Category: <span>Interviews</span>


Eleazar Harash – Excerpts on Varna

Eleazar Harash – Excerpts on Varna


From ‘’A parable on Sowing’’, (Idea for Contemplation)

Christ says: ‘’Because many have been invited but few are chosen’’. The Master says: ‘’In Varna 2000 have been invited for the New Race’’. They carry within themselves the light, because they are in connection to the Spirit. The rest have been engulfed by the daily life, i.e. by the Black brotherhood. The daily life is a method for diversion. This engulfment in this life is destruction, it does not leave them time for what is essential. Here Love does not develop, and Wisdom grows distant. Love is the oil for the lamp. These people are reminded of God at the last moment, when it is already late and then they return, but the gate is closed, it is said in the parable.


From ‘’The Druids – A branch of the White Brotherhood’’

Here I would just like to remind you that the Old Bulgarian Sacred language has a direct connection to Sanskrit and Vatan. You might not have studied this language, but it is one of the Deepest Ancient languages, I will not dwell in detail here on its Secrets, on its letters, but it is a Sacred language. In this connection I would only like to tell you what the word Varna means in this old language – it means a Portal, an Entrance, and simultaneously it means a Cosmic Gate. This is why here in Varna many people meet with all sorts of abilities and gifts, with a different kind of exchange. Precisely because here is a Portal, a Cosmic Portal of big Cosmic powers, where these powers exchange and they have their mission in the future. So Varna is truly an exceptional Centre, an exceptional town.

So, as I said (of Stonehenge), in Celtic – Portal, this also means a Way towards the Sacred Knowledge of the Divine. If we go even deeper, we must say the following regarding this symbol of the cave: according to the Druids this Entrance is the female passive principle (as you see, a very Deep and Mystical matter) and it symbolises the Cave of the world from which the world itself originated. This is the symbol of the Mystical Entrance from the past towards the future. And something else – this is the idea of the Earth-Mother.


From ‘’The Occult History of Atlantis’’, (Lecture)

In Varna there existed an Ancient Temple of the Sun, an Ancient Temple of Egypt and Varna as a town has a likeness to one city from Atlantis from Anciency (something like twin cities), which is not a coincidence and speaks of some very Deep connections, not only of Varna and Egypt, but something much deeper. And the Initiates of Egypt were reincarnated from Atlantis, which is no coincidence. I only want to say here that Varna is a shard of one very Ancient Past, which is also not a coincidence.

…What were the Toltecs like in the beginning. I will explain briefly. They had very simple and awakened feelings and Mighty senses. Their senses, their very Deep feeling was their big Occult Power. This is still valid today. If the being, called woman, has such a Divine Love, such a Divine Feeling, this is an Occult Force of Nature. This feeling is a huge Power and it can alter worlds, as we will see later in the last idea for contemplation, what the Holy Virgin Mary means in her original idea, and her Depth. In Atlantis she was called in a different way and much more precise – the Mother of the Gods, the Mother Goddess. The Toltecs founded in Atlantis one exceptional city, actually this was the Centre of Atlantis, which was simultaneously a fortress and a Temple. Varna is a more distant likeness, but still, it was built not exactly according to this law. Varna was called simultaneously a Sea Gate, which is the meaning of the word Varna, and a Cosmic Gate, which is not a coincidence. The Word Varna in translation means ‘’sea door’’, ‘’Cosmic door’’ and simultaneously ‘’a Key’’. These wise Toltecs, servants of the White Brotherhood, had an exceptional striving to create something extraordinary. And this is a town, which some people call the City of the Golden Gates, but then it was called the City of the Temple of the Heavens. During that time the pyramids were created as well, which later were transferred to Egypt. The Cosmic Brothers revealed to the Toltecs all the sources of Pure water underground, including mineral wellsprings, with warm and cold water, which had a big significance. They had a particular way of communion with it. At that time, the Cosmic Brothers helped a lot. When these Initiated Supreme Atlanteans were reincarnated in Egypt, the same ones built the Pyramids. The main reason for them being built was the big reverence towards the pyramids back in Atlantis. In the name of one Great Reverence towards the Divinity, these pyramids were built.


From ‘’The Thracian Wisdom – Proverbs, sayings and sentences’’ (second idea for contemplation)

By the way, just to tell you, that 12 centuries before Christ, in Varna there lived very powerful Thracians – the Krobyzoi.


From ‘’The Teaching about Willpower – according to the Toltecs’’ (third idea for contemplation)

The warrior practices Impeccability and waits for their willpower for a long time. So, many years exercises in Impeccability and a long time waiting for their willpower – and one day they can do something which is impossible. This is because the Ancient Willpower has entered into their willpower. The Eagle has descended, and when you are in the world of the Eagle, in the world of the Master, in the world of the Spirit, there is no time, there are no enemies, there is no world and there are no forces, there is no state. And whoever is dedicated to this Willpower and to this Spirit, they have no time for nonsense. I explained recently that even gatherings of brothers and sisters also do not lead to anything good – the disciple is so dedicated, that this is also a waste of time, whoever understands this. The warrior has no time for anything else but infallibility. The years of diligent discipleship are only a preparation for the warrior’s meeting with what is beyond the limit – the Ancient Willpower, called the Nagual, the Master, also called the Unknowable. If such a person has concentrated in the Unknowable or if the Nagual, the Master, has concentrated on you, if you manage to win His trust, if He takes aim at you, your only chance to survive is in your infallibility. If you are not whole, totally mastered, totally under control, you will not be able to survive. This is why the battle for True willpower, the preparation for True willpower is something continuous and then the Gift of the Ancient Willpower appears. Nothing can stand against this willpower. The person becomes an army. In Egypt there are many techniques, Priests defeated a whole army in all sorts of different ways. With only one ritual, with one movement… In Ancient Varna there was an occurrence when one Thracian Priest comes out (many people do not know this), plays something on a harp and the army on the opposite side falls asleep. No battles, there is no need for them.


From ‘’40 questions of viewers of Portal 12” pt.1

(Eleazar Harash): Varna is a mystical place. In an Ancient language the word Varna means Portal – passageway towards other worlds. Varna is an occult and Mystical town. In the past, the celebration of the holiday of Thoth was held here, the Great Egyptian God-Master.  The Master Peter Deunov was here ( the Master as a whole). This means that something very Ancient has touched Varna. The fact that the Master was here, means that Anciency was here, something very Deep, something Ancient descended and touched it. Here, the call of the power of the Sea is working. In a Mystical language this means a Calling for a Deeper life.

The Sea is Depth. This is a Call for knowing the Deep, the concealed, the invisible. The Sea is a special Utterance, the Word of the Almighty. Here were the Thracian tribe Krobyzoi. According to them (there were two Sages), the Sea is something concealed, something of the Depth and the elusiveness of God, and something of the secret of immortality. In the Sea there is a part that remains unknowable. In the Anciency the Sea was called a Mystical Land – Azahor, in an Ancient language – another kind of land. Azahor means a finer land, purer, freer than the dry land.

The love towards the Sea is special and for the initiates this is to watch an old, living memory that is found within you. The Sea is Mystical. A shore which has no Sea does not have such deep Mysticism. There are conditions here… An old memory of something concealed within man. Varna is a Solar Country, it has the fragrance of the Anciency… it has a connection to Atlantis and to Egypt. This Sea is the Mystical Soul of Varna. And this Sea is a Sacrament, which creates Meaning. Varna has saved many people who were in a heavy state… watching the Sea, they calm down. There is something calming in the Sea.

Varna is the big secret of Bulgaria. Varna is a symbol of the concealed Meaning of life, and “Meaning” means and old Giver of calmness… In this Sea, there is a Spiritual Breath, aside from the external one. This is a Spiritual Heart. Varna is a Sacrament… Varna is a concealed civilisation. A Portal (this word is not exaggerated) – here, many people meet, many peoples. They exchange conversations, abilities, in the name of the future White Brotherhood, because people are not ready now. And this whole exchange of conversations, of abilities, is something very nice, which will give birth to a Civilisation, in the Deep sense.

 (Interviewer): And this Anciency that you speak of, is it deeper than the remnants that were found at the bottom of the Black Sea? And do you make a parallel here with the claims that at the bottom of the Black Sea, there are pyramids?

(Eleazar Harash): So, I mean the Mysticism of the sea and the secrets which are found beneath the bottom of the sea. And for me it is enough that the Master has descended here, and this is very deep. Otherwise there are, at the end of Golden Sands there is a dark entrance, of which it is barely spoken. It is another kind of portal, like a hellish portal, right, but it is another kind of concealedness. But otherwise, the fact that the Master lived here and He sowed many things here, means that Varna, in time, from it, something very Deep will originate, and as I said, people are not ready. Right, this is a civilisation, for which it is being prepared, because of the big requirements.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel

First Elder Beinsa Douno

The Master says: Havara Iri Aihama – Seek me…

Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation

Eleazar Harash: The Master says: Havara Iri Aihama – Seek me Incessantly – 11th of July 2024

So, we will say something about the Master’s  anniversary, the 160th anniversary.

First, some excerpts from the Diamond Book. The Master says: Once in Anciency I encountered the flood and it said to Me: “Why do you destroy me?”.

When you think only of the Master, you become a Mystery.

The Master is the Ancient Consciousness in a body and out of a body, because He is always Pure Consciousness.

The conversations with the Master are conversations with God and with the Boundlessness.

The Master is our Source, we must never lose our Source.

The Master says: I am before the future.

The Master was born before the utterance of the Word and therefore He is Unutterable.

If you are firmly in the Master, the world cannot divert you.

‘’One with the Master’’ means: overcoming the world and creation.

Here are some excerpts from “The Concealed Biography”, otherwise, whole books will be published- so, they are being prepared.

The Master carries God within Himself, not some teaching.

God is first, everything else is a consequence.

First is Love, everything else is a consequence.

If you are in the Master, you will become a Mystery, not a disciple.

The world is in a heavy state because the Master has been abandoned by people – only the disciples have chosen Him.

God and the Master are One Whole and whoever has not accepted the Master, they have not accepted God and development – and their development will be delayed.

The Master is like the Nothingness, like the Great Love – He engulfs you so that you are born in your Primordiality. And this is why it is said: “Love is as death”. This means that Disappearance in the Master is the peak of communion.

There is something New and Secret under the Sun and this is the Master and the Mystery of His Depths.

The Master is an Outpouring from God and from the Anciency towards the world.

What the Master brings, is not in the world and in the Universe, and I experienced it.

Everything in the Master is imperceptible – both what is clear and what is concealed.

The Master says: If you are in Me, you are in the Divine Order.

Where to seek the Master? In our Love for Him.

What is the Master in the world? The Acting Divine Will.

Only one Glance from the Master can take you out of the world.

An event – someone asked the Master: “Why are you looking at me?”. “I have not yet glanced at you. If I glance at you, you will be saved.”

In the Master is concealed the Divine Gaze – they are One Living Unity.

What is the Master? The Daily Bread on Earth.

To meet the Master, this is an Ancient Blessing from your past.

If you have some fears in your heart, introduce there the Image of the Master.

If you see the Master in everything, He has given you His Gaze.

Only the Master can take proper care of you, you cannot.

Closeness with the Master is Peace.

Seek the Master until He finds you, and then comes Service, as well.

The Master – this is a quality of God and a quality of the Boundlessness.

The Master is an external reality, an internal Reality and a Concealed Supreme-Reality.

The Master is always accessible for Love, Wisdom and Truth and for the True prayer.

In the Master is our Extraordinary Way.

Without the Master the world would not be Illuminated.

In the Master, God is realized.

The Master is close to us because He is Anciently-Natural.

The Master surpasses the miracle for the one who has had Insight of Him.

There is something Majestic in the Master and I sought it for a long time – I sought this in the Master for a long time and I saw it through Revelation, but I will keep it to myself.

Many disciples, who have not understood the Master, think that the most important thing is: “I need to feel good”. But God in us is more significant than feeling good. I say: Choose the Master, and how you feel is secondary. I will explain. If you do not feel good and this brings you Depth, and then a bringing to sense, and then a state of life that was brought to sense – is this not better than feeling good, than your own “right”?

Love the Master more than yourself and you will understand Him.

And recently, a precious thought, which I encountered,  from the Master: All words, which we use, are Invisible. That was it.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel


The Ancient War and the Dark Sages

The Ancient War and the Dark Sages

Excerpt from Interview with Eleazar Harash

held on 5.7.2024 by Portal12

(Eleazar Harash) -The black Reason has been allowed so that it can correct those, who are imagining that they are walking on the Way of God and of Truth. Between the black Proto-turanians simultaneously there are Aware black Sages, who are deeply concealed within God. And only God knew them. These Aware black Sages saw Secret things, of which the saints have no notion and they could never see. These black Sages are a Concealedness. Their path was very heavy, but God Himself gave them enormous Revelations. I am not speaking here of the unaware ones, I reaffirm, but of the black ones who are in the labyrinth of the mind. Their fate and burden are of another kind. All seekers of God and of Truth who are not honest before themselves and before God, will fail in their clash with these black Aware Sages. So the saints cannot win there, but there are Aware Sages who, together with God and the Master, make a leap above them. These Aware black Sages were one distinct Chosenness of God, a Concealed Chosenness. As a whole the black Reason is the biggest cover of God and let me explain that this black Reason was never under the full rule of the black Sages. This Reason was in the hands of God, the same way that the shark is in God’s hands and there is an occasion when a shark saves one woman, it simply has no choice.

(Interviewer) -And this black reason, many incarnated people, they remember it from the past and they  have some old connection to it, they even like it, they like to associate themselves, to announce themselves with it. Is this not dangerous in the direction of fanaticism?

(Eleazar Harash) –It is always dangerous, like that Russian man from Odessa, supposedly he had epilepsy, he was supposedly gone, drifted off, alcohol, but he cuts his mother into pieces, he cooks her etc. These are old memories, remnants. But remnants because people now are very locked, even ordinary people think at least a little bit, or more, about goodness, about the Way to God. But despite everything there is a big difference between people and disciples. The disciples have chosen the Master and gradually their mind will leave and the Master will enter and will give them Soul, Spirit, gradually, and He will elevate them. While people do not want a Master, because they want the ego to remain, and the self-will is there and such things can develop, or they can diminish, it depends on the person’s choices.

(Interviewer) -The Master says, I think it may even be in the First Lecture before the Youth Occult Class, that the disciple must be as a white sheet of paper, over which a prism is placed and in which prism the sunlight reflects. And when the disciple is in their black garment, there is nothing to make it white, or, at least, the Master says, thousands of years will be necessary for it to become white.

(Eleazar Harash) -There are black disciples, who, after a lot of experience, after heavy experience, become… in a certain sense they grow beyond the ordinary disciples, because they have passed through a Dark, which has later given them… Because the Master says, the degree of suffering determines the degree of Initiation. And the degree of torture gives such Gnosis, but here I am speaking of… This can be understood only by the Deep Aware black Sages. The oddest thing with the Aware black Sages is that they rob, take note: the unreasonable people, the madness in the unaware people – and they increase the Reasonableness in the seekers – this is their purpose. And only the one who has a concealed purity is able to understand the black Sages, but through the permission of God. The person’s purity is not sufficient, they must have a permission by God, discernment. The unaware black sages maintain the evil in themselves and with this they have lost their development for a long time. While the aware ones seek Wisdom and Truth in a concealed way, they do not share, and this is why they make a leap above evil, and a concealed leap. And evil cannot feel them at all, this Reason. Evil cannot possess the Aware black Sages, because they speak very strictly and they do not allow a lie, take note. I met such a person, who is very deeply in the Dark and he does not allow any lie. Anyway. Unlike the unaware ones who have fallen into both evil and the lie and they have no control. The Aware black Sages are Secretly Initiated by God, they have a very deep Equilibrium and these Sages are not seen by evil.  They see evil, but evil does not see them. With them, evil is an exception, and only if God allows them and they want this from God, otherwise they do not encroach. Because there will be development on the other side, if… yes.

(Interviewer) -The Master says a similar thing about evil, but He says that with the black ones, they do not know the Truth and they do not have Love, this is the main difference.

(Eleazar Harash)  -Yes, while the Aware ones have a Concealed Love and they know what they are doing and you will see later what  some of them say.

(Interviewer) -Well then how can the black Sages not allow a lie, if they do not know the Truth, i.e. they still live in some incompleteness and incomplete reality?

(Eleazar Harash) –The Aware ones are in God in a Concealed way, and they live more as God’s Conception and not their own conception. And He leads them in order to give them one certain experience, like the Master, the Fearsome Elder Azavot Mahariya has achieved this. He has passed through 14 crosses, passed through the black brotherhood, passed through the white brotherhood, outgrown both of them and he Governs the black brotherhood totally and He can already be a Guide and make unaware black Sages into black (aware ones), because He knows all the subtleties. This is a secret experience, concealed in God – His experience – and in the Absolute.

 (Interviewer) – Yes but I did not understand, do they know the Truth.

(Eleazar Harash) –They do not know it entirely, but to some Aware ones, God reveals it, in order to make them even more internal in themselves, alone.

 (Interviewer) –Ok, and so that the listeners are left with comprehension and so they understand what you are saying – since they do not know the Truth, explain again what is the sense of them being black, after you saying that they are above evil.

 (Eleazar Harash) –I explain right away, so, there are killers who kill other killers who do not know how to kill. This killer is very skilful, he is a master of martial arts, of weapons, he even has his Third eye open. Killing those ones, he does not even know who he serves, but he serves God secretly, without knowing. But serving God and killing killers, because God does not want to send an angel to kill, but precisely this skilled black Sage, in time God will give him the Truth and he will have no choice. ‘’You cannot show…’’ -say the Sages, the black Sages – ‘’…your hatred to the unworthy person’’. –the Aware ones, see what they say. You cannot show your hatred to the unworthy person, they will not appreciate it and they will not make a leap over themselves and the hatred. ‘’We live…’’, say the black Sages, the Aware ones, look now what they say. ‘’We live as evil for others because we are their correction. The Dark Way has been given for your ascension.’’ – The Aware black Sages are a Secret of God, and the unaware ones are connected to evil and they are in the Hands of God, but in another way. The unaware black sages have unlocked evil in themselves and they have locked God. In order to know the secret of the black Sages on the inside, you must have Haragei – I have spoken – the ability to capture the imperceptible. This is a Secret of the Heart, of the Core. The Aware black Sages have Inspiration which the saints haven’t even dreamt of. These black Sages did not seek the light, because the one who seeks the light, say they, is in darkness. But the one who seeks God and the Truth is on the right Way. There are black Sages who have turned evil and darkness into Insight for their concealed Way towards God. They are a big rarity. They were in Atlantis a bit, but a big rarity. In the Proto-turanian Race they were around 80. And all – the other ones, the unaware ones, were simply ruined spirits who will learn for thousands of years in the long and heavy way of dark incarnations, because they simply love evil and the fall, and not insight and the Concealed Way towards Truth. The unaware black sages are a dark core in the world and in the otherworld, because they are dead spirits who live unaware – this is death. They live as ghosts and they do not govern themselves and their actions. The Aware black Sages are Concealed Secrecies. They know that everything is from God. They are apparently in evil but they are untouchable to evil. They have a concealed destiny within God. The Aware black Sages are not like the limited believers who say God is this and that, and this is right, and that is wrong, without knowing what is truly right. The Aware black Sages know that God is deeper than Righteousness and the right things. They know that God is Love and Truth, they know that God is above reasonableness. And He cannot be told. One of the Aware black Sages says: God is the Concealed Sanctum in me, but neither the dark beings, nor the light beings see me. – There is even an occurrence when Lucifer appeared before God, the angels do not see him. God has concealed him, the angels think that he is Satan or something… He speaks on a concealed level in the Secrets of Proto-Light. The Aware black Sages say that if God was able to be known, then they wouldn’t seek him, because all True seekers seek only One – the Unknowable One, the Boundless One, the Concealed One, the True God. All Aware and Truly Inspired Sages and Initiates love the Great Unknowable and they feed on it. This is it.

(Interviewer) –Yes, thank you.

(Eleazar Harash) –Yes. God will bring reason to both the black ones and the white ones. There have always been light ones who are not light and dark ones who are not dark. Odd, all kinds, a person must know, they must know these things and simply discern, because in time they will meet, sooner or later they will meet both ones, and the others. It is… God decides this.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel