Eleazar Harash – Humility, on the occasion of the…
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Eleazar Harash – Humility, on the occasion of the Divine New Year – 19.08.2024
Only from such Humility, which has become Nothing, can a True civilisation and a New Race be born
So, we dedicate this important topic to the Divine Year – August 19th. One of the most important things in the Teaching. Humility is not knowledge, but Depths in God and in Love. Where there is no Humility, God cannot make His Temple in the person. Humility is not related to the light, but to the Proto- Light, and this is why angels and many beings of light do not know God. Only Humility can recreate your understanding. Humility is connected to the subtlest seeing, of which the one who understands has no concept. Humility is a measure for one Great Purity, which is not found in purity, and that is why among the ones who are pure, a humble person is rarely found – even among the pure ones. The Master says: “Even death fears the Humble person”, even though death is a Supreme being. Death is a Supreme spirit, but Humility is a great Depth. If you are righteous or a scholar, that is a low level. The Master says: “One goes to God not as a scholar, not as a righteous one, but as a Humble person.” The lower level of Humility – I will explain – this is the Higher Self. But even Christ, Who had a Higher Self, had to humble Himself on Golgotha and say: “Only Your Will” – and to enter into the Nothingness; and to enter into a deeper degree of Humility, which is a Deep Quality of God and a Quality of the Nothingness. This is the deepest Baptism in Humility. With your Higher Self, you will get nowhere because what is your Higher Self worth before God and the Concealed Absolute. Humility is a Total Necessity, because only the Humble person can do Great Deeds for God’s Glory, because they know there is no other glory. Because the Humble person has Disappeared – they are within God in a real way, in the Nothingness – and they can never defile God. If Humility is Obedience till death, this is a Deep Leap – as with Christ, too – this is a Deep Leap in God and in the Mystical Development. Only in the Deep True Humility can God be Upraised. Only from such Humility, which has become Nothing, can a True Civilization and a New Race be born. Humility is the Supreme Guardian of the person and the Preserver of God. One of the Secrets of Humility is, that it makes you a master of yourself. Outside of Humility, there is no Deep Wisdom, because Humility is entering into the Nothingness. If a True person is Deeply Humble, they totally reject their own holiness, because they know Who is the Only Holy One, and Humility is something deeper than holiness and righteousness. There are many humble people, within whom there hides a refined arrogance. The Humble person never proves their righteousness. This is another measure – they leave everything in the Hands of God. The Truly Humble person is never a human being, they are a Secret of God. They are Invulnerable because they are invisible to the spirits – they cannot comprehend this person, because they do not know Humility and the Nothingness, this is a Secret to them. Humility – this is the Deep Acceptance of God, the Total Acceptance. Only this Acceptance gives a Deep Understanding. This is a Totally Aware Acceptance, in which God reveals Himself. Without Humility, your Essence, your Soul, is stolen and that is why you are in the mind, in the ego and in chaos – more or less. The Humble person is the one who sees God. And the one who sees God, never sees visions – they have direct vision through the Disappearance into God. The greatest gift which the disciple can give to the Master is not any rituals, music, or brotherly gatherings. The greatest gift you can give to the Master is your Enlightenment, and it happens in the Nothingness and in Deep Humility. Samadhi is the Supreme Moment of Life – it is total separation from the past and from karma. This is what the Master has wanted most from His disciple, and this happens with a very mighty spiritual and humble effort and with Great Perseverance, Total Perseverance. Only Samadhi is the measure for the Pure Way to the Master, for the Pure seeking, and this is beyond theories and practices. Humility itself is not a method, it is the Primordial Love itself, and exactly here is where the Nothingness is born – True Humility, the New Disciple. This Enlightenment is the greatest gift for the Master, because it is a Humble returning into the Source, into God, into the Origin – this is what the Master has desired. The darkness in the world will increase and this is the great hope for the world, these are the bright times for the leap into Humility and into the New Person. We are very fortunate to be in difficult and heavy times. Only the Humble one becomes a Mystic due to a seeing in the Depths of the Master and in God. The secret weapon of the Humble one is the Pure Heart. Who is a disciple? Only the one who has Disappeared into their Master. The Humble one does not judge – they know that everything is from God, from the Only One without a second one. They know that if they judge – they judge God, Who is Absolutely everywhere. Humility is Reality, a Real Purity, because it is within God.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel