Eleazar – conversations between friends, part 4
Continued from part 3 – here.
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation,
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
Eleazar Harash – Zen 27th of August 2023
-Petio, hello. What will you speak to us about today?
-Today we will talk of Zen.
-We would like to dedicate today’s talk to a Soul who is dear to us. Would you tell us more?
-Well, we will dedicate it to Deny – we call her Deny Tot. A very diligent Soul, she entered deeply and she will become… She is a great disciple, and I want to bring her joy this way.
Otherwise we will talk about Zen. Zen is self-penetration and self-awakening of our own Truthfulness and Essence. Zen acts as the Truth – finely, purely, naturally, without Scriptures. The magnificence of Zen is found within the unspoken things.
Zen says: The deeper the Peace is, the deeper the actions are. Zen is simplicity, but this is that Awakedness, which sees in the Nothingness, in that, which you can lean on – the Boundlessness. The Voidness is the complete disappearance of matter, it is Primordial – a Zero. This Zero never disappears.
According to Zen, the Deep Sense is found in Simplicity.
Zen says: the world is not chaos, but Harmony.
When you reach to the top of the mountain, continue ascending – this is very fine. For example, you live some deep experience – even if it is Samadhi, or some special experience. Do not think about it, keep going upwards, do not linger there and lose something dear later. Dearer and deeper.
The only Zen that you find at the top of the mountain is that Zen, which you have brought there yourself.
Within the Heart of every difficulty there is a concealed lightness, says Zen.
Only the ones who know inner Peace are able to give it to others.
Simplicity is pure, Primordial, light – it is the True State of Non-being. Complexity is secondary, it is the false state of non-being. Simplicity is soft, beautiful, fragrant. Complexity is a dead end. Simplicity is – says Zen – a Sword of Wind. Simplicity is purity, light, lightness. Purity is a Voice, composed of Primordial Quiet.
What is Zen? A manuscript of Fine light and this is why it is difficult to understand.
Zen says: Simplicity finds its Way.
In Zen, Purity is an explainer of things.
Zen is a flower, which never asks about the meaning of life.
In Zen the Treasure is Peace.
Zen has the taste of the Boundlessness.
“Be in Peace” means be in the Completeness of things and all worries and delusions will disappear themselves.
Zen wanders in the Depths of the Pure Heart.
The Zen gaze is peculiar. It sees marvelous beauty in everything. Both in the ruined life, and in the disappointment, in the wilted flower too, because this flower once again returns into the Invisible. For Zen everything is beautiful, everything returns into the Source from which is came forth.
Zen says: that, which is Inexpressible, is Inexhaustible.
If you pick one strand from the Universe, it will no longer be complete.
Many people are able to play an instrument with strings, but they are not able to play an instrument without strings – here I will only slightly interpret this. So, the Sage, the Initiate, they are able to play without an instrument because their Heart is Music, their Soul is Music. They have gone ahead of instruments and have even gone ahead of the voice. Without sound, they play with their Quiet etc.
If you understand the Truth, your home becomes a Sanctum.
The most important thing is to understand – says Zen – what the most important thing is.
There, where you are, there precisely is your life. This is your Zen.
If there are discussions and quarrels, there is no Truth.
The person of Depth is a Truth which does not have a Name, they only manifest It.
Satori, Enlightenment, is a Pure Crystal. The Crystal has no inside and outside, it is Pure in Oneness.
Zen is a life within the Essence, and not in sermons, because Zen is a real experience in the Boundlessness, in the Voidness.
Zen says: Why do you always prepare for the Truthful life, why don’t you start living it? Zen is Pure Life in the Primordial State.
Zen does not concern itself with religious denominations, but only with the Truth and the Essence.
Zen is a direct way towards itself.
Zen does not change the world, but itself, and in this way, the world changes.
Zen, this is a gaze into Truth, not into religion.
This is it.
-Thank you.
Zen says: Enlightenment is found in practice.
Zen is a direct way towards the Truth within itself.
In Zen there is no karma, because the mind is not allowed to speak.
In Zen there is no repentance – when the mistake has been brought to awareness, the Essence has extended a hand for you.
Zen does not judge. Zen is a state of Constant Awakeness.
Satori comes as a quiet lightning bolt and enlightens you forever in one instant.
The Great Masters always speak encouragingly – without exception. The matter is in the right interpretation. We must want God to interpret things for us, because He Illuminates them. Within the Pure interpreting, there is lightness, Completeness, Harmony, Liberation.

Eleazar Harash – One children’s formula for everyone – 2nd of September 2023
Greetings. So, I will tell you one children’s formula: God, teach me to be crammed with joy. It could be said as “God, teach me to be joyful”, but something is lost, and in this word, something joyful is instilled. You immediately feel pleasant and joyful. A simple, children’s word, but it does the job.
Jump to: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel