Category: <span>Interviews</span>


Of Love between people, Interview from 25.11.2016 pt. 1

Of Love between people, part 1

Interview with Eleazar Harash
held on 25.11.2016 by Portal12

Hello, mr. Harash. After the deep topics of Atlantis, the Secret of death, the Secret of evil, which until this point we have talked about, today we will touch a topic that is slightly more on the surface of life, but is still connected to certain relations and to the deeper things. Namely, we will talk about the relationships between the man, the woman and the child. And so, let us start with this: What is this deeper thing, which makes people seek each other and create a family?

Seeking is a very important thing, but the Master (Beinsa Douno) says in one place: Before such seeking, before seeking others, you must have first sought God, because He gives the measure. – And so: if a person has not learned to love God first, in the right way, they will not be able to love others either, and therefore it is good for this seeking to be redirected. Whoever has found God, they are going to love people in the right way, they will love themselves in the right way, they will even have a relation with their Heart. The Atlanteans say: One has to introduce a Sage into their  Heart, to converse with Them. – This seeking, of this Impeccability – completely different approaches follow from there on.

And following this logic, maybe a person can bring to realisation one interpersonal, true, deep love, from which a truly quality family and children may follow, if before that they have lived in solitude, retreat, and in search of God?

Yes… True Love – this is a participation of God. If God is not between people… this is why we come to this again: First is God, and then afterwards He is the Third One between the two. There is no way to have True Love without Him, because He Himself is True Love. First, we will explain the approach here, I will start in a bit, and then we will see what is the woman, what is the man. Because we need to have… we need to know what we are regarding – this is regarding a Secret of God.

Before we enter deeply into the conversation, the counter point of what I gave as an example and of what you speak of – what we widely see today – how people have a number of quickly changing relationships – does this not exhaust a kind of a reserve of feelings and emotions, which leads to a total impossibility for them to find the right person after a given period of time?

When the person themselves has not become the right person, then this is not only exhaustion, but they ruin themselves, they ruin others. All those who have chased God away… We have talked, and next time we will talk about the Deep Christian Wisdom and the Secret Christian Wisdom (there is a difference) which is even deeper. There we will see the Deep Waters that is this Primordial Christianity, which is now lost. But still, people aim for that as well, because there the matter is of a life within God, and a life within God cannot be untrue. People’s big mistake is that they desired to live without God and to arrange some relations, which cannot be true without Him already, because He is the basis, He is the foundation.

So, now. First I wish to say that when people lost the approach – the approach is primary – relations came. What is the difference? Approach is from the Spirit – Pure Spirit, and from the Soul, – and relations are from the mind. The mind is a fall. Relations teach you, approach changes you. In relations, in the mind, the person says “Yes, yes”, but they do not learn,  do not change. The approach is something else, the approach is a change. The approach is Ancient and it is uncreated. Those who had the approach, heard the Ancient Voice, and those who lost the approach, became fate. The word fate comes from “judging”, “judged”.  Judged humanity – i.e. this humanity. Approach is something deeper than experience – take note – even than experience. It is deeper than the world. It is Love towards The Ancient One, the Divine Creator. The approach is Occult Wisdom and experience is something which must mature for a long time, and if it becomes Spiritual and Wise experience, then we are already touching the…

And can we also say that approach is connected to our sense of intuition and to make here the connection with choosing the right person through the voice of intuition within us?

It is connected to intuition, “In Tao” means God Within, and when we have chosen God, we have chosen something more than what is right. Then He will choose our path, our destiny, and then it does not even matter whether you have a person with you or not – you will have God. Whoever has God for a friend, they are already above things.

The approach is a Shining Guide – in this connection, – while the person does not know where they are leading themselves – the ordinary person. Pure approach surpasses all methods and techniques because it is Love, not some technique. When the spirits lost the approach they became people. See – the fall from Spirit, to become a person.

And here I would like to explain something about the woman because this is a very big matter. We will not talk at all about what worldly people and the scientists say about the woman. Even when they praise her, they do not know what the matter is about. They do not know what the woman is, nor have they seen the Soul. They might give quotes about her, but they do not know… And this is why I want us to see what Ancient Masters and Sages say, because they are a measure. What is she? So, let us hear the Wise ones. The Ancient Thoth says:

The woman is an Ancient Flame of Love, descended from the Great Reason.  When this Flame descended, it became woman.

The woman is another name for the Divine Soul.

The woman is a trembling of the Ancient Fire, of God Himself.

The Primordial woman was created as Endless awe.

So, there is nothing ordinary here.

She is a Great Soul, a Goddess descended.

She is a Great Mystery.

There are a few types of women: a spiritual woman; a Divine one – the highest degree; and an earthly woman – ordinary. Let us say the differences. The spiritual woman lives through the Power of the Mystic Fire. The Supreme, Divine woman, has returned into God. She is not seeking anything else, for her the world is poor, the other world is poor. And the ordinary woman – through her earthly desires she has scattered her fire, she is scattered. And she cannot collect herself, because she is thinking about survival, children, problems with herself, she has missed something Essential.

The True woman loves through the trembling of her Ancient Fire.

Here the matter is of Mysterious relations of Love, on a Deep level.

The woman is a Temple, descended from the Ancient Soul of God Himself.

See what we are speaking of?

She is a Mystery. Created for the gods, not for people.

This is why people do not have the approach towards her.

The Primordial woman is a Supreme Soul, composed of Sun.

Here I will divert a little. For God it is much easier to create the world, but when He was creating the Soul… (there is a Secret creation of the Soul)… It was created out of very condensed and special Sun beams. So, see where it originates? This is why the gods are amazed. People feel there is something there, but… we are speaking of gods, and of Sages and Masters.

When the gods saw her for the first time, they were amazed, because she was something from the Secrecy of God, something from His bursting into Flame, and they were in awe.

So, not just anyone, but…

In this Anciency, the meeting of Souls was the meeting of Suns.

There is no person to person here. I wanted to tell you what these relations lead towards. And if the person does not have this gaze, this outlook of the world, all their other outlooks… The Master says:

The Soul is from Higher worlds, of which we have no notion.

The greatest expression of Love is the Eternal Soul.

The Soul reveals the Boundlessness of Love; and Love reveals Him, Who Himself is Great Love – God Himself, the Creator.

Only the Enlightened ones know the Soul, the others are seeking it or talking something of it.

Now, if you ask me, I have seen the Soul more than six times. Twice of deceased people, four times of living people, which is amazing, but it has no explanation. To a certain point something can be explained… and by the way, it is not entirely non-material – it weighs 33 grams, says the Master. Very fine. And in the moment when the person dies, these 33 grams of fine energy, and something deeper than energy, separate… While the Pure Spirit is absolutely non-material, but because it is too fine… the Soul was created as an intermediary. Through intuition the Spirit enters into the Soul, and further down it cannot. And from there, the Soul transmits to the Pure Heart that, which must be transmitted.

And so, what does Orpheus say:

Love is the hymn of Anciency.

And he says:

My feelings are flowers.

See, what approach. We are not speaking of emotions here. Here we speak of…

Love turns the heart – says he, – into a Gracious river.

Love is a Mighty Goddess – and says Orpheus, – whoever does not understand her, she instils death into them. –  when there is a violation… – and whoever understands Love, they acquire eternal impetus, an eternal flight towards God.  – In this sense Love is created as a gateway towards God Himself and the woman can ignite this striving towards God. This is why… The woman is no slave, she is not created for inferiour aims. She is a gateway towards God Himself – for the one who understands and appreciates in the right way.

Your Love is a flame – says Orpheus, – more terrifying than any weapon. It cuts… – about Love, – …it cuts through both darkness and light. – notice, of what impetus is the question here.

Even the most ancient and darkest chaos knows nothing of the Origin of Love.

I am speaking of Love, because it is the approach, but whoever abuses Love, then strictness appears – the other face of God. Some call it cruelty – it is not cruelty, it is strictness, and it is strictness because it is justice.

Even the most ancient and darkest chaos knows nothing of the Origin of Love.

The man is another Mystery, but if he knows himself as Pure Spirit. – Because he is not Pure Soul, but Pure Spirit. Here we are speaking of the initiated, of the True man.

This Spirit is Great Reasonableness.

The word Spirit, says the Master, means (as the closest translation to people) Absolute Reasonableness, not only to some extent – this is what Pure Spirit means. Absolute Reasonableness, and not just some reasonableness. It is given only to him to study the Secrets of God. – This is what the bible says. He can penetrate into the Secrets of God, he has been Primordially allowed, and he can come to know them. The Soul cannot. It can merge, it can experience Love, but it cannot know the Deep things.

Some things about children, but if you have questions… because it seems you do?

Could we say that there is, or more so, that there is not, according to your last sentences, a balance between the man and woman on their path from this materialistic level and fall, in the degree of development back towards the spiritual development? Is there a higher degree of responsibility for the man, or, respectively, the woman, in the process of returning to the Divine?

The big responsibility is everywhere. The man has a huge responsibility towards the woman. The woman should also have big responsibility and mindfulness. The child also has responsibility and, according to the Master, even animals have responsibility. Animals that attack other animals, plants that attack, everything is being written down, and everything carries responsibility and there is no such thing as impunity. There is nothing that is not being written down.

A little while ago, when you were clarifying about the Soul – how it was created – I will allow myself to add something, when does the Soul actually descend – during conception or during birth?

The Soul is already taking part in the actual process of birth. Invisibly it descends, it enters. Let me say something here, which some people will find interesting, but it is not merely interesting – it is words of the Master. The Master is the Supreme measure, He surpasses sacred books and everything else that you could think of, but this is another topic. Sometime, if we have to, we will explain.

So, He says: The woman does not give birth to the child.  – He explains it as necessary: The woman cannot create even one hair, not even one fingernail. She cannot create the eye. If she creates the child and the child is blind, she does not know why it is blind, if it is deaf, she does not know why it is deaf. – There is yet another Secret Mystery here – where do eyes come from? Such matter is not found on earth, you cannot find it anywhere. I will tell you, without… because it is another long topic. The eyes come from the Sun, the Spiritual Sun. And after death they return to the Sun – their concealed part, the part that sees. The eyes themselves resemble Suns, and for the eyes there is another secret science, which here…we will not go down that path. The right eye is male, says the Master, the left is female. The right eye belongs to the mind, the left – to the heart. The right is connected to the Sun, the left – to the Moon. And the two eyes combined, if they are purified, can give birth to the Third eye, which already sees.

And the way that the Atlanteans see, now this is… I told you, I am preparing lectures on the Atlantean way of thinking. Here I will only tell you what the matter is about, so that you see how deep the Atlantean way of thinking is. We cannot imagine! For example, worldly people – if they see a wilted flower, they cannot see its beauty. In it there is an enormous beauty concealed. If they see a wellspring ran dry, like for example: imagine that you are in the desert and finally, you find a wellspring, but it has dried up. The worldly person (let me not say “you”, so as to not offend you)… The worldly person will say… They cannot understand that this is the Divine Conception, and that they must be grateful, and die with dignity, if they must die. What do the Atlanteans see, this is something unheard of, I will tell you: A marvellous thing it is, the dried up wellspring – it has returned into its freedom! – See, notice, what we are talking about. It has returned…! – First, the wellsprings (I will only divert for a bit), are created by higher beings. Because the wellspring in the earth, let us say the small one, it does not draw water from the earth, not from the sky. A sacrificed higher being – it renews the water. If people do not appreciate it, if sheep stomp through it, then in time – I have seen such a thing – the wellspring is gone. And people say “it disappeared”. The Master says no, the higher being took it back. And, by the way, whirlpools in the sea are from the devils. The big rip currents are from the demons. The wellsprings, especially the hot ones, and the right ones, the especially right ones… they are from higher beings, sacrificed themselves. See, how everywhere… These are ideas of the Master and the Atlantean way of thinking, which, if I presented them, people would forget all sacred scriptures. Because here… God Himself is not limited to holy books. He is not found only in the Quran, in The Avesta, or the Native American Indian bible, or in the Bible. He is not limited – people are limited, their interpretation is limited. Let me not divert.

Reasonable and conscious processes, or intentional – obviously we are surrounded by them everywhere and in everything, but let us just finish the topic on the Soul, i.e. does the Soul enter suddenly at birth, or does it partially, during the years, fill up, so to say?

The Soul instils gradually, but it does not fully live in the child. This natural joy, lightness – these are all signs of the Soul. Contemplativeness, a nice radiance… But its supreme measure is an exceptional striving for God. There are such children, for example the case with Bayazid Bastami, of whom we will speak further in time, of the Sufi… The Sufi are three degrees above the saints. Three levels… What Bayazid says at five years of age. He has many reincarnations experience in God, but that is another topic. What he says, at five years old, to his mother: Mother, release me from yourself. I want to devote my life to Allah. – A Persian Sage, awe inspiring. We will speak of him and of Al Hallaj, Al Hallaj is even deeper… She says: I release you – serve Allah. – And he devotes himself to Allah, and then he achieves certain degrees, which, truly, saints can dream of. But let us leave them aside.

Does this mean then, before we go back to the essence of the topic, does this mean that a big part of people today do not live their life completely filled with Soul within?

Initially, even in strongly striving people, the Soul is not entirely within the person. Even then. Sometimes it has to rest in the other world, because if the person completely masters… There is a law, if you master yourself, the world becomes harmless. Mastery – a master of yourself, a king of yourself. But here the matter is that, if the mind and heart are mastered, the Soul can already enter and live almost entirely in the person because it will no longer be a slave. So, the heart is the reflection of the Soul, the mind is the reflection of the Spirit. If the heart is very Pure, it becomes a light-filled reflection of the Soul. If it is impure, it is a dark reflection of the Soul. It is the same with the mind. If the mind is mastered, it is a servant of the Spirit and it cannot interfere in Sacred things and say “only my teaching is right, only my religion is right”. Because, what is the downfall of the churches, for example: They cannot love their enemies. And what does the Master say, take note, we will speak in time of the Secret bible: If you… – this was given by God, not by someone else – Love your enemies – end of! You either understand it, or you do not understand it and you enter the swamp. Love your enemies means: If you do not love your enemy, you will become an enemy of yourself.  – There are no comments! You either understand it, or you sink. It does not matter that some might now say… Some even think that I am speaking against the church sometimes. Never! This is discerning. This is why we will speak of the Christian Wisdom, so that you can see what beauty, what Depth, what Divinity, we will speak of hidden Christians, and of some known monks, who… It is so beautiful there, that it is awe inspiring.

There is a law, if you master yourself, the world becomes harmless.

Talking about Souls, and in the context of the topic of interpersonal relationships – is there such a thing as Soulmates? And is there a way to recognise a Soulmate?

Souls, the Master says, were radiated, back in Anciency, in pairs, together. On Earth they barely meet, I will tell you why. Because if… They are so United, what one is thinking, the other is doing. The completeness is enormous, and there is something deeper than happiness. They are blissful, but Earth is not a place even for blissfulness, we will see later what the Atlanteans say. And the Master: Love has a Deeper mission than blissfulness. – At a higher level we must cast away even bliss, take note. So what were we talking about otherwise?



So, people who, in their purely interpersonal relationships between man and woman, say “you are my soulmate”, or the other one says “you are not my soulmate, someone else is my soulmate”, is this a delusion?

Now, people mistake Soulmates with kindred Souls. When they say “Soulmate”, they mean “you are very close to me, you are helping me” – yes, it is so. The Supreme Soulmate is… if it was given to you in this world completely, people would lose their development – not the evolution – because they would be engulfed. It is a very Supreme Love, a big overflowing. Blissfulness, and in a certain sense something more, I will not explain it. And therefore, on Earth they meet and touch each other to some degree, so that they give an impulse to each other. But usually, they live… It can be in the other world, there is such a case with an elderly woman from the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood were criticising her somewhat, she withdrew a little bit. One time she shared with me. She had no support, no close people, and she told me of one experience, in which she experienced her Soulmate. The experience was true, I weighed it internally – there is a psychic scale of sorts, a spiritual one, and there things are seen clearly. And she really experienced it, God gave her a gift. And this was her inspiration for her entire life, until the end of her life. She saw it and after this no one could take away her striving – and I am telling you, at an old age, until the end of her life – because this is something exceptional. You need to have enormous merit to be given it, and even if you have merit (I am speaking of spiritual merits, not human ones), then again, it may not be given to you because this world is given so that we develop high degrees of spirituality. Which are, including – above the Soul. And there are certain Deep degrees (there we are already speaking of the Secret Christianity) which are deeper than sacrifice. Sacrifice is an introduction, there are two more degrees, three… Anyway, let us not disturb…

Speaking of these deeper things, at least share what you think of the secret and silent love between certain Souls.

There are such deep experiences happening between Souls… And experiences connected to Spiritual Love, the other, higher – Sacred Love, and the other, even higher – Divine Love, that there the Word is totally excessive, it does not work. This is an experience that the Word cannot explain, even though I have Secret words in order to explain even such things, but again, I avoid… The Spirit can explain, it has the right words, the right Word, but this does not belong to explanation, because it is beyond measures and, on the other hand – it should not be explained because it is so Sacred that it must remain in this exchange between them. And I have told you that Deep feelings are – the Master says – an element of nature. This is why the woman can give an impulse for the man, for a Deep development towards God.

Can we say that this purely human love between the woman and the man must be such, that it is the pathway which leads the way to the higher degrees of Love, of which you speak?

This is exactly so, but we are not speaking of the human love because there are no humans here. In Love itself, the higher one, in Truth itself, there is no human nature. Forget it. So, here we speak of spiritual beings, of awakened beings, of a higher Soul, Pure Spirit, and something deep within the Spirit – this is the Secret Spark, which is even deeper. We are talking of a Deep awareness. And then, this can happen in the human nature, but it does not mean that this is human nature.

Let me tell you something about kids.


The mother – I told you – only raises the children, she does not give birth to them. As I told you, she cannot create a hair, a fingernail… How the ear appears, how the heart is formed… A Mystery of God, and if God… Then, a child can ruin the parents. An example here, I am just recalling for a bit. Imagine that God sends a child that is crippled, blind and deaf. Now, I will explain to you the hidden beauty, because I see it everywhere, without exceptions. There are no exceptions. What I want to say: if the child is crippled and deformed, these parents have an old cruelty in them and God wants to make them softer, to transform their cruelty. In fact, next year we will be making a book on the Mercy of God. This is the concealed Mercy of God. That people may not understand us and that we might disturb – it does not matter, Truth is very precious to me.

This child can help their parents so much, soften them in such a way, so that they can in the next reincarnation… Because for one incarnation, you cannot fulfil the law “Be perfect as God is perfect.” from the bible. The saint is not perfect… they have a lot to learn. Really, if I tell you some things, we will disturb the saints, too. But I love them. Truly, they are children of the Angels – they do not have Wisdom, they have purity. They have partial wisdom, but do not have Wisdom. They are something very beautiful in this path, however, they are still in the long path of development. But let me tell you something about children. God gives birth to the children, the mother raises them. This means that the mother and father have no right to enter their own ambitions into the children. You love the child, you trust it and you give it freedom so that it walks its own path.

Imagine Mozart… If he was born and his mother wanted to make him a great artist, but he was born to be a musician. She may divert him, but then she will pay greatly – the child will have revenge, other spirits who are connected to the child will bring revenge to the mother and the parents. And they may bury the parents, because they are interfering with the child’s true nature. The child will show its character from the past, it carries it within.

And are there ways that the parents may use some method to know what the children’s vocation is? So that they do not hinder them?

First, the parents’ level is such that… There is a book by Brother Michael (Omraam) – a very good book – The upbringing of the child begins 20 years before birth. The parents themselves must be educated. There are no such schools to educate them, so the only One that educates children, parents, including Shamans, Sages – this is God. If He does not want to educate a person, even if a hundred educators come together, a hundred masters such as Christ – they cannot help the person – because God does not want to. The person has to have something within themselves that yearns sincerely to learn. They have to have dignity, have to have Soul. Not curiosity, but a thirst for knowledge – and then God will send a certain person, He will prepare them, He will give them a Master, and this Master then can disclose things which are found neither in this world, nor the other one.

Let me say something more about the children. The children are born so that they bring – says the Master – the lost Love to the mother. Because the mother – in this world, the mothers – they do not have a direct love for God – they do not see Him, do not understand Him, if they are left without a child, they may despair and go backward. And so God gives children – so that the mother can restore… Generally, every person has to love something, in this case the mother has to love the child – it is a kind of doll and also a Soul – it is at the same time something real and also… But she has to love it, to maintain this thread, so that in time she returns to Love. If she does not have a child, she should get a puppy, even an object – but there must be at least one thing that she loves. When a person loves something, they nourish this thread, and someday when they are ready… Because now… What did one sister say some time ago – she has three children. She said “If I was a true disciple of the Master, I would not have any children.” But, on the other hand – she has accumulated desires to have children, it does not mean that… The child is something beautiful. The mother can develop such love there, and then devote herself in such a way to God, that no one could stop her. So that she becomes a Soul, Fire, Flame – like Orpheus says.

And that…

So everything is in its place.


Everything is on its level, there is no…

And this thing that the big spiritual teachers, as a whole in the world, do not have families, do not have children, is this an expression of their total devotion towards their calling to connect to God?

No, they… people would have to be very aware, so that… Whether a person will get married or not – this has been sown from past reincarnations. And in one place the Master says: There are people who must have children, and if they do not want to have any, woe unto them. There are others who must not have children, and if they want to, woe unto them. – So things are placed very precisely. The matter is: it is not so important whether you will have children or you will not, but whether you are devoting your life to God – not to the child. First to God, and then afterwards He has a way to help both you and the child in the right way.

The child is always growing – now I will explain to you why, according to the Toltecs. The child is always growing because it receipts. The old person does not grow because they do not receipt. They have already established viewpoints, incorrect ones, delusions, half-truths, they do not receipt. But here I will make a small exception: you have told me that now in Greece, in Cyprus, there are women who read my lectures, in a home for the elderly, and they translate them to Greek to the elderly…

Yes, that is right.

I congratulate these souls. There is… elderly people sometimes turn into children, that is what I wanted to say. And right now, because there is receptivity there. See, there are – not exceptions, but there are people like this, too. I congratulate these women – I congratulate you whole-heartedly, I do not know who you are, I am happy that you are helping these souls understand the Truth, because they will be reborn lighter, more rightly, in the next life. So, if you talk to them, send them regards once again.

Children are a secret world. – You want to ask something, or?

No, continue.

Yes. The child does not need your philosophy, but your love and trust. See how simple it is. Save your philosophy for yourself – it might be good, it might not be. Give your love and trust to the child; years after, if there are circumstances – tell them your philosophy too, and we will see if the child approves it or not, because it might have a Deeper Wisdom. We do not know.

(continues in part 2)here

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Bodhidharma – excerpt from interview on 20.12.2020

Taken from “The Gnosis of the Great Masters” part 2 – interview with Eleazar Harash from 20.12.2020 by Portal12


-Bodhidharma is a very peculiar world, very Pure. Mercilessly Pure – the Absolute Purity, not the dualistic one. Even the smallest criticism when you study him and you are already far away, you have missed it – the end. We are speaking of even the most microscopic criticism, because this is a being, a type of Buddha. Osho very accurately says: If Buddha had seen him, he would have wondered – because he is a buddhist, Bodhidharma – Buddha would have wondered what kind of being originated from him.

(Interviewer)-Can you point out where is this fine difference of how much these Masters and beings have retained their individual spirit, given that we are obviously witnesses of how God flows in them? The fine difference, i.e. how much is God within them and how much do they retain some form of individuality?

-Once you enter into God, you disappear there in order to become a Divine individuality – you become your own self as you have been before creation. And this is so natural for every person and every person will achieve it in time. This is the Essential Nature, the Primordial nature, in fact – there is nothing to become because you are – it is a matter of a Deep realisation, a Deep penetration into yourself. And again – if you are allowed to enter within, because there are many meditations which reach up to some point, but Buddha has surpassed meditation and he says: A person who has achieved the Nothingness and has known Nirvana – they may not meditate. – To them meditation is amusement, but they can do it as a compromise – if they decide… But they are above meditation.

(Interviewer)- Alright, but with such a state of the Soul, of the Spirit…

– Pure Spirit.

(Interviewer)- …this means that what is human and the ego are completely eliminated, right?

– There is no Higher self there either. With the saints there is also a finer ego, here there is no inferiour nature, no Higher nature, all the degrees of ego have been removed.

(Interviewer)- The question is: what do they self-create as, they must self-create as Deities?

– Pure Spirit – Pure, Aware Spirit… It is a Mystery – you want an explanation – there is none.

(Interviewer)- No, but as Deities as well, because God already flows within?

– Deities on the lower levels, on the higher levels – Gods and Elders.

Bodhidharma himself: Self-created.  Of him they say: Self-created, a rock, an Absolute Indestructibility. He is Truth in a body – Bodhidharma – we are speaking of him and others like him. He radiates a Mighty and Pure Speechlessness, there is no knowledge here.

Buddha is his Master but he has his own Sound, he has achieved it. He is such a fierce loyalty towards the Truth that Buddha marvels at him.

Bodhidharma does not speak, he resounds. He burns as if he were a dragon – really, a living Dragon – such is his style. He appeared somewhat wild – nothing like it, he is Primordial within. He crushes all rituals – see what he says – as a whole, rituals… There are exceptions – in every Secret Teaching there is one ritual and one only – a concentrate, everything else is… and it is done in special… So, he crushes all rituals, he says: The Truth within you is the Saviour, rituals are useless. (If you have entered within Truth, what kind of ritual will you perform to the Truth and the Nothingness, what will you show to them? Conditionally to God – yes…)

A rarely insightful Spirit with a lot of raw discipline – self-discipline, imposed out of Love.

All charities are useless shadows. They do not mean that you are within the Truth – notice – they are not a Temple.

Good deeds in the world are illusory ghosts. What is Essential is: are you within Truth or not? Your good deeds, leave them – are you within Truth or not? – an idea of his.

Bodhidharma is a very Deep Spirit, a very Deep Truth. Scientists have not comprehended him, nor Buddhists and such – pundits, Brahmans -because the Truth is not scientific. How would you comprehend such a Mystic – you are in science, He is within the Divine will and the Nothingness. And the Truth is Boundless, it is not scientific – for science, its time comes and it dies. The Truth is Boundless and Mystical. He lives on the earth not with scriptures, but with God and with the Truth – the most important thing, the Essence.

Such a being you cannot approve of, just forget about it, you cannot criticise him, you cannot praise him – there are only two ways – you either follow him, or you do not – everything else is… If you do not follow him, this is your funeral.

What is Essential is: are you within Truth or not? Your good deeds, leave them – are you within Truth or not?.

If you are seeking knowledge, you cannot comprehend Bodhidharma – again a wrong approach. You must sincerely look for the Truth, then the connection with him and with such a person, happens.

Bodhidharma is something of the Abyss, something of the Boundlessness; he has descended and has become part of the Truth, because he carries It. He understood every teaching because he had understood himself. Then every teaching gives itself to you, it reveals itself to you, it gives you its Core. And whoever has not understood themselves, they do not understand even their own teaching. Look, what simple style.

His Wisdom:

The Secret of Truth is beyond holy books. – There is no time to waste. The Kingdom is within, God is within, how will you substitute God with holy books, with a bible and a quran. And Al Hallaj says this as well: I prefer to be Divinely-Inspired myself, and not the bible. – This is my addition: in fact, I am Divinely-Inspired since before my birth.

The Way is to discover things Unknown – says Bodhidharma. There are no… the known things have died; here you find new inspirations – like Basilides.

What is right and what is wrong? – they ask him. – Discerning with the Spirit is right, and with the mind – is wrong.

Your actions are your scriptures – your way of life. – Look at Christ: both in the Scripture and beyond the scriptures. It is God within him that acts. – The holy books – says Bodhidharma – are merely words; and your life, especially this Concealed life – this is the Scripture.

Immediately after the evil has been committed – says he – it is already indestructible, it will already divert you. – And this is why we gradually… God knows that the purification and liberation is gradual and this is why He is patient towards people, towards seekers.

People do not know the Pure Way, because for them the delusion is very convenient. – it gives you comfort etc.

Greet – he says – the storm, and it already accepts you. – Like Christ in the boat. He greets it, he speaks with the spirits of the storm, they are friends. His disciples, you know what a tragedy – they do not even have mere faith, let us not speak of Love…

Love the storm and the whirlpool – this is your Approach to life – the whirlpool already becomes a Wellspring. – His style is magnificent, I am just presenting a small part of it here.

People want to see only what they desire to see, and therefore they miss the Truth – do you understand, what is convenient… – It is not the flesh and bones that fear death, only the mind fears it. People fear death because they see themselves as existing. – They do not know themselves as non-created, as Nothingness. The person believes that they exist and fear is natural, it sticks. And they consider themselves existing.

Every Enlightened one is a Buddha, Buddha is but One of many.

Do not want to understand the answer – says Bodhidharma – learn to sense it. – The sense is really a big thing, and Buddha explains it, next time I will tell you.

If you are seeking a blessing, this is a wrong approach. It comes together with the curse. – This is one… if you want to be good, evil has already stuck, this is the dual games of the mind, the endless mind games, it is like wanting to become a saint – you will never know the Right Way, God – on a Deep level. This is why the Master says: Saints are the children of angels. I will repeat it again: If you are seeking the blessing, it comes together with the curse, but if you are seeking only Dao, only God, then you will meet only the Pure blessing – here is the difference.

If you study the past in the right way and observe the present carefully, then the future is clear.

Punishment and suffering – this is karma in action.

The True person values Truth in its entirety, not up to a point.

Whatever life gives you, this is fruit from a seed you have sown in the past.

It is not history that is important, but the Secret of your Spirit.

Every Enlightened one is a Buddha, Buddha is but One of many.

If darkness comes to visit you, it is not darkness that is important, but whether you are armed with Truth or not – just forget about the darkness… what you are thinking of (is important).

The trees – he says, see what beauty – are not trees, but monks. The tiger is not a tiger, but a warrior in action, an Ancient Warrior, death in movement. – By the way, one tiger has an occurrence with one Chinese Master, I forgot whether he was a Buddhist or Daoist, it does not matter… A tiger aimed towards him from afar, in order to crush him, with high speed. He stands absolutely, deeply immutable, this means the biggest dynamic, within the Peace. He only shifts and slices the tiger in two with one arm. The tiger did not calculate his strength, he is still a warrior, but he has met a warrior on another level. – I just remembered…

Whatever you have been bestowed with, it was sown from your past.

Whoever practices Truth, they do not enact deeds, they enact Purity  – see, what style… Where will you meet, with the poor saint… I have studied them, I can tell you such subtleties about John of  Rila, he is very pleasant, but very poor story, there is no way that he could be a Master. And he made one fine mistake in his life, because the woman who loved him could have sent him into God much higher than sainthood (could). One beautiful young woman – but he ignored her in the name of seeking, he made a fine mistake, in his next reincarnation he will understand that she is a Portal towards something much Deeper than his sainthood. He did not understand, poor him, it does not matter. – Whoever practices Truth, does not enact deeds, they enact Purity.

If you are not diligent in Truth, your prayers will not bring you self-awareness. They will only bring you beneficial karma and a fortunate incarnation, but not self-awareness.

Only one in a million attains Enlightenment without a Master. – Because they have sown in a different way, they were a Deep seeker and when they are born – it simply happens.

There is nothing more Supreme to attain than the Samadhi of Voidness. – This is the final aim of evolution, of development.

If, in the darkness, you see a Bright Light – the darkness will disappear. – this is what the Initiated ones see, the Sages – a Bright Light, not darkness, not half-light.

Only the Pure Heart has Silence, the other hearts are whispering.

Not saying a word, you can express the Deepest Truths.

Purity and awareness – this is the Supreme Way – the Purity of Awareness above all.

Buddha is the one who is liberated through Awareness. – Buddha knew his smallest gesture, how he feeds, how he is sitting – attentiveness in everything. With this attentiveness you could never create karma. You cannot create it – you are beyond karma. This is the Divine Preconception, to be within the Nothingness.

(Interviewer)- Supreme-awakedness…

-Yes… – Buddha is the state of awakedness, of striking Awareness. – Thus says Bodhidharma of his Master.

One moment of doubt – says Bodhidharma – and you may already be captive. – If you give in briefly to one bad thought, you have already been captured – how important is the instant!

(Interviewer)- This is why the Master (Beinsa Douno) says: Try one day, even just one day, not to allow from morning until evening even one bad thought.


When we are aware, there is no salvation and deliverance needed. There is no need of being saved.

Only the Truth has a Clear Eye, therefore – follow the Truth.

In the Deep Life there is no sainthood – you are asking yourself: is there sainthood – there is only Boundlessness, like Buddha.

The ones who have not seen the Truth within themselves meditate in vain. – (I knew meditating people, there were some here, I do not want to say in which teaching… He curses and swears, do you understand, as I do not want to use worse words… and he meditates – such meditations will come out of this in time… I saw him desperate, but this is another topic… I still secretly… we had friendship, but this is another thing, this is concealed.)

In the Deep Life there is no sainthood, there is Boundlessness.

Whoever has had the experience of Truth, they can no longer be corrupted. If they have experienced Samadhi once, then whatever they do, they enter another level and Bodhidharma says: What is Enlightenment? This is the ability to not create delusion. To not create death.

The deluded ones unceasingly create evil in the world and they claim that it exists. – Look at Christ: what existed for Him? The world, the church, the rituals, or God? Immediately… Only God exists for Him.

Buddha is the state of awakedness, of striking Awareness.

(Interviewer)- The current topic – the best immunity is the Truth.

-Yes, the Master says of immunity: If you have one Divine thought to guide you in life, this is Divine immunity, you are already changing the human immunity.

Only people with a Supreme Reality do not create karma, they have achieved Dharma, i.e. the Truth – they have been accepted by Truth.

If your mind is Pure and mastered, then all your practices are Pure – whatever it is you are doing – sweeping the floor, in the woods, chopping trees…

When you drink the Truth for a long time, you become Buddha. – says Bodhidharma.

People foolishly occupy themselves with raising temples, statues – the other trap – and they are not able to raise Buddha within themselves, the Truth within themselves, the Buddha nature.

Discernment liberates from all evil deeds.

Here Bodhidharma had a meeting with one emperor, I will tell you about it now, it is known as a whole – I have presented it somewhere for the ones who follow my lectures.

The emperor said… He came with his whole entourage –not to someone else, but to Bodhidharma:

-I have done many righteous deeds!

Bodhidharma gazed at him and immediately perturbed him:

-But how could you do any deed, you have no Dharma, you do not have the Truth within yourself, you have no Spirit, you have no Reality.

The emperor was perturbed because he was with his people, and said:

-I built temples, I gave much for translations of holy books, I gave the people food.

Bodhidharma was laughing uncontrollably, he said:

– You are truly a fool! You have not built anything until you have built the Truth within yourself.

The emperor was even more distraught – if he could run away… but there was no way – he had already stumbled upon this. Because he knew that Bodhidharma is coming and he knew that this is a Great Master, and he must greet him – and maybe another time he will not greet him, but in this case…

He asks again:

-Then is there something holy or not?

Bodhidharma laughs again:

-There is nothing holy and unholy, there is only Truth and Boundlessness. Holiness and unholiness are games of the mind, this is a fall. As with good and evil, everything dual, like darkness and light. You are truly a fool! – in front of the whole entourage.

The emperor, as I was telling you, if he could run… but he cannot, he will embarrass himself in front of everyone. He was amazed by such direct Word, and straightforward – sincerity.

Bodhidharma – this is the fragrance of the Great Truth, like Buddha, but if you are not ready for the Truth, for you it is torment.

Bodhidharma is a speaking Spirit – some ask ’’are there spirits’’ – if you meet him, you will understand. And truly, if you go amongst the Gods, what holiness can you see there? This is Boundlessness, Truth and Mystery – and a Great Completeness. Here the saint is a stain, they will stain this world if they enter it – a fog.

The matter of mastering the mind – says Bodhidharma – is the most Essential. – Only from here you embark towards yourself and towards Knowing God. The saints do not have self-knowledge. There are some exceptions, one of them is St. Bernard and there are some other ones. – In self-knowledge there is no mind, neither light or dark mind. Pure Spirit, no impurities.  Nothing dual. – The Sage is not good, they are Love and Boundlessness. With them, both sainthood and sin are limitations, the Sage grows beyond both.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Interview for “Black Sea” newspaper

Bulgaria has a future because of the Master

The Teaching makes you a completely free person.

The 11th of July is the birthdate of Peter Deunov. The known-unknown Master with the spiritual name Beinsa Douno started his earthly path from the village Nikolaevka near Varna, where his father was a priest. We count 139 years since then. Today Deunov’s followers are found not only in Bulgaria, not only in Europe, but throughout all continents. The Teaching – accepted or denied, the disciples – chased or glorified, have withstood through the decades. Now they continue to live in and through Love according to the main law of the Universe. On a path towards Truth they gain Wisdom. But before all that they pass through the sufferings of the spirit, longing for Justice. And these are sufferings much heavier than physical suffering. For many people the topic is unclear, the unfamiliarity with it brings uneasiness. The meeting with Petio Iordanov who gained his spiritual name Eleazar Harash from the Master, shines a ray of light towards the vastness of true being. This he does through his lectures held in the country, through his more than 40 published books, the most recent of which is ‘’Book of prayer’’.

-For more than 30 years you have lived with the Teaching of the White brotherhood. What have you gained and what have you parted with during that time?

-It is difficult to explain, especially in short. A person following the Teaching of Beinsa Douno is walking in the Way of Love, Wisdom, Truth – they are following them. Love gives you life, Wisdom – light, Truth grants you freedom. This is why the Teaching is Universal and this is our Sacred threesome – Love, Wisdom and Truth. It takes away the faults, the weaknesses. In this Teaching you cannot hate, you cannot criticise, be envious, get sick. You have no problems. You have tasks. It gives you something universal that you cannot explain, you feel it. It gives you a chance to know that part of you, that completeness in life, which has been lost way back in paradise. Cast out of paradise – exile – means the loss of completeness and the Teaching restores it. But you have to devote yourself very honestly, loyally.

-Are there any prohibitions, special rules for the lives of the disciples?

Everyone is free to follow their own Way. But we must never allow hate or criticism towards others and towards ourselves. It has been said: do not judge. Because if we criticise, we judge God in the person. But this kind of behaviour is not a sign of passiveness or contentment with mistakes. You see things, notice them, but you are not the one to judge them. Evil is not our enemy. It is the concealed face of God. That is why there is a law – love your enemies. If we love evil, we will defeat it. This does not mean supporting injustice, committing evil deeds, pardoning criminals. This means loving that concealed reasonableness in the person, which will someday manifest. That some people are at this stage of their development right now only shows that their path is slower. They will suffer from their mistakes, they will experience something that will lead them to their reasonableness. Everything is inside of the person – heaven and hell. There are only three professions forbidden by the Master. They are barkeeper, hunter and butcher. Whoever kills makes a connection with the spirit of the animal whose life they are taking away. Whoever makes people drunk is also going to pay for it. These are deep things.

-How did you become oriented towards the White brotherhood?

-Every one who is thirsty for Truth, seeks it, suffers for it, wants it as a part of themselves. This is how you get to the Teaching. In this case you can be impatient. You are not waiting to see God after death, but here and now. When you feel that necessity, in one moment the accumulated energy explodes in you and you embark upon a True Way, which encompasses everything reasonable within itself. When I say that the Teaching takes away the weaknesses, this means that you learn to live in Love. In the Divine Love, not the human love. A person like that has no weaknesses any more. In Love, you manifest God, you are already on another spiritual level, in the dimension of God.

-What do you say to people who do not know, do not follow the Teaching?

-You cannot talk to them directly about the deep things. I advise them to at least be reasonable and noble in their deeds, and as much as they can, keep a positive way of thinking. Most of them are walking the long, slow road. It will take thousands of years before they get closer to God. They have dedicated themselves to everyday passions and desires, and thus lose. Because the ordinary buries the Sacred. The method of ordinary life, let us call it that, regardless of positions, of riches, is such. God, as I said, is within everyone, but with their way of life many people are not giving Him place. Pride, the Ego, leads them. This makes them even more vulnerable, easily offended. Everyone is free to choose the way.

-What is the state of the White brotherhood now?

-In Bulgaria a lot of the disciples are scattered in many different groups in various cities. Maybe they are around 100 000 now. All over the world there are groups in over 40 countries. My lectures are also attended by brothers and sisters from Europe, America. But that is not important. The Teaching cannot be popular, just as love towards Truth cannot be popular. People love their daily concerns and think that those are more important. But how can something have a place before God? In the Teaching a big Love towards Truth is very important. Then comes the Divine realisation in the person. But this has nothing to do with success in life as most people understand it. Because success which is not life within the Spirit, is a funeral. It is actually failure, but people do not know that.

-Is a guide, a guru, necessary to follow the Teaching of Beinsa Douno?

-Your Love towards the Truth is your guide. When you have it, your Master will appear. Whether they will guide you internally or externally depends on you. Most people are not ready to meet Them internally. Because within each person there are a lot of voices talking – from the astral world, voices of the dead, advanced or not, underdeveloped souls, demons. The important thing is whether a Great being is talking to you. A reasonable person who has achieved Wisdom is in contact with Wise voices. This means the voices talk according to the level of a person’s development. They are experienced differently – during sleep, or as hunches, suggestions. The Teaching explains everything. And most of all, what is Essential. Nothing is imposed. Those who understand are the ones who have suffered for True Love, not human love. Maybe this is already understood. And gradually you reach the True temple – your Soul. You are a lit candle. You start to think deeply, to accept things always with the tone of Love. You achieve a Deep inner Peace, in which anger, envy, spite, whatever negative feelings, are gone, wrong doings – as well. Following the Teaching you become like an ocean. If you throw a stone into the big water, it will engulf it, the stone will disappear. What if you throw it into a puddle? The murky water will splash, will become even muddier. It is the same with every person. If you are shallow, you will pay attention to the petty and ordinary, you will take offense at the deeds and words of others, you will be a slave to your faults. What if you are thinking deeply? Then nothing offends you, you will not suffer from common passions and worries. The Teaching makes you a completely free person. But you do not grow quickly, it requires great patience. Fall in love with Truth in such a way, so that you become a Sun. We carry it, because we are children of God. This is why the whole world is our family. Let us not put borders, let us not divide people, because if we do, we limit ourselves. But this type of behaviour is adopted only by separate groups or individuals who are developing. Society as a whole is not developing. Development can be manifested in an individual. Those who are able to suffer for the Truth, advance. The others will wait for other conditions, other races, other times. Those who live within Love, Wisdom and Truth are now giving a start for the Sixth race that is being prepared. This is like the dawn before the full sunrise of the True human brotherhood. Brother and sister means Spirit and Soul in the purest sense. So live according to the Divine laws now. The Master has left thousands of lectures concerning absolutely every matter. They are so deeply and profoundly explained as no one before Him has ever done. There is no question about our being that Beinsa Douno has not made Divine. This is the Truth about everything.

-How about matters surrounding magic, miracles, mysteries, that we still search for in our uneasy times?

-Let us all follow the Purity in our deeds. You can do anything, but led by Pure goals. What is magic? Prayer is magic, white magic. This is sending a Pure, mighty energy towards someone in order to help. Distance does not matter, it makes no difference if the person is in another world as well. But now the word magic bears a different meaning from the one it had in Ancient Egypt. Then it meant Truth. There science and religion were sacred. After that, by falling into the hands of people with weak characters, knowledge changed. And every person who has weaknesses is practically under a spell. By their weaknesses. The reason is always internal. And if a person is purified in their thoughts and deeds through their striving for Truth, who can cast a spell upon them? This is practical Divinity, something like a Sacred deed. How accurate are those words! And miracles? According to our, and according to the Highest measure, there is only one miracle in the world. This is your True life, the Sacred life. A bigger miracle than living within Love, Wisdom and Truth cannot be found.

Eleazar Harash: …what would I say for an introduction? Who in me is supposed to introduce himself? … I do not care about such things.

The article is published in ‘’Black Sea’’ newspaper, ed.168, on Saturday, the 19th of July, 2003.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel