Questions of the Children towards Eleazar, pt. 16 –…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
Questions of the Children towards Eleazar, pt. 16 – 21.12.2024
Iliya, Karla, Dara, Hristina and Izabela’s Questions – 21.12.2024
Of the letters and the words. Of our deceased friends. So many lectures. Her light. Why is God important?
-Five children, five questions. Or was it four?
-Yes, five children, five questions.
-Five children, five questions.
-Let us start with a protective formula?
-Yes, yes.
-Hello, friends, today is Part 16 of our series Questions of the Children towards Eleazar. Today Iliya, Karla, Dara, Hristina and Izabela will be our guests with their questions. And here is the first question, from Iliya, who is five years old: God still allows Himself – he says – to take some letters, words and to place them here. – And his mother clarifies: Can Eleazar explain this child’s outpouring the way only he is able to? Thank you, we hug you.
-The letters, the words, the thoughts, arrange and make our destiny. The Word is alive and it leads us in our Way. We must seek the Pure Word, because it is the connection to the Supreme Beings. The words themselves are illnesses or health, a Way or a lack of Way, and therefore – be vigilant regarding the words that come out of you and that you perceive, because these are beings. Every Pure word is a communion with a Pure Spirit. The future is flowing now, because now is the sowing. God arranges our words, but we must also arrange them. Through words and thoughts we determine our Way. All impure words are fallen, failed beings, they are dark within themselves and want to ruin us. Words and thoughts are an invisible world that comes to us. The ancient Pure words and mantras are the Elixir – they are the Way towards God, the Master and Love. We must arrange for ourselves the brightest words, the Ancient words, the Pure words, so that we have a Way.
-And can God speak to us through… through our words, through our word?
-He speaks to us there the most.
-Through our words?
-He has given them to us and He will fulfill them.
-Yes. The second question, from Karla, who is six years old: Why don’t I see my friends – she says – when I am told that they have passed?
-So, they must hide in the Invisible world, to rest from us and from themselves. Many of the deceased are burdened by this world, by glances, by knowledge, by attitude, by karma and so on. In this sense, death is a reliever, the Good news. In death there is a finely concealed beauty, because it is a returning into freedom and for the Loving and Wise Ones it has a voice like honey, because it is a returning into the Essence, and the Essence is invisible. There is also a danger, it applies to both the deceased and the living – Satan can easily pose as the dead and only the discerning one is able to see the difference, because they see through God. In this world both life and death are God’s Love, and this is Preservation from the Ancient evil.
-Yes, thank you. The third question, I will read it the way it was sent to us: My daughter Dara is five years old and wants to ask Eleazar – How did he make so many lectures?
-I neither thought about them, nor planned them, nor did I make them – this is God’s Work. I planned something else – when I was exiled by N******l S******y into the woods, and in which… I intended to stay in the woods until the end of my life, near a monastery, called “Saint George”, which they even allowed me to live in and even to lead it. But I refused – I understood that God wanted me to present the Word. I argued a little with God and said to Him: My God, who am I to teach God within people? But God insisted and at one point I understood that I had to give in. And He created the conditions – cities, villages, houses, forests and so on, and so on, until the current conditions. God deeply desired, together with the Master, and I understood that I had to give in, and it is this way for about 44 years now: lectures, conversations, books. You simply cannot argue with God.
-Thank you. So, the fourth question – Hristina, four years old, says: Her light, of Grandfather God, He has given light in her heart. – If you can clarify this.
-This is the Primordial, Innate, Original light in us, in our heart, this is the idea from God in our heart and the pure child’s Soul remembers it, as does this little soul, because she has lived as a Soul in this light, which is otherwise the Proto-Light. Through this innate light sooner or later every Soul will discover God within itself, Who is waiting for us to wake up and to self-awaken, and to become aware of ourselves. Only in this way can we become guides of ourselves towards God and through God, and to want Him to be our Deep Guide, and not us. That is it.
-Yes. Okay, the last question from Izabela, four years old. She asks: Why is God important?

-This is, so, the most beautiful question, I answered it a little longer. A very beautiful question: Because if we do not become… Because if we ourselves become very important, we will die. We must put God first in our lives and then gradually He will arrange our lives and we will see that life is wonderful, but only when His will is working on us and we yearn for it. But when we arrange life in our own way, He slightly steps aside and we keep arranging and insuring ourselves, and this is why the Master says that the cemeteries are full of insured people. God is important because He is Love and only this Love – the Divine one – can truly arrange life, even when it is difficult. God is important because He is the Beginning of life. He flows in us as life, He bestows His Love, Himself upon us. He, within us is the gradual development, He is Bliss, Peace. He loves us Sublimely, He gives us the Primordial Love and such is His Original Will. Why else is He important? Because if He has given us certain prayers, He Himself will fulfill them, but we must have great patience and enormous trust, and Great Perseverance. If He, the Only One, has given you certain prayers, and He gives them – He Himself gives them – this means that this prayer, it is already heard. He has heard the Soul, your Soul. And that is why it is said: Pray incessantly! For thousands of years, thousands of reincarnations, you have deviated and now you want everything to happen for you in a month or two, or a year. That is not the way. There are prayers that have come true in minutes – I am talking about my own life too – in days, in months, in years, in 30-40 years, and some even in the next reincarnation. I am not in a hurry, why would I oblige God? And He is the All-Knowing One. If I must have Love and Perseverance, and Great patience – this is how the Master has taught me: Love, patience, Perseverance, and the rest is His work. It is silly to set deadlines for the All-Knowing One and the Only Acting One – He has given me Love, and it is His Supreme Good. He sends the Masters, the Sages and the Initiates to ease your difficulties and your Way, and so: He is important, important and very important – for everything He does for us and for everything He does not do. He is the All-Knowing One. The true relations of Love and understanding are in the Hands of the Only One and if He is the Guide, everything will gradually happen, and it will happen in a Sacred and beautiful way. That is also why He is important. God has given us a Master, and devotion to a True Master is salvation from oneself. There is nothing more important than devotion to one True Master. The True Master is Nothingness, and in Nothingness there is no mind, no snake, no karma. This Way leads us directly into the Master. Loyalty towards the Master surpasses all your knowledge of God, all your philosophy, even self-knowledge. Without loyalty to one True Master, everything will gradually be lost.
-If we say that God is important, then what is the Master for the disciple?
-He replaces God, He is an altered God. He is simply playing the role of God and when He has chosen Him for you, He knows why He has sent Him to you, why He has chosen Him for you, because He knows your Way and knows your consciousness.
-And does God or the Ancient One choose the Master for you?
-So, the Master works simultaneously with God and with the Ancient One, and whatever judgement He makes… We do not know for sure sometimes whether it is from God, whether it is from the Ancient One, from the Absolute. But it is always correct, we know that.
-Yes, thank you. Just to say for the month of January that Shining, Alexander, Adelina and Loa will be our guests with their questions, and we will read one of the questions. We will not say whose it is: What is the colour of the Internal Fire in the person? Good, isn’t it?
-But Eleazar’s answer to this and other questions – in our next conversation. And we thank everyone for their attention and time given. Thank you.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel