Questions of the Children towards Eleazar pt. 13 –…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
Questions of the Children towards Eleazar pt.13 – 21st of September 2024
Matthey’s questions
-Shall we start with a guarding formula?
-Hello, friends. Today is the 13th part of our series: “Questions of the Children towards Eleazar”. Today, Matthey will be our guest with his questions. But before that, let us ask Eleazar: How would you comment – what times we are living in?
-Ah, the times we are living in are heavy, difficult, dark, and totally blessed. Because, the Master says, karma is being paid off and there is nothing better than that – the settling of debts, so that people are able to, in time… And these difficult times will give birth to True people – no philosophy or religion can help. Only sufferings reach deep, and sufferings prepare for Golgotha. At Golgotha, evil and sufferings die totally forever. One very Great Conception – at Golgotha. God has planned something extraordinary, which people do not know. Yes.
-Are these the times when a person becomes Truth or gets closer to it?
-If they do not become Truth in difficult times, they never will. In easy times, they lose themselves.
-And what is the approach in these difficult times, regardless of the situation?
-There is one approach: Deep Love for God. And that is the approach – it is known.
-Total Trust towards what is happening?
-Yes, yes, Complete Acceptance.
-Yes, and where is the place of Prayer in these difficult times?
-Prayer – it should not stop.
-Yes, good, thank you, and here are Matthey’s questions. The first question: Why is it that, when I sleep, I dream of the future?
-So, there are two moments here. Matthey – 10 years old, right?
-Yes, yes, he was 10 when he asked us the questions.
-We’re more or less peers. So, first, you dream of the future because you want a bright future and you need Lightness. Second, if you dream of the future, the spirits want you to miss the present and God, Who is here and now. These spirits – they send the future, but God is here. If you dream of God, the future will flee. Do not dream, but realize that God is here. God is always here, and when we realize Him, we attain Him – and we are saved from both the past and the future. God works in us for our awareness. This is why we seek Him, to realize Him. That is the first answer.
-Yes, and can it be said that some who dream, see something in the future – that this is some kind of special ability or gift, or is it deception?
-No, there are no gifts, there are no abilities, it simply depends on what the Spirit has decided to give. If the Spirit gives something Deep, It will reveal it, explain it, send it. If the Spirit has not decided, your gifts remain hanging.
-And how can one know in a dream if the Spirit has entered and Its Message?
-Well, the very… the very manner of expressing the Message shows what spirit has participated and whether it is True, or not.
-Okay, the second question from Matthey: When will the apocalypse come?
-So, the true end of the world will come when we become fully aware of God and live in Him. In God, there is no world. Knowing God is the end of the world, and that is, according to the Master, the liquidation of karma. The end of the world is when there is no time in you – and this means: when God is in you, when the Master is in you, Love is in you, Peace is in you, Truth is in you, and so on. The mind is time. For example, the Master knows the day and hour of the apocalypse, like He knew the deaths of many disciples and told two of them, though He regretted it. He says He knows the day and hour of the apocalypse but does not say it. There are reasons. He knew when His disciples would die, He told only two, and greatly regretted doing so. Because they did not meet death easily and burdened it, and He had to go and help them pass more easily through the astral and mental worlds. The end of the world happens in the Pure Consciousness, when the earthly thinking has gone. This is the second (question).
-Yes, so when the Master reveals a Truth, He takes on an enormous responsibility – since He found them in the Invisible world?
-Truth is always a great responsibility, at any time.
-Yes, the third question: When the end of the world comes, which country will we live in?
-So, first, the essential thing is that we always live in God and in ourselves, in the Master and in ourselves. The important thing is to become aware of God and the Master in ourselves. The end of the world comes when we liquidate ourselves. The Master says: A new continent will emerge from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. It will be a continent of the Sixth Race. But a long time will pass until all of this is arranged. Europe awaits a heavy blow, says the Master, but the important thing is whether we live consciously in God and the Master. This is the third.

-Yes, and this New continent – will it have a New egregor watching over it?
-All the New way of thinking will enter there; it has a New egregor from the beginning, because it makes a total change. This is a Force, that purifies the old, so that they can enter with the New thinking.
-And these people who are now working on themselves, who follow the Master in an exceptionally sacred way, are they building thread by thread this egregor in some way?
-Yes, it is with small efforts, daily, great efforts are not required. He, God, knows that things are slow and with difficulties. Those who have entered this Way – it is done – everything is for them.
-Can we say that this egregor gives a distinct Lightness in these especially difficult times, for example one of…?
-The egregor of Lightness has not stopped existing. The question is who… Even, the Taoists say that in every difficulty there is always Lightness; the question is whether you will see it, whether you seek it – it is there.
-But there are also such, there is such an option, that what is light can create very difficult things. Like the easy life, for example. Everything is in the person.
-Can we say that the Master, the Hand of the Master is characterized by this that you have Lightness in especially difficult times?
-Well, that is Him.
-That is Him in you?
-So, the fourth question: How did Atlantis fall?
-The drowned and submerged land of Atlantis never touches the Pure Spirits, who live consciously – as Gods without form. The Atlanteans called the flood “the hungry water”. According to them, the flood is a change of creation, whose goal is to make you aware – an aware Spirit. According to the Atlanteans, what you overcome becomes your personal power. Yes, Atlantis was lost, it sank, but the Spirit and Soul of Atlantis have not sunk, only its body. According to the Atlanteans, every difficult and heavy event builds within us pure power. Through the Flood, in Atlantis something Great happened – the Striking Way towards the Eagle happened, i.e. a Great Ascension in God. They use all crises for a leap, for… The Turanians say: “We will twist the word to create chaos and differences”. The Toltecs say: “We will acquire Impeccability and overcome chaos and differences, and the flood”. This is from “The Archives of Atlantis” – an unpublished book of mine, because it is not complete. According to the Toltecs, the flood ruins only those ones who have not sincerely sought the Eagle – God. And for the Toltecs, the Eagle was their Total Goal. The True Atlanteans perceived only the Eagle and God – no world at all. They perceived only the Truth, and that means death for the world, the end of the world – death for chaos, differences and creation. It is known that the perceptions of the world were afraid of the perceptions of the Pure Atlanteans. The Supreme Atlanteans say: “When you realize that you are Pure Spirit, you understand that no one can kill the Wind”. The Atlanteans also say: “Look at the butterfly – you can kill it in a moment, but its flight remains”. Why? Because the butterfly is part of the Wind and part of the Spirit. No one can touch its flight. The butterfly breathes in the Wind – according to them, another Name for the Spirit – in the Spirit, not in the world. For the Real Supreme Atlanteans, there is no fall and there never was. And the fallen ones fall without the fall. The Supreme Atlanteans say: “Attention sees the Invisible”. They say: “We are Invisible, even when we have been born”. And they also say: “In my Spirit there is no matter, and that is why I do not die”. That is awareness. The Supreme Atlanteans had Wisdom that penetrates deeply beyond wakefulness, because they have attained Supreme Impeccability. Otherwise, the fall is called “earthly thinking”. It is a special skill to rob yourself, to rob yourself. Sin is a dark breath in the person, a dark grave, but for the Pure Atlanteans – for them, this is Growth, and everything is Growth.

-And what is the place of the Black Sages in the Growth of the Supreme Atlanteans?
-They live for a special kind of other Sages, who must outgrow their light. Because if they stay there, they will become poor.
-And can we say that there are Dark Sages who have also not fallen? Are there such?
-Yes, yes, when we talked about the Aware Sages. Yes, they have been few, a concealed level. God is concelaed in them, He taught them secretly.
-But are they His Sons also?
-Well, concealed, like Lucifer is.
-I was very impressed by what you said, that they never allowed a lie. How can a Dark Sage live in darkness and not allow a lie?
-Just like one of the Light, who has cleansed themselves of the lie, only with this one it is more obvious – with the one of Light, and there it is hidden. They simply know what they are saying, because they know they are before God – because they are Aware.
-But does this come from their attitude towards Truth?
-Yes, yes, yes.
-And what…
-At some point, they have firmly chosen Truth, and God then has been teaching them secretly, because they have made the right choice, right – the same as when they have chosen God.
-And can we say they are deeper than the ones who are visible – in their visible attitude towards Truth?
-A part of them, they are deeper.
-About Shining, something…
-Yes, we have one extra question. Thank you for answering that too – so, it remained concealed. And Shining asks: Could I be a talent of God?
-She connects Atlanteans with talents, anyway.
-Can I read all of it?
-You can, but I’ll answer briefly, otherwise…
-Yes, if you want. Her mother, Maria, asked the question this way: Shining and I talked about talents and we understood that in Atlantis they started paying a lot of attention to talents – back then, they were not called talents. But after talents appeared, the Atlanteans disappeared, according to them. That is why every talent is a failure because it is a desire for doing. And then in Shining the question is born: Could I be a talent of God?
-Yes, so, I answer this little Soul. No, you cannot be a talent of God. You are a Daughter of God and a Soul of the Soul of God. Leave talents aside. Look at the essential – to be a Daughter of God. Then, if some talent comes, it will be in its place and it will not lead you into a fall. As long as you are a Daughter of God, that is the solution.
-Yes, so talents can rob Sonship and…?
-Talents and gifts have robbed many people because they have not attained the high degree of Purity, and from there, with that talent, other beings use it – they enter into it and…
-Yes, so is this a Way after Initiation, or overall, if it is a talent?
-A talent that does not work Totally for God, consciously, it is no longer in place – it is hidden destruction, although people rejoice with it;this talent, so and so, but everything is general talk.
-But this can happen after victory over temptations?
-Only then.
-Yes, yes, thank you, and for the next month, October, Shining will join us with new questions of hers. And one of them is: Eleazarko, tell us about the God of the Desert.
-Yes, this little Soul always asks such questions, that have their Depth. I will answer her.

-Is there a God of the Desert?
-Yes, yes, there is.
-And you had shared, that He is the strictest, or?
-It is something like Golgotha, and that is why Christ is there. And the Master says: There is one Being – the Cross, the Golgotha, which swallows everything. Just like it swallowed Christ. The Master calls it a Very Mighty Being – Golgotha. But to transform It – with Christ.
-Is this Being different from God?
-Yes, a different Being. Yes, again God is behind it.
-God is behind it again?
-Okay, thank you, and Eleazar’s answer to this and other questions – next month, in our next conversation. We thank everyone for their time and attention.
-Thank you very much.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel