Letters and Numbers – 17.5.1990
The one who has defeated evil within themselves, they have defeated death. True life begins after the victory over the astral. Angels are outside of the astral.
Only purity can give success. When God or the Angels are within a person, they defeat hardships.
Every hardship is a chance for willpower.
Moksha – means liberation. All Divine teachings have one taste – moksha.
In the world they do not approve of a person’s virtues, but in the heavens they do not accept their faults.
True knowledge is that, which triumphs over destiny and death.
Tranquility is a kind of Majesty.
What is most wanted from the disciples is developing the qualities: humility, patience, Love.
Science and religion are not capable of solving life’s problems, because they lack Supreme Love.
Worldly students do not develop character.
Silence accumulates Fiery energy. Silence does not cause karma. Control of the Word is required.
Silence leads to closeness with the Spirit. Silence and Quiet are some of the Supreme Names of God.
The Soul is awakened, but the mind and heart are locked.
Every empty word is a debt.
Defeat yourself! – This is the Key to the Secret Knowledge.
Only the one who can defeat themselves can live properly.
For the sacrificial offering: We must defeat our inner astral animals: the pig, the wolf, the dinosaur, the lion. This is the True sacrifice.
A person who cannot change their way of eating, cannot change their way of thinking as well, and from there on – their destiny.
Powerful willpower – means powerful Spirit.
Purity is a Fiery Principle, an inner dynamic. Within Purity dwell Higher powers. God unites only with the Pure ones.
The eyes and forehead express the Truth, the ears – Wisdom; the lips – Love (hope), the chin –willpower.
Ripe karma exists when the time is already up and there is nothing that can be done.
“Seek me while I am close.”
Kabballah gives the cypher for the universe, for the Bible.
If you deny reincarnation, this is a sign of impurity.
Kabballah deals with the Word. The Sacred scriptures are distinguished by the Power of the Word.
Whoever defeats others has strength. Whoever defeats themselves has Supreme strength.

Meaning comes from the Divine world. Substance is from the Spiritual world. Facts are an illusion, dreams. Churches deal with laws. Masters deal with Principles.
A scholar guesses, a Sage knows.
Unity with God removes all problems and worries.
Whoever has consciously taken up the path with God, they are good.
For the letters:*
*Bulgarian language uses the Cyrillic alphabet. The phonetic Latin equivalent of the Cyrillic letters is given in brackets.
A (A) – a leading letter, letter of light, of Aum (the Primordial music). The power lines of A themselves are the mind, the heart and willpower.
Б (B) – a law for inner growth. A closed letter.
В (V) – a law of faith. Connected to the number 3.
Г (G) – connected to the astral. A crook, pulling things toward itself, but also the letter of God.
У (U) – letter of the disciple, but also of Masters.
Freedom – means freely choosing a path of evolving. This is a unification with God, a law for a reasonable life.
Д (D) – a law of virtues.
П (P) – a ripe fruit.
Л (L) – this is a hill, the hill of Love – it is the Key to all Secrets of life. It is always dynamic.
E (E) – a law for multiplication. Multiplication and addition are laws of the White Brotherhood – we are multiplying virtues, qualities, powers.
A mother who has managed to bring an idea of God into her child’s heart has fulfilled her duty as a mother.
Tranquility is a sign that angels live within you.
Formula: “God, teach me to achieve Deep inner Peace”.
An exercise for patience: with a glass full of water, slowly walk around a room in a circle (the Divine shape). The circle is a symbol of God, the Father. The ellipse has two centres, the circle has one.
When Kundalini is achieved, doubt disappears.
Exercises for patience: count the grains of 1 kilogram of wheat; every day write down one thought – beautifully, attentively. Every letter is a living being, an angel.
Madness is caused by cruelty in the past. A premature glimpse in the other world is an unreasonable desire. Madness is caused by working against God – intentionally or not. A number of mad individuals will enter the Sixth race.
Ж (Zh) – the letter of life. Two rotated K’s.
K (K) – a heavy letter, when it is included in the name. It has a lot of angles crossing each other.
The White Brothers materialise through the formulas.
Formula: “God, give me Absolute conditions for growth”.
Hurrying is a law of the Black brotherhood.
Only a person of Love can value the small things. Truth is found in the details.
Formula: “God, teach me to breathe Ether” – a special law.
H (N) – a law of contradiction. Two rivers – if you manage to make a bridge, you will pass.
K (K) – can be defeated only with strong discipline.
T (T) – a law of contradiction. Whoever can change the direction

goes upwards. All reasonable creatures move in parallel.
Little things have big consequences. The one who is Truthful in the small things, is Truthful in the big things, as well.
For the numbers:
57 has two sides: 5 is the number of freedom – a Pentagram, a shining of the willpower, the Fiery person unified with God; 7 is the number of the Spirit, to reign over matter.
3 – a number of tranquility. Three is considered a One. The three faces of God – Love, Wisdom and Truth.
5 is the reaper of Hermes – a sickle, which reaps.
The numbers and letters themselves are living beings.
When writing down a thought – write down every letter with maximum beauty.
The True church is the Temple of the Soul, and the Temple is located in the whole universe and in the person’s Heart.
The True church is something spiritual, not something made of stone.
Different movements are different spirits.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel