Laws of Life – 10.05.1990
When Sufi has devoted themselves to the Way, then Allah slowly approaches them and Sufi gradually disappears.
As long as you are attached to the world you will not be able to embark towards your goal. Only when the chick cracks its egg can it come out into freedom.
For Sufi pain is a particular energy that urges them towards self-perfection.
Love you must regard as a Sacred Rite.
Even the pleasant advice of the religious person is darkness because they do not live inside Allah.
Poverty is an insignificant obstacle if you are honest.
Beauty is a fearsome Power, even though it carries within itself the Smile of a flower.
Kahlil Gibran
And I saw that people called cleverness – intellect, hollow words – knowledge, weakness – versatility.
Kahlil Gibran
The loving person turns horror into a song, gentler than even the whisperings of flowers.
Kahlil Gibran
Pain is a pearl with unseen beauty.
Kahlil Gibran
All foretelling is superficial, Dao is Depth.
Whoever sees in their good deeds some merit, misses the Divine.
To work is to serve God.
Sai Baba
Preach only that which you yourself follow.
Sai Baba
Eleazar Harash
Varna, June 2012
At night, before going to bed: “God, You Who live in me, do you allow me to help this Soul?”
Air is negative prana.
Ether is a Fiery field.
The feeling of discerning is given on the basis of sacrifice. Sacrifice is the Key for solving every problem.
Formula for trust: “God, I give myself to You completely”.
Only the impure ones have doubt.
Purity is a law that defeats matter.
Only the one who can transform themselves has willpower. Willpower must always have direction.
The measure for Love within the person is the power of will.
Ordinary beings cannot become Pure.
Only the one who has achieved Realisation can handle Kundalini.
Kundalini – concentrated Fire. In Kundalini the Spirit reigns.
Humility is the first quality of the White Brothers.
The person was born from Spirit and Truth.
When the person feels Deep Peace – this is a sign that Kundalini is instilling within the person.

The healthy person experiences a special, pleasant feeling during serious illnesses and sufferings. These have the purpose of purification, creating a tighter connection with God.
Fatigue comes from lower spirits who drain the person’s strength. They are defeated through reasonable work.
The salvation of one Soul is more precious than the world. No one in the world can create a Soul.
When the consciousness has an idea of time – this is a limitation. Time is a sheet of paper, on which one’s mistakes are written.
Meditation defeats the mind and matter. Through it you gradually transcend time and space. Joyous are those who are devoted to the Word, because the Word is God.
Perseverance becomes success – the law of the drop.
Rest – this means to devote yourself to a thought of Light. Meditate on the image of the wellspring, of the Sun – things that carry Divine vibrations.
Feed only on Divine vibrations.
Aum – this is the Proto-music.
Everything which impedes your heart, mind and will, is to be eliminated.
Emptiness, Wisdom, Voidness – this means casting out the world.
Formula: “God, You deal with my illness”.
Kabballah deals with the Secrets of the Word. The Pure Word is the Essence of the universe.
Karma acts upon the weak of will. When you gain Purity, Kundalini instills – the Primordial human.
Formula: “Where God is, I am also there”.
Fire – means an active Spirit, energy.
One receives what they are due based upon the degree of their striving.
Formula: “God, teach me to achieve the eyes of the Sacred Fire”.
In humility the Higher Powers gaze upon their reflection.
Pride is the grave of thought.
Silence conserves the Fiery energy.
Evolution – one of the translations is “the fall”.
The Primordial human was powerful Spirit.
The strong willpower reigns over the stars.
Only the one grows, who sacrifices themselves.
The True occultist works with willpower.
The impure ones are hanged on the rope of doubt.
The True life starts after the victory of Kundalini.
We must regain the third eye through purity – physical, mental, spiritual. Cleanliness, purity, holiness.
A ruling out of every duality. Strive for Unity.
Formula: “I think as the Sun and everything will turn out right.”
Only the grateful one grows.
Formula if anger takes over you: “God, You Who live in me – defeat this anger”.
Formula: “God, bless my heart so that it beats in harmony with the Cosmic rhythm”.
Fasting – a means of fighting the dark forces.
During an illness we must not confide in ordinary people, but in brothers and sisters.
Eating meat is an alliance with the devil. There is also spiritual meat consuming – envy, spite, hate.
Formula when making a decision: “God, You Who live in me, teach me how to act”.
Formula: “God, You Who live in me, allow me to pick these flowers”.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel