Interview for “Black Sea” newspaper
Bulgaria has a future because of the Master
The Teaching makes you a completely free person.
The 11th of July is the birthdate of Peter Deunov. The known-unknown Master with the spiritual name Beinsa Douno started his earthly path from the village Nikolaevka near Varna, where his father was a priest. We count 139 years since then. Today Deunov’s followers are found not only in Bulgaria, not only in Europe, but throughout all continents. The Teaching – accepted or denied, the disciples – chased or glorified, have withstood through the decades. Now they continue to live in and through Love according to the main law of the Universe. On a path towards Truth they gain Wisdom. But before all that they pass through the sufferings of the spirit, longing for Justice. And these are sufferings much heavier than physical suffering. For many people the topic is unclear, the unfamiliarity with it brings uneasiness. The meeting with Petio Iordanov who gained his spiritual name Eleazar Harash from the Master, shines a ray of light towards the vastness of true being. This he does through his lectures held in the country, through his more than 40 published books, the most recent of which is ‘’Book of prayer’’.
-For more than 30 years you have lived with the Teaching of the White brotherhood. What have you gained and what have you parted with during that time?
-It is difficult to explain, especially in short. A person following the Teaching of Beinsa Douno is walking in the Way of Love, Wisdom, Truth – they are following them. Love gives you life, Wisdom – light, Truth grants you freedom. This is why the Teaching is Universal and this is our Sacred threesome – Love, Wisdom and Truth. It takes away the faults, the weaknesses. In this Teaching you cannot hate, you cannot criticise, be envious, get sick. You have no problems. You have tasks. It gives you something universal that you cannot explain, you feel it. It gives you a chance to know that part of you, that completeness in life, which has been lost way back in paradise. Cast out of paradise – exile – means the loss of completeness and the Teaching restores it. But you have to devote yourself very honestly, loyally.
-Are there any prohibitions, special rules for the lives of the disciples?
–Everyone is free to follow their own Way. But we must never allow hate or criticism towards others and towards ourselves. It has been said: do not judge. Because if we criticise, we judge God in the person. But this kind of behaviour is not a sign of passiveness or contentment with mistakes. You see things, notice them, but you are not the one to judge them. Evil is not our enemy. It is the concealed face of God. That is why there is a law – love your enemies. If we love evil, we will defeat it. This does not mean supporting injustice, committing evil deeds, pardoning criminals. This means loving that concealed reasonableness in the person, which will someday manifest. That some people are at this stage of their development right now only shows that their path is slower. They will suffer from their mistakes, they will experience something that will lead them to their reasonableness. Everything is inside of the person – heaven and hell. There are only three professions forbidden by the Master. They are barkeeper, hunter and butcher. Whoever kills makes a connection with the spirit of the animal whose life they are taking away. Whoever makes people drunk is also going to pay for it. These are deep things.
-How did you become oriented towards the White brotherhood?
-Every one who is thirsty for Truth, seeks it, suffers for it, wants it as a part of themselves. This is how you get to the Teaching. In this case you can be impatient. You are not waiting to see God after death, but here and now. When you feel that necessity, in one moment the accumulated energy explodes in you and you embark upon a True Way, which encompasses everything reasonable within itself. When I say that the Teaching takes away the weaknesses, this means that you learn to live in Love. In the Divine Love, not the human love. A person like that has no weaknesses any more. In Love, you manifest God, you are already on another spiritual level, in the dimension of God.

-What do you say to people who do not know, do not follow the Teaching?
-You cannot talk to them directly about the deep things. I advise them to at least be reasonable and noble in their deeds, and as much as they can, keep a positive way of thinking. Most of them are walking the long, slow road. It will take thousands of years before they get closer to God. They have dedicated themselves to everyday passions and desires, and thus lose. Because the ordinary buries the Sacred. The method of ordinary life, let us call it that, regardless of positions, of riches, is such. God, as I said, is within everyone, but with their way of life many people are not giving Him place. Pride, the Ego, leads them. This makes them even more vulnerable, easily offended. Everyone is free to choose the way.
-What is the state of the White brotherhood now?
-In Bulgaria a lot of the disciples are scattered in many different groups in various cities. Maybe they are around 100 000 now. All over the world there are groups in over 40 countries. My lectures are also attended by brothers and sisters from Europe, America. But that is not important. The Teaching cannot be popular, just as love towards Truth cannot be popular. People love their daily concerns and think that those are more important. But how can something have a place before God? In the Teaching a big Love towards Truth is very important. Then comes the Divine realisation in the person. But this has nothing to do with success in life as most people understand it. Because success which is not life within the Spirit, is a funeral. It is actually failure, but people do not know that.
-Is a guide, a guru, necessary to follow the Teaching of Beinsa Douno?
-Your Love towards the Truth is your guide. When you have it, your Master will appear. Whether they will guide you internally or externally depends on you. Most people are not ready to meet Them internally. Because within each person there are a lot of voices talking – from the astral world, voices of the dead, advanced or not, underdeveloped souls, demons. The important thing is whether a Great being is talking to you. A reasonable person who has achieved Wisdom is in contact with Wise voices. This means the voices talk according to the level of a person’s development. They are experienced differently – during sleep, or as hunches, suggestions. The Teaching explains everything. And most of all, what is Essential. Nothing is imposed. Those who understand are the ones who have suffered for True Love, not human love. Maybe this is already understood. And gradually you reach the True temple – your Soul. You are a lit candle. You start to think deeply, to accept things always with the tone of Love. You achieve a Deep inner Peace, in which anger, envy, spite, whatever negative feelings, are gone, wrong doings – as well. Following the Teaching you become like an ocean. If you throw a stone into the big water, it will engulf it, the stone will disappear. What if you throw it into a puddle? The murky water will splash, will become even muddier. It is the same with every person. If you are shallow, you will pay attention to the petty and ordinary, you will take offense at the deeds and words of others, you will be a slave to your faults. What if you are thinking deeply? Then nothing offends you, you will not suffer from common passions and worries. The Teaching makes you a completely free person. But you do not grow quickly, it requires great patience. Fall in love with Truth in such a way, so that you become a Sun. We carry it, because we are children of God. This is why the whole world is our family. Let us not put borders, let us not divide people, because if we do, we limit ourselves. But this type of behaviour is adopted only by separate groups or individuals who are developing. Society as a whole is not developing. Development can be manifested in an individual. Those who are able to suffer for the Truth, advance. The others will wait for other conditions, other races, other times. Those who live within Love, Wisdom and Truth are now giving a start for the Sixth race that is being prepared. This is like the dawn before the full sunrise of the True human brotherhood. Brother and sister means Spirit and Soul in the purest sense. So live according to the Divine laws now. The Master has left thousands of lectures concerning absolutely every matter. They are so deeply and profoundly explained as no one before Him has ever done. There is no question about our being that Beinsa Douno has not made Divine. This is the Truth about everything.
-How about matters surrounding magic, miracles, mysteries, that we still search for in our uneasy times?
-Let us all follow the Purity in our deeds. You can do anything, but led by Pure goals. What is magic? Prayer is magic, white magic. This is sending a Pure, mighty energy towards someone in order to help. Distance does not matter, it makes no difference if the person is in another world as well. But now the word magic bears a different meaning from the one it had in Ancient Egypt. Then it meant Truth. There science and religion were sacred. After that, by falling into the hands of people with weak characters, knowledge changed. And every person who has weaknesses is practically under a spell. By their weaknesses. The reason is always internal. And if a person is purified in their thoughts and deeds through their striving for Truth, who can cast a spell upon them? This is practical Divinity, something like a Sacred deed. How accurate are those words! And miracles? According to our, and according to the Highest measure, there is only one miracle in the world. This is your True life, the Sacred life. A bigger miracle than living within Love, Wisdom and Truth cannot be found.
Eleazar Harash: …what would I say for an introduction? Who in me is supposed to introduce himself? … I do not care about such things.
–The article is published in ‘’Black Sea’’ newspaper, ed.168, on Saturday, the 19th of July, 2003.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
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