Eleazar – Kahlil Gibran, Selected Lectures
Kahlil Gibran (Lecture)
This is a person who has returned into his Soul. The Sacred has purified him. A person, liberated from the sinking. ‘’Liberated from the sinking’’ means from delusions. The other name of the delusions is impurity.
This is a person of Love. As a whole, he has not been acknowledged by many European writers, but this is a good sign: it is not good to be acknowledged by worldly, so-called poets, writers etc. – A person of Love, and Love has Soul – it is distinguished by this. Not mind, it is not mental, Love has Soul. The Soul is something beyond the senses, beyond the noise of the world.
Kahlil is not merely the good person and the meditating person, these are secondary things. I will explain: these things are far from the Truth. Kahlil has managed to enter into purity and into Love. Love is within God, and not meditation. Meditation is sometimes able to enter into God, but it may not enter, it may even delude itself. In purity and in Love there are no delusions. It is not important whether you are able to ponder, even very finely; what is important is whether you are inside Love.
The pure one, the loving one, this is another thing. The pure and loving one has been allowed to become Wise. Something more: The Wise one often acts as the simple person, but the Wise one is concealed, they are concealed. They live within God in a concealed way and they do not always give their Wisdom away, but they have come to know. They did not seek the way, they sought the Truth, acting with purity and Love. They did not entertain themselves with goodness and with meditation, they were focused on purity and on Love. They upheld the Sacred and Love and they captured self-knowledge.
Such is Kahlil Gibran. He saw Love, and not the world. Love was his Holy Scripture. He has entered into Love, into the Ancient Current, and what people say, as you understand, is of no matter.
And so, Kahlil says: I came, in order to live within the Glory of Love.
If they deprive me of air, I shall live through my Spirit.
God has created the Truth with many doors, in order to welcome every believer, who knocks on these doors.
Kahlil says: ‘’For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.’’ – Love will tear you down, so that it can raise you up. I am reminded, on Sunday, in Sofia, I said a proverb, very beautiful one, Bulgarian one: When family happiness crushes you, you shall become a new person. – There is something wonderful in happiness, something truly crushing, and the person comes to understand that the way is different, whether they want to, or not.
A person is not able to reap Love, unless it is after tormenting absence, bitter patience and black desperation. When Love begins to speak to you, it shall demolish all your dreams. There will be no dreams, Love is not a dream. This is Total Reality, there is no place for dreams.
Love is as the wind which ravages the garden. And if Love ravages your garden and you say ‘’Thank you, I accept all this’’, you grow in Love.
When Love begins to speak, life falls silent; it is something deeper than life.
Love points the way with an invisible light, says Kahlil. Love is purely spiritual closeness, and not earthly. Love is a word of light, inscribed by a luminous hand upon a page of light.

The woman is able to veil her face with a smile – says Kahlil.
It is the Spirit, which reaches the Essence of life and embraces the Secret.
Says Kahlil: My brother told me ‘’Love thy enemy!’’ and I obeyed him, and I began to love myself. – The person is an enemy of God, they are the obstacle. If you are able to love yourself deeply, sacredly… and gradually, the enemy shall disappear.
How will your heart open, unless it is broken?
“I have learned silence from the talkative… and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers’’.
The Wisdom of Kahlil Gibran (First Idea for Contemplation)
Hear the words of the Sage and apply them, but do not quote them. – Apply, do not quote!
The hardship which breaks you down is precisely the power, which illuminates your heart and uplifts your Soul. – So, this is one and the same power.
You and the rock are One, only your heart beats a little faster. But in your heart this calmness of the rock is not found.
Praise life for this, that it has granted you the thirst.
If your Wisdom does not liberate you from the shackles of matter, you will never draw near to the Throne of Truth.
Love turns seconds into candelabras.
Love is the poem of Spiritual life.
We eat the Spiritual bread with our Pure Heart.
There is affection only in Purity, and there is Love only in Sublimity.
Love is one Supreme world, to which neither the howling of wolves, nor the hissing of snakes reaches.

The Soul reaps in Love, when it has sown the seed of True Loyalty.
Every person is indebted to their Soul.
Beauty is that, which you want to give, and not what you want to take.
You have been sent to learn joy in sorrow and knowledge in the dark.
Misfortunes brought clarity to my reasoning.
And he says: Do not go East to seek the Sages, but go to Love, it knows the way to the East. – Love knows the way towards Wisdom.
The devil says: I exist in order to test. And the trial is the measure through which God comes to know the dignity of people. If I die, the trial will also die, and then those spiritual powers shall also disappear, through which the person grows.
The Devil says: I lead people to prayer, fasting and reverence. In my life lies the salvation of humankind. I have been sacrificed for the salvation of humankind. – Here I will only add, that when one person comes along, it does not matter if they are a close one or a lateral one, and they insult you, they are making a sacrifice, a sacrifice in order for you become Deep water. Recently I said this in Sofia too, to one sister: Pay someone, if you would like them to insult you for an hour, to say everything to you. Find a suitable person – so that they say everything to you, whatever you can think of. Then, for your whole life, whoever insults you, it will pale in comparison – you will become independent. – She almost decided to do it, in time I will find out whether she did it, because she still succumbs to insults.
Says Kahlil: Pain is a pearl with unseen beauty.
My Soul taught me not to rejoice in praise. Now I know that trees bloom without awaiting praise. – And he says: My Soul taught me that – despite me bringing Light, I am not Light.
Kahlil Gibran (Lecture)
First, some things about him. Kahlil is a Being of Soul. He has been taught by his Soul, and not by his mind. Within him, glows a Seal, he has the mark of the True Seeker. Many poets have declared that they do not acknowledge him, but he has been touched by Timelessness, touched by God, and this non-acknowledgment, it is simply an Elixir.
He is a self-contained Sufi. He is a person with innate Wisdom and big liberty, big vastness – vastness beyond earthly thinking. He says: I do not judge, nor do I reproach, but I wish that there is further seeking’’.
He is a Being, who examines things with an internal gaze, the gaze of the Soul – the mind has been removed. In him, there gushes Soul and heart.
And so, what Kahlil Gibran says:
I found the Boundlessness in Love.
Love is more ephemeral than the breath of the flowers.
How dear life is to us and how far away we are from it.
Odd are those ones of the world, who through vice aim to fix the world.
Beyond everything, there is one Power and it is the whole of Justice, the whole of Love.

Whatever your heart is, such is your knowledge.
Amidst fearsome misfortunes and disasters I saw the Divinity of the person. Divinity laughs at the forces of nature, at anger, at their anger. It sings always the Hymn of Immortality. (I am reminded, recently in Ruse I said a proverb, Bulgarian one, it goes: ‘’The Devil is also a bestowment from God’’. A very beautiful thing. I shall explain a little: If it were not for the Devil, there would be a much more fearsome kind of evil in the world. The Devil is another kind of saviour, he always chases the person when there are holes in the person, weaknesses, self-will – until the Devil makes the person a Truthful, spiritual, full-blooded, True person. In my opinion, after that, the person must pray a lot, to find the Devil and to treat him to something, and very seriously, because it is not such an easy business – the Devil suffers too, the person also suffers, but when the Devil draws something out of the person, something wonderful happens.)
Says Kahlil: Poverty is very dear, because it reveals the nobility of the Soul.
I saw how the tears of the one suffering are sweeter than the laughter of the hypocrite, because these tears purify the heart, they wash the heart and make it merciful.
I experienced many things, but I have not come to know the riddle of the Dark.
If grief were to speak, it would be sweeter than Bliss itself.
My breath has been singing Eternity to me since long ago.
In the Depths of my Soul there is a song of the Boundlessness.
I have made my Soul my friend.
Whoever is not a friend to themselves, they are an enemy of people.
I saw people killing each other and they called this ‘’patriotism’’.
The entire Earth is my homeland and all people are my fellow countrymen.
Will you accept me as a friend, who does not enslave and who does not wish to be enslaved?
He says: You, earthly ones, do not see us, for we are concealed within a darkness illuminated.
The sons of monkeys do not have will, but the reasonable ones have embraced impetus. (I am reminded of another proverb, which I said in Ruse too, and I think in Burgas, a Bulgarian one, again: What is civilisation? – This is the way of the person from the cave to the fallout shelter’’ – a very beautiful one! Big progress, big civilisation, but such is the case with earthly people.)
And I saw that the devils dance in the churches. – It is very funny, really, when they want to chase the Devil out with incense, this is such a pitiful story. You are able to chase away the Devil with a righteous way of life, nothing else helps, no talismans, no incense, this is so clear.
Earthly ones die because they do not love their enemies.
Bishops are old friends of praying and of the Devil.
The devil said to the bishop: I am not a bigger enemy to you than you are to your own Soul.
The Devil said: I am the sin, so that there is a battle with sin. I am the decisiveness, which gives birth to decisiveness in people.
If you are Pure thought, you are able to study life – says Kahlil Gibran.
Inspiration sings, it does not explain things – it sings.
When there is no knowledge, striving is blind.
Faith is knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.
God has created Truth with many doors, in order to welcome every believer into their religion, in order to welcome every believer who knocks on these doors.
Kahlil Gibran – Continued (First Idea for Contemplation)
Christ does not build churches, Christ builds hearts.
Love elevates the Spirit in such a way, that the laws of nature and the laws of men do not alter Love’s way.
True knowledge is your mark of Nobility.

If you do not understand your friend in all conditions, in all circumstances, you will never understand them. (So, in all conditions, without exception.)
Rivers go towards the depths of the Sea, where they fall silent.
Peace reveals your Power.
If you are an honest person, it is of no matter whether they praise you or criticise you.
One True person causes the devils more turmoil than a million blind believers.
When there is Love, then hardships become somehow better. (I am reminded, recently one sister came to me and said: ‘’It is very hard for me, it Is very heavy!’’ I said to her: ‘’I am delighted!’’- When I hear such things, it is delightful for me, because something will be born there. When I hear someone say to me: ‘’I am happy, I am very happy’’, I feel very sorry, immensely sorry. – She understood that I am joyful for her and she was relieved, but anyway, such is my approach.)
When we weep, life smiles.
Are you able to turn the voice of the hurricane into a song?
You are good when you are perfectly awake in your speech.
Everything that is happening in the world is Love and is driven by Love, but this is seen only by the Sage, because they know Who governs everything.
Is religion not every right act and every right thought?
Who is able to separate their belief from their actions?
Cordiality is a river of Light, which has flowed from Pre-Eternity towards Eternity.
If you sing of that, which is beautiful, you shall have a listener even in the Desert itself.
Many Teachings are like the glass of a window: we see through it, but it separates us from the Truth.
Maybe you have heard of the Mountain of Bliss, it is the highest one in the world. If you climb to the top of it, to its peak, you have only one wish – to descend to people, to the deepest valley. This is why it is called the Mountain of Bliss.
We are all prisoners, but the cells of some have windows, and those of others – have none.
Orpheus touched the Heart of the flowers.
Kahlil says: I am content with my life, because I made it such myself.
The sense of one word can awaken you forever.
Even if you bring the Light, you are not the Light.
Love is clad in Humility.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel