Eleazar – conversations between friends, part 3
Continued from part 2 – here.
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation,
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
Eleazar Harash – Of the Shining Concealedness of the Master, July 27th 2023
(Of the Shining Concealedness of the Master)
-Hello, known and unknown friends. Today we have two questions, concerning the Shining Concealedness of the Master. The first question towards Eleazar Harash is: In different Ancient Legends, the First Elder – the Master – is called: Avahal, Aramot, Alahora, Avoral. What is the Core of each of these Names?
-All of these Names start with “A” – the Beginning. This is the Ancient Permission to be a Guide. Every one, who has achieved the Beginning of things, has become a Guide of themselves and from here – of others too. Every True Guide must be an Innermost Core of the Beginning, a part of the Great Anciency. The First Name – Avahal – The Guide as a Father. The Second Name – Aramot – The Guide as a Sun. The Third Name – Alahora – The Guide as Spirit. And the Fourth Name – Avoral – The Guide as a Haven.
-The second question is: What is the Mystery of the Incarnation Peter Deunov – Beinsa Douno – The Master?
-It is said that the instilling of the Master (into a body) has happened on several stages. What is the record of Akasha etc? The first Name – Peter Deunov – is the Pure spirituality, the First Beginning. From here, then further inwards. The second Name – Beinsa Douno – is the Divine Spirituality, the Teaching. The third Name – The Master – this is already the Mystical Way. A True Master is only the one who derives from the Mystery. Here I can only add: The Master reinforces the Divine in the person, not the Spiritual. And from the Pure Spirituality, the person already walks towards the Divine Spirituality, and from the Divine Spirituality – towards the Sublimity of the Mystery. In order to know the Mystery, you must renounce everything Spiritual and Divine. Once upon a time the Ancient evil entered into the Spiritual and the Divine, but it has never succeeded in entering into the Mystery of the Nothingness. The Divine is a preparation for the Nothingness, and within the Nothingness, is the Merging with the Truth and with the Mystery. The Nothingness is before the Spiritual and the Divine. The words “The Master” in their deepest sense are the Ancient Name of the Absolute, the Absolute Master in all the worlds. When He has been, even God has not been present. And from here, the Primordial Ones descend. Only the Master is able to illuminate life, because He is a Completeness. The Master is a part of the Sublimity of the Supreme Nothingness, a Part of the Source. The Master may reveal Himself to you in a body, but He is not the form. He is shapeless, because He is a part of the Nothingness, a part that has descended. Touching the Master is touching the Origin – touching that, which has no Beginning and End. In their Deepest sense, the words “The Master” is a Totality, a Completeness, because within Him are instilled both God, and something of the Absolute. Because there are many Masters, in whom Angels and Supreme Beings begin to live. In one place Al Hadir says: “I do not draw Revelation from the Gods, but directly from God” – we shall speak of him further in time. So, for the Gods, the Absolute is Inexpressible, while God is attainable, close. The Master – this is the Truth, the Ancient Land, the Concealed Mystery. To have attained something from the Depths of the Master, this means: Returning into the Temple. This is in the Primordial Sense. If the Master loves you in the Deep sense, He will give you four things. First – the Unutterable Word. Second – Peace among worries. Third – Speechlessness above the Universe. And fourth – Shining amidst the Dark. The Master is something – I am finishing here at the end – the Master is something more than life. He gives something to life, which life itself does not have. He gives to life something from the Mystery. Within the Mystery there was no life, and therefore there was no death. The Mystery is our Place, our Origin, our Absolute Homeland.
-Thank you.
(Of the Ancient Languages)
-What is the Proto-Language of the First Elder, of the Master, called?
-This requires time and… There is, there is, but…
-This is the question that I have prepared for you for next time.
-Yes, I have not seen it yet.
-There are a few Ancient Languages and The Master calls one of them The Truth, the other one – The Promised Language; I have a little bit, but it is a small bit about it – from the Elders.
-You say that the Promised Language is the Language of the Proto-Elders.
-Yes, yes, but there are very few things there about it. In some of the notebooks I have some, but they are few.
(Of the Language of Love)
-And the Language of Love?
-Love is a preparation, in order to be understood in time, because Love is obliged to seek the Ancient-most Beginning which is before Love – this is the Truth.
-But is there a Language of Love?
-Yes. All kinds of animals understand it, all kinds of people, and plants, and the way that they grow…
-And can it be expressed?
-Well, for example, one plant in… We had here recently, about the Phoenix… One plant which has lived for Dao, Dao can use it. Because the plant has lived for Dao and through it, you can heal, as if Dao heals – if the plant has lived for Dao. But it has lived for Dao if it has lived according to the Laws of Love.
-Because it has preserved…
-The being that moves the plant and its inner bloom. If it has devoted its life to Dao, according to the Law of Love, this plant has the Power of Dao.
-But it has preserved Peace within itself, it has attained Peace and through this Peace it heals?
-Namely the Peace, if you have seen, Peace is a big… Dao, with a touch. Something like… – it touches your Centre, your Love, your Peace, the Innermost Core; and there it changes something, your direction of development. Because it is not the healing that is important, if you do not have the direction – the right direction.
-So, we can say, that the Language of Truth is first. Then – if we can figuratively say so – is the Promised Language, the Language of the Proto-Elders.
-Yes, it is connected directly to the Truth.
-After that… I think in “Mordot In Mahariya” it is said that each Elder has His Proto-Language, including the Independent Elders.
-They do, yes, They have, more so…
(Of Arynor and Ra Avynor)
-Arynor, Ra Avynor…
-They have more Words somewhere, but They have… Their Power is that They have Their Own Words – each One of Them. Each of Them is connected to certain numbers, to certain Sacraments of Words, which makes Him… He has saturated them longer, He has longer… He has made them Forces, and Each One is strong in His area.
(Of Vatanan)
-And then there is the Vatan language after this, of which it is said that it is a knife with a hundred blades. You say that there are two kinds of Vatan, and one kind is Special.
-It is like this with the Egyptians too, there is one language of the Priests and one of the people, but it can…
-What are these two kinds of Vatan?
-Well, one must mandatorily be more internal, more for chosen ones who never abuse it – they do not have the ability to abuse some Word, in order to use it for some purpose of theirs. But, if they abuse it, they will start to lose the Language.
-And then after that, we descend to the Languages with ten blades – Zalyhyr, Arazuma…
-And then Ancient Egyptian.
-Sometime we can do something, partially, about Ancient Languages, I have presented some, but it is… It is a topic again.
-Thank you.

Eleazar Harash about Influences – July 2023
-And when is the influence dangerous? I mean, when someone tries to influence you through negative emotions, through guilt, to manipulate the other person…
-When you perceive it. Why would you perceive it? Perceive God. Look at the person as a sun, who does not know what they are sending out. Or look at them as a sparrow, or as a… There is such, one sister had… she would imagine that there was a monster behind, or an eagle, something, well, some dark being, behind her back. One… And I told her, imagine that it is a dove behind your back. And she started imagining, she turned around and there was no trace of the dark being. Something similar, let us say.
-Ok, so the influence is dangerous when you perceive it?
-Yes, yes.
-This excerpt from the Master: I do not have the intent to influence you, because in the moment when I would desire to do that, I would be a demon with my head upside down, and you, if you would want to influence me, will be upside down.
-He has no idea to enforce the ideas, or to… to impose them on you, yes… He has an idea to tell them to you naturally, that you accept them naturally, and within this Natural State, is Dao, within the Natural State, is God. He has no idea to impose them upon you.
-He has an idea to give them to you according to Love. You have many things in the Book on Influences.
Eleazar Harash – Congratulations for the Divine New Year – 19th of August 2023
Congratulation from Eleazar Harash August 19th 2023
So, I congratulate everyone for the New Divine Year. I will say four ideas to them.
First: Love is the Mightiest conduit of life.
Second: Invest an extraordinary Power in your prayer – and this is God.
Third: In Love all dark forces are paralised.
And Fourth: Only the Deep touches the Deep. – This is in the sense: Only the Fire touches the Fire. And it is important that in important moments we instil the Fire. In this sense. This is it – brief, there is no… Yes.
Eleazar Harash – Turning towards God. Of Sincerity. Of the children and the mother. Of God’s Will. – 19th of August, 2023
(For the Divine new beginning)
-How do we make a Divine new beginning in our life? The matter is not only of us, but a person who is a beginner in the Way, or a child? How do they make a Divine new beginning?
-We cannot make it, the moment must be ripe. This depends on past lives – how you have wanted it – and a moment comes, when… Because you have accumulated it from the past and this moment rises, and you are able to make a mighty vow, and at once, says the Master, to eliminate all mistakes and all the karma. At once, He says, you are able to attain Purity. It is easy to say, He says: In one instant you can attain it. – But it has ripened, like with the Zen Masters. And suddenly, in one moment, they are already Enlightened by an occurrence, by some event, because they have been feeding this instant, they have prepared it for a long time. And here the big change happens, because it has been sown.
(For the turning towards God)
-When we speak of this first moment, the turning…
-There is, after all, a personal moment, in which… or a choice by the person themselves? Or nothing depends on the person?
-Well, there is some personal moment, which you have wanted in Anciency and with… In any case, this moment must come, but with many people it is not full-blooded, the mind, the heart, the will, the body, the Soul, do not take part… the Completeness. They just want it, but they are not ready for a change, because the habits are strong… they are a force.
-And despite this, the person wants to set a new beginning in their life. How do they do this?
-Well, in the moment, when they decide this firmly, a slow process will start, a preparation for… a relative, determined time, for it to become firm, completely firm, to merge with God.
-And what must…
-Like for example you train, let us say, sincerity or humility. You make an effort, you humble yourself, you accept, and… But this is still your personal humility – your own, it is nice. In one moment He will enter into your sincerity, you will become Sincere in a Real way, your personal sincerity will not do the job. Continue to make an effort. Your humility – when He enters, when He gives something of Himself – True Humility will happen. Then you have already been Deeply accepted. But you must do your part. Yours is yours.
(Of the personal efforts)
-And during this time, when we set a new beginning and make our personal efforts, what is the Way, what should the daily life of a person, who starts in this way, look like? Prayer, persistence… how?
-Well, the whole… The Master says that… You are not only at the lectures, He says – the whole day, you are in class during the whole day. A constant vigilance is necessary, constant work with these things, as you say: prayer and this… and this is reinforced.
-You mean Dhikr…
-Yes, both Dhikr, and reading, and writing, and spiritual thinking, and this increases naturally, without burdening you. Right, and the formulas, and everything…
-You mean this…
-But until He merges with you, your personal effort, it is…
-It remains… yes.
-It acts, it does some work, God loves it, but He has not yet taken part, because He knows the full-blooded moment, like what difference is there between many Sufi – some are fiercely dedicated, but they have sown since long ago. And when Shibli asked Al Hallaj: How did you attain Love? –Well, you shall see how so in a few days. –And then he is resurrected, they cut him into pieces, but he sees Love directly. He has wanted such a thing, right, that God cuts him into pieces and that he is resurrected, but Al Hallaj has sown it from an earlier time. The personal moment with him is earlier. And in one moment he rips apart, he turns the Inquisition into nothing. He has been prepared since earlier. –You shall see within 3 days. –And Al Shibli sees, he is amazed, right. In time it will be given to him as well, but at the moment, Al Hallaj must live it, because he has started earlier, he has sown earlier, he has thirsted for it, he has died for God more times, and he is given the big thing – the leap, the Sublime leap.
-The personal plays its part.
(Of Sincerity)
-We cannot become sincere on our own. But we can make an effort and God will see it.
-In one moment He will see that this is sincere, time will pass, a lot of time may pass. Because there are such differences from sufi to sufi, that… Now there are these dervishes in Turkey, who dance for money, they play, they spin like crazy…
-Yes, it is full of them.
-They are far from that full-blooded feeling of the Soul, which spins in order to erase the world and to devote itself to God. But they need to have attained one big… With Rumi it was a big Loyalty and many people now imitate dancing.
-When you speak of sincerity, you mean that it is difficult for people to turn inwards towards themselves, because they face this acquired darkness and they are not able to withstand their own darkness, which is in their consciousness.
-The matter is always of your own darkness and your own karma and you must… in order to be able to withstand it, you must prepare for a long time.
-And because of this, sincerity and turning inwards are difficult…
-It is difficult, because God cannot allow it for you completely, when… until you have been prepared. He must allow it on a higher degree. You make an effort… He will like these efforts…
-How does this preparation happen?
-Well, if you always observe the right way of speaking, this is considered one of the biggest things in Daoism – the right speech, the correct speech, it will create it and in one moment it (the preparation) will explode. A big observing, of the acts… especially this right speaking, because sometimes, it might be a child asking, and you may underestimate it, reply to it as if it were a joke…
-Yes, yes…
-No, no – carefully and slowly, sincerely, children are old Souls, right, you cannot… Their questions sometimes… They have, I am now preparing something for the children, there is a natural Zen in children. “God, how are you, are you well, how is your health?”, right, “Maybe you have settled well?” – this is how they talk, right… Beautiful and natural, right…

(Of the children and the mother)
-And what is the best thing that a parent can do for their child?
-The first duty of… especially of the mother, is to instill God in her children. Otherwise she has not fulfilled her duty, no matter how much she overdoes the caring.
-So the first duty of the mother is…
-To instil God, yes. To ingrain Him, and in this way to… And to teach the child, how to handle thoughts, how to speak Truthfully, to gain the trust… To give to it… She is obliged to lead it into the Way towards God, everything else is… This is her duty, otherwise she has not fulfilled anything.
-And how is the mother to succeed in doing this?
-With the help of God. With prayers, with thirst and without imposing her own things. With the way of speaking, sincere, precise, with accurate words – the child will feel it. The Soul in the child will feel it and the Soul will start to awaken, and not the mind. If the mind awakens…
(Of Zen)
-But Zen, this is – to originate from the Essence, they have attained it, some achieve it, they reinforce it, right. There is no Resurrection there, no authorities, no bibles. They simply carry the Essence, they live in the Essence, right, they do not call it “God” – there is no need and why would you call it so when He has no name. Right, Buddhism calls Him Voidness, names are of no matter, they simply live in the Essence, like Daoists.
(Of the Sublimity of words)
-One lecture of yours from 2005, which is precisely with… it starts with Zen, then Orpheus, then there were other things.
-This, which I listen to differently every time, right, your lectures, and… this time I felt, Petio, the Sublimity of the words, which you say, because all the words were in their proper place, at the right time, nothing was excessive, nothing was incorrect, and so. How many thousands of years does it take to reach this moment? Simply…
-Well, according to me – thousands, it is something you train, you train it secretly, without showing people. Sometimes in front of people you can express as if it’s slightly inaccurate. You know what you’re instilling, why you’re saying it, why it is before God, how it is said. The others can be misled if they are… if they have even the slightest criticism, they will miss. If they are entirely perceiving, they will capture something in the Depth, it depends on how much is allowed for them. The matter is in the numerous types of training. You cannot speak sincerely… you must train for at least a few years, right, in order to enter into this Divine Sincerity and from there, to have a measure, which you see, but the others do not. Like the Master sees us, but we do not see Him.
-Whatever the Master says, He is right.
(Of the Divine Will)
-If you place the Divine Will first, you will do unpleasant things too, but in time a Unity will happen between you and the Divine Will and God will begin to fulfill your will, because it will become like His, it will become Unified, Reasonable, and in time He will unburden you. But you have broken it for a long time and now you must do things which you do not want that much. But whether you want to, or not, the Divine Will is more important than your thinking, but it is a matter of awareness. If you realise this, you will do both pleasant and unpleasant things in order to be able enter into this Will. Because He sometimes makes you overcome evil this way, to be patient through some… if you’re patient through it, you overcome karma.
-Patience is very important, to be patient through some evil.
-Alright, every time that I do not feel like doing something, does that mean that…
-No, not every time.
-That the antipode is God’s Will and I must do it.
-No. He usually wants Absolutely Reasonable things, but sometimes there is a karmic moment, something must be overcome, in order to… to overcome it, to outgrow it. And… And then, right… To tolerate a person who is very insolent, repulses you a lot, right, and in this way, you make a leap above this evil…
-And even though…
-But you also overcome in your mind, because the evil is not in this person, it is in your mind.
-You leap over your mind.
(Of Brahmacharya – continence)
-In the Master there is no division. Even with the angels there is no mind, heart and will. With them, there is one general feeling. There is no such division. But with the person, there is (a division).
-It is important… For the ones who wish to achieve the deeper Love, that they have trained Brahmacharya for years.
-And in time, God is able to enter, including into intimate relations, and to make them… He takes part, His Outpouring. And then already… This will… I am now preparing of the mother, of the woman and of the child.
-The woman is… This is… First, there was Love, then the Soul, then the woman. And if the woman comes to realise her Soul, her Love, there will be Divine Outpouring. When He is Pouring out, Love is something fearsome. So, such Completeness and Unity, that worlds and Universes fade. Right, but this… only Brahmacharya practitioners who have trained for years, are able to bring God into Love, not themselves. And He can enter. Because man and woman means Spirit and Soul.
-And when He enters and pours Himself into them, this Completeness happens, which is not found in the world, right. But this is… it is again, a Secret of God.
-Well, everything is a Secret of God.
-Since it is tied to God…
-Because there are many ascetics, who have not attained…
-Yes, that is it, Petio, what is meant with True Brahmacharya? How are you to succeed to find this measure within yourself, the continence?
-You attain one high purity of thoughts, intentions, feelings, a high purity of Immutability, a Deep Immutability, and God, in one moment, enters into the Immutable ones, He gives you a completely different type of Love. Pure, above things, the exchange is with Him. It is not even between your Soul and… and He enters and makes this saturation, which is amazing, and which if people in the world knew about, there would never be any crime. A drop of crime – criticism, or…
-But again, it is concealed. I will present them.
(Everything for the Souls)
-It is in the name of the Souls and it has nothing to do with…
-Yes, yes, yes, yes.
-It appears to be material. Right, and the Foundation (Eleazar Harash Foundation) may look that way – no, this is because of the Souls. And the Souls are Number One. The minds are not, the minds will not understand us, but it is… In the future they will understand us though. And whoever wants to understand us…
-When I go and present now, let us say in Burgas, a deep interview…
-I am not concerned who will comprehend me, who will criticise me, who will understand me.
-It is the work of the Master, it is not my business.
Continued in Part 4 – here.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel