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Absorption into the Only One

Presented by Eleazar Harash


Everything is the Only One, everything is His Work – there is no second one.

The Only One will sit upon the Throne of your Heart, if He is the Only One for you.

As much as is your Love towards the Only One, that much is also your Closeness to Him.

If you have a True Master, the Only One within Them has chosen to teach you.

The True Master is a Secret Emanation of the Only One, Who has chosen you.

Never seek a second one in the world, because no second one exists.

Whoever has come to know the Only One, they have neither a Higher self, nor an inferiour self, no individuality, no personality.

Only the ones who seek the Only One, will find within themselves the Great Beyond-boundness.

Love towards the Only One surpasses all aims. Love towards the Only One cuts the chains of both this world and the other one.

Your relations are only with the Only One and they are always Eternal and Boundless.

If you are within the Only One, what else could you seek?

You cannot attain the Only One with anything else, but with Love and the Secrecy of Self-renunciation.

There is only One-Only-One. A second has never been born and cannot be born.

Eleazar Harash

Arot Rava Mahatoriya – I am the Only One.

Ayra Hatorot Varaha!
Summon me into the Sublimely-Real Reality!
Summon me into Your Sublime-Unutteredness!

Summon me into Your State of Sublime-Being!

Everything originates from Him, but He never originates. He is always absorbed within Himself.

His Sublime Aloneness is His Immeasurable Completeness. The Splendor of Anciency is but one small Shard of the Sublime All-Completeness.

There was not a time, when someone could enter into His Sublime Aloneness. But it happens sometimes, that He touches someone with Himself and leads them towards the Indescribable Completeness of the Sublime Aloneness.

Whoever is touched by Him and is called towards the Sublime Aloneness, they must forget themselves, lose themselves, disappear completely, in order for them to receipt the Sublime Experience of Him. Whoever receipts this becomes eternally His.

Depth after Depth, Completeness after Completeness, Unutterableness after Unutterableness – such is His Concealed Immeasurability.

Only the Exceptional Power of Absorption reaches Him, without knowing Him, but becoming overfilled with Him.

He descends unexpectedly, in order to touch you; conceals Himself unknowably, so that you may seek Him; and disappears absolutely so that He accepts you into Himself.

Expect Him with Non-expectation; seek Him without demanding Him; and immerse into Him without finding Him. He is an Ancient Bird of Freedom – one that cannot be captured and cannot be reached.

Seclusion is an Ancient Secret of the Mystery. He is Deeply Secluded within Himself. His all-Absorption knows no bounds.

Within the Depths of the beings, within the Depths of things, there echoes one Calling, and one only – The Calling towards Him.

Seek Him with Exceptional Loyalty and Deep Non-expectance, because He is always within what is Unexpected, within what is Unknown and Eternally Concealed.

Meditation is the Joy of seeking Him and living Him.

The Ancient Peace is overfilled with Him. The Ancient Peace is a Living Communion with Him – a Communion in a Mysterious language through the Words of Speechlessness.

The dweller of the Desert praises the Almighty One through the Words of Speechlessness. His most Ancient Name is a Hieroglyph of Speechlessness.

It is a Blessing that you are able to think of Him, to Love Him, to seek Him. If you knew how great this Blessing is, you would express gratitude for it in every moment of your life.

Do not try to find Him. Let Him find you. But in order for this to happen, be incessantly and Deeply Absorbed into Him.

In the Absence He is closer than in Seeking.

Within the Awe, his Disappearance Livingly-flows into you and Deeply-Satiates.

The Depths are saturated with Him. The Rejoicing of the Depths is the Rejoicing with Him.

The mind seeks in a known way. The Spirit – in an unknown way. Seek Him as the Great Unknown One within yourself.

Within His Unknownness, the Boundlessness never stops expanding.

He is enveloped in an Ancient Mystery, but He is more Concealed than the Mystery Itself.

Through the Deepest Quieting He draws you into His Mystery.

Do not seek Him, but put down roots in Him. The ones, who have put down roots in Him, are called the Untouchable ones.

His Absolute Peace is the Purest form of Non-existence.

Become so Immutable that you disappear. Through this Immutability He is teaching you His own Self.

The Ancient One has first spoken through Speechlessness. Speechlessness is the First Divine Voice within the person.

His Speechlessness  utters the Ancient Truth without Word, without Voice. Therefore, listen very Deeply.

Love Him, Love Him, Love Him. Love Him beyond every Seeking and Finding. Love Him because of the Love for Him itself.

Oh, Great and Sublime Absolute, teach me to love You Absolutely, Supremely, Unknowingly, Reverently!

The Joy of Him turns into an Ancient Way towards Him. Joy touches Him not with the hands, but with the Beams of the Heart.

The Deep Love crosses the worlds and finds His Anciency. Love has devoted Its Eyes to Him, this is why It gazes only upon Him.

Feel Him in way, more real than you feel your own self. He is your Reality.

You must see through your own self, in order to see Him. You are a hue of His Image, an echo of His Reality.

An Ancient Affirmation: “I am He and He is me”. I am His Manifestation, He is my Concealedness.

I am His Wings, He is my Flight. I am His Flame, He is my Fire. I am His Gaze, He is my Sight.

I am His Breath, He is my Life. I am His Impetus, He is my Inspiration. I am His smile, He is my Joy.

I and He – this is One Being. When it is the external, it is uttered as “I”. When it is the internal, it is uttered as “He”.

When His Flight concludes and He withdraws back into Himself, there is no longer “I and He”. There is Only One Sublime Unutterable SELF.

He is so Deeply Immersed into Himself that even He disappears and only His All-Perfect Speechlessness remains. Within this Speechlessness Unity is surpassed.

The Place Deep within yourself, which you have enlightened and from which you have withdrawn, turns into an Ancient Temple of the Only One.

True Prayer is a Sacred-Deed within the Temple of the Only One. It is a Calling to the Depths, a Summoning towards His Anciency.

Seek Him in the Vastness of the Great Quiet and He will teach you not with the Word, not with a Voice, but with All-Engulfment.

He remains Always Unuttered, and what is Unuttered is sought along the Way of the Quiet.

His Voidness liberates you from the world, from the burden and from your own self. The Desert engulfs you in order to make you Free.

Within his Depth everything human is undone. The end of the world is the Beginning of Anciency.

The Splendor Of Anciency conceals uncountable Secrets: Secret next to Secret, Secret within Secret. He is the Concealed One within the Heart of the Secret.

He journeys from Secret to Mystery and from Mystery to Undiscoverableness. Seek Him and you will not find Him, but the Secrets will grant you something of themselves.

He is an Ancient Breeze of the Innermost Place of the Secret, which passes through the Concealedness of the Mystery and disappears without a trace into the Absolute Unknownness of Unfathomableness.

If you wish to follow Him, you must become Fine as the Secret, Concealed as the Mystery and Unknown as the Unfathomableness.

The Way towards Him is within the Likeness to Him. He is Supremely-Fine, Supremely-Concealed and Proto-Disappeared. This Proto-Disappearance expresses the Sublime Truth of Him.

His Proto-Disappearance is the Deepest State of the Anciently-Devoted One.

He is always His Own Self in a Place, Absolutely Unknown to the worlds and Inaccessible to them.

Towards the Unknown Ancient Place there is no Way. He is the Only One, Who returns into It.

His Speechlessness resounds incessantly in all worlds and in all living beings.

You can hear Him in the Deepest way within Proto-Speechlessness – the Place beyond all worlds, the Most Ancient Land of Voidness.

The Word leads to Him, but does not reach Him. Seek Him as the Unuttered Depth within yourself.

He has Uttered all things, but He Himself has remained Unuttered. Within His Unutteredness is concealed that, which the Depth within the person seeks.

Within Speechlessness He is Unheard; within Peace – Boundless; within Nothingness – not able to be captured; within Completeness – Inexpressible.

Within Speechlessness you attain Him, because you seek Him not with Words, but with Depth-Voidness.

Seek Him with Non-presence. Within your Deep Non-presence, He is constantly abiding.

The Ancient Thoth says: “You must be able to not exist, so that He can be”.

When you receipt the Absolute Voidness in Its True form, you will realise that between Him and you there is no barrier.

To be touched by the Consciousness of the Ancient One, this is a Sacred Bestowment. Whoever has been Touched by Him, they devote themselves forever to Him.

Life is a constant Reverence within the Only Temple – within Him.

People journey outside, the Ancient Ones journey inside. People find their poor self, the Ancient Ones find Him.

The Boundless Beauty of Seeking consists in this, that He becomes more and more Unknown and more and more Unknowable, and from this a Great Inspiration follows.

He emanates from Himself thousands of beings, thousands of His Images, and despite this, Deep within the Core, a second one does not exist.

The Depth of the Gaze always sees the Only One within itself. In fact, He alone sees Himself, and you are a participator in His Seeing and in His Life.

He is closer to you than your own self. You touch Him first, and then yourself. He is your Core, and you are His periphery.

If you want to know yourself, know Him within yourself. The Concealed “He”, this is you.

The closeness to Him is closeness to your own self. Penetrating into Him is Penetrating into your own self. “The self” is a Secret Unsolvable.

And so, one day you shall see that between Him and you there is no difference. What is left is Only One Being, containing the Whole Truth within Itself.

As the leaf is attached to the tree through its stem, so is the person attached to God through their breath. All beings are Breaths of the Ancient One. He Breathes within them, and they take down roots within Him.

At the Beginning of times, He has uttered: “You shall breathe through Me and you shall exist through Me. I am the One, Who I am”.

The Only One – He is the One, who envelops us. We cannot envelop our own selves. We are Boundless, but He is Spanless beyond Boundlessness.

We move, in order to return into the Only One. The Dance of Sufi is The Whirl of Returning.

Proto-Inspiration is that, which reaches out towards the One, Who cannot be reached. And the more He is Unreached, the more it reaches out.

Proto-Inspiration is a Brave Impetus towards the Most Fearsome Secret, an Ancient Greeting towards the Supreme Majesty.

Proto-Inspiration is the strongest Flame – a Flame for the Sublimely-Concealed Absolute. This Flame has soared and has touched the foot of the Supreme Throne – blessed for its Bravery.

The Flame of Proto-Inspiration has strived in such a way, that it has attained. In this way, He Himself has ignited His Own Self, He has reached Himself and He has returned into Himself.

Breathe with His Breath, be Speechless with His Speechlessness, be Absorbed with His Absorption and Disappear with His Disappearance, because only He knows the Way towards Himself.

The Secret of Disappearance is Undisclosable. The Mystery touches only the Ones who have Disappeared and only to them it discloses something of Itself.

The Deepest Tale of Anciency is enveloped in Speechlessness and is written by the Glints of His Sublime Irradiation.

All Ancient Beings tremble for the Beams of His Irradiation and this is why they are submerged into Constant Deep Absorption.

When you begin to listen not to your own self, but to Him, the Doorway towards the Ancient Secrets will begin to open.

Within the Deep Speechlessness He will Utter you in a New way and you will attain your Anciency.

The Ancient Languages are a Bestowment from Him for Journeying within the Ancient Secrets and Mysteries.

The hieroglyphs of the Ancient Languages are written by the Descending of His Fire and are Keys to the Anciency and to Himself.

Within every Soul there is Locked an Ancient Scripture which the person must themselves unlock, in order to learn the Secret of themselves.

In order to attain the Ancient Scripture within themselves, the person must Enlighten the Temple of the Only One within themselves.

In the future there will be a new Outpouring from the Core of the Ancient One. A Secret Ancient Word will be radiated and New Hieroglyphs will be lit within the Souls of the Anciently-Devoted Ones.

His Anciency will descend in a New way and He will grant the worlds a New Shard of Himself with such Dazzling Shine, as has never been.

In the most Ancient Time, the Proto-Time, He was Alone and Only One. And today He is still Alone and Only One in the Unknown Ancient Place.

His Absorption is so Deep, that He does not know anything else, but His own self.

The Supreme Proto-State cannot be withstood. It is formed grain by grain within the Absorption of the person.

And even though the Proto-State happens all at once, it is the fruit of long years and long centuries of efforts.

Within His Unfathomable Presence He constantly dwells within you, and in His Unfathomable Absence, he Sublimely-Dwells.

Within the Only One there is no reality, He is Freedom.

Let your Message be: “I am a Son of the Only One”, and let your life be His Message, His Emanation.

You live within the Only One, you serve the Only One and you comply only with Him, not the world.

Within the Only One you are Absorbed, within the Only One you disappear, and this Disappearance is the Great Glorification of the Only One and no-one else.

Everything that is happening to you, is a Concealed Sacred Bestowment

from the Only One.

Eleazar Harash

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


God – The Mystery – part 2

Eleazar Harash

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel

(continued from part 1) – here

If God is within you, what would you worry about?

If God does not allow you to understand something and you persist, you will be destroyed.

God is Great Love and great destruction.

If you are loyal to God, you will cross the world.

The Boundlessness practises Simplicity.

The one who lives within God has always been a Secrecy in the world.

The Wise one does not seek God, but they quietly live within Him, because God has given them Himself.

God concealed me within Himself and this is why I am not known.

His Smile smites the world.

God is the Essence within things.

God is the Elixir of things.

Within the willpower of the Sage, the Fire of God is Concealed.

Our Deep Seeing of God is within our Deep Divinity.

If we are Deep within ourselves, this is God’s deed.

His Word is His Power.

What do you choose: God or religion?

God sets good and evil in motion. They cannot move by themselves.

The person of True Love becomes a bearer of Divine Knowledge.

If you are nothing, then God can work within you.

If God has led you to His Depths, He has begun to Love you in a special way.

The Knowledge of the Divine Depth is only for the ones who have been Chosen.

God is the Mighty life of our will.

Within Peace there is no human nature, only Divine nature.

God sets nature in motion. Nature does not decide anything.

Nature does not know God, it is only an instrument.

If the person is able to turn themselves into a Temple, God will visit them.

Earthly people are ruined, because God has stopped acting within them.

Ignorance is exclusion from God’s Love.

Where the Wrath of God acts, the person is separated from God in order to learn.

Where the Love of God acts, the person is united with God and Serves Him.

Love happens when God penetrates into you.

You are able to penetrate within God if He has allowed you this.

If you are without God, even if you live on the Sun, it is torment and cold.

Life is not within the Universe. Life is within God.

God is the One Concealed within life – He sets it in motion and He governs it.

Satan was allowed in order for us to take root within God forever.

God is Self-created, and the Word emanated from Him is His Son.

The Pure Ones will come to know him and will begin to Shine.

God always Shines within Himself, within His Centre.

God is not sought in religion, in the world, in the Universe. You will seek God within your Spirit.

The Great Pure Word is His Will.

God breathes within me, and not me within myself – the Breath is His.

Knowledge has missed the Truth, but Wisdom has remained within our Spirit.

God governs everything, coincidences are impossible.

The Wise one is secretly joyful before their death, because they know that they are returning into God.

One Great God acts everywhere, and the ones who do not understand Him are within their own ignorance.

God Deeply surpasses all the kinds of comprehension.

God knows how to lead me, and I must only be very careful, careful, careful.

God is the Priest within priests – they are His Spirits.

If God instils Himself into us, our will becomes Mighty.

Do not speak of God, but live within Him.

In order for us to come to come to know God – it is a matter of aware, Concealed Purity.

God knows the Seekers of Truth because He has allowed them to seek Him.

There is only one method – to devote yourself to God totally.

You are free if you are in Unity with God.

There is no evil that is not in the Hands of God.

Without God, no-one can deal with evil. God is the Weapon against evil.

Whoever has True Love, they are able to unlock God within themselves.

There is no being that does not need God.

God observes everything which happens within the Secret of the Heart.

If you have entered into God, you have overcome the human love.

In order for you to be within God a lot, you must not be within yourself.

Our Concealed Purity is able to guard us from even the most terrible dangers.

Whoever has Truly entered into God, they are already not a human being.

There is one Concealed Purity – it will always smite evil, because God is with it.

Sometime in the Anciency God gave a part of His Light to Lucifer, and then God took it away.

God is the event, we are the lesson drawn.

The Wise one builds relations with God, not with people.

God sees you, if you are within the Secret of the Pure Intentions.

The Pure actions are Wise, especially when they are concealed.

Be pure before God, not before people.

If you see God’s Love within yourself – God has gazed upon you.

What God gives me is not found in the world.

If I breathe Love, it is because God breathes within me.

Even if you go to Hell, be with God.

The Face of God is the Boundlessness.

If you are Truthful, you are created by God.

At Golgotha God and human meet, and the human becomes Spirit.

Faith in God must become an Absolute Trust.

If you are Pure, you are already a part of God.

In the flight of the butterfly, Oceans of life flicker.

The world is not existing, what exists in the world is God.

The Pure One is God’s favourite. God is close to them.

Think, human: is it you that exists, or God? Only He is Existing.

Let us honour life as one Great Gift bestowed by God.

God is the Sacrament of our existence.

If you have become Nothing, God has blessed you.

Guard your Heart, give it only to God.

The Unity with God is the Greatest Support.

Time ago, I lived within myself and something was always missing. Now I live within God and I know that it is Unutterable.

If you have True Love, God has begun living within you.

God knows every fish, which is at the ocean’s bottom.

If God is leading you towards Himself, you have been Blessed.

If you truly love God, you will unlock the Door of your Spiritual development.

It is the smallest evil that happens to the one who loves God.

God knows everything, which is concealed within us.

The Initiated Ones are Secrets of God.

Within True Love there is also a part of God.

If you are without God, all your ways are funerals.

Do not act for people, but act for God.

If you are in ignorance, God has removed you from Himself.

How can you hide something, when everything is from God.

To constantly seek God – this is the most beautiful life.

If you Truly Love God, God will be the Guide of your Love.

If you come to know God, you must know that this has happened through Him.

If you give up your power, God will make you Powerful.

The Great Epistle: Be constantly occupied with God.

To be engulfed by God – this is the Secret of Life.

Whoever loves God, disappears within Him.

Whoever disappears within God, attains their own Secret.

It is very beautiful to not exist, so that God can begin to live within you.

If you are an ‘’I’’, you are an obstacle for God.

God Absolutely governs every instant and always knows precisely what is necessary.

If I have Love towards God, why do I need the knowledge of scientists and theologians?

The Humbly-Wise one has a Heart, which amazes the Angels.

With True Love something of the Secret Essence of God is achieved.

If God reveals His Secret to the world, the world will simply disappear.

Whoever has dissolved into God – they attain both God and their own Self.

Whoever fears God for their every deed, they bury the Devil.

If everything is God and God is within everything, then who is your enemy?

Whoever loves God, turns their fear into Peace.

The direst thing in the world is to lose God.

Observe your Heart – where is it? Is it in the world, or within God?

God is more apparent than the Sun.

If you are looking in one direction – God is looking in all directions.

If your Heart is Pure, you will enter the Heart of God.

If you do not have a Pure Heart, what can you have?

The invisible is more beautiful than the visible.

True Love is a Fiery Bird, who flies straight into the Heart of God.

God is Fire, and Love is a butterfly.

The Key to solving every matter is within God.

The Essence of God is Deeper than His qualities.

Everything that you seek is God – realise that this is the only necessity.

The one who holds the whole Earth – does He not also hold the pyramids in His Hands?

Some think that the Earth gives birth to the seeds. No, God is the One Who gives birth.

Seek God until He discovers you.

I have sought God, together with God, for many years.

You think that it is you who is praying, but this is God within you, Who wants to Rise within you – realise this!

If your heart is in the world, what Divine Truth do you speak of?

The True Love towards God is a meeting with the Secret within Speechlessness.

When God and man meet – this is Mystery meeting with Sacrament.

The ability to interpret is God’s permission.

The Depth Divine Knowledge is the Secret of the Pure Heart.

God makes the Pure Heart Seeing.

The Angels listen to the reasonable one; the Wise ones consort with the Gods.

Everything disappears – God is always here.

Everything originates from God, and God originates from Himself.

 Whoever has seen God, God has prepared them for a long time.

The Secret of life is to be engulfed by the idea of God.

The person of God has forgotten themselves.

When something is alive, it is because God is alive within it.

There is no being who does not listen to the Divine Will.

If God sends you an enemy, it is in order for you to see your mistakes.

The enemy is God Concealed.

God is Concealed within the feeling of the True Love.

God is the Granter of the Mystical Word.

Wherever you go, go with God. Whatever you do, do it for God.

The Way is walked being aware, with Awareness towards God – and along an unknown Way.

Together with God we can do many things.

The Great God has no nationality.

If you have Love towards God, you are not of the world.

God is Deeper than your higher self.

God does not meet with people – God meets with Love.

God has instilled Sun into every drop of Pure water.

The Wise One does not achieve anything and this is why God attains them and begins to live within them.

The Whole world is one Concealed Shining of God, but we are looking in a different direction.

If we succeed to enter into God, then the world dies.

Only one, but True, experience of God, and the world has been overcome.

The Way to God is Deep Comprehension, and not asceticism and monasticism.

The True Love for God – this is the Resurrection.

God is Life-bringing within the Pure Heart.

Whoever has devoted themselves to God, God has begun to live in their life in a Concealed way.

The Way to God is but one spiritual feat.

What God has allowed, has happened.

No other power has ever existed besides the Power of God.

The Mystic Soul lives within God, not in the world.

If God is your First Friend, you will always feel good within yourself.

If God is within you, the mind has been burned away.

Science speaks of atoms, and God is the Ruler of atoms.

The True Sage has saved themselves from themselves and has begun living within God.

No-one is able to think of the Most Sublime Secret of God.

It is the One Magnificent God Who guides the mosquito, the snake, the falcon and the Heavens.

To have God – this is the wealth of the world.

In a day of hardships God is the Great Friend.

Whenever you have begun living within God, you have attained yourself.

Love is the dwelling of God; the Soul is the fragrance; the Heart is the Altar.

If you are a seeker of God, you will solve many riddles in your life.

The Truthful person is a Treasure within the Heart of God.

What can we even say before the Boundless Wisdom of God?

If you do not burn within God, you will remain within yourself.

In order for you to approach closer to God, you must have destroyed all your delusions.

We return into God when we disappear within Him.

Within God there are no worlds. Within God the worlds disappear.

If within poverty and torment you live joyfully, this means God is with you.

Wisdom says: If no tomorrow comes, then God comes.

If your life is heavy, keep your heart within God.

God is Mysteriously with us.

When God helps us, this is His Love. When God does not help us, this is His Mercy.

If you devotedly give yourself to God, you have solved the Deepest question.

Why do we suffer? So that we may come to know God as Love.

Deep within my Heart I have God, not the world.

When God is depriving me of something, it is because He does not want to deprive me of Himself.

To experience something of God, this is the Sacrament of your life.

Where is the Faith of the person – in the church, in the monastery or within the heart of the person?

When God breaks our heart, it is because He wants to make us strong.

If I succeed in entering into God, then I know that the archives of Egypt and Atlantis are in my hands, because God is the Archive.

In order to come to know what is Deep within things, you must have been allowed by God to penetrate into the subtleties of things.

You have come to know God when you are within Lightness.

If you practice the Pure Action, you do not need any other practices.

The one who has come to know God carries Peace for beings.

God told me: Son of Mine, your Heart is Deeper than the Secret of the Universe.

I will always seek you, Lord, because the seeking is my Secret.

The seeker has been predetermined to find.

Diligence removes everything, so that only God remains.

Wherever you are, God is Concealed next to you.

The fear of God turns us into the light of the world.

God Secretly teaches us Unity with Himself.

God is the Kingdom of the Absent Presence.

If I am in Unity with God, this means that God has penetrated into me.

How beautiful it is, to become Nothing so that God can instil Himself into you!

Only Nothingness expresses Him.

How Marvellous God is within my Heart! Poor is my Heart without Him.

You are not able to practice anything if you are not in contact with God, in contact with Truth.

The Way to God is this – concealed, secret deeds.

God rises to shine Deeply in every dark.

What you strive towards – this has called you, this has summoned you, it is your Way.

When God acts strictly towards us, this is His Love.

God is our Place of Origin. God is our Ancient Land.

Whatever Wisdom you have, solve your matters together with God.

Love within us is the Primordial water of God.

Grant yourself to God, there is nothing else you could do that is better than this.

God is our tranquillity. We do not have tranquillity of our own, it is given to the reasonable ones, and Peace is for the Wise ones.

The Loving energy is a current of God.

God is resounding Speechlessness.

The value of God is in His Unfathomableness.

If you have not created God within yourself, everything else is in vain.

If you understand the Unuttered, you are close.

Human nature is egression from God.

God is my Mystical nourishment.



If you are inspired, God has set you alight in order to find Him.

Inspiration is not a deed of humans. Inspiration is Divine.

Inspiration is Pure Mystical Power, which has been taken away from the world.

The Inspired beings are the Ancient Race of Light.

Inspiration is a Sacrament.

Inspiration is a Way towards our own Secret.

Inspiration is the speech of Fire.

The Dark trembles before the Inspiration.

The Truthfully-Inspired one achieves their Mystical Completeness.

Inspiration works for the Truth.

Inspiration is an Ancient quality which overcomes the world.

The person of Inspiration has heard the Secret of Speechlessness.

‘’Inspiration’’ is a word of the Mystery.

Inspiration is of the nature of Truth.

Inspiration is a shining Liberation.

The inspired one is a Spirit, touched by the Mystery.

Inspiration is the place in which you are constantly enriched.

Inspiration is composed of Divine Power.

At the bottom of Inspiration there sits a bright, Shining Consciousness.

The Pure Spirit is clothed in the garment of Inspiration and descends on Earth in order to work for God.

Inspiration is self-development in the fine world.

Inspiration removes the worlds.

Inspiration is Mighty like the Truth.

Inspiration is Completeness in its own self.

The Inspired one is like the Sage – they are not knowing, but Shining.

Inspiration is Endless Beauty.

Inspiration is a fire set ablaze by the Supreme world.

Inspiration which is led by Truth is a World of Depth.

True Inspiration is not a human deed.

Inspiration is a luminous Being.

Pure Inspiration is a Solar Consciousness.

Inspiration is alike the Mystical Power, which sets the water in the Wellspring in motion.

Every Wisely-Inspired one will become a Sun.

The Truthfully-Inspired one will illuminate their Way.

Inspiration surpasses the fate of the world.

Inspiration is a flight towards God and the Boundlessness.

Inspiration is a Bird of Light.

Inspiration does not move up and down, it moves within the Depths.

Inspiration is seeking, which has ripened.

Knowledge does not know Inspiration. Only Purity knows it.

Inspiration is returning into the Secret of Life.

Inspiration is an inner Reality.

Your Inspiration in the Way of the Truth is your Saviour.



The Quiet is an Ocean of Speechlessness and Boundlessness.

The Quiet shines in all kinds of dark.

We have originated from the Quiet and this is why we love the Quiet.

The Quiet surpasses any music.

Within the Peace of the Quiet, evil is dust.

The Quiet has chosen to live within the Temple of Concealedness.

The Quiet is the mother of Peace.

The Supreme Quiet grants us the Mystical Completeness.

The Quiet makes us Boundless.

A person who does not have Quiet, they have not brought sense to themselves.

The Quiet is clothed in familiar Unfathomableness.

The Quiet is created in order for us to discover ourselves.

A person in whom there is no Quiet – they do not have a Way, either.

The Quiet belongs to the Ancient Unutterable Completeness.

As much as you are within the Quiet, that is how Divine you are.

The Quiet – this inexhaustible Boundlessness.

Within time you are human; within the Quiet you are Spirit.

Within the Quiet you are not human; within the Quiet you are a Being.

The Supreme Quiet is concealed from speech and silence.

The person is walking towards the Quiet with their internal Truth.

Within the Quiet we are healed from creation.

Your Quiet is your Concealed Guardian.

Within the Quiet there is concealed Supreme Power.

Talking means communion. Silence means ripening. Quiet means Merging.

The Quiet resounds in the storm as well, but you must have an Ear… to hear It.

The ones who have attained the Quiet, they have become Masters of the inner Seeing.

The True Knowledge is concealed within the Supreme Quiet.

Within the Quiet is concealed the Ancient outlook regarding the world.

The Quiet has an apparent side – the Revelations of Wisdom; and a Concealed side – Completeness, Speechlessness and Mysteriousness.

Within the Quiet we are liberated from ourselves.

The Quiet in the Anciency meant the Art of Pure Perception.

The Quiet is Seeing. It has an Ancient, Inner gaze.

Some converse with themselves even in silence – this is not the Quiet.

In order for you to enter into the Quiet, you must have outgrown yourself and to have overcome silence.

The Quiet is an Ocean of Ancient Truths.

Within the biggest Depths of the Quiet there is no Truth, there is only God and His Mystery.

The silence is for the reasonable one. The Quiet is for the Wise one. The Supreme Quiet is for the One who has Disappeared.

Only God can teach us to live within the Quiet.

The Word has a beginning – the Quiet does not. The Quiet is Beginning-less.

The Quiet is our Ancient Essence.

The Deep and Real Love between two Souls resounds more within the Quiet, than in words.

The Quiet is a Mystical state of the consciousness.

Of God it is the Quiet that can speak most Deeply.

In all things there is one part which is Quiet.

The external part of the Truthful person is Wisdom, and the internal part is connected to the Quiet.

The Quiet is a Great Master, if it has accepted you.

The Quiet is Unity with the Uncreatedness.

The Quiet ceases the mind, ceases Creation, ceases the world.

The Supreme Quiet is deeper than this to be or not to be.

God has created the Quiet and has concealed Himself within it.

The Quiet is a Sanctum, it nourishes Wisdom.

The Quiet is to taste the Concealed.

When God has accepted you, you may listen to His Quiet.

Why are we tranquil within the Quiet? Because we disappear.

To have Deep Quiet within yourself, it is a Great Gift, because the Quiet is His.

The Quiet is His Essence, His Completeness, His Mystery.

Whoever has lived long within God, they have enwisened their Quiet.



Sublimity is not within humanity and within the person. Sublimity is within the Ancient God.

Sublimity is His – we are only drawing closer.

Sublimity sends us the Dark of Golgotha in order to illuminate us.

Golgotha is the Way for coming closer to His Sublimity.

Golgotha is the Temple of God – in this Temple only the Chosen ones enter.

Golgotha is a Sublime Conception of God. We do not understand Golgotha because we are dark.

Golgotha upraises us forever.

Golgotha is a Conception of Sublimity, it summons only the Truthful ones.

Golgotha is the measure for your Truth and for your Unity with God.

The Concealed Dark of Golgotha is a Mighty Secrecy.

At Golgotha the evil within the person is eliminated forever. Golgotha is the killer of evil.

The Dark is a Mighty Secret. The Dark is a servant of Truth – a concealed servant.

All the Sons of God have passed through the Sublimity of Golgotha.

Golgotha is a foreign world to the unworthy ones.

Golgotha leads us into the Unknown God – The Sublime Friend.

Golgotha is the Great and Immutable Mercy of God.

Golgotha summons towards drawing nearer to the Sublimity of God.

Golgotha summons only the ones loyal to God.

Golgotha is a Sacred Science, it is a part of the Ancient Divine Wisdom.

Golgotha is a returning into the Uncreatedness.

Golgotha is a Secretly created Conception of God.

Golgotha – this is God Who embraces you.

Golgotha is not for believers, but for Truthful ones.

Religion is the way of the ones who have been separated from God, and Golgotha is the Way of the Chosen ones.

The Dark turns people into Suns. Golgotha turns people into Spirits.

Golgotha is the place of the Great Loyalty – this Loyalty surpasses every religion.

At Golgotha Eternity is unlocked.

At the Sublime Golgotha only True Love is Resurrected.

Golgotha is a conception for becoming kindred to God.

The Dark of Golgotha is only for the Chosen ones, for the ones who surpass life and the world.

Golgotha is the Secret of Eternity, it returns us into the Spirit.

Everything that we have sought, Golgotha gives to us.

Golgotha is a sublimely-supernatural occurrence.

The Dark is a watchful Essence. Within the Dark, God is Concealed.

Golgotha is Sublime because it was born of a Sublimely-Shining Source.

Outside of Golgotha people wander in death.

Golgotha destroys the whole of human senselessness.

Golgotha is the last word of the Sublime God.

Golgotha is the Greatest Poem.

God is Gracious – He has created Golgotha Wisely, in order to save us from the world.

Sublimity is Ancient and Unfathomable.

The Supreme Sublimity is above questions and answers.

Sublimity has created the Spirit, but it is not Spirit.

Sublimity is a Mystery.

Sublimity cannot enter into creation – except only through Unity.

Sublimity enters into the Unity but surpasses it.

God’s Wrath is a part of the Sublime Mercy.

The Sublime God is a Supreme Witness of everything.

There are Great Beings – but Sublime is only God.

Sublimity is Deeper than Reality.

One Great Sublimity has created life.

One Great Sublimity has created the wellspring.

Sublimity brings out a Lotus from the mud.

Golgotha is a language of Sublimity; Golgotha is a language of the Boundlessness.

Golgotha is Divine-likeness.

Golgotha says: You are uncreatedly born.

In the world we die; in Golgotha we are Resurrected.

Sublimity is beyond good and evil.

Golgotha is like the Sphinx – it does not see the world, but only God.


Annotation on the back cover:

Golgotha is the Temple of God.

Golgotha is not for the believers, but for the Truthful ones.

At Golgotha only True Love is Resurrected.

God is Sublime.

Eleazar Harash

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


God – The Mystery – part 1

Eleazar Harash

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


The Anciency-Mystery

God is an Ancient, fearsome Sublimity which we cannot fathom.

God and the Ancient Word are one flesh.

Only the Anciency exists and the Mystery of the Sublime God.

The Concealed Ancient God is Unfathomably Sublime.

A Great Sublimity governs the worlds and it will lead everything towards Itself.

Both Gods and demons know this Great Ancient Sublimity.

The Love of God is only a part of this Ancient Sublimity of the Great Concealed One.

Anciency has always existed.

In Eternity you are Soul, in Anciency you are Spirit, but there is something that is deeper than the Spirit.

The Pure Spirit is the Ancient Civilisation. It knows the Boundlessness.

The Ancient Sublimity of the concealed God has created the Proto-light.

The Ancient God – this is the state of Nothingness.

The Ancient Way is only one – disappearance within the Concealed God, disappearance in the Nothingness.

This is all I know – my Spirit is an Ancient world, deeper than immortality and death.

The Ancient Concealed God is such a magnificent Love that I am rendered speechless, for I know that He surpasses even Love, but to speak of this is not allowed.

When the Absolute limited Itself, Anciency was born. When Anciency limited itself, Eternity was born. When Eternity limited itself, time was born.

When we disappear into the Boundlessness, we will come to know our True Freedom.

In the Anciency there is only one Boundless Completeness and Speechlessness.

The Nothingness is the True State of things – the Ancient State.

The Anciency – this is the Sublimely-Pure consciousness that is filled with the Elixir of Speechlessness and Completeness.

Only the Truth is allowed to enter into the Anciency.

The Anciency is saturation with the Concealed God.

In the Boundlessness there is no Resurrection, no Gnosis – only one Magnificent Completeness.

In Anciency – here you are not eternal, you are Engulfed, you are Boundless.

Nothingness is the Ancient State – the Proto-Origin.

The Gods themselves have an infinite adoration for the Boundlessness.

The Great Anciency is composed of Mystery, of Pure Nothingness.

The Ancient Concealed God is a Being of the Abyss of Boundlessness.

Purpose is not of this world, nor of the otherworld. Purpose is Mystical. Purpose is partially in Eternity and completely in Anciency.

Eleazar Harash


The Concealed God is the Truth – the Temple of the Gods.

The Ancient Ones are Ancient because they have discovered the Temple within themselves.

If the Ancient Concealed One has spoken to you, you are no longer of this world, you are no longer human.

Whoever has heard the Ancient Voice, they have a Sacred Aim.

The voice of the angels is reasonable. The Voice of the Gods is Divine. The Voice of the Concealed God is Absolute.

The Eternal ones delight in Love. The Ancient Ones rejoice in the Concealed God.

Anciency is a Great Mystery.

The Ancient Civilisations are alive, but as Pure Spirits.

When the Ancient One, the Absolute, descended and limited itself, It became God – attainable, still Uncreated but attainable; It became Love and with this It captured everything reasonable.

Love is the life – the Ancient Current of the descended God.

The True Civilisation is Uncreated, it is free from creation – the limitation.

Humankind did not withstand Truth and therefore it was separated from the Ancient Civilisation.

The Ancient Civilisation lives in the Core of Truth, in the Core of the Concealed God.

The Anciency is created of Spirit and Truth, and Eternity – of Soul and Love.

The Concealed God lives within the Truth, not in the notions.

The Ancient God created the Word but He cannot be fully contained in the Word.

Only His Concealed Love can create a True Civilisation.

Only the ones rooted in God have come to know the Truth.

The Absolute lives above Anciency. It created the Anciency from Itself, the Anciency is Its emanation.

The Absolute is the Voice of the Anciency. God is the Voice of Eternity.

When God has acted, the Ancient Ones knew that it was not the event that was important, but the state – the way of Perception.

Speechlessness is part of the Fragrance of the Concealed God.

What is the essential in life – God or the bible?

The Concealed God is not scriptures – He is Supreme Truth, Great Love.

The Anciency can penetrate into Eternity and into time. What is Supreme can always penetrate.

The Master says: The Ancient Civilisations have not disappeared, nor were they destroyed – they have concealed themselves in the Imperceptible God.

Everything has limits, even the Boundlessness, but It – the Ancient Absolute – does not have limits.

The True Ancient history which originated from the Concealed God is a Mysterious River.

The Power of Anciency is in the Secrecy of Impeccability, this is the Divine-alikeness – the approach towards the Mysterious Power.

The more we return to the Anciency, the more we return to the Concealed Mysterious All-Guiding One.

If we persevere in Impeccability for a long time, God – the Mystery will touch us.

Within the Mystery of God there are no nations and humankind. Here there is only the True Civilisation and this is the Kingdom of God.

Eternity is Secretive. Anciency is Boundlessness. The Ancient God is an Unnamable Mystery.

Since Anciency the Concealed Mysterious God has chosen Lucifer for His aim and He later turned him into the Snake. The snake is not a perpetrator, it cannot act, it is a servant, a conduit. The Only God alone is the really acting One.

Within the Anciency you realise your Speechlessness. Within Eternity you realise your Love and within time you realise your limitation – createdness.

The Eternal Ones are within God and the Ancient ones are within the Absolute – within Its Mystery.

The Anciency is Sublimely-Real.

The Teller of the Ancient history is the Word – God.

The Anciency cannot be shared, it is inexpressible – such is the Mystery of God, because the Sublimely-Precious is what has not been shared.

In the Mystery God engulfs Himself in order to be born Renewed.

The Concealed God is something that you are able to love endlessly.

From you God wants True Love.

If God has instilled Himself into something – nothing is able to move Him.

God is within every instant, but the person is not.

God – the Mystery exists, and whether or not we exist – this is under question.

God must be Deeply revered, because He is a Magnificent Love.

Whoever has a Divine feeling – it was given to them by God.

God can lead you into Himself through the power of certain events.

Matter does not construct life. God has gifted life to matter.

God is the Sublime Proto-Foundation of everything which exists.

God is the beginning and the end of every one thing – people, occurrences, events – they are merely a cycle.

Whoever has Deep Trust in God, they gather Power.

God is the One Who penetrates into things and governs them from the inside.

God has radiated Reality from Himself, but He surpasses it.

God is the Support. The Support is Mystical.

God is the One who Supports life within the person.

God is a Mystery Concealed within Itself, He is always one Unmanifested, Imperceptible and Clearly-acting Reality.

To think constantly of God, this is the Supreme practice – this is actually the sacrifice.

When I come to life, I walk towards God; when I die, I return into God.

Whoever has come to know God Deeply, they have become a part of Him, a part of His Concealedness.

It is God Who allows us to be absorbed into Him.

When you seek Him constantly, this means that you have been given the right to find Him.

Whoever is always occupied with God, God plans things for them.

God has His Dwelling and His Dwelling is the Truth.

If God has allowed you to become aware of yourself as Spirit, you are already saved.

Along the Way to God the Sage has Solar Willpower and Pure Inspiration.

Everyone has an Ancient debt to God.

The Way towards God requires an Inspired Fire.

God has inspired the Fire to live and to burn. Within the Fire there burns Spirit.

We have no other purpose, aside from one to God – the rest is vanity.

God is a Mystery without name. He is Unnamable.

God is a Mystery above every Word. He is Speechless Depth.

The Great Concealed God is without history.

God is an Abyss –Eternal Peace of the Quiet.

Whoever walks along this Ancient Way, they turn into Peace – which in its turn transforms into Supreme Quiet.

God is open to be known by every being because He is one Universal Unity.

God wants every being to come to know Him.

Whoever disappears into God, they come to know their own self, their own Secret.

God is the Granter of the True Knowledge of Himself.

When you become a part of God you will see through God.

When we think more and more of God we increase our absence.

God does not need your religion and your rituals, but your Purity.

God is Mightier than the hurricane because the hurricane is merely His servant.

God is both the visible and the concealed Truth.

God knows every one thing Deeply.

God secretly flies in the butterfly – this is why it also flies.

I know one thing of God – His Power is Sublime, His Power is Inexhaustible.

God is the big Love in my life.

If we are within God, we embrace death with lightness because we know where we are going.

If you have True Love towards God, you do not need epistles.

When it was necessary, God has given me something of His fearsome Will and Power, because on my own I am so very weak.

God has taught me how to live within Him and within His Conception.

The goal is one and one only: to meet God in your life and to merge with Him.

The Will of God is both at the bottom of the sea and beneath the bottom. God is everywhere.

God is a Pure, Deep and Secret Justice.

Within the Sublimity of God, good and evil do not exist.

God governs evil, evil is His servant.

Our concealed True Love towards God is deeper than all the kinds of good deeds.

When you are doing something, gaze upon it to see whether it is in the Name of God.

Without God there is no arranged life, even when everything is in order.

Whoever dies with Love and reverence towards God, they smite the torments of death.

Reverence towards God is a great Gift from God.

God is the Concealed Diamond which everyone must find within themselves.

God is the Power above every power; God is the Rule above every rule.

God’s hearing hears everything in the Universe and beyond it.

God is better than what is good, if we come to know Him.

What greater victory than the Unity with the Almighty God!

If God gives you poison, this is something much deeper than if the fool gives you elixir.

We live and survive due to the great Long-patience of God.

Whoever has penetrated into the Secret of God, they have come to know themselves, because God Himself has summoned them.

God is Almighty because His Truth is Sublimely-Pure.

Whoever has been allowed diligent prayers by God, they will come to know many things.

If God has given you Love towards the Truth, He has already blessed you.

Within God’s Love the Boundless Good is concealed.

God is the Concealed Good for every Soul both in this world and the other one.

God’s Love is a great Lightness.

Whoever has been bestowed with True Love towards God, they have been Chosen.

There are actions of Wisdom; there are actions of God.

God flows within us as life, and because of this we live.

God is the True Core of our life.

The Wise one works consciously through God and they know that what they are doing is under the control of God.

To know something of the Secret of God is a Divine privilege.

God is the Great and Concealed Acting One.

The Striving towards God is a wondrous Divine calling. The Striving shows that God wants you.

We do not understand God because He is a Great degree of Fineness.

The ancient Snake was created by the Almighty God and its actions were predetermined.

The ancient Snake does not have its own existence – it, as with everything else, depends on God.

The Snake is powerful but God is Almighty.

The Snake is a servant of God but it is an enemy to the people who have diverted away from God.

Within God there is no sin. Sin is but a created conception – part of the Divine Plan.

The Snake is a strong influence and God is a Mighty Presence. God is an Ancient Rule over everything – He is the Lord.

The Snake is an experienced being because it has lived within God.

The Tree of knowledge of good and evil is the tree of the changeable beings.

All who have betrayed God will be taught by death until they return.

When a child dies, God takes it into His Pure World, in His Unearthly World.

Whoever does not have love towards God, they are already in the hands of the Snake.

Happiness is poison. Suffering is an Elixir – it is that, which Enwisens us.

To believe means to be far from God. To act in the right way, this is the Secret Way towards God.

God is more real than life.

God is something Deeper than the True life.

God is the Creator of the snowdrop and the Sun.

What is all the scientific knowledge worth before God? Nothing.

If you are knowledgeable you are an unsolved problem. If you are loving and humble – God has an Eye for you.

God is Truth and not science.

If you want to be Rich, you must be in Unity with God.

If God is with you, He will fortify you against the world.

There is not one thing in the whole Universe and in every ant nest, which happens without the Divine Conception.

The Great Divine Conception is concealed in our entire life.

Without God the serenity of the person crumbles.

Without God, health is destructive. With God, the sickness is constructive, instructive.

The Wise One is God’s deed. God has led them in His Secret Way.

Surrender yourself to God and God will arrange things for you.

God is All-Sight.

God is the Master of all events – they listen to Him.

Whoever describes God – they cannot describe Him.

He governs everything – everything visible and invisible.

If you cannot see the wind, how will you see God?

I do not see Him, but I am in love with Him.

Where Purity is, God is always close.

There is one Great Temple – and this is the Concealed God Himself.

God gave birth to the Great Snake in order to save man and humankind.

God is the Father before every father.

God does not depend on the worlds.

The Immaculate Conception was born through the Uncreated Internal Powers.

God governs both the Uncreated and the created powers.

This Pure Uncreated World is concealed from the worldly illusion.

The Pure one does not grow from the sufferings. The Pure one grows from their Love towards God.

The conception is a Pure Deed of God. The Immaculate Conception is a Divine Deed – a Deed from the Boundlessness.

The earthly conception is born of a secondary word. The Immaculate Conception is born of the Primordial Divine Word.

The Immaculate Conception is a direct participation of God, it is His Mystery.

God is able to give birth to everything and to call forth everything.

The Divine Will is born within Pure and Immaculate Beings.

Only God is Reality. Time and the world are merely perceptions.

God surpasses everything spoken by the believers and non-believers.

The Divine Wisdom sees the Only God everywhere.

What does it matter if you have read all the Sacred books in the world, if you are impure?

First, you must become Pure, and then sacrifice yourself for God.

Did you create your eyes yourself?

The Unity with God is the attaining of a Secret Power.

The True Love towards God is entering into His Mercy.

Whoever knows the Secret of God is a Son of God.

If you say with Love: In the Name of God I am entering the Desert – it already becomes your friend.

God has always been a Master of everything, but we do not realise this.

There is no bigger blessing than this – to work for God.

If something is Dark, it is because God has not illuminated it, has not touched it.

The Desert is inhabited with God – what bigger Oasis!

Only God knows how to live within us – we do not know.

Within the Concealed part of God there exists one Universal White Consciousness.

In the Beginning there was the Concealed God and the Abyss of Boundlessness.

The Divine Mystery is Unfathomable – Inscrutable.

The Great existing Truth in this world is within the Logos and within the Concealed God, Who governs the Logos.

God as a Mystery contains within Himself that, which is not known.

God is the Proto-Fountainhead. God is one Great Indefinability.

Within God there is a force, Love and Boundlessness.

God is Before Time, within Him there is no time.

God is concealed behind the veil of the worlds.

Along the Way towards the Secret of God you must come to love your Pure Speechlessness.

Within Speechlessness there is something from the Bottomlessness of God.

The Mystery of God cannot be studied.

The Mystery of God will forever remain one Great Unknown.

God has Self-created for the purpose of the eternal enriching of man.

Only Aharot – the 13th chakra – can briefly glimpse into the Abyss.

It is not given that God be studied.

Along the Way towards God we walk with the Word. Along the Way towards the Mystery we walk through Speechlessness.

When God begins to love you in a Special way, He gives you His Inexpressibleness.

You cannot argue with the Speechlessness of God, or with His Word.

God is the One Who cannot be named.

Deep things have no origin. Deep things are things of God.

In God the light is Absolutely Pure – no impurities.

Whoever has come to know the Secret of Life, has begun to live within God.

Within God there is a Completeness which is not found in Blissfulness.

God-the Mystery is an Ocean of Great Speechlessness.

If God has gazed upon you, you are already Eternal.

No one can measure the Mystery of God.

In Anciency everything was engulfed by the Absolute – beings, suns, stars, light, dark, spirit, fire, wind, water, and even God –afterwards everything came forth.

Only God exists – everything else is but a veil.

God has the Deepest embrace – a Bottomless embrace.

God is a Quiet and Mighty Speechlessness.

We are surrounded by one Divine Secret.

God is a great Nothingness – the place in which everything rests.

Everything reasonable venerates God-The Mystery

God is Uncreated from Speechless Word.

When God is distant to me – He is close to me. When God is close to me – He is close to me.

Only God can satiate us with Love – it is His doing.

With True Love towards God, you are above all practices and techniques.

Love is a Great Ocean, but even it is only a part of God.

What translation could I make of the Inexpressible God? No translation.

I drink from the Inexpressible, I do not explain It.

God is in the present, and you may go towards some future. God is here.

Drink the nectar of Love, because the Sacred Love is God.

Every instant is from God. A reverence before the subtlety of the instant.

The Inexpressible has captured me – it is as if I was touched by a Secret.

We live within the Life of God, because we are life. God is the Life.

The biggest beauty is in the disappearance within Love – the disappearance within God.

The limited love comes to know the world. The Limitless Love comes to know God.

Within True Love there is no noise – not even silence. Only God is here.

True Love sees only God and no one else.

Trust God, and not the scriptures.

God’s Love surpasses the Universe.

Only one beam of His Gaze and the light of millions of suns pales.

God is beyond the breath, it is not necessary to Him. God is Free.

Within our heart there is a Way outlined towards God.

If we have Love, God overfills us with His Inexpressibleness.

The True Love towards God liberates us from the creation.

God is a Mighty Strictness and a Great Softness.

God is the moving force of events and it is God, Who has rule over events.

We are surrounded not by objects, things and beings, but by vibrations.

God does not need matter in order to exist.

God is a concealed Root – we see the tree, the leaves, the fruit, but not the Root – yet the Root is there.

God is a Present Absence.

Love allows a Deep Penetration into God.

God sets the wind in motion. The wind is His servant.

The deep reason that evil acts is in this, that God has concealed Himself.

The deep reason that evil happens is in this, that God is not present, because if He were present, then evil would not have happened.

When you are sick, God wants you to seek your Purity.

The materialistic person awaits salvation; the believer awaits the Saviour; the Wise One lives within God.

God is found within the Mystical Breath of Love.

For God the night is but a bright, clear day.

God is a Great Will; and Adam is a fall in the will.

There are sons of the woman; there are sons of the Gods; there are Sons of God.

God can make the Word All-Victorious.

God is concealed within the Heart of the storm – if you have Heart, you will see Him.

True Love is the Bread of God.

Within the storm there is an Eye – this is the Eye of God.

There is only one support in the world but God must set it in motion.

God has ordered the Snake to act as a Snake. The Snake in itself is not a Snake – it is a being which had to serve the Divine Conception.

There exists nothing, which is not within God’s rule.

God is the Soul of Eternity. God is the Spirit of Anciency.

When the Divine Will is in action, who can resist!

If you are within God, then who will experience worries?

God wants us to be vigilant for the especially small things.

The Wise one has God within themselves; and not the world.

God allows you to understand only what is enough for you.

Who can come to know the One, Who surpasses everything?

One does not need anything else, except God.

We do not need knowledge, but Purity.

God is the Father of every Secret.

If within you the world exists, you cannot come to know God.

To concentrate God within yourself – this is the greatest defence.

In order for you to understand God, you must be a part of Him.

In order to understand God, you must be an Ancient Spirit.

The Great Divine Power never attacks, this is why it is All-Mighty.

The Wise one understands things through God within themselves.

When God touches you, the world dies.

God is my Promised Land.

Whoever has come to know God, they have transformed from human into Spirit.

Because God is so clear, He is concealed.

The one who has come to know God is Deeper than the world.

God is Deeper than every sense and every goal.

You cannot come to know God if you are an earthly person, if you are a person of the mind.

If you are within the Truth, you can pronounce God.

God is a Source from which everything poured out. There is a Source which is Absolutely locked.

Whoever has lost God, has lost their Completeness.

In order for you to come to know God, you must have penetrated the Universe.

In order for you to come to know God on a Deep level, you must practise the Concealed Practice.

When God delays His help for you, He is protecting you.

In order to be in Great Unity with God, you must have become Nothing.

The Wise One has big ruling power because they realise that it is Purely Divine, belonging to God.

The Wise One has turned God into their home.

Where is God concealed? Within your concealed and Unconditional Truth.

Why would you need knowledge, if you are not within God?

The Voice of God is speechless, but resounding.

If God has bestowed the Quiet upon you, he has bestowed Himself upon you.

(continues in part 2) – here

Eleazar Harash

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel