Presented by Eleazar Harash
Everything is the Only One, everything is His Work – there is no second one.
The Only One will sit upon the Throne of your Heart, if He is the Only One for you.
As much as is your Love towards the Only One, that much is also your Closeness to Him.
If you have a True Master, the Only One within Them has chosen to teach you.
The True Master is a Secret Emanation of the Only One, Who has chosen you.
Never seek a second one in the world, because no second one exists.
Whoever has come to know the Only One, they have neither a Higher self, nor an inferiour self, no individuality, no personality.
Only the ones who seek the Only One, will find within themselves the Great Beyond-boundness.
Love towards the Only One surpasses all aims. Love towards the Only One cuts the chains of both this world and the other one.
Your relations are only with the Only One and they are always Eternal and Boundless.
If you are within the Only One, what else could you seek?
You cannot attain the Only One with anything else, but with Love and the Secrecy of Self-renunciation.
There is only One-Only-One. A second has never been born and cannot be born.
Eleazar Harash
Arot Rava Mahatoriya – I am the Only One.
Ayra Hatorot Varaha!
Summon me into the Sublimely-Real Reality!
Summon me into Your Sublime-Unutteredness!
Summon me into Your State of Sublime-Being!
Everything originates from Him, but He never originates. He is always absorbed within Himself.
His Sublime Aloneness is His Immeasurable Completeness. The Splendor of Anciency is but one small Shard of the Sublime All-Completeness.
There was not a time, when someone could enter into His Sublime Aloneness. But it happens sometimes, that He touches someone with Himself and leads them towards the Indescribable Completeness of the Sublime Aloneness.
Whoever is touched by Him and is called towards the Sublime Aloneness, they must forget themselves, lose themselves, disappear completely, in order for them to receipt the Sublime Experience of Him. Whoever receipts this becomes eternally His.
Depth after Depth, Completeness after Completeness, Unutterableness after Unutterableness – such is His Concealed Immeasurability.
Only the Exceptional Power of Absorption reaches Him, without knowing Him, but becoming overfilled with Him.
He descends unexpectedly, in order to touch you; conceals Himself unknowably, so that you may seek Him; and disappears absolutely so that He accepts you into Himself.
Expect Him with Non-expectation; seek Him without demanding Him; and immerse into Him without finding Him. He is an Ancient Bird of Freedom – one that cannot be captured and cannot be reached.
Seclusion is an Ancient Secret of the Mystery. He is Deeply Secluded within Himself. His all-Absorption knows no bounds.
Within the Depths of the beings, within the Depths of things, there echoes one Calling, and one only – The Calling towards Him.
Seek Him with Exceptional Loyalty and Deep Non-expectance, because He is always within what is Unexpected, within what is Unknown and Eternally Concealed.
Meditation is the Joy of seeking Him and living Him.
The Ancient Peace is overfilled with Him. The Ancient Peace is a Living Communion with Him – a Communion in a Mysterious language through the Words of Speechlessness.
The dweller of the Desert praises the Almighty One through the Words of Speechlessness. His most Ancient Name is a Hieroglyph of Speechlessness.
It is a Blessing that you are able to think of Him, to Love Him, to seek Him. If you knew how great this Blessing is, you would express gratitude for it in every moment of your life.
Do not try to find Him. Let Him find you. But in order for this to happen, be incessantly and Deeply Absorbed into Him.
In the Absence He is closer than in Seeking.
Within the Awe, his Disappearance Livingly-flows into you and Deeply-Satiates.
The Depths are saturated with Him. The Rejoicing of the Depths is the Rejoicing with Him.
The mind seeks in a known way. The Spirit – in an unknown way. Seek Him as the Great Unknown One within yourself.
Within His Unknownness, the Boundlessness never stops expanding.
He is enveloped in an Ancient Mystery, but He is more Concealed than the Mystery Itself.
Through the Deepest Quieting He draws you into His Mystery.
Do not seek Him, but put down roots in Him. The ones, who have put down roots in Him, are called the Untouchable ones.
His Absolute Peace is the Purest form of Non-existence.
Become so Immutable that you disappear. Through this Immutability He is teaching you His own Self.
The Ancient One has first spoken through Speechlessness. Speechlessness is the First Divine Voice within the person.
His Speechlessness utters the Ancient Truth without Word, without Voice. Therefore, listen very Deeply.
Love Him, Love Him, Love Him. Love Him beyond every Seeking and Finding. Love Him because of the Love for Him itself.
Oh, Great and Sublime Absolute, teach me to love You Absolutely, Supremely, Unknowingly, Reverently!
The Joy of Him turns into an Ancient Way towards Him. Joy touches Him not with the hands, but with the Beams of the Heart.
The Deep Love crosses the worlds and finds His Anciency. Love has devoted Its Eyes to Him, this is why It gazes only upon Him.
Feel Him in way, more real than you feel your own self. He is your Reality.
You must see through your own self, in order to see Him. You are a hue of His Image, an echo of His Reality.
An Ancient Affirmation: “I am He and He is me”. I am His Manifestation, He is my Concealedness.
I am His Wings, He is my Flight. I am His Flame, He is my Fire. I am His Gaze, He is my Sight.
I am His Breath, He is my Life. I am His Impetus, He is my Inspiration. I am His smile, He is my Joy.
I and He – this is One Being. When it is the external, it is uttered as “I”. When it is the internal, it is uttered as “He”.
When His Flight concludes and He withdraws back into Himself, there is no longer “I and He”. There is Only One Sublime Unutterable SELF.
He is so Deeply Immersed into Himself that even He disappears and only His All-Perfect Speechlessness remains. Within this Speechlessness Unity is surpassed.
The Place Deep within yourself, which you have enlightened and from which you have withdrawn, turns into an Ancient Temple of the Only One.
True Prayer is a Sacred-Deed within the Temple of the Only One. It is a Calling to the Depths, a Summoning towards His Anciency.
Seek Him in the Vastness of the Great Quiet and He will teach you not with the Word, not with a Voice, but with All-Engulfment.
He remains Always Unuttered, and what is Unuttered is sought along the Way of the Quiet.
His Voidness liberates you from the world, from the burden and from your own self. The Desert engulfs you in order to make you Free.
Within his Depth everything human is undone. The end of the world is the Beginning of Anciency.
The Splendor Of Anciency conceals uncountable Secrets: Secret next to Secret, Secret within Secret. He is the Concealed One within the Heart of the Secret.
He journeys from Secret to Mystery and from Mystery to Undiscoverableness. Seek Him and you will not find Him, but the Secrets will grant you something of themselves.
He is an Ancient Breeze of the Innermost Place of the Secret, which passes through the Concealedness of the Mystery and disappears without a trace into the Absolute Unknownness of Unfathomableness.
If you wish to follow Him, you must become Fine as the Secret, Concealed as the Mystery and Unknown as the Unfathomableness.
The Way towards Him is within the Likeness to Him. He is Supremely-Fine, Supremely-Concealed and Proto-Disappeared. This Proto-Disappearance expresses the Sublime Truth of Him.
His Proto-Disappearance is the Deepest State of the Anciently-Devoted One.
He is always His Own Self in a Place, Absolutely Unknown to the worlds and Inaccessible to them.
Towards the Unknown Ancient Place there is no Way. He is the Only One, Who returns into It.
His Speechlessness resounds incessantly in all worlds and in all living beings.
You can hear Him in the Deepest way within Proto-Speechlessness – the Place beyond all worlds, the Most Ancient Land of Voidness.
The Word leads to Him, but does not reach Him. Seek Him as the Unuttered Depth within yourself.
He has Uttered all things, but He Himself has remained Unuttered. Within His Unutteredness is concealed that, which the Depth within the person seeks.
Within Speechlessness He is Unheard; within Peace – Boundless; within Nothingness – not able to be captured; within Completeness – Inexpressible.
Within Speechlessness you attain Him, because you seek Him not with Words, but with Depth-Voidness.
Seek Him with Non-presence. Within your Deep Non-presence, He is constantly abiding.
The Ancient Thoth says: “You must be able to not exist, so that He can be”.
When you receipt the Absolute Voidness in Its True form, you will realise that between Him and you there is no barrier.
To be touched by the Consciousness of the Ancient One, this is a Sacred Bestowment. Whoever has been Touched by Him, they devote themselves forever to Him.
Life is a constant Reverence within the Only Temple – within Him.
People journey outside, the Ancient Ones journey inside. People find their poor self, the Ancient Ones find Him.
The Boundless Beauty of Seeking consists in this, that He becomes more and more Unknown and more and more Unknowable, and from this a Great Inspiration follows.
He emanates from Himself thousands of beings, thousands of His Images, and despite this, Deep within the Core, a second one does not exist.
The Depth of the Gaze always sees the Only One within itself. In fact, He alone sees Himself, and you are a participator in His Seeing and in His Life.
He is closer to you than your own self. You touch Him first, and then yourself. He is your Core, and you are His periphery.
If you want to know yourself, know Him within yourself. The Concealed “He”, this is you.
The closeness to Him is closeness to your own self. Penetrating into Him is Penetrating into your own self. “The self” is a Secret Unsolvable.
And so, one day you shall see that between Him and you there is no difference. What is left is Only One Being, containing the Whole Truth within Itself.
As the leaf is attached to the tree through its stem, so is the person attached to God through their breath. All beings are Breaths of the Ancient One. He Breathes within them, and they take down roots within Him.
At the Beginning of times, He has uttered: “You shall breathe through Me and you shall exist through Me. I am the One, Who I am”.
The Only One – He is the One, who envelops us. We cannot envelop our own selves. We are Boundless, but He is Spanless beyond Boundlessness.
We move, in order to return into the Only One. The Dance of Sufi is The Whirl of Returning.
Proto-Inspiration is that, which reaches out towards the One, Who cannot be reached. And the more He is Unreached, the more it reaches out.
Proto-Inspiration is a Brave Impetus towards the Most Fearsome Secret, an Ancient Greeting towards the Supreme Majesty.
Proto-Inspiration is the strongest Flame – a Flame for the Sublimely-Concealed Absolute. This Flame has soared and has touched the foot of the Supreme Throne – blessed for its Bravery.
The Flame of Proto-Inspiration has strived in such a way, that it has attained. In this way, He Himself has ignited His Own Self, He has reached Himself and He has returned into Himself.
Breathe with His Breath, be Speechless with His Speechlessness, be Absorbed with His Absorption and Disappear with His Disappearance, because only He knows the Way towards Himself.
The Secret of Disappearance is Undisclosable. The Mystery touches only the Ones who have Disappeared and only to them it discloses something of Itself.
The Deepest Tale of Anciency is enveloped in Speechlessness and is written by the Glints of His Sublime Irradiation.
All Ancient Beings tremble for the Beams of His Irradiation and this is why they are submerged into Constant Deep Absorption.
When you begin to listen not to your own self, but to Him, the Doorway towards the Ancient Secrets will begin to open.
Within the Deep Speechlessness He will Utter you in a New way and you will attain your Anciency.
The Ancient Languages are a Bestowment from Him for Journeying within the Ancient Secrets and Mysteries.
The hieroglyphs of the Ancient Languages are written by the Descending of His Fire and are Keys to the Anciency and to Himself.
Within every Soul there is Locked an Ancient Scripture which the person must themselves unlock, in order to learn the Secret of themselves.
In order to attain the Ancient Scripture within themselves, the person must Enlighten the Temple of the Only One within themselves.
In the future there will be a new Outpouring from the Core of the Ancient One. A Secret Ancient Word will be radiated and New Hieroglyphs will be lit within the Souls of the Anciently-Devoted Ones.
His Anciency will descend in a New way and He will grant the worlds a New Shard of Himself with such Dazzling Shine, as has never been.
In the most Ancient Time, the Proto-Time, He was Alone and Only One. And today He is still Alone and Only One in the Unknown Ancient Place.
His Absorption is so Deep, that He does not know anything else, but His own self.
The Supreme Proto-State cannot be withstood. It is formed grain by grain within the Absorption of the person.
And even though the Proto-State happens all at once, it is the fruit of long years and long centuries of efforts.
Within His Unfathomable Presence He constantly dwells within you, and in His Unfathomable Absence, he Sublimely-Dwells.
Within the Only One there is no reality, He is Freedom.
Let your Message be: “I am a Son of the Only One”, and let your life be His Message, His Emanation.
You live within the Only One, you serve the Only One and you comply only with Him, not the world.
Within the Only One you are Absorbed, within the Only One you disappear, and this Disappearance is the Great Glorification of the Only One and no-one else.
Everything that is happening to you, is a Concealed Sacred Bestowment
from the Only One.
Eleazar Harash
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
Note: Content is in the process of being added from more books.
This Proto-Language is the Language of Dawning Light. This Dawning Light is a particular kind of Light. This Light was born after many Beings from the most Supreme planes, who lived within the Heart of the Absolute, tore themselves away from this Heart so that through their sacrifice they turn into the Proto-Language and grant a Way to all beings back towards the Absolute Heart of Non-Being. The Proto-Language – which is a Language of the special Light and of the special Seeing – is the result of the greatest sacrifice of all. The Proto-Language is the Vatan language. It is a descent of the Unknown Truth. The Truth has clothed Itself through Vatan. And the meaning of the word Ayhama – which approximately corresponds to the word Amen – is a descent of the Truth from the Unknown. This Truth has decided to be in Unity with everything. And despite being in Unity with everything, It transcends Unity itself. The Vatan Language, being words, is not words, in the same way as the Absolute, being a power of the Devil, is not the Devil, i.e. the Absolute, setting in motion the power of the Devil, simultaneously surpasses it. Words are not words – but they can be pronounced. This is the Power of the Proto-language. Only it may utter the unuttered. When uttering the unuttered, the unuttered remains unuttered. The words of the Vatan language are the most Primordial Emanations of Truth. These words are the Radiated Uncreated Light. And only the one who has attained their own uncreated Essence may communicate with the Vatan Language, and the words to open their gate, leading them to the Sacred Ancient One Who is the Truth Itself.
In the Vatan language the Ancient Formulas are uttered as Lahayry – Words of Love, or Words flowing out of Love. Word of Love means to give Boundlessness to the Word, while the word Formula limits the Word. The pronunciation of the Lahayry is found within the Feeling of Veneration.
The Ancient Formulas in the Zalyhyr language are uttered as Lahatyry – Words of Depth. When they are uttered, Depth must be instilled into them.
The Ancient Formulas in the Proto-language of the Elders are uttered as Maahyry – Mysterious Proto-Powers. Here the pronunciation comes from Merging with the Mystery of the Absolute and from Unity with Its Concealedness.
The Ancient Formulas in the Arazuma language, the Ancient Priestly language, are uttered as Ayahayry – Words of Mystery, Words of Concealedness. Here the secret of the pronunciation is found within the Feeling of the Spark searching for its Bottomlessness.
When Uttered the Ancient Formulas are preceded by the Word Key Ayhama, then follows the Formula itself and it ends with the Word Ayhama again. The Word Ayhama symbolises the Concealed Fire; the Primordial Unity; the Primordial Circle; Primordiality; the Ancient Key; That which deifies you; That which gives you Depth.
The Ancient Formulas have an approximate outer and an approximate inner translation.
One must choose Formulas according to their own Deep Inner Feeling.
The Formulas One says must not be too many, nor too long. They must be said with awareness, with focus, so that they create their Deep Power within the person and for this to lead to Merging in the Depths.
Anar Anarohot Mahayry
Life is Life through the Absolute Disappearance.
Anara Hayra
I am the Nothingness.
Aar Havaryma Marotot Raayara
I am the One Who is never. I am the Supreme Absence. I am the Absolute Uninvolvedness.
Arot Rava Mahatoriya
I am the Only One.
Anah Anahera Vahana
Life is Life only through You. (An approximate external translation)
You are the Sceptre of my Truth. (An approximate external translation)
Anh Anahara Amaha
Be engulfed so that you come to life.
There is Life only when you are dissolved into the Boundless Nothingness.
Al Devaya Mahana Vara Rut
Gracious Master, teach me the Eternal Sense.
Meruhym Ahaba – The most Ancient Treasure of the world; The Eternal Inspiration, The Beauty of the Eternal Quest
Ahavyra – Heart; Beholding the Indescribable
Vayra – Wellspring; the Sacred Outlet, the Sacred Beyond
Harata – Supreme Blessing; Blessing above all blessings
Atara Vayra – The Temple of Silence
Devayra – The Origin of Love; The Proto-Being
Avara Araha Aharomon
I am seeking You because of You.
O, Varaha Varahara, Hayry Lahavara Varohot Haryriya
O, Supreme Absolute, teach me to love You Absolutely Immutably.
О, Varahorahava Aaronor, Nahara Harana Tor Aamoryra Hatyma.
O, Supremely-Concealed Absolute, teach me to take root in You Absolutely forever.
Elloy, Elloy, Atavaraaya Vasta
Master, Master, bless me to merge with Your Proto-Sacred Will.
Mahayra Amaryha Yhavara
Allow me to ever and always drink from Your Great and Bottomless Eternal Concealedness.
Al Vata Raha Yoava
May the Inviolable within me breathe Itself.
May the Inviolable within me affirm Itself.
May the Inviolable within me be Itself.
Ahayra Daryva Mahavariya
O, Concealedness, give me Mystical Understanding.
O, Unfathomableness, give me Yourself.
Avayra Hatama, Enory In Amorhot
Sublimely Pure Speechlessness, lead me towards the Absolute.
A, Avaraha, Lahamot Harava
А, Sublimely-being One, lead me into Disappearance.
Amolahar Lahyra Ahavot
O, Majestic Sublime Wisdom, lead me into Your Concealed Shining.
Aav Ar Marahatot
I am the Proto-Inspiration.
Ay Aor Almavariya
I am a Great Invincibility.
Ar Haraya Pramahariya, Pramahariya Haraya Ara
I live within the Proto-State and the Proto-State lives within me.
First: What is the Ancient Language? That which enlightens the Essence and all beings.
The expression Ancient according to the Elders means The White Way, the Primordial Way, the Shining Way. And according to Thoth this is the Plan of Truth.
The Ancient Language means This Life, which leads towards the Mystery of the Boundlessness and not towards the worlds of creation.
Zalyhyr means Returning into Timelessness.
Only the Pure consciousness can approach the Ancient Languages in the right way.
Due to the Ancient Sacred Languages, the beings became Gods.
When Rmoahali listens, they hear the fine unspokenness, or the Message of their Master – the Spirit, concealed within the Word.
The True Ancient Languages are Vatan, Zalyhyr, Arazuma – Ancient Atlantean, also Ancient Egyptian etc.
Above these Languages, says the Master, there is only One: The Language of Truth. But it is of a Supreme degree and I will not comment on it.
To speak these Ancient Languages, it is to speak as the Proto-Light.
The Proto-Language and the Ancient Languages surpass every culture.
Culture has never saved people. Only the Truth saves and liberates.
The Proto-Language and the Ancient Languages are connected to the Gods and the Void – the Boundlessness – and culture is connected to history and to the fall. There is no Essence here.
The Essence of Anciency is Truthful speech and Sacred speechlessness.
Zalyhyr is a Language of the Divine Beings – it brings the Completeness of speech and the Completeness of speechlessness.
The Proto-Language and the Ancient Languages allow sight of the Concealed Conception. These Languages work only for the Anciency.
The Proto-Language is the Secret Knowledge and the inner Power of the Anciency.
Zalyhyr brings the person to the Core of Truth.
Today the Proto-Language is something deeply buried within the Fifth consciousness of the person.
The Proto-Language has created Inspiration and the Ancient civilisations, while the earthly languages eat people away.
Earthly languages are composed of dying light. These languages have formed the fall of the person and of humanity.
The Proto-Language Vatan is an Anciently-Shining Language, as is the idea given by the Master: Evera, San Zy.
The Proto-Language is the Land of the Gods, the Land of Immutability.
Once the person wielded the Proto-Language but, speaking only one lie, they – says the Master – already left the Essence and entered into the human dead languages.
Both the Proto-Language Zalyhyr and Arazuma are simultaneously Shining Word and Deep Quiet.
The Pure Language is a distinct speech of the Word.
The Pure Language is a delicate accomplishment of the fine energy.
For example, in Zalyhyr the Word for water is Vahaya. And what is Vahaya? This is the Water that leads us and teaches us life, the Bringer of life. And why does it bring life? Because it has lived in Meravot – the Ancient One – and it has descended from there. There it was an ocean of Proto-Light. Then it was uttered as Vahaya.
A call for returning into our own Anciency.
Zalyhyr sees the Delicate, the Fine – that is how it is composed. Zalyhyr was born from Careful Observation. It has first lived in Quiet and then it descended to share it.
Zalyhyr is a Secret Writing of Concealed Priests. Zalyhyr is an extended hand from the Ancient Priests so that we overcome ourselves. Within Zalyhyr there flows a Secret Current of Wisdom and Quiet. Understand this Wisdom and you will capture the Quiet.
There is something in Zalyhyr, the same way as it is in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The hieroglyph is observing you, it understands you, it knows you and it is waiting for you to know your own self. Zalyhyr says: “You may understand me – but you must become Mahyr – a Sage”. And this is a person who has brought meaning to their Actions and to their Quiet. Along the Way of Zalyhyr you awaken the splendor of your Eternal and Boundless Path. Zalyhyr was born in the Ancient Eon of Wisdom.
Zalyhyr is given for Great Inspiration, while Arazuma is given for Great Merging. Both Ways lead to separation from the worlds. Zalyhyr gifts Pure Revelations and Arazuma separates you from everything. And here in the Boundlessness you are overfilled with a state of Depth.
In Zalyhyr and Arazuma there is no place for Messages. Here the Way is Primordially Clear. Here is the Path towards Nothingness and Nothingness is the biggest terror for evil. Here evil cannot take anything away.
Zalyhyr and Arazuma are Guides towards Meravot – the Ancient One – and within Meravot there is another Mystery which guides us unfathomably towards Itself. Zalyhyr will prepare you, Arazuma will abduct you and in Meravot nothing will remain of you. This is the Ancient Resurrection. Here we return into the Sublimely-Pure Primordiality.
Both Languages – Zalyhyr and Arazuma – lead into the Depths of Anciency, but they achieve this in a different, yet unified way, because both languages are Priestly and within them there is a descending of the Gods. In Zalyhyr are concealed more the Inspiration and the Way and in Arazuma – the Power. Both Languages are deeply profound. Inspiration is a Sceptre, Power is also a Sceptre.
Both Languages are Sublime, Luminous and Radiant. Zalyhyr glows in the Spirit that was Breathed into it and Arazuma shines like a Sun. Zalyhyr is like a Flying Bird and Arazuma is like Wind in Flight.
Within both Languages there is an instilled Reverence. Both Languages are a Way to the Ancient State which remains Unuttered but can be experienced.
These Languages themselves decide who to accept and who to cast away from themselves, because standing behind them are Ancient Observers – Gods and Priests.
In both Languages there are Words which hint that Speechlessness is an Inexplicable Explanation. Both Languages help each person find their Divinity, their Depth. These Languages do not commune with created, mental beings. They are not connected to time. Here in these Languages knowledge is not accumulated. Here Spirit is accumulated, but you have to have been accepted by Truth.
These Ancient Languages are more Quiet than words. They do not seek knowledge but Peace. The Twenty Second Elder says: “If you have not achieved Peace, what would you need all this for, all the knowledge in the world and the Universe? And Peace means: far away from yourself and close to Meravot. And after that, the Real Closeness to your own self happens, because we can penetrate within ourselves only through Meravot and the Truth. Then we are Essence and not createdness.”
The Ancient Languages are the Place of Wisdom. They gift the Purely Ancient Way, the Way of the Spirit, while the human languages are earthly – they prolong createdness, the mind and the world, they rob the Way. The Ancient Languages awaken us to our own selves and not to the world. They are a Calling to return within Peace and within our own Anciency.
The Secret of Arazuma is in this, that this Ancient Language lights the finest Fire within the person, which is secretly concealed within the Heart and which is called by the Priests Rayra – The Concealed Stone of Fire, The Precious Stone or also The Breathing Stone. When this stone begins to breathe it sets ablaze the Breath of Anciency. And so the Fire within the person and within Meravot – The Ancient One – touch each other, merge and know each other. If it is allowed, Rayra can set whole worlds ablaze and turn them into Shinings.
Anharotot Ayra Haryra
Master, summon me into Your Self.
Master, build me up within Your Self.
О, Arahava, Havalyra Morot Alyra Varat
О, Concealedness, teach me to think Truthfully about everything.
А, Meravot, Dara Darotot
О, Ancient One, give me the Proto-Language.
О, Meravot, Vayra Mervar Meravahayra
О, Ancient One, lead me into Your Anciency.
Ahor Zarama
I am the Truth.
Ahor Ahorot Aharayator
In am the Supreme Proto-Concealedness.
I am the Discovering One.
Ayra Maytara Arharat!
Call me always towards Your Self!
Keep me always within Your Self!
Ayra Hatorot Varaha!
Summon me into the Sublimely-Real Reality!
Summon me into Your Sublime-Unutteredness!
Summon me into Your State of Sublime-Being!
О, Maharyra Harym, Harot Haravayra
О, All-Majesty, teach me to be Sacredly-Acting.
О, Aazarmoror, Daryry Aahama
О, All-Masterful, teach me the All-Everything, the All-Encompassing.
Aazara – Clarity, Unlocking, Being Allowed to See
Aayra Ramon! – Come into yourself, into your Anciency, into your Concealedness, into your Essence!
Aanharat – Peace as an Ancient State
Aar Havarat – Bird with Wings of Fire, a Fiery Bird; A Bird of Power (an Eagle); a Flying Impetus towards the Vastness of the Unknown and the Unuttered.
Aaraha –The Practice of all Practices, The Supreme Practice
Aarayavara – The Ancient Purity, the Absolute Immaculacy
Aarmaraya Maryta – The Absolute Homeland
Aahayra – The Mystical Concealedness, The Mysterious Absorbedness
Aahayrava – Nothingness as an Ancient State
Aahara – The Mysterious Essence, The Concealed Essence of the Proto-Being, The Depth of the Proto-Being, The Absence which Created the Essence
Aahara Haryr – The Place of Depth, the Deep Concealedness, The Deep Peace
Aahyriya –The One Who is before Inspiration; the One Who has given Breath to Inspiration
Avazyriya – Inspiration; the Penetrator of rocks (the worlds)
Adarohot – The Only Thing; That which merges the Essences
Azamot Haraya – The One Concealed from the worlds, the One Unknown to the worlds; the Concealed Unknown One
Azaryma –Alchemy,The Science of Disappearing from the worlds and elements, the Science of Transfiguration, the Illuminating Power
Azaryra – The Returning
Azahyr – Sunrise; That which comes out of its Concealedness
Azahyriya – An Elixir; The Wise Essence, The Concealed Essence, That which grants the Vast Space
Azomora Harot – The most Concealed and Fearsome Secret, The Place where no one has ever penetrated and no one will ever penetrate for all times and epochs
Azorym – a parasite; that which must lead you into Understanding
Azorot –The Good; that which must lead you into Understanding
Azotyry Rava? – Have you abandoned the worlds?
Azharotor – Wisdom as an Ancient State
Aydara – The Proto-Force; The Might which comes out of the Centre; The Lightning Origin
Ayra! – Call me! Summon me! Invoke me! Unity; That which deifies you; That which gives you the Depth
Ayhama – The Ancient Key; the Primordial Unity; That which deifies you; That which gives you the Depth
Aiya Morhot! – Come into your Depths!
Aiya! – Come!
Al Hadyra – The Great Sanctum, Love, the Ancient Shining Ray
Aldarotor – The Sublime-Wisdom, The Proto-Seeing, The Ability of Penetrativeness, the Ability of the Penetrating Power
Almaraya – Seclusion, Concealedness from the worlds, the Disappearing of the visible and invisible
Almaryha – Love as an Ancient State
Al-Mozor – The Ruler, the Ruling Power which speaks only once
Amadara – The Sun in the person, the Enlightener, the Renewer
Amazyriya – Completeness as an Ancient State
Anharat – Peace, the King within the person, the Mastered Power
Anharotot – The Master; The One Gifted with Anciency; The Sublime One – The Master of Masters, the Sublime Granting One, The Granter within Granters, because He is All-Encompassing and Indivisible; the One born before the Sun
Aravyr – Memory, Spiritual Archive, Divine Archive, Ancient Archive
Arador – A Door, The Other Dimension, The Entrance into the Mystical
Arazyma – The place in which there was nothing; the Zero
Araha Ahor! – Come into yourself!
Araha! – Return! Awaken your Centre!
Arahama –Action, The Pure Ancient Action
Arahara – A child, The Pure Beginning, The Pure Sacred Path, the New Light, A Being of the Beginning
Arahaya – The Woman, originated from the Heart of the Word; the Wellspring of Divinity; the Gateway of Love
Arahyr – Experience, Deeply profound Knowledge; Wisdom which reaches to the Heart of things
Araya Aryvara – The other essence, the separated essence; that which must study and learn; that which must seek itself
Arayavara – Purity, Inner Clarity, The Gift to understand your Path, The Gift to see the Concealed within yourself
Aryvara – The Essential, the Essence, the Essence of Meaningfulness
Aryvorot – The Word; The Inspirer; when it has been purified it becomes the Master
Aryzama – The One Who is Not; The Absent One
Aryzama Horot – The Only Seeing One; the One Who grants Revelations
Arymor – Made clear within himself
Aryha – The Hand, the Conquering Will, the Healing Rays
Armarahava – Speechlessness as an Ancient State
Arhotor – Immutability, an Immutable Focus
Atevaraya – Sublimely-Bright Shining Part of the Proto-Fire, set ablaze by the Proto-Fire; the one brought to life within the Truth, the one that endured
Atevarot – The Proto-Fire, the Proto-Origin
Atoryt – The snake; that which robbed the Sun within the person; the dual thinking; the lost Divinity
Ahavyra – A Stream within the Wellspring, an Inner Current within the Wellspring; a Wellspring within the Wellspring; a Wellspring within the Secret, Life within Life
Ahamava – Seeing; that which gazes beyond things
Ahamyra – Life, the Flowing of Spirit, the Pure Spiritual Current
Ahamyra Ara – Life within Amazement, the Awe of the Pure Heart, the Blooming of the Heart Rays
Ahanyr – A friend; the one who sacrifices themselves for your Truth
Ahyma Mavary – One of the Unuttered Ones; One of the Concealed Ancient Essences Who has accepted to become a Being
Ahyra – A Secrecy of Being; a Radiated Concealedness, the Veiled Appearance
Ahyraya – The Will; something that leads you to the end
Ahorolot – Conviction, Unity with the Inner Power
Belyriya – The Precious within the person; the most concealed thing within the person; the Sublimely Luminous Particle broken away from the Absolute; the Fine Particle
Beharat – The Phoenix; the Only Bird who gained the right to know herself due to her long gazing into Meravot – thus her eyes became Fiery Eyes of Freedom
Beharotor – Bottomless Depth, Concealed No-Beginning
Vayhara Darahar – The Last Voice, the One Who determines everything; the Voice above any Speech
Varaha – The Real Reality, the Unuttered Reality
Varahyra – The Pure Primary Perception, the Clear Foresight
Varahorot – Predetermination; Your thinking and your choice which determine your Path
Varyhy – The Guides towards the Living Water, the Guardians of the Living Way
Vahaya – Water; the Gracious Power; the Life of life
Verahot – Non-breath as an Ancient State
Daara – Home, the Boundlessness, the True Freedom, the Pure Spirit of Truth, the Ancient Homeland Origin
Dara Mahavyr – The Ancient Initiation, Returning into Meravot, Liberation from the worlds, removing createdness and time
Daravatra – The Meaning, the Open Door for entering into Meaning, into God
Darahar – The Voice, the Diamond Speech; the Creator Who has pronounced things, but has remained Concealed within Himself
Darahaya – Treasure; that which enriches you from within; that which is more than the world
Darahol – a Tree; a Being who never loses itself, because its roots are in the Spirit and not in the earth
Daraya – the Heart
Darayara – Love as an Abyss
Daryma – Trust, the most concealed Key of Development
Darytor – the Sound, the Radiated Silence
Darotor – Wisdom inhabited by a Primordial Ray
Darotot – the Proto-Language, the Ancient Beings
Darhat Vahary Ayra – An Ancient Guardian of the Boundlessness
Dahar – The Bottom
Dayara – The Soul
Derahor – Interaction; that which grants Power; the Pure Connection to the Invisible
Dehavyra – the Tenth State, the Perfect Sublimely-whole Completeness
Deharon – The Pure Diamond
Dehyra Rahotor – The Diamond Decisiveness
Dyvyr – The Spirit
Zalyraya – The Beautiful
Zarama – The Truth; Truthfulness, the Ability to liberate yourself from yourself
Zaramot – An Ancient Place without Place
Zarahyra – Elatedness, the Ability to overcome losses, the Strength to be above events
Zohor – evil, complicatedness
Kahara – Fate
Lamarot – Lucifer
Latarha – the lie, disagreement with Truth, the disorder in the person; that which dies, the lie is always dying
Lahara – The Lightness, The Breeze
Laharot – Abstinence; Temperance in everything earthly and secondary which deviates you from the Truth and from Meravot; that which establishes the Force within us; that which increases the Power; the Ability to be a Master in your Interior
Lahatyry – Depth-Words
Maara – a Mother, the Soft Radiance of the Ancient One, the Embrace of the Ancient One, the Ancient Solar Truth
Maator – The Pyramid, the Primordial Idea of the One, the Ancient Unattainable Peak, the White Rule
Maahyry – Mysterious Proto-Forces
Mava Darayava – A Clear Core
Mavahyra – the Practice; that which makes you Truthful
Mazoryr – The Concealed Comprehension; the Comprehension, which brings meaning to you; when you ascend into the Truth, Comprehension comes
Maydarym – temptations; that which builds up Willpower and Wisdom; that which summons you to become strong and mighty
Maytara Arharat – The Present Absent One; the Only Guiding One; the One Who returns everything into Himself
Mayhar – A Temple, the Living Place in the Heart; the Place in which God is always present
Maravor – The Teaching
Marahava – The Quiet
Marahor – A Stone, Bringer of Firmness; the Strength of the Principle; Conviction, Immutability
Maryhama – Mercy
Maryhor – Loyalty, the allowed Way
Marotot – Death, the unreal life, the chaos not mastered
Matanhary – Experience
Matyriya – The Secret
Matot – The Dark
Maharyr – Rulership; that which suits only the Truth; only He is the Rulership, for the others it is only seemingly so
Maharyta – The Energy
Mahyr – A Sage; the One Who moves within Truth; the One Who is able to lead Themselves
Mahyra – The Current of Light, the Precise Approach, the Prayer
Mahyra Dara – A Mystical Drop from the Life of Meravot
Mahyriya – Magic, the Power of Transfiguration
Mahorot – The black non-being, the emptiness, the self-robbed essence
Meravahayra –Sublime-Absorbedness, Sublime-Unfathomableness, Proto-Anciency
Meravot – The Ancient One
Meravot Horon – The Ancient Throne
Merytor – An Elder, A Being from the Depths; A Being akin to the Anciency and the Boundlessness
Meter Haryma – Sword from the Boundlessness
Meharor – The Interpretation, the Divine Interpretation, the Ability to unveil the Concealed things
Mytorat – the fog
Mohatora – Freedom as an Ancient State
Neryha Hazrima – The Inexplicable Explanation, the Mystical Clarity, the Veiled Clarity
Nyzara – The Unknown One
Ohomo – The Eye
Ohomot – The Eyes
Ravahyriya – Grace, Benediction
Ravaya – Joy, the Wellspring Water of the Soul
Rahayra – Graciousness, Gracious; A Double Sun; That which shines within what is Deep
Rahayryty –Gracious-alikenesses, Gracious-utteredness, A Fragrant Whisper
Rahator – Sound without Sound; A Sound which is not a Sound, but something that resounds within itself as Proto-Quiet; A Sound which is not a Sound, but Absorption into the most Ancient Quiet; a Fragrant Sound; a Resounding Quiet
Urazuma – The Absolutely Untouchable One; The Supreme Self-Absorption, the Absolute Untouchableness
Urazumaya – The Supreme Unattainableness, the Supreme Unobtainableness, the Proto-Concealedness
Havaryty – The Words; the Primordial Illuminating Ones; Guides descended from Speechlessness as an Offering
Havaror – Enlightening One
Hadayra – time; separateness, a drop of the Ocean
Hadyr – Seeker
Hazyra – scatteredness, distractedness
Hazor – Wellspring
Hazory – Knowers, Guides
Hazorot – The One Who Is Always, in every instant; the Permanently Present One in an Unfathomable Way; The Constantly Abiding One, the Always Vigilant One
Hazorot Araha! – An Ancient behest: “Return into your Unfathomableness! Return into your Great Concealedness!”
Hazrym – The Wellspring as an Ancient State
Hayrytiya Aharymy – The Ocean without shores
Hamatyra – The Rock, the Strength of the firm Spirit – the Principle
Hamyra – Depth
Hamorot – The Nourisher of Truth and Speechlessness
Har – An Instant, a Supreme Movement
Haravayra – The Concealed Essence, the Primordial Power, The Penetrating Power
Haravar – Health, the Shining Beginning
Haravarat – The Supreme Unfathomableness, Perfection, The Perfect Place
Harazama – Voidness; the Place in which the end is not seen
Harazar – The Key
Harahot – Unfathomableness
Haryva Ator – A Special Impetus; That which has penetrated the Truth
Haryma Mahataya – Unfathomableness in the Unfathomableness, Concealedness in the Concealedness
Haryma Mahatayaya – An Unfathomableness Not-Radiated; The Supreme Proto-Concealedness which is beyond everything
Haryra – A Deep Self-Essence, Self-Concealedness; Something which is within Itself
Haryty – external, vulnerable
Harytorh – The Perpetrator, the Only Acting One, the Most-Concealed Acting One within the person, the Final Wise-Action
Haryha – a memory, an old friend or foe, a lived experience
Hatariya – Desert
Hator – The Way; that in which everything is made meaningful
Hatorot – Sublime; The Sublimely-Real One; the One Who gives Reality to Reality
Hatorot Varaha – Sublimely-Real Reality, Sublime-Unutteredness
Hayaraya – Gratitude, the Face of the Soul
Hytyry – animals
Aazavariya – The Inexplicable Inexplicableness
Aam Horayry – The Unfathomable Suns concealed within Concealedness; the Undiscovered Suns
Aaryha – That which is concealed within itself
Aahama – The All-Wholeness, the Concealed within Concealedness
Azahot Mayara – The Only Seeing One; the Supreme Seeing
Aiya Morhot – Proto-Inspiration
Amon Ar – The Ancient Magus, the Concealed Magus
Aramon – Door
Aranon – The Permanence
Araraya – The Fragrant One, the Double Sun
Aryma Mavora – The Secret Perception
Arhatora – The Supreme Nothingness
Ayahayry – Mystery-Words, Concealed-Words
Benira – The Phoenix
Benira Hemru – Priest-Bird; the Only Bird Who gained the Right to know herself in the Depths
Lavahyra – The Unknown, what is Unknown within things
Maar Daryta – The Masterful Penetrating-Insight
Maharotot Ayara – The Supremely Unuttered One
Mohrot – The Mystical Dark
Raahara Avaron – The Shining Freedom
Rama Azryn – An Elated Flight, the Ancient Weapon
Raharyma – The Ancient Sound, the Resounding Lightness, The Supreme Quiet
Haravayra – The Concealed Essence, the Primordial Power, the penetrating Power; A Primordial Power which acts on many levels – as Sacredly-Acting, as Divinely-Acting and as Absolutely-Acting; one and the same Power which descends from above
Hararyma – The Ancient Smile; the One at which the Sun also marvels; the One before which even Angels are speechless; the One which is so natural that it cannot be explained; the One which is by itself
Hortor – The Blood, the Essence, the Concealed Power, the Sun within the person
Shadaya Anhor – the Sphinx, the Guardian, the Immutable Speechlessness, The Inaccessible Place; the Promised Power – the Concealed, Locked Power
ARYNOR – The Language of the Independent Elders
Arynor means Penetrating-Insight into the Concealed Heart of things. The word Arynor is the Name of the Ancient Proto-Guide of the Independent Elders. When, in Anciency, He asked for something distinct from Amorom – Almightiness itself, He was allowed to penetrate into the Flaming Heart of the Mystery. And, penetrating, He heard only one word – Arynor – and He understood that this is a Concealed Language because this Whisper, this Word, was uttered by Amorom and it meant: “The Secrets are within Arynor, within the Heart of things, and because you were the first One to touch it, let this be your Name and your Language.”
Arynor speaks not in order to express, but to enflame the Way of the Focused Devotion to Amorom. Within Arynor there is a Secrecy, because it has often engrasped – i.e. encompassed, enveloped – the Instant before the instant because of its Secret Quickness and Depth-Being.
Arynor does not teach you, but transfigures you and here you become Daronon – an Unknown One. In here you never again seek yourself or self-knowledge, because you are Bottomless. And here it is impossible to know yourself because you are Independent – alike to the Mystery. Self-knowledge is a limitation and Daronon has no boundaries. Here you gain Arynor because your Penetrating-Insight is Pure as the Mystery, so that you may show others the way towards their Independence and their Un-knowing themselves and their Immeasurableness.
Only what is measurable can know itself and the Immeasurable is not known. It is a Bottomless Truth, enlightening itself always in a new way. This is the Boundless Un-knowing, the Unlimited Freedom.
Who are the Independent Elders?
The Independent Elders are a distinct type of sparks from Amorom – the Ancient One. They are uncreatedly created for the Conception of the Concealed Unearthly Worlds. They rarely touch the earthly world and, descending to it, they seek a connection with the Unearthly in the earthly. When an Independent Elder gazes at something Beautiful, He is always gazing at the Invisible Beautiful. And the Elusive Beauty He not only sees – He follows it and penetrates to the Bottom of the Heart of things – and Beauty appears to Him in order to thank Him, and the Elder gives it something from Himself in order to enrich it. The Elder gives it something of Daronon, of His Unknownness. In this way Beauty becomes a Treasure within itself and returns into Amorom.
Secretive is the Way of the Independent Elders. They have an Ancient Book of Arynor, which is called “The Shining of Unknownness”. But it is guarded and kept for a particular type of Unknown beings who will turn it into their Unknown Way and Life. In this Book it is said that, to be Unknown is a Gift and a Way towards another, deeper Unknownness.
These Independent Elders are not the Primordial Twenty Four Elders. They are from another Uncreated part of the Ancient One. The Independent Elders always seek the Unknown and become absorbed into it, and the Primordial Twenty Four penetrate within two spheres: the known concealed and the Unfathomable Concealed within the Only One. Only the Elder Proto-Guide has touched the Great Unfathomable Ancient One. The other Independent Elders have not reached this area because another is their Way.
It has happened that Amorom allowed a meeting between an Independent Elder and a Primordial Elder and then the conversation was very peculiar, Mystical, Secretive. And they embraced each other as a Sun with a Sun in the name of the Great Voicelessness, because within this beautiful Voicelessness the Ancient One Himself took part, and they exchanged with Him one kind of Anciency with another kind of Anciency. This conversation amazed the Gods, even though they did not Engrasp it, because they did not have such Engrasping, such Depthness. Engrasping is a matter of the degree of Unknownness.
The Independent Elders seek the Unknown in order to increase within themselves Amorom – the Ancient Unknown One. And both when they see the Ancient One, and when they do not see Him, they know that He is Unknowable. Such is His Depth.
The Independent Elders are another part of the Ancient Intensity. They know that the Word also treads its Unknown Way. They say: “The Unknown does not need worlds, they would limit It. The Unknown needs Mystery and Bottomlessness.”
Aaiya Layra – Concealed Lightness
Aayan – The Heart
Avahama – Inspiration
Adariya – Humility, Merging with the Depths; this is the Ancient God Who has granted Himself, because Humility is not achieved but it is granted to the Pure, tireless efforts
Azayra – The Truth
Azyha Marahva – The True Comprehension
Azoror – The Dawn
Azohory – Mighty, Anciently-Mighty
Amarayra – Thought
Amahot – Nothingness
Amorym – Life
Amormor – evil
Amorodora – Certainty
Amorom Rahayrat – God Protects
Amorom – The Ancient One, Almightiness Itself
Amorta – death
Anmormor – The Master
Aravyta – The Smile
Arama – Softness
Aramaya – Absence
Aramyra Vorot – The Divine Will
Arahyr – Warrior
Arzoniy – Ancient powerful poison
Armazmot – Distractedness
Daramon – The Permanence
Daronon – The Unknowable, An Unknown One
Dehator – Awareness, Supreme Awareness, an Aware Adherence to the Concealed Principles or the Rightness of things
Lavayra – Love
Layra – Lightness
Mazarva – emptiness
Marhyr – Striving
Mahar – A Sage
Maharaya – The Quiet
Maharym – Wisdom
Maharotor – the Fog, the White Fog, the Veiled Origin; that which slowly clarifies Itself but never reveals Itself
Meryva Azor – The Ancient evil; that which is outside of the Universe; the locked evil
Morot Aoraya – The Black Sun, The Black Wellspring
Hadoron – The Ancient Diligence
Haravayry – Diligent Efforts
Hataram – Life-bringing Breeze, Breeze from the Boundlessness, Power from the Boundlessness
Presented by Eleazar Harash, translated by Ruah Ezekiel