Category: <span>First Elder Beinsa Douno</span>


Eleazar Harash – Contemplation of the Sublimely-Luminous Image

Taken from “Safa Taora – Book of Contemplations of the Ancient Atlanteans”

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel

Contemplation of the Sublimely-Luminous Image

When I contemplate the Sublimely-Luminous Image, I become absorbed, absorbed, absorbed. And finally, I see nothing. With absorption, you should not imagine anything, you should not envisage anything, you should not think up anything, because you will limit His Sublimely-Luminous Image. I became absorbed, I became absorbed with Love and finally, I saw nothing. In this Absolute not-seeing, I touched His Dazzling Light and a Great Admiration overflowed into me. And then I understood that this Great Admiration is a part of His Sublimely-Luminous Image. And I perceived that He admires everything. And I said to myself: Here is the Quality of the Dazzling Light. I understood within myself that Admiration is a Gatherer of Light. And I came to my first conclusion: Admiration gathers the Light of all the worlds and this collected Light self-ignites and reveals itself within itself. Along this Way, I got closer and closer to the Sublimely-Luminous Image.

Back in Atlantis, when I observed life in one absorbed way, I understood that I must admire everything, including evil. I perceived that He is the Creator of the evil and that this evil creates in Secret and shapes the True Good. And I came to my second conclusion: evil is sacred. It works in Secret, but if you admire it with Love, its Secret becomes apparent. And so, from the Secret of this evil, the True Sages and Masters of Atlantis were born. Evil created the Sublimely-Sacred Good, which was a part of His Sublimely-Luminous Image. Marvellous is the Secret of evil. Only in the Depths of Love can the sacred intentions of evil be revealed. And I became more and more absorbed in the Secret of the Sublimely-Luminous Image.

And I did not see anything, and I did not expect anything. And He was being born within me. My eyes became weary from Love. I became more and more absorbed and I lost the measure of years and times. And the Sublimely-Luminous Image said to Me: I shall make You the First Elder. And You shall be a Throne at My Feet. And You shall be a Bridge between Me and the worlds. And You shall be called Avahal, which means “Beyond all the Boundlessnesses” or “The One Who lives beyond the Boundlessness”. Because Your Admiration was alike Your Love and because Your Love had no end, You shall carry within Yourself an Admiration without end. Your Love glimpsed My Concealed Intentions. And this is why You are Avahal, or “The Elder from the Depths of the Eternal Peace”. And teach my peoples the Amazement which I have given You. And the one, who admires everything, make them your Son. And on this land, Atlantis, I shall give Origin to the other 23 Elders. And You shall know Them, because They shall carry Me in their Eyes and in Their Words. And You shall be called the 24 Elders. And You shall walk from Glory into Glory, because the Sublimely-Luminous Image shall guide You.

Addition by Eleazar Harash 6.1.2023: The practice is implemented correctly when at the end, you are astonished, amazed, relieved, lightened.

First Elder Beinsa Douno

The Master about Himself

Presented by Eleazar Harash

I have paid dearly and exceptionally dearly for you. For every one of you an exceptionally great price has been paid by Me. You have been bought by God!

You have been measured on two scales. First – on My scale, so that I can judge if it is worth it to buy you, and second – you have been weighed on that scale, from where I had to buy you.

Therefore no one has been deceived – neither Me, nor the one from whom you have been bought. Everything has been precisely weighed and paid as it must be.

Your presence here in the School is not coincidental. Incidental people cannot come here even if they wanted to. In order for them to come here, they must be liberated on the inside. And all people today are tied internally and externally with thick ropes.

So, for your free time and for you coming here, I have paid for each of you separately a price dear and exceptionally dear. There are no accidental things in the School of the White Brotherhood, because here The Spirit of God governs in Spirit and Truth.

The First Elder – The Master

They ask Me who I am. I am The One Who penetrates everywhere. But how will you prove this? I do not prove, I penetrate. I am something that will always elude you. I am another type of Consciousness. I am a Consciousness concealed within the consciousnesses.

For Me both life and death do not exist. They are merely entertainment. If you gaze upon Me with your Ancient feeling, you will understand that I have always been. But you have lost this feeling now and you think that I am presenting some occult teaching.


I wander within the Concealedness of things.  I have been before this world and before this Universe as Spirit. What was I doing in those Ancient times? I shined within Myself and I studied My Concealedness.

And when I studied My Concealedness, I understood that there is no world and no worlds, no otherworld, no eternity, but there is only one Free, Free Spirit. But who is able to comprehend this Freedom?

I am difficult to capture, because I am Concealed within what is Concealed, I am Secret within what is Secret. I can be near you and still not be seen by you. I can be far and you can see Me within your heart. I am visible for the one whom I have chosen.

For the one whom I have chosen, for them I interrupt My Boundless Motion and descend into their heart. I am close mostly for the one who has consciously sacrificed their life for Me. And since they have sacrificed their life for Me, I send them to God.

I am the most accessible One and the most concealed One. I grant both Eternity and Truth to the one who knows Me. But in order for you to know Me, you must withstand a lot of things. And then, in this withstanding, I shall be revealed to you and I shall form My Ray within you. 

And along this Ray you shall commune with Me, but you must preserve Me within your Reasonableness, so that the Essence may be open. All misfortunes come for you when I abandon you. And when I am with you, do not worry, even if you are in a heavy situation.

I have no form and so the ones who have seen Me, do not know Me. I decide who will know Me, I flow within them like a River. My River is one pure energy, it composes the Immortality within the disciple. Immortality is imperceptible. It is light, shapeless, colourless. It is a deed of Love.

I do not ask of My disciples that they have a lot of knowledge and opinions, but that they have Heart, Soul and Hearing. Then within their Heart I will instil Purity, within their Soul I will instil Love, and in their Hearing I will instil Wisdom. The Heart is Warmth, the Soul is Light, the Hearing is a Wisely Shining Essence.

I act unnoticeably and concealedly within you. I am your Concealed Root, but you must accumulate a lot of Purity and Love, so that I may work within you. Do not summon Me through your unreasonableness, because you will then see My other Face.

Summon Me always through the Sacred, so that you see how the Inexpressible works. I slip between the spirits of evil and they do not see Me. But I need the Sacred, because only it is My support.

If you have been enveloped by a great cold, do not worry, for the cold is My friend. If you have been enveloped by a great darkness, do not worry, for the darkness listens to Me. Just summon Me through your Sacred Beginning, because only then I am swift.

Each one, in order to know Me, must capture their own self, their own Sacred nature, their Essence. But until you reach this, a lot of work is needed. And if you are worthy, conditions and freedom will be given to you for spiritual work.

If you are not worthy, you will work for your survival and for yourself. If you are worthy, you will have the freedom to work for your Master. Whoever is worthy, My Boon will flow through them and in the hardships they will see My Hand.

Whoever is worthy of Me, they will pass through one great darkness and from the point of darkness they will see clearly. If you find yourself in the light, you will not see clearly the events in the dark. But if you find yourself in the point of darkness, you will see everything that is found both in darkness and in light.

Be ready to seek Me until the end of your life, until you find Me. I know your ways, but you do not know My Way. In My Way there is only God and the Boundlessness, and in your way there is meandering.

In order for you to know Me, you must not have any debts. You must pay off everything. Start with the debts to yourself and when your debts disappear, I shall appear. Many are the ways, but the Wise Way is One. It is the Way of Love. It is the immutable and blessed Way.

And the most Truthful Way towards Me is not connected to light and darkness, but to Truth. But only the Immutable Love can lead you to the Truth. In the Way towards the Truth, what is Essential is within Love. Only Love leaps over the precipice of the world.

I am only a guest in My body… It is My support so that I am closer to you, but it is not My Origin. The ones who I summon towards Myself, will be able to go out of their body, so that we can be in communion in one purely spiritual way. I want you to be Sacred, but to conceal your Sacred Essence from the world.

I am a Friend only with God, not with people. Towards people I have only relations, and towards God I have Love. I do not glorify the good, but only God. I do not glorify nature, but only Truth. I live within God and God lives within Me. We are an Ancient Unity.

I do not live in the world because within Me, there is no time. I do not travel into space because it does not exist for Me. For Me only the Holy Eternity and the Wise Boundlessness exist. This Boundlessness is not space, it is Spirit and Truth.

If you wish to find Me, become more and more absorbed within. If you have Love, you shall find Me. If you have Wisdom, you shall understand Me. If you have Truth, you shall see Me and you shall call Me “My Master”, and I shall lead you into God and even further.

Yes, there is a Place, which is beyond God. You have not yet been there. But first I must prepare you. One is the Truth in Eternity, different is the Truth in the Boundlessness. One is Completeness in Eternity, different is Completeness in the Boundlessness.

Truth descends from Speechlessness and returns into Speechlessness, but it transfigures the person. Truth shows the person their Origin and their Origin is within Speechlessness, within the Inexpressible. Whoever loves Truth, they live within the Inexpressible.

And whoever has diverted from Truth, they travel towards things which ruin them. Whoever comes to know Truth, they will come to know their Way towards Me as well. I say: Come to Know Truth and conceal yourself – like it has, within Speechlessness.

I am a Stranger in the world and a Friend of disciples. Whoever is striving with Love towards God, will come to know Me. Whoever does not have Love, they will be reaffirmed in the world. Whoever has Love, will seek the Truth and will find Me. And I shall become close to them, we shall become kindred.

Whoever is within the lie, let them not seek Me. I am deep within you. I am your Deep Beginning. This is for the disciples. Do not share this. This is for the ones who have chosen the Truth, because I have also chosen them.

Whoever has chosen Truth, they have chosen Me as well. But there are also ones who have chosen Truth, but I have not yet chosen them. I am waiting. I know why I am waiting.

I am an Ancient Wanderer and I drink water from an Ancient Wellspring. The water that I drink, the angels have not seen it. The water that the angels drink feeds their energy. I do not feed My energy. I feed My Spirit and its Concealedness. The Spirit is more Ancient than the energy. The Spirit and Anciency are One.

I value the Sacred, but I live in a deeper Place. But something happened in Anciency and I had to exit outwardly and reach to the Sacred, so that we may become close and I may teach you.

In Anciency I was a Master, then I concealed Myself from you. And later I descended again and sought you. And if you have preserved the Sacred, I will commune with you.

The Sacred is the Primordial Sense, but I have another Sense to bring to you – it is deeper than the Sacred. But everything begins with this Sacred, because through it, you shall reach Me. The Sacred is the Beginning of the Teaching.

Peculiar is My Concealed Reality for many. I do not exist, but I have decided so. And when I reveal Myself to a disciple of Mine, I already exist for them.

To the one that I have chosen, in time I will give something that is even more than life. But first I must prepare them. I am the One Who Grants the Ancient, but first you must pass through the Sacred and learn.

Whoever learns, reaches their Master. The ones I have chosen for My disciples will sooner or later come to the place where I live.

Love is the Eternal Offering. Wisdom is the Eternal Fragrance. Truth is the Eternal Liberation. But there is an Ancient Way that goes further inward. Only the Elders know it and only some of the Deities.

Other than the four elements of nature, there are three Elements of the Almighty Anciency – the Element of Chaos, the Element of the Abyss and the Element of the Mystery.

Whoever has overcome the Element of Chaos, they have been born among the gods. Whoever has overcome the Element of the Abyss, they have been born among the Deities. Whoever has overcome the Element of the Mystery, they have been born as an Elder.

I have spoken to you much about life, about this greatest of all boons that life is. Today I say to you: It is not life that is the greatest boon, but you must pass through it. Then you will reach the meeting with the Element of Chaos, then – with the Element of the Abyss.

I say: a long way awaits you until you attain within yourselves the Mystical Power of the Thousands of Fires.

They always seek Me, because there is Ascension only in the Uncreated. They always seek Me, because I am the One, Who I have been Always. All ways and paths are wanderings towards Me.

They seek Me, because within Me the sense of everything comes to a completion, because I am the One, Who is the sense and Who is beyond it. Everyone seeks Me, because I am One without a second one. Look everywhere, in what is limited and in what is boundless – is there a second one?

I am the One, Who I am. I am the Secret Depth of every instance. The instance is My Spark. When in the past I have created the First Spark, it has turned into the Dawn. I am the One Who creates the events and occurrences.

The ones who do not follow their way towards Me, for them the Image of change will appear. This will be a change which will smite the unprepared ones. Because they have not followed Me, I have left them unprepared. For them the ancient underworld has been determined and they will be put onto the snake-like path.

I am Unknown in the Unknown and only the Mystical Love can walk towards Me. But this is that Love, which does seek Me, in order to find Me, because it seeks what is Unknowable in Me.

I am the Inexplorable One. My Unfathomableness surpasses every Revelation. The Completeness and Sublime-Abundance are My Proto-Language. But who is able to explore this Great Completeness, because whoever reaches it, disappears within Me. This is because I have summoned them.

I am the Inexplorable One and because of that I rise in the dark and I am Concealed and Imperceptible in the light. Both the light and the dark may go out, but the one who has chosen Me shall never go out.

The Concealed Master is the Only One, Who knows the Way towards the One, Who predates both the Anciency and the Mystery. There exists one Concealed, Concealed Proto-Elder. He is before the Anciency. He is before the Ancient Elders.

In the Way towards the Concealed Master-Elder, you must pass through one Supreme Abandonment. You shall be abandoned in order to see whether you will take root with Trust in the Secret of the Concealed Master-Elder. When the hour of the Supreme Abandonment has come, the Gift of the Boundlessness has come.

Translated by Ruah Ezekiel