Excerpt on True Love, interview from 13.11.2020
Eleazar Harash of True Love:
excerpt from an interview taken by Portal12 on the 13th of November, 2020
An angel can give to the person, let us say: light, luminous thoughts, but this is relative. The Toltecs say: One of the Secrets of life, which is concealed within the person, is that the person must give that, which is most Sacred, to the other one. Angels cannot give Sacredness. And from here, Souls mutually elevate each other and they return – later we will speak of Completeness.
Angels do good, but it is not out of freedom. It means it is not out of Love – this is duty. If one person loves you out of duty – it is some kind of love still, there is something nice there, but when someone loves you out of their Freedom, from their Soul, from Anciency, from the past, from that Love, which springs out of Freedom, this is the True Love, this is Deeper. Love is Deeper than duty and this is the Great thing. Angelic goodness is relative, but if one person does you good out of their Sacred Love, this is something Deep. And if God pours His Mercy into you, this is already a Majestic good, a Supreme measure. All this is the acting God, but in different degrees. The Love, originating from Freedom, from awareness – this is the measure for True and Great Love.
True Love is the union of two Likenesses into one Primordial Totality. They must meet as kindred impetuses, in order to Proto-Unite, and their mutuality, or mutually-Sacred Love, draws them closer in their final returning into God, into Completeness. These two Souls have pre-existed in the Primordial Sublime world, and thus, the kindred seeks the Primordially kindred. But they can only meet in Love, only as the mutual merging of Souls. By the way, there are Initiates who can enter into sin, and they turn sin into such light… but I do not wish to speak much on this matter, because… They are from the Tree of Life, they have purified the levels, and whether they have 5 wives or 10 wives, like Mohammad has many wives, and Yajnavalkya, they enlighten everything, because for the one, who is Pure, everything is Pure. The impure one, without committing sin, they are still sinful. There is no need for them to commit sin, they may abstain – they are still sinful, they may allow sin – they are still sinful, because they are in darkness; but this is a somewhat special topic.
So, of this likeness, I shall return: here Souls are beautiful, because they meet themselves in their own Primordiality (God extends a hand) – when they were submerged into one another and they remember this. The True, unstoppable attraction can only happen in the Sacred Growth, and then the True Meaning appears as a Loving Unity. (This is all according to the Sufi).
Some of my interpretations: Between these Souls there is fine passion – nothing to do with the mind, there is mastered passion – brahmacharya, a person like this has practiced brahmacharya. There is a small spark of passion, all else is Sacred Love and Divine Love. This is something like a match, a lighter, which is not composed of the mind, but of Materia Prima, says Paracelsus – of the Ancient Proto-matter of the Heart. Nothing to do with emotions, this is the concealed Ether. And so, True Love exists only in this Primordial Totality, which has nothing to do with sexual love, which is poverty – also called wandering souls or ghostly imagination. Of this Primordial Love it has been said: Love knows only itself – Love. I.e. the Primordial part, birthed by this matter, the Primordial matter, this is the Secret of the Ether.
By the way, I am reminded, Resurrection in the occult language means to be rid of fire, air, water and earth, and to return into the Ether. This is Resurrection. Within this True Love the Primordial Supreme feeling of Love reigns, the feeling of Depth – no emotions, a Deep feeling. Here, something from the Anciency descends and merges in its Primordial Wholeness and this is God, because Love is His and here, the Great Coming into Peace happens. What I am speaking about has nothing to do with dreams or fantasies, this is the Great Reality itself. Here the Primordial nature meets itself in Love and it gives birth to itself in its Ancient attraction.
This is Love beyond the world, beyond images, this is Love, came forth from an outpouring of the Celestial Spheres, from the Ether, here the Ancient State shines – the Androgyne, the Great Completeness, of which it is said: You are Gods. Here the human form dissolves into Love, into the Primordial Fine Proto-matter, as if something has come from the concealed Ancient world. God does this (if there are merits), from the Celestial world. This is a meeting of the light bodies, so: the body has organs of light, there are bodies of light. The physical body may feel some bliss, but it is something very lateral, here we are speaking of deep things. Here the exterior becomes a meeting of the Interior and the Interior is illumined.

This is the Ancient Celestial science of Love – Supreme Tantra, because there is inferiour Tantra, as well. All of this is a part of the Ancient Love of God, because only He can pour Heavens from one Soul into another one. Here, one Love reads the Sacral text, the Sacral Love within the other Soul.
This True Love is a testimony of Divine Unity and this is the Androgyne. This Love is connected to the Mystery of God and it is His Revelation. This Love is the Primordial returning into yourself, into the Essence, into the Androgyne. This Love is known only by those, who have lost themselves within God, who have disappeared, say the Sufi. Only this True Love can be a Deep Support, because it is the Divine Conception – as a Support, as well. This True Love towards God is the Quintessence of everything, only it can reveal the Truth about things, because it is Complete. Others may talk of something, but it Is Total. Only Totality can reveal. This Love is composed of Sacred rays, concealed from the gaze of the world.
This was between the rest, as some people from England wanted me to say something on this matter.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel