Eleazar – excerpts on conversations
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
Excerpt from “The Soul and Intuition”, lecture held on the 5th of October, 1999
When the Supreme Soul (the Fifth body) is deciding a question, if the person can ignite it within themselves with a lot of sincerity and prayer (even when they have not achieved Samadhi, this sometimes happens), then, notice, what takes part is: first the intuition, and then the mind. Never the other way around. This means, according to the occult measure, that the decision is right always. If only the mind is making the decision, even if there is something positive, or a result, you are on the wrong path. And in a short time you will know that you were on a wrong path. When the mind is making a decision, even if it looks right, it is dangerous. Because of this, if the person prays, with the prayer they can remove the mind and receive Illumination.
I want to give you one rule, because some people in Varna, in Sofia, and in other places, want to follow whatever I tell them. But I do not act in this way. This is why I am giving a rule. In this way some people want to escape responsibility and transfer everything to me, but I am not easily fooled. So, when you have a very important matter to solve, you set aside 5 minutes and you lock yourself in a room. A key – this is the most accurate, you lock yourself. There is a symbol, but I will not explain it. You enter into very burning prayers and in silence, while wishing for God to give you the most precise answer. And after the burning prayers and the silence, you continue in silence. The answer may not come immediately, but then, says the Master, whatever you decide, that is it. Of course, each one will be given an answer at their level. But this will be the best. So this means, intensive thinking, at least 5 minutes, up to 10 minutes (in these limits) and prayer. And whatever you decide, that is it.
…Love always asks Sacred questions and always receives its Innermost answer. This means that the True questions derive from the Fifth body, i.e. the Supreme Soul. When the questions are being asked by the mind, by the fourth body, then this person can never receive a True answer. They will get some answer, but it is not it. Then new questions will be born and new answers and the game has no end. There is even a science of questions. If you know how to ask a question, because the True question is presented to the Heavens, to the Master, to God, and all of them see, and if the question is selfless and pure, and this can only come from the Supreme Soul, then you will receive an external or an internal answer, a Sacred answer. It is not said that the answer will come immediately, but usually, the answer comes quickly, in the worst case until the second day, if the person has a disposition of praying and perception.
What does the answer mean from an occult point of view? What does it mean to receive an answer to such a question, i.e., if you have asked a True question? The answer is, that you will have an admiration of life, you will marvel. Of course, this is the smallest answer, in time you will have a Deeper one as well, but this is where it starts. The answer – this is the admiration of life, this is a marvel towards life, this is the Love towards life. In time, the Deeper degree will come, which is called Meruhim – it means “Heavenly Inspiration”, i.e. an Inspiration which comes from the Sixth body, already from the human Spirit.
Excerpt from “The Secret of Dolphins”, lecture held on the 24th of September 1997
…I will remind you that, as a whole, when you are talking to people, you must observe not so much what you are talking about in particular, but that inner dialogue, which happens between the Souls, that speech without words. It shows whether you will understand each other, whether you should trust each other, how to approach, how to help. This invisible speech on the inside, of the Souls, is more important than anything that is being said. Sometimes it is nice to reaffirm things with both speech and silence, for both speeches to be in unity.

“Conversations”, lecture held on the 4th of September 2018
For those who are aware, conversations lead towards the Depths of the Secrecy, towards the Depths of Life and towards the Mystery. There are people, with whom, sometimes, you speak, and there is something Mystical, something magnetic, the exchange is right and this is… there are the real things. Besides that, there is Love between… these are old Souls, who have a connection from the past. I have explained: you can live with one person for 30 years and have no trust; you meet someone for the first time and you trust them immediately for life. This is old trust from past lives: there you can say all kinds of things, there the big Sincerity flows. The big Sincerity you cannot start telling it to any person, because you will get hurt, and somewhere they will make you out to be nuts.
The conversation with the person is an enigma. This is something beyond the boundaries of the world. And these are not simply conversations, but an involvement of God Himself. God has there… He sends the person into a trial. Some conversations you want to avoid, but they are important – to outgrow them. For example, you have a difficult mother and you do not want to talk to her, or father – you avoid. Tune yourself: as if you are talking to children. Adults are children too. Tune yourself, go there friendly, do some formulas – so that God participates in these conversations; talk calmly – and in this way you will avoid something: you will avoid, in time, other heavy conversations, which will fall upon you, and they may be very harsh and they may create karma. And these, smaller things, they save you from the large evil. So accept them and do not run away, because, in time, you will stumble upon harsh conversations, where a heavy fate is being created. So, this is why close people often insult each other, it is difficult for them to stand each other: in order to avoid the meeting with other people, where insults and conversations will create a whole other type of karma, they will create totally different consequences. So, if you have close people who often criticise you and often insult you, think of something to treat them to and change the approach and the conversation – because they have been chosen in order to save you something else, which is heavy. These conversations, all, with no exception, lead towards the Secrecy of Freedom – but when you run… I am not saying to often seek such a conversation – but when you cannot avoid it, greet it according to the rules and go there with lightness. And if you really have lightness and you bring this lightness, even the person will feel lighter and they will understand, even if they are insulting you, that there is something else.
In conversations, lives are being changed and they move towards the future; because in many conversations very fine energies and beings from other worlds are being summoned. Sometimes you are talking to the person, but this is a being from the other world or one of the dead. And in time, when you devote yourselves to God, God will tell you what person you are talking to exactly and what the purpose is. And He may even tell you – I have had many instances – exactly which deceased person that is. But they are inside of the living person, talking with their voice, the so called “living” person, who, from one point of view, is dead, as the Master calls them “moving graves” – they do not know what the matter is about, but they do not need to know. It is important that you are seeking your Awareness and that you know why things are happening.
These beings, which visit the conversations, are immeasurable and they are an important part of our Secrecy, called Path. These fine forces intertwine into the deep, conscious conversations in a very concealed and unfathomable way – and they convey a part of their powers.
In the Atlantean conversations there is a Sacred Invocation towards Depth. When Atlanteans meet, they exchange Depth, they exchange – like two Souls in love in the pure sense – they exchange Soul, they exchange Sun. Conversations unlock doors, passageways, crevices to other worlds. Sometimes one word, spoken by a Sage and an Initiate, can open your Path for your whole life – and you already go in another direction.
In these conversations there are sometimes particular Sacred words: I have spoken a lot (in the books of the Elders) about the Ancient languages and the Ancient words. The Ancient languages are something exceptional! They have nothing in common with these English, German, French – extremely poor languages, which divide, they increase logic instead of intuition, they increase the business and they miss the Truth. In the True words, the Ancient ones, for example: Shotchitl in secondary Atlantean language means otherwise “flower”, but the interpretation is “a heart that sacrificed itself”. There are no two interpretations: all other interpretations are around this, but the meaning is one and it enriches you. So, the Ancient words carry something exceptional – they are fine food, fine food for our fine energy. Our fine energy within us, i.e. the Supreme Soul and the Spirit feed on words like this; and when you repeat them to yourself often, like AHAM BRAHMA ASMI, or AUM – the Master says: “Repeat this word!”. You will not understand it: it contains within itself a part of the Boundlesness, it is a part of the Secret Name of God, of the Anciency. Repeat it thousands and millions of times; and sometime, when you pass over 700 million, you will know what the matter is about.
There are conversations and words in the Sacred language, which unlock very Deep energies – the energy of true development. Conversations are an exchange with beings: these beings overflow from one person to another – people often are communicating vessels. There are conversations which are fateful: in them, God Himself takes part and speaks – it is not even the person, it is not even their Spirit. Sometimes there is a difference, when the Master is speaking to you, and when God is speaking to you. These things I have understood because they have told them to me, not because I know them. I know that I know nothing, and from long ago! And I know that I will die ignorant, and very: such deep ignorance, that I could even write a whole novel, but I will not talk of it here…
In the true conversations, as I said, Supreme Beings take part – parts of the Depths of Akasha. I am speaking of the Mystical conversations between Soul and Soul, Soul and Spirit; on the outside – person to person, but on the inside – Soul and Spirit. Mystical conversations, Mystical Souls, old Souls with experience: they exchange something from the past, something Deep. They do not deal with external facts – simply because the Truth is way, way above facts. Facts are a third of the Truth and often they deceive.
The conversations between the Toltecs were at an exceptional level – in this way, they mutually increased God within themselves, the Eagle, they increased their Mystery and their Boundlessness. When two Sages meet, there are never any contradictions – two Suns embrace, two Shinings embrace, Reverence and Reverence embrace. There is not even respect, respect is an inferiour word: a Deep Reverence towards the Concealed Life, towards the Concealed God in that person. In the Deep, True conversation there are no illusions, there is no mind: this is a conversation between Spirit and Spirit – or Spirit and Soul.