Eleazar – conversations between friends, part 2
Continued from part 1 – here.
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation,
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
Eleazar Harash – Knowing God. Two questions. An Ancient formula May 26th 2023
(Knowing God)
So, first: a few things about evil, which means Knowing God. Evil is a situation in which God does not penetrate, and so we must guard ourselves from evil. The ones who have believed in the power of evil, they incarnate in very heavy lifetimes. People create their own evil but they blame the devil.
God contains Lucifer within His Reach. Chaos is simply one unknown Order. Darkness is not something you must fight with, but it is something you must illuminate within yourself. Sooner or later, every darkness will become light.
You are able to defeat your twisted perception only through pacification.
It is impossible to exit the reaches of God, because everything is God. To become God, this means to form Him within yourself, to manifest Him within yourself and to allow Him to manifest through you – this is the death of evil.
Evil loves the lack of understanding, it is food for evil. God has sent evil in the world in order to save man. The mission of evil is one of salvation. God has allowed the fall of demons and of people for Great Lessons.
When you are tempted, evil within you increases and in this way it helps you see yourself and understand yourself. Evil is something much deeper than Satan, even than the demons, because it is able to act without them, when it has been allowed to do so by the Supreme Divine Will. – This is Basilides, one Gnostic. – Evil is a weapon of the Divine Will, it is an instrument for returning into God.
Evil in this world will eternally increase that good, which has missed the True Good. God is the One who sets everything in motion in an Absolute way – sets both good and evil in motion.
Evil acts only by God’s Decree, it has no other master, evil is an absolute servant. The Divine Will, when it has not been understood, turns from semi-strict, to cruel, because it is All-Seeing.
The devil is necessary, in order for God to give you His Hand. God needed the devil in order to bring His Love and His Virtues to realisation. If evil did not exist, then good would have become a vice. Evil will enwisen the world because God uses it in a secretly-right way. All reasonable ones draw benefit from evil.
When God is placed second, then problems will always grow. Evil dies within God, within Peace. The battle with evil is within the person themselves, and not in the world.
And lastly – God absolutely has no enemy in the face of evil, but we must be in Unity with God.
(What does the Master want from the disciple, from the Son and from the Spark)
-So, we have two questions that we have prepared, Petio. Now, the first one is: What does the Master want from the disciple, from the Son and from the Spark?
-Yes, the first one. So, from the disciple – learning. From the Son – Love. From the Spark – Truth. Learning is in the Soul, Love is within God, and Truth is within the Absolute. The disciple is a Seeker, the Son has found, and the Spark has brought to realisation. The Son is Love. When you have Love, things develop as they should – in the right way. And the Spark is deeper than the right things. Love is a Seal of the Boundlessness, and the Spark is a Seal of the Depth-Mystery, the Primordial Truthfulness.
The Spark – Meister Eckhart says: It wants the Profound Depth Itself. Here, nothing separate has penetrated – the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit etc. The Spark only wants the Profound Depth of Profound Depths and the Absolute Quiet. The Quiet which does not commune with anything – this is the Concealed Peace within the Absolute.
The Spark lives concealedly in the Soul, but it is above everything, the Spark even laughs above what is noble. The Spark surpasses everything. The Spark is… – this is Meister Eckhart – The Spark is of the Abyss, it is something deeper than the Essence even. The Spark is our Sublime Part, given to us by the Absolute. The Spark is free of both the illusion and the Reality. The Spark is beyond Spirit, Soul and Reason – no thinking, i.e. no shackles.
Only with Great Love the Spark can be liberated from the influence of virtues. For the Spark even virtues are a fencing in, a limitation. The Spark is so Deep, that is has no Inner life as will, so that it does not miss Its Mysterious Primordiality. It does not even need a Sacred Life. – This is the awesome Meister Eckhart. This is the first question.
(What can move and touch the Master most deeply?)
-Yes, thank you. The second question is: What can move and touch the Master most deeply?
-Yes, so. A few things. When the disciple becomes Love and turns their Love into Graciousness, this is something above Purity, of a higher level. The other thing: Perseverance is the biggest joy of the Master because it means to be Chosen. Perseverance is when His disciple becomes One with God – this is the Sublime Joy of the Master. Another great joy is if the disciple attains absolute non-judgement. This is the measurement for the Pure direct Seeing of God. This is the Pure Consciousness.
-Thank you.
-Brief, clear – a crystal.
(Aahar Arazyma)
So, a new formula, relatively new: Aahar Arazyma – I am the Shining One. – This is one Great Liberatedness, a Deep Inner Place. The Shining is above light.
We will do them in such a way – small, crystals. We called it: a crystal.

Eleazar Harash – A conversation of my Heart with the Phoenix
June 7th 2023
From an unpublished book about the Phoenix
-How have you, O Bird of the Essence, attained Freedom?
-With my Spirit.
-What is your Spirit?
-Very Deeply I wished for the Primordial Spirit and He, the Sublime One, heard me within the Depths and said to me: “My Primordial Spirit is your Spirit. Within the Primordial, there is only One Spirit, only One Pure Unity”.
-But how did you attain this Pure Unity?
-Very simple: I wished that only the Primordial One exists and He merged me with Himself. Do you not know that the Primordial Spirit is Sublimely Perfect? And He made me equal to Him. And so, externally I am a Bird, but internally – it is Him. And I am He, because He became I, He became Himself. But you call me Phoenix because you do not see the Primordial Spirit. Gaze upon the Primordial and you shall see not the Phoenix Bird, but Him. While you are looking at me, you lose your gaze for Him. And I will share more things with you, because I love something in your Heart.
I spoke with the Phoenix. It appeared to me smaller in size, because it is a Great Power. You can marvel at the Presence – it appeared as a small red dot with wings. Smaller in size, so that I can perceive, because the Phoenix is a Force and it Engulfs. And even though I am within the Nothingness, I must comprehend what it is telling me.
There are only 47 emanated Phoenixes – Pure Spirits. Essences, from the Race of the Gods, but there are higher degrees as well. I am personally able to converse, I have the right to, with only four; I do not know what degrees they are. I know it is so; I do not know why.
I have many concealed memories with Phoenixes, but they will come forth gradually. The first time I met the Phoenix before it became a Phoenix, it was a Being of the Gods. I have observed it without understanding it. One time, it said to me: “The Sublime One has determined Self-Transfiguration for us. Why do you marvel? Want this Deeply and you shall know that the Sublime One has given it to everyone as a Primordial Right. In this Way, seek only those Gods who are able to reinforce you. But until now, only 140 Beings have achieved the Mystery of the Phoenix, because they have met in their Way Beings with a Deeper degree of the Nothingness. This is the Greatest Predetermination – towards the Depths”.
I have seen it perch on a Temple in Egypt, in Heliopolis. I did not see it as a Bird, but as a Flying Divine Essence. Because I saw God within it, it also saw that I am a friend.
Eleazar Harash – The Spark according to Meister Eckhart. Two questions. The most important thing for everyone – 24th of June 2023
(The Spark according to Meister Eckhart)
So, today we will speak about the Spark and we have two questions, brief ones, and this is the Core of… In this way, briefly – what is brief is always the best.
So, this is Meister Eckhart: The Spark is Deeply inherent within the person and its quality is Sublime-Wisdom. The Spark within the person is the Ancient Heart, the Mystical Core. The Spark is of One Essence with the Indefinable Divinity.
Within this Divinity of Bottomlessness and of the Desert, there is neither creation, nor an image. The Divine Spark wants to throw itself into this Desert.
The Spark is the Ancient Primordial Emanation. The Spark wants one thing only: the Essence of God, as He was before the creation. It wants His very Completeness itself – as He was in His Primordial image. The Spark wants only one thing – the Mystery, the Depth of Depths.
Through the Spark we are not even Essence, but something deeper. The Spark wants the Absolute Quiet, the Quiet with no Separateness. This is that Quiet, which does not commune with anything, which is Immutably Peaceful within its own self. In the sense: it does not even give Wisdom – Wisdom is a compromise.
The Spark is free from the illusion of reality – it is above reality. The Spark is beyond Spirit and Reason, and Soul. It limits itself in them, so that they may live, but the Spark is beyond. The Spark loves the Nothingness, the Primordial Fullness of things, the Concealed Completeness.

The Spark is our Absolute part of the Mystery and the Abyss. The fall, called “life and death” is not found here. The Spark is so deep, that it has no inner life, in order for it not to miss the Abyss and the Mystery. The Spark is that, which is above all secrets. – Meister Eckhart
(What does it mean for there to be conditions for True Love between two people?)
-The first question is: What does it mean for there to be conditions for True Love between two people?
-So, True Love: God must have given a Revelation of Himself. God is True Love itself, because it is a Pure outpouring of His Mercy. True Love is the Wholeness of Love, the Wholeness of Love is the Wholeness of God. Within the True Love between two people, God has found Himself and then God Himself is the Love – it is His Kingdom, He lives within it. This Love is Blissful, it is the Supreme Grace. This Love is a very High measure, because it is the Power of the Pure Ether. It is the feeling of Boundlessness. This is concealed within the Primordial State.
(How do we ourselves turn into the Sacred attitude?)
-What does it mean and how do we ourselves turn into the Sacred attitude, Love as a Fire, Love as a Force, Love as God Himself?
-So, we are purely and loyally devoted, and He is the transformation. When you have Love towards God, the transformation is His work, His act. The Sacred attitude is an act of God towards Himself.
Without the Sacred attitude there is no Love, no sermon, there is nothing – there are only formalities. But in this world, the Sacred grows from what is heavy, from what is torturous – and if you are able to see God in the hour of what is tormenting, what is rupturing, then you attain your Sacred attitude towards God and towards things.
The Supreme in life is one Immutable Sacred feeling towards God in all difficult and torturous conditions. The Master says: If God speaks to you, then hell becomes paradise. Even in the worst things, see God concealed within them. – This is a big science, it has happened to me and I have seen it, not only in the Committee for N******l S******y.
Do not understand God – you will not understand Him, but understand your own Sacred attitude towards Him and in this way, in time, He will reveal to you something of Himself.
(The most important thing for everyone)
And here, at the end, we had something about the most important thing, as an idea, about God’s will. Yes, so, I have it here. The most important is: Seek only God and the Divine will, everything else is karma.
I will add here a little: No bad thought about anyone. So, living, deceased, all kinds of beings – not one bad thought about anyone. Why? Because in one moment that thought can become fatal, if God abandons you. There are instances of just one thought – because you have accumulated them before and you thought it will always continue in this way… Like there is a saying: The last straw in the wagon broke the donkey’s back… The last one… And sometimes this may be your final thought, and then God already abandons you. Then everything, whatever you take up – even your prayers drop out, you are not accepted anymore for a long time. A long, torturous, slow evolution. I emphasise: No bad thought about anyone, from any point of view. This is it.
Eleazar Harash – Greeting for the Birthday of the Master – July 11th 2023
So, today we are doing a greeting for the Birthday of the Master. The Master was born on the 11th – there were disputes – He has said about Himself in one place, that He chose the number 11 for Himself, anyway… So, first, something about the Master:
In order to know the Master, you must become finer than Breath. Only the Truth gives you this. This is called love towards the Truth, which is deeper than life and death. The Master is within Truth, not in the world.
And here I will say three ideas by the Master:
“God’s Will is above everything”.
“The day in which God comes to live in your heart – all your matters will align”.
And the third thought: “A Conception exists for each one, who implements God’s Will”.
It is brief, it is clear – I did not want it to be long.
Continued in Part 3 – here.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
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