Category: <span>Interviews</span>


Eleazar Harash – Excerpts on the Swan

Eleazar Harash – Excerpts on the Swan


The Swan (Third idea for contemplation)

The swan is an Ethereal Being – it is a Voice of the Ethereal and a Being of the Sun. The Ancient Egyptians said: the swan moves as Immortality: quietly, lightly, absorbedly, as an Ancient ship. From here comes the expression: Divine things are swans, i.e. quiet things. Not every being can wear the White colour – of course, there are black swans, too.

The White colour in its Pure meaning, is Realisation – this is another Way of the swan, unlike the black swan.

And the Master tells: When God created Adam, He sent some of the birds to make a statement about Adam. First, He sent the jackdaw: it spat on Adam and passed by him, without saying a word. This is why namely the jackdaw wears a black garment until this day. After it, God sent the crow so it can make a remark. When it passed by Adam, the crow closed its eyes and said ‘’Nothing special!’’ – it did not even see that the jackdaw spat on Adam. Finally, God sent the swan, so it can make a remark. When it passed by man, the swan noticed that someone spat on him, stopped carefully and cleaned up the spit. When He saw the deed of the swan, God said to it: ‘’Because you did one nice deed, I shall give you a white garment’’.

The garment is white when a Being has a True understanding of things, when it has Sacred Knowledge. I will explain. The colour White is not in the mind, nor in the garment, it is a quality of the Soul. The swan’s deed towards Adam was white, white as Light, and so it earned itself the colour White, it was touched by whiteness. Of course, there are black swans too, but they have mixed their actions with the mind and so they will learn for a long time. Very beautiful Souls gaze within the swan, who sometimes enter inside. Namely these Souls move gracefully and spiritually – not the swans themselves, but these Souls, who have a very nice feeling of beauty. These Souls-swans are like an adornment for the water.

According to the Daoists, the swan is a Being, radiated from Peace and from Speechlessness.

According to the Toltecs, the swan is a Soul with a White fragrance.

The Kabbalists say: Swans carry something of the rejoicing of Light.

The Egyptians say: The swan is a bearer of the Secret Knowledge.

The Toltecs, again, say: The swan is beautiful because it has an old ability to hear the Truth.

Sufis say: The swan moves as a Sun.

Zen says: The swan was born through a Spiritual touch.

And Sufis also say: To gaze at the Swan, this is to gaze at something from Paradise.

The swan symbolises Soulful beauty, the beauty itself of the Soul. Among the beings, the swan is as a flower. It carries within itself something of the Heavenly state of the Soul.

When the swan dies, in the past, the Initiates… (I am not speaking of the scientists, they cannot hear such a thing.) When the swan dies, in it, music is born, an old memory for a returning towards Freedom. But this was in the past. The swans revealed themselves to the Sages and the Initiates, like the Phoenix, we will speak of it in time: a very concealed bird. But many are the Priests who directly communed with such Secret Beings. But this was in the past, as I said, before the Initiates. Now this barely happens at all.

The message of the swan is: When you die with an awakened consciousness, with Love, you reach a Supreme state in your next incarnation.

Another specific thing about the swan is that when there is a difficulty, it also starts to sing. It does not complain, it does not meet difficulties with some negative idea – it quietly starts to sing things to itself, it gathers power, in order to deal with things. It, the swan, has lost death within itself, it has outgrown it through this music, through this Approach.

And in the end, I will tell you something, I have spoken to you before about dolphins – I will add a bit. Often, at the seaside, many people who have drowned, the so-called drowned ones, are cast out by the water in the morning, and people say ‘’The water brought them out’’ – but the Master says: No, the dolphins bring them out to the shore. Why? Because… (another time I will explain in more detail how it happened in Atlantis, how the dolphins saw for the first time the Secret of the Water – in the First Race of Atlantis – and they were in awe. They desired that they become dolphins  and God turned them… And since then, they are called Sea people.) But here I only want to say that the dolphins, because they love people a lot, they love the human form, they love the Soul of the person – and they bring the drowned ones out to the shore, so that people can bury them.

From ‘’Aphorisms of the Phoenix’’ – from an unpublished book by Eleazar Harash

The Phoenix was created from a Complete Fire, and the swan and the falcon – from a partial fire.

The swan is Soul, the Phoenix is Spirit.

Both the falcon and the swan emanate traces of Regality, but Bennu emanates Divinity.

The Swan is the beauty of the Sunrise – the Phoenix is the Secrecy of the Dawn.

From ‘’Secrets of God. T*******m as a forewarning of cataclysms and pandemics’’ – an Interview by Portal12 taken on 3.6.2017

(Interviewer): You said that you have seen the Soul and that it is not entirely immaterial, but… I will allow myself to open something here… Is it possible that in the person, in their current incarnation, that more than one Soul lives in them, or that there are elements of more than one Soul?

(Eleazar Harash): In the person many kindred Souls may live, helpers, many malevolent souls from the otherworld, many souls, the so-called living ones on earth, through influences to enter into the person and in them there can be swarms living inside… and beautiful Souls may live in them too. For example, in the swan, beautiful Souls live. In time when we continue… for the animals – there are very fine things there. The swan is a Shining thing. Even, let me tell you something about the swan now, because I diverted a bit. So, the Swan, truly, at the end of its life, or when a big difficulty comes, or death – it sings a very beautiful song – beauty. Very pleasant – it emanates the beauty of the Soul against this difficulty. But some time ago some biologist said: ‘’There is no such thing, I have not seen it’’ – well, is the swan going to sing to you, really? It sings to Sages. Does the Phoenix reveal itself to earthly people? It showed itself only to Priests in the Temples. It will not come to you to… you will neither understand it, nor will you appreciate it, nor will you understand why it is coming. Right, some biologist… let him be ok and healthy, right. Anyway.

From ‘’Sentences – the First Proto-Elder’’

The Swan has a White Striving. The falcon has flight, and the Phoenix has the Proto-Inspiration.

-The First Proto-Elder Avaromon

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Questions of the children towards Eleazar Part 11, 24th…

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation

Questions of the children towards Eleazar Part 11, 24th of July 2024

Where did the Darkness come from? What light is God – is He a mixed light of gold and white? What does God look like? What are the animals of the demons: not of the earth, nor of the soil, nor of the sky, but of their world?

-Let us say a formula to begin with.

-We can, yes.

-Hello, friends. Today is part 11 of our series “Questions of the children towards Eleazar.” We continue with Adelina’s questions, but before that, let us ask Eleazar: recently you shared something with me from Melchizedek – a New Idea from him – “The Truth is not eloquence, The Truth is lightning” would you add something regarding this Idea?

-If the Truth were eloquence, it would not uplift people in development – to lead them into development, to instill them. And the Truth is lightning, which penetrates very deeply into the Pure Spirit because they are akin. The Pure Spirit is also lightning, i.e. Primordial, powerful, and it can accept The Truth in the right way. The mind cannot. In the mind, it will be accepted as delusion, a hallucination, an illusion, right, and that is why it is not given to minds. And to earthly people, deep things are not revealed – about the war, even about these wildfires, which have a very concealed deep meaning, which is not for ordinary people. Sometimes it is not even for religious people and sometimes it can offend spiritual people too. Generally, The Truth is something very deep and – only for the prepared ones. It is… It is given to prepared people and here and there it is said sometimes for people to hear something, to understand in the future.

-Yes. Can we say that in the Pure Spirit the Truth turns into lightning, and in the mind it turns into hallucination, into fog, and then the person says: “this is a cult, this…”

-Yes, in the Pure Spirit, it is preserved. It, it is at home, right, and in the other case, it is spoiled and… The mind can always come up with excuses. It is a master of delusions and excuses and to interpret something else entirely, and so… usually, it is not said to the mind.

-Yes, yes thank you. So, the first question from Adelina: Where did The Darkness come from?

-So, in the Bible – in Isaiah, God says: “I create darkness.” This means that everything is from God. God allows evil, but does not desire it. It is very important to understand. God allows darkness, so we can discover what is light. And if we continue to seek, we will discover beyond the light – The Proto-Light. It is Unified and Whole. When God turned Lucifer into Satan, Satan said: “My light became a shadow.” When darkness is in God, it shines. But the question is whether we are in God. That God sends Satan to hell, into the darkness, shows who is the prince and who is the Master. Even recently there was such a question: “Why is there evil, if there is God?”. Well, evil exists precisely because there is God and because He rules over it. If it (evil) had power, it would demolish things. That is the first question.

-Yes, yes. The second question: “What kind of light is God – mixed, golden and white?”

-Well first, God is Unmixed Pure Proto-Light and in another sense it is White – when it is in the Absolute. So, the Absolute is a Supremely-Dazzling White Primordial Proto-Radiance – far above the Light. Whoever seeks God will turn darkness into light and light into Proto-Light. Just as the True Sage turns speech into silence, this is a skill, and silence – into Quiet. As a whole, whoever can enter into Quiet, there is healing, Peace – there is no mind. Every True seeking of God is from God, Who seeks Himself in the person. The seeking is more important than both the light and the darkness. When you are in darkness, you do not believe. When you are in the light, you believe. But when you are in Love, you know Him. That is the difference. God is Supernatural Light. This is a Complete Unified Supernatural Light, which is indivisible, unmixed, and therefore we call it White. Because it is Pure, and the Pure is not mixed with the world. And therefore it is said: “My Kingdom is not of this world.” This is the second (question).

-Yes, thank you. “What does God look like?” – this is Adelina’s third question.

-First, God is a Great Radiance from the Absolute – Likeness – meaning, from the Supreme Nothingness. And this is why He is a Likeness of the Abyss and of the Boundlessness, and of the Mystery. All the ones who have in themselves the Boundlessness and the Mystery are similar to this Great Vastness. They are in the Nothingness. God looks like God’s Love. His Image is Boundless Love, and it does not matter in which religion you are – and whether you believe or not. Nothingness is the Image of God, and the Supreme Nothingness is the Only One Absolute, which has radiated God as Itself. Here I will slightly (digress). So, let me say, that God is made Absolutely Indestructible. Because if He were destructible, people would have destroyed Him. They have tried in the past – the Gods, and that is why they became humans. But He is… They have clashed with the Nothingness, and behind It is the Absolute – the Supreme Nothingness. I.e. God is Nothing from Nothingness, Entirety from the Entirety, Boundlessness from the Boundlessness, Completeness from the Supreme Completeness. God acts not in people, but in their Nothingness, in their Primordial State, because here is His Image, His Inexpressible Radiance. Nothingness is the Only Temple of God. God acts in the humble in spirit – they are His Entirety, they are His Door. Here the encounter with His Image takes place, Which is Pure Spirit and Boundlessness, in which there are no commands and restrictions – they are for the created world. This is part of the Secret – for Adi – God is created from the Nothingness. Creation from the Nothingness is the Miracle of miracles. For example, you look at a wall and think that it is something, but it is condensed Nothing, condensed Emptiness. Scientists are already discovering this,

but long ago the Atlanteans have discovered it, millions of years ago. The Great Image  of God is Pure Boundlessness – it is not an image. So, it is not an image, because the image is a limitation.

-And you shared about the Ancient Gods who wanted to attack God Himself – where did this audacity in them come from?

-Well, after Freedom was given and they knew that He held the Great Rulership, and they wanted to acquire rulership. And whoever wants to acquire rulership always increases the darkness in themselves. A person who rules over themselves, this is a different thing. But whoever wants to rule over others will always increase their karma.

-And to such people who seek to rule, how does the Truth reveal itself to them?

-Well, it holds them for a while… – leads them into delusions or destroys them, so they do not create too much karma for themselves. Truth is the killer of all that is impure.

-Yes, this idea is very strong, that the Truth in the Spirit becomes lightning, and in the mind it becomes fog, delusion, and death.

-It becomes lightning –  in a way it illuminates the person, a pure illumination, which has nothing to do with the churches.

-And why then to the mind – is the Truth spoken before the mind, what is the idea to speak the Truths before it?

-Exceptions are made for the mind, to keep it in mind for a while, because it will experience things, which… This will come to its aid and from there it can make a correction.

-But this after a great crisis, catastrophe?

-Only after sufferings. “The most beautiful thing in life,” says the Master, “that is suffering.” There is no comparison to anything else. From there, True people will be born. Nothing else will help.

-Thank you. Adelina’s fourth question: “What are the animals of the demons: not of the earth, nor of the soil, nor of the sky, but of their world?”. Her mother said that she wanted to ask her question exactly like this, with these words.

-First, the animals in the demons are cruel forces from the Ancient evil and from the Ancient world. These cruel forces have instilled themselves in the so-called demons and have possessed them. This world of cruel forces, which is behind the demons, is deeply concealed, because people would not be able to bear it, because they do not know the Nothingness. Many animals of the demons are their doors. For example – wolves, bears, sharks, crocodiles, but these are just names and conditional forms, but behind them are hidden cruel forces, remnants of the Ancient evil. I will hint at something – in this evil there is something worse than hell, because in hell you suffer and in you some reason can awaken, and this cruel evil does not want for reason to exist. It is a denial of reason, and the Ancient evil is a complete denial. That is it.

-Can we say that the Ancient evil is the Guardian of the Threshold to the Absolute?

-Yes, but it will be understood in the future. Those who endure the Trial, who enter into Initiation – who become Pure Spirits, they will make the Leap over the Ancient evil and will ascend to… already in the dimensions of the Deities, of the Elders, of the Independent ones. This is a Trial for the future, right. Because people are not ready now and for these…, right. That is something like Double Golgotha, much heavier.

-Yes, but it is still the Guardian of a threshold?

-Absolutely everything is reason, behind which stands the Supreme Reason.

-Yes, thank you. And I understood that our next question is something that requires more time to be examined. And how to say – to be given more time and attention, but I will read it, and you will share something with me – in this way, briefly. We promised the people, after all – this, from our previous month. I will read it. “If our gifts and talents are what we love to do, can we develop them and grow spiritually, without this taking us further away from the Way towards God?” This may help some of the little children, and the parents too, in some way.

-Yes. All gifts and abilities are dangerous, because if the person has not achieved the Nothingness, dark forces or light forces will enter there – both types will deceive the person. And the person will be dependent and may think for example, because of the light forces, that they are an authority, possessing some gift. And if they lose the Humility and the Depths, the Nothingness, everything already deteriorates. And you must have achieved something like Triple Purity, so that… the gift is in place, so that it cannot move.


-That is – physical, spiritual, Divine Purity and then the gift is in place, because it is a pure servant – without additions, without ego.

-And if this is dedicated exceptionally to God, if the person is aware that this gift was given to them by God as a gift – to develop, to work, to help others, can this help?

-There is still, there is still danger, because the mind can imitate.

-And how can a person distinguish that the mind is imitating?

-The deep measure is in Humility and in Nothingness. And such a person, who has experienced it, they see it in others and they know what is right, what is not. And every Master knows it – and the person may hide it, but…

-Humility can govern?….

-Humility is a Supreme measure. Peace is another measure, important for spiritual growth. The rest is already… And Humility is already completely – when it enters the Nothingness.

-Well, it is a deep question and it requires more time.

-It is deep, deep…

-Maybe we should leave it for some time, for sometime later. Ok, let us say that next month we will have Loa from Sweden as our guest with his questions. He is eight years old and… he – what is peculiar with him, is that he asks his questions to you, but he also answers them himself. So….

-Yes, and we will add to him.

-We will add to him, yes. So here is one of his questions: “Well, who created the stars, the trees – did they create themselves?” And he answers himself: “Well, of course God created them.” And he has a few more questions. We will leave them for the next time. And Eleazar’s answer to this and other questions will be left for our next conversation. And let us remind about the meeting between you and Guru Tan.

-Yes, yes, so on September 6th at 17:00 in Hall 1 – in the same hall as last time – in the Festival complex. Yes, and the topic is very deep. It is: Awakening, Samadhi, Initiation, Enlightenment. Broad topic, such a nice topic – the staff from “8 Magazine’’ chose it.

-Yes, the meeting is organised by “8 Magazine”, “Eleazar Harash Foundation”, with the support of the bookstore “The Master and the Disciple”. We send Deni heartfelt regards.

-Yes, yes all those who participate. Yes, visible and invisible ones.

-Yes, and Ganeta too, and Vesko. We thank them for… – so, for the joint meeting that we are organising. And finally, I would like that you tell us one more time something from your Spirit about this Idea: “The Truth is not eloquence, the Truth is lightning,” something brief.

-Well, I can say that the Truth is the greatest killer of both evil and good. Because it wants Boundlessness. Neither good, nor evil deeds. All this is a low level. And the Truth is a Deep topic. It is disturbing.

-Thank you.

-The Depths, the Depths always disturb. Like the Deep Water.

-Yes. Thank you.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


Eleazar Harash – Excerpts on Varna

Eleazar Harash – Excerpts on Varna


From ‘’A parable on Sowing’’, (Idea for Contemplation)

Christ says: ‘’Because many have been invited but few are chosen’’. The Master says: ‘’In Varna 2000 have been invited for the New Race’’. They carry within themselves the light, because they are in connection to the Spirit. The rest have been engulfed by the daily life, i.e. by the Black brotherhood. The daily life is a method for diversion. This engulfment in this life is destruction, it does not leave them time for what is essential. Here Love does not develop, and Wisdom grows distant. Love is the oil for the lamp. These people are reminded of God at the last moment, when it is already late and then they return, but the gate is closed, it is said in the parable.


From ‘’The Druids – A branch of the White Brotherhood’’

Here I would just like to remind you that the Old Bulgarian Sacred language has a direct connection to Sanskrit and Vatan. You might not have studied this language, but it is one of the Deepest Ancient languages, I will not dwell in detail here on its Secrets, on its letters, but it is a Sacred language. In this connection I would only like to tell you what the word Varna means in this old language – it means a Portal, an Entrance, and simultaneously it means a Cosmic Gate. This is why here in Varna many people meet with all sorts of abilities and gifts, with a different kind of exchange. Precisely because here is a Portal, a Cosmic Portal of big Cosmic powers, where these powers exchange and they have their mission in the future. So Varna is truly an exceptional Centre, an exceptional town.

So, as I said (of Stonehenge), in Celtic – Portal, this also means a Way towards the Sacred Knowledge of the Divine. If we go even deeper, we must say the following regarding this symbol of the cave: according to the Druids this Entrance is the female passive principle (as you see, a very Deep and Mystical matter) and it symbolises the Cave of the world from which the world itself originated. This is the symbol of the Mystical Entrance from the past towards the future. And something else – this is the idea of the Earth-Mother.


From ‘’The Occult History of Atlantis’’, (Lecture)

In Varna there existed an Ancient Temple of the Sun, an Ancient Temple of Egypt and Varna as a town has a likeness to one city from Atlantis from Anciency (something like twin cities), which is not a coincidence and speaks of some very Deep connections, not only of Varna and Egypt, but something much deeper. And the Initiates of Egypt were reincarnated from Atlantis, which is no coincidence. I only want to say here that Varna is a shard of one very Ancient Past, which is also not a coincidence.

…What were the Toltecs like in the beginning. I will explain briefly. They had very simple and awakened feelings and Mighty senses. Their senses, their very Deep feeling was their big Occult Power. This is still valid today. If the being, called woman, has such a Divine Love, such a Divine Feeling, this is an Occult Force of Nature. This feeling is a huge Power and it can alter worlds, as we will see later in the last idea for contemplation, what the Holy Virgin Mary means in her original idea, and her Depth. In Atlantis she was called in a different way and much more precise – the Mother of the Gods, the Mother Goddess. The Toltecs founded in Atlantis one exceptional city, actually this was the Centre of Atlantis, which was simultaneously a fortress and a Temple. Varna is a more distant likeness, but still, it was built not exactly according to this law. Varna was called simultaneously a Sea Gate, which is the meaning of the word Varna, and a Cosmic Gate, which is not a coincidence. The Word Varna in translation means ‘’sea door’’, ‘’Cosmic door’’ and simultaneously ‘’a Key’’. These wise Toltecs, servants of the White Brotherhood, had an exceptional striving to create something extraordinary. And this is a town, which some people call the City of the Golden Gates, but then it was called the City of the Temple of the Heavens. During that time the pyramids were created as well, which later were transferred to Egypt. The Cosmic Brothers revealed to the Toltecs all the sources of Pure water underground, including mineral wellsprings, with warm and cold water, which had a big significance. They had a particular way of communion with it. At that time, the Cosmic Brothers helped a lot. When these Initiated Supreme Atlanteans were reincarnated in Egypt, the same ones built the Pyramids. The main reason for them being built was the big reverence towards the pyramids back in Atlantis. In the name of one Great Reverence towards the Divinity, these pyramids were built.


From ‘’The Thracian Wisdom – Proverbs, sayings and sentences’’ (second idea for contemplation)

By the way, just to tell you, that 12 centuries before Christ, in Varna there lived very powerful Thracians – the Krobyzoi.


From ‘’The Teaching about Willpower – according to the Toltecs’’ (third idea for contemplation)

The warrior practices Impeccability and waits for their willpower for a long time. So, many years exercises in Impeccability and a long time waiting for their willpower – and one day they can do something which is impossible. This is because the Ancient Willpower has entered into their willpower. The Eagle has descended, and when you are in the world of the Eagle, in the world of the Master, in the world of the Spirit, there is no time, there are no enemies, there is no world and there are no forces, there is no state. And whoever is dedicated to this Willpower and to this Spirit, they have no time for nonsense. I explained recently that even gatherings of brothers and sisters also do not lead to anything good – the disciple is so dedicated, that this is also a waste of time, whoever understands this. The warrior has no time for anything else but infallibility. The years of diligent discipleship are only a preparation for the warrior’s meeting with what is beyond the limit – the Ancient Willpower, called the Nagual, the Master, also called the Unknowable. If such a person has concentrated in the Unknowable or if the Nagual, the Master, has concentrated on you, if you manage to win His trust, if He takes aim at you, your only chance to survive is in your infallibility. If you are not whole, totally mastered, totally under control, you will not be able to survive. This is why the battle for True willpower, the preparation for True willpower is something continuous and then the Gift of the Ancient Willpower appears. Nothing can stand against this willpower. The person becomes an army. In Egypt there are many techniques, Priests defeated a whole army in all sorts of different ways. With only one ritual, with one movement… In Ancient Varna there was an occurrence when one Thracian Priest comes out (many people do not know this), plays something on a harp and the army on the opposite side falls asleep. No battles, there is no need for them.


From ‘’40 questions of viewers of Portal 12” pt.1

(Eleazar Harash): Varna is a mystical place. In an Ancient language the word Varna means Portal – passageway towards other worlds. Varna is an occult and Mystical town. In the past, the celebration of the holiday of Thoth was held here, the Great Egyptian God-Master.  The Master Peter Deunov was here ( the Master as a whole). This means that something very Ancient has touched Varna. The fact that the Master was here, means that Anciency was here, something very Deep, something Ancient descended and touched it. Here, the call of the power of the Sea is working. In a Mystical language this means a Calling for a Deeper life.

The Sea is Depth. This is a Call for knowing the Deep, the concealed, the invisible. The Sea is a special Utterance, the Word of the Almighty. Here were the Thracian tribe Krobyzoi. According to them (there were two Sages), the Sea is something concealed, something of the Depth and the elusiveness of God, and something of the secret of immortality. In the Sea there is a part that remains unknowable. In the Anciency the Sea was called a Mystical Land – Azahor, in an Ancient language – another kind of land. Azahor means a finer land, purer, freer than the dry land.

The love towards the Sea is special and for the initiates this is to watch an old, living memory that is found within you. The Sea is Mystical. A shore which has no Sea does not have such deep Mysticism. There are conditions here… An old memory of something concealed within man. Varna is a Solar Country, it has the fragrance of the Anciency… it has a connection to Atlantis and to Egypt. This Sea is the Mystical Soul of Varna. And this Sea is a Sacrament, which creates Meaning. Varna has saved many people who were in a heavy state… watching the Sea, they calm down. There is something calming in the Sea.

Varna is the big secret of Bulgaria. Varna is a symbol of the concealed Meaning of life, and “Meaning” means and old Giver of calmness… In this Sea, there is a Spiritual Breath, aside from the external one. This is a Spiritual Heart. Varna is a Sacrament… Varna is a concealed civilisation. A Portal (this word is not exaggerated) – here, many people meet, many peoples. They exchange conversations, abilities, in the name of the future White Brotherhood, because people are not ready now. And this whole exchange of conversations, of abilities, is something very nice, which will give birth to a Civilisation, in the Deep sense.

 (Interviewer): And this Anciency that you speak of, is it deeper than the remnants that were found at the bottom of the Black Sea? And do you make a parallel here with the claims that at the bottom of the Black Sea, there are pyramids?

(Eleazar Harash): So, I mean the Mysticism of the sea and the secrets which are found beneath the bottom of the sea. And for me it is enough that the Master has descended here, and this is very deep. Otherwise there are, at the end of Golden Sands there is a dark entrance, of which it is barely spoken. It is another kind of portal, like a hellish portal, right, but it is another kind of concealedness. But otherwise, the fact that the Master lived here and He sowed many things here, means that Varna, in time, from it, something very Deep will originate, and as I said, people are not ready. Right, this is a civilisation, for which it is being prepared, because of the big requirements.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel