve your own slavery. In order to destroy these shackles, awareness is necessary. Aware and awakened is only the one, who applies the methods of the Spirit. The Initiate wields this and this is the only way to rule people – this is when you are selfless.
Here is a method of ruling people – if you want to rule them, become selfless, but this must be studied well. When you become selfless, you are already sowing yourself into the hearts of others. When you become selfless, you will come to know yourself, and in this self-knowing, one mighty reality is concealed. The True mightiness, the True reign, the True poetry and architecture come from self-knowing, but I must immediately say that self-knowing is an initiation and only then you have rulership, because you have faith in yourself, faith in your internal powers. Discovering this Power and Might within yourself is the fruit of many efforts, this is why Initiates are not a frequent occurrence.
The poetry is alive only when it is inspirited, when it derives from the Word, because the Word is a Sublime Creation. The Word in its original state was Creative and when the person restores and inspirits the word within themselves – they become a creator and a bringer of life. The Word must control each external activity of ours and when the Word leads us, we have life.
The Word is a fruit and the pure person is the one in whom the Word has ripened. The Word may ripen, but you must be rich. The richness of the person is found in the experiences of their concealed life, in the experiences of their consciousness.
In order to be a poet, in order to be an adept – your Soul must be free and loving, and your Spirit – mighty and independent from the conditions, and simultaneously, you must be humble. Loving, mighty and independent, and simultaneously humble – this is an exceptional combination.
Divine poems gush from the Depth of the Soul. They cannot derive from the ordinary life, from the external life, they are connected to the essence of the person.

Deep within themselves, the person is a Wellspring. Deep within themselves, the person is universal and they must come to know themselves. Here is their Essence. Here, within himself, Kabir has seen the Divine poems. Life can be beautiful only when it gushes from the inside. Spirits on Earth must experience all different kinds of slavery in order for the thirst for freedom to gush within them, and this freedom can be fought for and won only through willpower.
Slavery has saddled all spirits fallen in matter and in this thick matter you must be born again. What destroys slavery is awakeness.
A poet, an Initiate must be vigilant, must derive from the Spirit. Kabir is precisely such. He is liberated from slavery. He is liberated from the illusion and this is why life gushes from the Divine Poems. There is no life in the illusion, there is no life in the state of sleep. Only the one lives who is outside the state of sleep and the illusion, they are outside the slavery of the mind.
I say: Freedom is a great idea of the Spirit. It has no boundaries, no countries. When someone says that they are Bulgarian – this is the statement of a prisoner, another one says they are German… It is not important what nationality you are, but what you are. When you go to the other world, no one is going to ask you whether you are a Jew, Russian or Muslim. In the other world and in this world the law is one and the same – what is Essential is: are you a person of Love, Wisdom and Truth – and the rest, what religion you belong to – is already of no matter.
Remember – The Initiate has no nationality – they belong to only one family and this is the whole of humanity.
Live within the Truth if you want to attain freedom. Boundaries, both internal and external, are borders of the ego (I am not speaking of reasonable boundaries which the person places on themselves). Do not place walls in your Way towards the Spirit, because one Divine Poem encompasses all reasonable beings. The Divine is Unified and it will unite humanity, and sooner or later the person will come to know this. Why? – Because the third eye is often developed in big dangers and when the misfortune comes, it will cure your diversion.
For the one who is awake, slavery is also a way towards freedom and freedom is a way towards salvation, because the one who is awake works in bad conditions too. Every ordinary person is well settled in their prison. They are exiled in their own dogmas and outlooks and someone comes to me to speak to me about their own outlooks. I only listen and I barely speak. I say: these outlooks are nice for you, but I want freedom, not exile. Another attempts to prove God to me – they speak of omens and watch me get serious, but they do not know that in my secret room I rejoice and revel. What would the external ones, i.e. the blind, say to this? Let them be silent. Why? Because they have only opinions – they have no Wisdom.
I say: You believe in God without proof.
In order to be liberated from the hardships of life, you must find God – you must find Him without proof, because when you see Him, even directly, face to Face, you cannot prove it. I saw Him – face to Face – totally. What would the ones reading these lines think now… It does not matter – the whole opinion of the world for me is trash, it is of no matter. I saw Him totally, this happened in Samadhi in 1976 and since then I understood that I must begin to love silence. This is not an ordinary silence. This is a silence which is fragrant, but an ability is necessary, which would capture the fragrance. When you see it, you become silent and you enter more and more into the Secret of life.
God is Total, but I shall not explain the secret of this word – I will only say something of its reflection, and this is the comprehension of life. This comprehension is a complete dedication to the Divine Will. This is a secretive process, which occurs within the Soul. This meeting was universal. Seven whole years I prepared for this moment, regarding which I knew, it must come at some point, and it came and ignited the willpower within me. And I discovered that willpower is the way in which He is born. Willpower is a magical ability. It is the weapon of human salvation. It is above every science and religion. It surpasses the world. The Third eye is only one degree of willpower, but the abilities of willpower do not stop here. It has boundless abilities. If willpower takes over you completely, you return into the full-fledged life. You become full-blooded. The great methods of the secret development of willpower I found within the Quiet. Understanding this Quiet is a great gift. The secret of willpower is a magical secret and I shall uncover it only to those ones who have been predetermined, because a person can know and make sense only of that which has been given to them. Willpower has covert and overt acts. It has within itself the awakeness of the world. Illusions are a hindrance to understanding the Secret of God, but sufferings work, sufferings will clear the illusions. The power of the willpower is in awakeness, and awakeness comes from perseverance in prayers.

Here I can only say a few things about willpower, but they have their significance too. The growth of willpower depends on guarding the consciousness, on control. Willpower must master the speech of the subconsciousness and of imagination.
Willpower is able to attract the Cosmic energy for its purposes. Remember: willpower is able to eliminate every psychic deviation. Willpower can only be developed when there is a clearly determined aim and a high ideal.
Some speak of poetry, but if a strong toothache comes to them, would they remember that poetry exists or would they be engulfed by the pain and become slaves? It is not right for pain to take over your whole consciousness and become a master. You are the master. The faith of people with weak willpower and weak concentration is ridiculous. God cannot be found with assumptions, nor in the Holy books. Why? Because the Holy books are found within the person and they have their expression in the person, their face, their movements.
Wish that God gives you Peace. Wish that God gives you the ability to rise up to the Heavens. Ask and it will be given to you. If you want the Earth, you will become earthly. If you want the Heavens, you will become Divine. If you want the Earth, this means to know what it is you want. You may live on Earth, but high in your consciousness to be beyond it. There are no accidents in life… accidents are based on strictly determined laws. In this way the Word of Kabir is based on strictly determined laws, these are internal laws. Whoever unites with God, is able to dispute the will of the stars and the will of karma.
The Divine Poems derive from a Pure Peace and in the beginning God created the Pure Peace, and the secondary created world is outside of eternity, it is temporal and this is why in it, it is spoken of time.
The power of vitality was created by the light. This is the Word of one great Initiate known by the name of Zarathustra. His Cosmogony is exceptional.
Zarathustra says: when the tension of evil is big, that is when you are closest to victory, to salvation. Here, like with Kabir, the Word has its expression of beauty – these are simple words, but with a deep inner substance, these are words, which glow in their conjunction. The dead shall be resurrected and hell shall be cleansed – new Peace shall originate in Eternity, and evil which is connected to a certain person will inevitably catch up to them. The teaching of imperfection is an attribute of the Devil, he has remained imperfect and offers this imperfection to each one who agrees.
One Great and Divine Poem is the Sphinx. It symbolises the Secret. I say: all things are preserved in the Secret. Egypt is a country in which there are compositions of magical constellations. The Occult internal powers can influence the external world as well, and the secret constellation, which took part in Egypt is known only to the Initiates. The Sphinx is an occult guard. The Sphinx is the guardian of the Secrets of Life. Behind the Secret, the Mystical Gaze of Life is found – some think that they understand what I am speaking – on the contrary, when speaking, I am also concealing the Secret of Life. In order to understand what I am speaking, you must have the Secret of Initiation.
The body of the Initiate is composed of one Universal element. This special element is outside of the sphere of the stars. Through this element Hermes was a representative of the Unique Light and this is only a part of the Secret of magic, which I can uncover. Magic has the biggest reign and influence, and then, in Egypt, and now – it is the only thing which is able to deal with the evil spirits. The evil spirits always obey the Unique light. It is the Uncreated part within the person. Hermes had not only faith, because faith does not hinder the person to be ignorant and even evil. Aside from faith, he also had Wisdom.
Wisdom is a dream for the believers. All believers must work on themselves for a long time, until reasonableness and light come, and Wisdom comes much later. Magic in its foundation is a crystal pure spiritual Wisdom. This is later called Knowing God. And here, in this sphere, I must again fall silent and withdraw from revealing this Magnificent Secret, which is concealed within the Words ‘’Wisdom’’ and ‘’Influence’’.
If I were only able to say four words to you, you would understand the Entire Secret of Life, but since I wish to live, I choose the beautiful and shining Silence. Remember: the person is liberated from death only through Total Revelation, only through Divine Revelation. This is the Revelation of the Unique Light. This Revelation gives a new pointer in the exceptional Way towards the Spirit. May this Divine Poem touch you, so that you bathe in the Life of the Gods.
Friday before the New Year’s, 1993, Varna,
Eleazar Harash
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel