Of Love between people, Interview from 25.11.2016 pt. 2
Of Love between people, part 2
Interview with Eleazar Harash
held on 25.11.2016 by Portal12
(continued from part 1) – here
In the process of raising the children… Since each family is a closed community, what should the keys be, towards freedom and the searching for the Divine? Should we keep this family community closed, or should we rather give complete freedom to the children?
It is very difficult for people to give total freedom, but this is the best thing to do, in this sense: Total freedom means total trust – you are already giving something from God. With total trust there will be total friendship in time, it will be created by trust. But it is good to… You give your trust, but as Mohammad says: Tie your camel and then pray. In the sense: “God, You guide my child on the right path.” “You lead my child.”, “You teach my child.”, “You educate my child”. There is even such a formula, which the Master recently gave to me: “God, fortify Yourself in my child.” – because if He fortifies Himself, then everything else will already be in its place, and the rest is trust. So, both prayers and trust, and right conversations. Not some manoeuvring because it is a child. It is an old Soul. You do not know – it might be much more experienced… In many regards it is more experienced than your Soul in other regards. This is why there is big reverence between us, and this is why I secretly love both Saints and Sages, but I know who is on what level, because there are… I am researching about 800 Masters and Sages, and so I respect the children – saints (the saints are children) but there are certain Sages, who… Even Sages cannot be my measure, because the Master is something Supreme, and we are looking for the True measure, so that we know exactly where we are going.
And maybe this summoning to instil God into the children, is namely the key to eliminating fear, because a big number of parents live in constant fear and anxiety for their children. Even, let us say, that they might get hit by a car on the street, how they perform in school, or how they turn out to be in time their life.
To worry is a quality of the mind. This is the lower person, the fallen person, they worry even with an arranged life. There worrying is… it is a law. They cannot live without worrying – the mental person, the rudimentary, inferiour person. Worries are their zest, they do not even have a choice. But when the person trusts the child and loves it, prays for it, thinks correctly according to God’s laws… not according to the laws of the world and some religion – the laws of God – they are not laws of religion, we will explain the difference sometime. So, when you love the child, you trust it completely. This is not faith, I want to say the difference. You can have faith in your child and still not trust it – because of these fears. Fears are an old sickness of the mind. Anxieties – a person who is anxious, they do not even have true faith, let us not speak about trust. So, worries must die. To the truly spiritual person worrying is foreign. They live in the Current of God – there, even if you want to, you cannot worry – not that it is forbidden, but it is not present.
But let me say some more important things about the child.
What is most important is that children be taught a special Love towards Truth. That is how children were taught in Persia according to the laws of Zarathustra. Truth means Asha in Persian. And from an early age it was much emphasised how the child should talk, how to be silent, how to pray, how to value God. Why? – Because in time Truth will lead the child straight into the arms of God. The devil may reach, the demons may try…
He has no right?
He has none. No, he cannot, because there it is God’s aura. Where God is, there is no devil. Where Truth is… Yes.
Years ago, the path towards laying down the spiritual foundations of the upbringing was namely asceticism, today, however, we see around us the rushed daily life, a lot of technology – the children are constantly under the influence of being mentally busy. Is it possible for them to be saved from this blindness and to provide them a path towards the spiritual, if you could give us some particular examples of efforts leading to this?
First of all, let me tell you about asceticism and monasticism – in the past and now – there have been huge delusions. This is said by Priest Bogomil. He says: The monasteries are full of fox-people – monks, hidden foxes, who have escaped from the world because it is pleasant in the monastery, like an escape. There are separate individual monks who separate themselves not to run away from the world and from problems and difficulties, but to devote their life to God. It is very difficult to find 3 people out of 100 – I can prove this using the laws of numbers, but we will not go down that path. I know it is so – because there the requirements, the bar that God Himself has spoken… they cannot go near it, but let us say that there are a few people… What does Buddha say about who is a monk? He says: If you are completely honest with yourself and you have the special Love for Truth, then you are in the monastery, then the world is a monastery. If you are not honest, even in the monastery, you are not in the monastery. – Simple, clear… Buddha is… we will speak of him as well, if we decide to – a very Deep Wisdom.
So let me, after all, bring back the parallel concerning today’s extremely technocratic reality – i.e. the approach of forbidding the children’s access to technologies, because a big part of children today are dependent on computers, smartphones, etc. – so we should understand that is not the way… In the conditions of this engagement of the mind and all these technologies, can we find balance and a path towards the Truth and the spiritual? In the primary beginning stages of the children’s education.
It is not a matter of balance exactly… Again, we get to the point of trust. When your child is occupied with computers, phones – where do I see the concealed beauty? First, there children become very perceptive – very perceptive, because there are many points of view – you cannot have only one viewpoint, like some say “Only my teaching is right”- you are already an untruthful person, it is done. I am researching over 80 Teachings and many other Sages, and I see that all nations and the aphorisms of all nations… Everyone is right! But when they purify themselves and enter this Right way of Life in Unity with God. Everyone else, even if they are speaking correctly, if they do not have this Unity… But let me go back to your question. A prayer – let us say your child is involved with computers: “God, guide my child, I have full trust in You.” In time, it will… The child has its own path there, this perceptivity will give it in time such a point of view that it will grow beyond both the Bible and the Quran and will enter into Unity with God, because it will understand the unwritten laws – and they are within the Pure Heart. Of the Pure Heart we may speak especially, because it is a Secret science of Egypt and Atlantis. And this is why Bayazid says: 100 monasteries, 100 churches, 100 Bibles, 100 Qurans are not worth as much as one Pure Heart. – They are worth nothing. The Pure Heart is such a Secret science, that you can even amaze God Himself – I am not speaking of the angels. We can devote an interview sometime, so that you see what science the matter is about. This is something very rare in the world, because it is very difficult, laboursome. It is one thing to imagine that you have a Pure Heart and to think about it, it is a completely different thing to have it… A Deep, says the Master, Secret Science of the Depths. The saints do not possess it – I can prove it to you, but I will not prove it, I do not like the proving of things. They have embarked on this path, they have it partially, because they do not have the Deep Wisdom, but they have at least started on this path – my respects – it is important. But…

So, something more about the children: They are called the flowers of the Earth.
Today between the parents and children there is more mentality, to some extent soulfulness. And what is right is for Wisdom to flow between them. When the parent does not have Wisdom, but they have common knowledge and information, then what are we speaking of? If they at least pray…
I will say something about deeds. We will start from the Master again, as He is the Highest measure for everything:
In the physical world, the person’s capital share is their Pure deeds. – Not thoughts, not feelings, their Pure deeds.
The good deed has a sign – says the Master – It brings Peace and Serenity to the Soul. – You receive Deep Peace, a quiet Peace and serenity. There is no worrying, so to say. There is a saying – very beautiful one – I have given it to some people who worry a lot – as an exercise. You say slowly: “Great serenity reigns Within my Soul.’’ – and you imagine a sea without any waves. Your heart is a sea, or a lake, without any waves.
The saying is: ‘’When the sea is calm, the ants come out to drink water.’’ – What beauty! A mastery – and then, what worrying, right? So now, of the deeds:
When Love visits the person, it will teach them how to act towards all people. This Love: spiritual Love, Sacred Love, Divine Love; and three Secret degrees, very Supreme, of which we should not yet talk about… let the person first reach this spiritual Love. And the Master says: Many instances in the life of the person show that people had relations between them from the far past. – As I said to you before – trust, past lives. You live with one person for 20, 50 years and you still do not trust them completely. You meet another person for the first time – immediately trust for life. How so? This is… You cannot develop or earn trust in one life – you may want to earn it. But what does the Master say in another place: If you lose the trust of a person, (or of the Bulgarians), even if you become a saint afterwards, they will never believe you. – A saint is not enough, this is another topic. But they will not believe you because it is already lost. So what if you are a saint? You have shown that you are a cracked jug.
So in this same logic, because you also used the metaphor of a cracked jug in the previous conversation… In the relationships between people within a family, when there is a ‘’cracking of the jug’’, is there something that can glue it back together? I.e. the awareness of wrong deeds, in general, is there any forgiveness in the frame of this same lifetime in the same family?
There is forgiveness, but it does not help. If a person does not get themselves together and does not devote their life to God and to Truth in particular – to God and to Truth, in an exceptional, extraordinary way, then even if you forgive them all life long, the cracked jug is cracked. It is like the anxious person – this anxiety you cannot buy it off with money, even if you are a billionaire you cannot cure it. You must devote your life to God and when He will fix the jug – whether at the end of this life, or in the other life – that is not your business. But at least you have done the gesture of devoting your life to God – not to some church, some religion, some lighting of candles – we are speaking specifically of God and the Truth – this is a measure.
The Master says, “The biggest mistake you make is repeating your sins, at least become aware and do not repeat them.” – I have read this in one of the books a long time ago.
Yes, repeating sins reaffirms them. This is the person who does not learn, does not draw experience . This is why a disciple is the one who learns. Now, there are disciples who are slow to learn, others medium… Others have worked in the past and when they make just one mistake, they will not repeat it anymore until the end of their life, but they may make another one. And in time, the higher beings themselves (take note, not the devils) send to the person… They make it so that a mistake happens between the person and another one, especially between close people. This happens so that the disciple does not think they are flawless, in order to keep their humility and to increase it, and so that they keep working on themselves. Not think “I am an authority, I know”, because Humility is another Secret science, like the Pure Heart. Sometime we might unite it with the Secret of Humility (in an interview). Because you can devote your life to Humility and not attain it. In time I will explain to you how you are to walk on this path, because it is such a Great Teaching… The Master says: Humility – the first quality of the White Brotherhood. – You start from there – Humility and a Pure Heart. If you do not have this…
I would love for us to do another topic on Humility and Maeterlinck who is one of my favourite authors. But in these instances when spiritual beings provoke the realisation of such a sin, for example within one family, then whose shoulders does the karma rest upon?
Each person carries their own karma. Especially ripe karma, there is no salvation there anymore, because God withdraws… The ordinary, worldly person – whether they will have a family, or not; whether they will make mistakes, or not – they will be in the system of… Fallen spirits will attack them because they have not made the right choice; they have not chosen the righteousness of things, the dignity of things, the deep nobility… Dignity is deeper than nobility, this is another topic. And this is for the worldly person – it does not matter that much whether they sin, or only rarely sin. They are in the system – a fallen system, and… But they have to ripen there, in some sufferings, so that they can begin…
So: The measure for things is found only within the Divine morality. – not in the human morality.
It is an art to know how to help. And the Master says: When you do good, have you asked God? – You do not know the consequences, you may do a good deed and have very bad consequences, or you can do something evil, or say something bad, offend the person, and have such nice consequences! I have a specific example, I will give it to you right away. Some time ago, when I was secretly holding lectures in different apartments (because these lectures were forbidden), in one apartment there was a yogi and he was giving a massage to one pleasant girl. And one sister who was fat – let us call her overweight so as to not offend her – said: “Why don’t you massage me?” and he said: “You’re fat”. He insulted her, she got offended and she started jogging, for years, on this stadium. I know her, her name is Slavka -she ran like an athlete for years and years – healthy, pleasant – and sometimes we saw each other there – I too used to jog a little, rarely. And she was exercising in such a way! He helped her, and see – the bad word gave good consequences. Other times you buy a bouquet of flowers to deceive a woman, hypocritically, and in time you will bear the consequences, both you and her, and… So, a supposedly nice deed… I want to say: the Secret of the Deep deeds is found in the concealed intention. There it is decided who is Pure. The Masters of the Deep intention are the Toltecs and Sages – from a Sage upwards.
Yes, but the key here is also in how we greet, in this example, the bad word, because this woman could have been offended and done nothing.
Yes, yes.
So the interpretation is in our hands again.
Yes, but she is spiritual. And I believe she asked me and I told her something, and she started this beautiful exercising for years, that even I…
So, there is this good which brings bad consequences. There is evil which brings good consequences. A bad deed which brings good consequences is from the White Brotherhood. A good deed which brings bad consequences is from the Black Brotherhood. The best is – says the Master – a good deed with good consequences. – It is difficult, (but) it is possible.
Spiritual relations lift people up, while the physical, material relations bring them down. – the Master.
Al Rabiya, in her cell – have I told you about this instance? A Sufi Mystic, a Persian one. There are Persian Sufis – a fearsome Wisdom. See what beauty: this is a nun, Sufi. Sufi means big Purification, beings of a High degree, devoted to God, two and three degrees above saints. But anyway, what does she say? Al Rabiya, she lived around the 8th, 9th century. Locked in her cell, she is praying to God, she is reigning in her Bliss. A monk, a Sufi Sage, knocks on the door of the cell and says: “Rabiya, go outside to see what beauty, what nature, what flowers!” She says: Leave this – not nonsense, but – leave those things, what nature, what flowers, come to see the Creator within me. – See? What flowers… But the people, the earthly ones, what could she explain… As I told you: the wilted flower has gone into freedom, it took its fragrance and hid among the angels… But the person sees a wilted flower – they cannot see its beauty, they are happy only when the flower is in bloom which is a very limited, poor viewpoint. This is why I am telling you, we will speak of the Atantean way.
To the Pure Love God gifts Peace. – To the True Love. This is one of the signs that you have True Love. Not serenity, let me explain the difference. There is common peace, serenity and Peace. Common peace is when you have mastered your mind – people in the world sign peace treaties – there is no such thing, contracts do not matter here. You have to have signed a peace contract within yourself. Common peace is a mastered mind. Serenity is given to the Soul – the higher Soul has serenity. Peace is the highest degree, this is Pure Spirit. This is a big Inspiration and this Peace, which is indestructible, you cannot touch… There the atomic bomb cannot go near.
God is the One Who gifts True Love. – So, people seek True Love. If they do not find God, they will be disappointed. They will seek it, but they will not receive it. Or they will receive a small part of it, because they have sought a lot. But God is the measure, God is the giver Himself, He is True Love Itself. How is it possible without Him…

This Love is something you can never get enough of –True Love. There is no quenching, there is no end. This is your Primordial Completeness – it cannot be quenched.
Apollonius of Tyana says, one of the Great Masters: I drink but one Elixir – the Elixir of True Love. – he has achieved it within himself, he does not need a sister, a wife. But if he does get married, he will have Divine relations, he will live in Completeness again, because he already has it within himself. With or without a wife he is in the Kingdom of God. Completeness is a Kingdom of God, Peace – it is not some mere world.
Some things from the Toltecs: All the educated people in the world – let us say they are 5 million, the truly educated, – are not worth as much as one Toltec. – The educated ones – they do not know how to pass through death; do not know True Love; if you insult them, they get offended – a Sage drinks Elixir when they are being insulted, do you understand? They have a different approach. Besides, the educated person might have education, but they have no upbringing, and even if they do, they are still not masters of themselves. So, the educated person in every aspect is ignorant and this is why here we are talking of a Sage and upward – this is the measure – not a saint. I will directly say it in my way – education is ignorance – big, very big, medium, it does not matter. We are speaking here of just one Toltec, a Toltec of the 3rd degree, which is a very high degree. And there is an 8th degree, let us conditionally call it a 4th degree of Attention. There not only is education completely irrelevant, but it is a huge downfall, it cannot help in the slightest. It does not matter if you have 4 degrees of higher education, they are really 4 lower degrees. There are people… There is one person with 4 degrees of higher education, who became a disciple of the Master, and he was a student as if he started in diapers, he starts to learn elementary things, because all his degrees of higher education have confused him. I will explain:
Lao Tzu says: The Dao – i.e. God, the Truth – is not educated. – God Himself is not educated. He is Superb, He is another measure, He has no education, this is… While the Toltecs of 7th and 8th degree have saved themselves from all types of education – all kinds! They have merged with God. And in the 7th and 8th degree they have become gods. This is where the True Way leads. Not towards education, not towards the world. And within the 8th degree there is something even Deeper, they have given up bliss – take note, in the 8th degree, – and given up Completeness. Why? See what they say: The Eagle – God – surpasses any Completeness. We want God, the Eagle, we do not want our Higher self. – notice what we are talking about. In time we will speak.
This is why The Master says: Love has a Deeper mission than bliss. – Some think that bliss is the final goal – no. The Master says: Love is Deeper, it has a Deeper mission. – You will excuse me, but this reduces education to dust – all over the world, no exceptions. Both of the person, and of humanity. A totally different matter is Love towards God. This is where you begin, the small measure, until you become a True person.
In God, in Truth – as I said, – there is no human nature, there is the Kingdom of God. – That was it, if you have any questions…
Since our conventional, standard, uniform education is not the key to the true things, then what should one gaze at in order for it to be educational… especially for children?
Children, with no exception, must be taught from a very young age to pray. Many of our people… This is the first step – says the Master, – which in time will remove both heavy karma and light karma, and will help the children to start thinking in a right way. – And when they enter the right way and the right Love, there is no karma, because Love has no karma, Love has no fate. Fate, as I said, means to be judged. This is where you start. This is the first language, the path of Prayer – the Master says – this is the first thing in the Divine language, the beginning. – And if I am aware that one person does not accept prayers, then I know that even if they are very successful in life, in time they will pay very dearly, they will suffer and it will be too late, they will be ruined. And when it is difficult for you, but you are on this path, then you will bring sense to hardships. The fool cannot bring sense to anything. The Sage brings sense to hardships and turns them into pearls – this is the difference.
Except bringing up children into prayer and into interaction with God, with the invisible world, what other guides could they have?
Yes, prayer is not… it is just the beginning of the long Way. The other important thing is that you yourself speak very attentively and in the right way, and not underestimating the child. In front of you there is an old Soul, an Ancient Soul, something Deep. In many aspects it surpasses you. I have spoken to many children, partially to one kindergarten, and we talk as equals – we are equal. Deeply in our Essence we are equal. We immediately became friends. I had other invitations, to other kindergartens, but I declined, even in this European one here, but anyway. This is how friendship is created, trust. From trust you can already proceed. And when you speak to the child in the right way, it starts to develop a point of view which is indestructible. Its approach becomes the right one. And if you speak like this for a few years… But I say again, you must be the right person yourself. Because you could want to… Or, at least embark on this path – then already…
Now I will start with the viewers’ questions…
Are they endless?
I have only selected a few…
I thank all the viewers, nevertheless, who continue sending us questions and the ones that are not included we will include in the following interviews on the specific topics. Let us start with one viewer’s question which is connected to something you have mentioned in a few of the previous interviews: Could you bring some clarity on the difference between criticism and making a remark in the interpersonal relationships, especially between the man and woman, as well as in the education of children?

First, I will confess: one time I used to criticise, too. I did not know the difference, but I trained for two years, because God says (not just anyone), in the Gospel of Matthew: “Do not judge, lest you too be judged.” You do not know the deep reasons, how can you make statements, opinions and more opinions… And I saw that there is a difference between opinions and Wisdom. The opinion is nonsense. The word itself means doubting, not having Wisdom, not having awareness.
When I was training, in the beginning I was criticising too, I started not to criticise on the outside, but internally I was grumbling. – wait a minute, this is still criticising – I will be paying internally. At first I could succeed for 2 days, 4 days, 9 days, as far as I remember, because this was a long time ago. I have done many other types of training, but in this case we are speaking of criticism. In the first year I achieved a record of 58 days. And on the 58th day, see how I slipped: One friend of mine, an Armenian, he got married in England and he left, so he asked me of N******l S******y: “Do you not speak with these people, of Love, Wisdom and Truth, of the Great Teaching? “, I said: “I do not speak to rocks.” – Woe, the end! Training anew. And then, on the second year, a full year of no criticism – you become incapable.
What is a remark? The remark is according to the Law of Love. There you speak a precise Word, mildly, in the right way, there is no karma – you are not writing fate anymore, you cannot write. Criticising – the Master says – means that you are throwing stones upon yourself. – Criticism is somewhat similar to politics. Criticising is hiding and pushing – hiding something and pushing something else forward to make it more noticeable, which is a sickness, like the word “politics”. The Master says that politics lead to a negative view – whether you want to or not, it does not lead to Sacredness. If there are saints leading there, at the least, even though they cannot help either… There are others that could help and these are the Right people. God will save humanity in time through the Right people, they are from saints upwards – the lowest level is saints, but until people ripen to earn such a government, such leaders, their hair will turn white many times. Mine will turn white too, by then.
Let us test if I have understood the difference between criticism and a remark. Is the remark these words and thoughts which aim for something to get better?
The remark, spoken according to the Law of Love, with the mild and right voice, and sometimes with a strict voice, so that you awaken something in the person – both ways are correct. The Sage has the measure, it is not a problem. Then you are helping. But this has nothing to do with criticism, this is the Law of Love. And the person has a suitable moment, they are calm, receptive, they perceive this – now whether or not they will implement it – this is Sacred, it is freedom. But you are saying it as a gesture towards the Soul and the person, because you love the Souls. I do not speak for people’s minds. I want nothing to do with the mind of people. Even the ones who have mastered their mind. I am talking for Souls, and where there are conditions to help. Now, where there are no ears, no heart, whatever you say… But there you could pray that God… There is still a way, but…
Yes… Is it possible for a man and woman who have lived together in a past life, to meet again, and… in the sense that: is this mandatory, for them to live and be together again in some way in this life, as well?
First, it is not mandatory. Second, let us say… We have two instances. In the first one, they must meet and mandatorily finish something from their past lives – unresolved relationships – they have been brought together. Whether they will stand each other or not – this is another matter, but they need to offer a hand of support to one another. And especially if one of them has embarked on the right Way, they can pray that God is between them – ‘’God, make our relationship sacred’’ or ‘’God, make our relationship right, help us’’. When this is diligent, there will be a softening and an improvement.
The second instance is: they will not meet now, they will meet after a few lifetimes, because now there are no suitable parents to receipt them, there are no conditions. There are no spiritual conditions. The word ‘’conditions’’ – says the Master, the meaning of the word itself – These are the Supreme beings taking part. – This is not merely a word. – When there are conditions, there are right parents – they may meet again. But when there are no such conditions, they may meet in 100, 200, 300 years – and the longer timeframe is around 2000 years.
Osho shares of a dynamic meditation, which consist of the following: that a person from time to time removes certain people from their life. For example, the nice and sweet part of a relationship is over, or as it is called ‘’the honeymoon’’ of a relationship, then people get tired of each other and end it. What is your opinion on this meditation?
Yes, I will tell you. But first, when I hear ‘’honeymoon’’, it is very funny to me, because the Truthful life is a honeymoon for the whole life. You are blissful your whole life, you are dedicated to God your whole life and there is no ‘’honeymoon’’ here, because that is one huge limitation and if your life is but one honeymoon, then…
So, what exactly was the…? Because I am thinking of many things…
Yes… In the sense of, about people who grow tired of each other and end the relationship soon after they have drank the nectar of the honeymoon.
Ok. There are instances… This leads to Wisdom and the fine discernment of things. There are instances when you must tolerate the person, as heavy as that might be for you, because patience, says the Master, is the Power of Love. Being patient with evil, with the evil person, or with the heavy person, let me not say ‘’evil’’ exactly – in this way you overcome the evil in them and in yourself, as well. You overcome your mind, you overcome, let us say, the loathing, the hate or the heavy qualities, and…
Here a lot of people will be shocked.
They will be shocked by me, but I have not even started speaking yet – this is the pre-screening, the movie has not started yet. So, I was telling you a different thing: There are cases when – the other instance – when they must separate. Because one person has proved that they have a big patience, but there is no further growth. There is burden and if the person wants to work on themselves and build a spiritual foundation, a Sacred foundation, a Divine foundation – then they separate and the person begins to work on themselves. And when the person becomes a spiritual being, a Divine being, in time they will then be able to come together with such people, with such karma, but then no one will be able to muddle their consciousness, because they have a certain fortitude. You cannot be insulted, you cannot be offended because you are already stable and spiritually resilient. There is something Immutable within you – so be my guest, offend me if you want to, even all day long – it does not matter anymore because you are not there anymore, you are humbled – how will you offend the humble person? They are the Nothingness – can you offend the wind? There is no…
What does Mr. Harash think regarding gay relationships and children being raised by homosexuals?
Very widespread, especially abroad, but already starting in Bulgaria.
Now, when, some time ago, the big strike was on Pompeii and it incinerated… the main reason were the homosexual relationships. They are a heavy illness – a changing of not only the human nature, but of the spiritual nature as well. But there are certain instances – two homosexual men, let us say, have come together, they get along, they respect each other – and on the other hand a ‘’lovely’’ couple – a man and a woman – fight and beat each other all day long. Which is better? Both things are deviations of sorts, but which is better? Let us leave them free, because God has given a big freedom. Let us not condemn them, let us not judge them, because there they can gradually become reasonable and in time one man may find a woman for himself, the other may feel good on his own – they may grow from this and not grow from some other relationship. And in loneliness they may become desperate, commit suicide and go backwards in their development. I am saying: let us not judge. I say: both to the ones and the others – I wish them good fortune, but let them seek the reasonableness and what is right in things, maybe not dignity, but nobility. Because dignity is a very high measure.
And the children who are raised in such relationships, are they not robbed in some way, to call two men – one of them ‘’mum’’ and the other one ‘’dad’’?
Within the person, both energies live – the man and the woman. The issue is not in this, but what may happen: One such relationship may fail all three of them, or all three of them may grow in reasonableness and spirituality if there is mutuality and understanding. So then, where is the measure? This is why I say: I have absolute non-judgement, my point of view…
But you really do not criticise!
But there is no criticism, because people there can grow in such a way, like they cannot grow in one smiling, happy family, which sinks further down based on some earthly reasons: they are happy that they have children, that they have a house, that they have a car – which is a tragedy.
Theft, cheating, lying, violence in interpersonal relationships: How do we grade them as sins, and how do we purify ourselves from them? I will repeat them again: Theft, cheating, lying, violence.
First, it is lying. The heaviest, it is a double sin, says the Master. If you tell a lie, there is no redemption in this life. You create a hole (in your spiritual body) and you will have health issues in your next life. In this life you may say ‘’God, forgive me, I sinned before the great Truth.’’ – such is the rule. But still, you will not be forgiven, you have already missed it. The lie is unacceptable. The Master says: all other sins can more or less be forgiven. The lie – never.
Theft – there are two cases there. It can be physical… One friend of mine had his TV stolen and he said: ‘’Hm, I think I shouldn’t watch TV, I get too carried away’’ – so, this is a gift. But when you are stealing the feeling of the person, when you are stealing their progress – this is spiritual theft, there is no forgiveness. God’s strictness will pour down unconditionally. God is unconditional – there no one can ridicule the person, the Soul.
And cheating… When we say cheating, this mostly means cheating on yourself. You have already sown something, which you will repay both as illnesses and physical problems, and as spiritual ones.
What was the fourth?
Violence… I said it last time – especially a combination of lying and violence… When such people die, for a long time they cannot leave not only the coffin, but they are nailed to their body, attached, and a heavy next reincarnation is awaiting them. This is why I said this, so that some may draw conclusions while it is still early – to at least soften to some degree, because otherwise there will be no forgiveness. There have been instances when God Himself has said: There will be no mercy. – Not someone else, not gods, or… God Himself has said this, one occurrence in the Secret bible, He says it to Enoch. So…

I am certain that at least some of the people who have watched the previous interview ‘The Secret Of Death’’ will think deeply regarding things and regarding the mistakes that a person makes in their life. But for the ones who are watching this video in this moment, and who realise the sins that are behind them – what must they do?
First you begin with prayer. With Love for Truth and with mastery over and preservation of words. – How you speak. The way you speak, the way you think, shows what you are sowing. When you start from here and you are serious, then further… Such a person will reach either my lectures, or the lectures of the Master and will read them in the right way. I have some people who do not even need to have meetings with me – one acquaintance in Italy said: I have a daughter, I got divorced, I am happy that I do not have a man, I live very fulfilled with your lectures . They are… There I have answered almost all important questions – I have been presenting lectures for almost 35 years now, so that is why I stopped in some cities, and I declined for abroad. If I wanted to make money out of this – I was offered in England $3000 per hour to give lectures. But I will never go for money – never! There is no way for that, in fact. I will go humbly, quietly, sincerely – concealedly sincerely – and I know how God and the Master will arrange my life. But I declined these things, because first is the Truth and then is the gain. If you swap things and their places, if you place the gain first in your life, then you are already a buried person. It is even worse, but here I am saying the soft version – you are already one of the buried ones. The Truth is first, and then the gain comes – God helps you, but you already have the measure. I have lived with 250lev a year – I do not know if you understand me, and I could have reached to 130lev, but I did not go into extremities… Because when you feed on Love, on Wisdom, on fresh air, on your Love for the Master, for the Word, for God – they satiate you so much, that there is very little left for food. Very little. The Pure air itself… anyway.
Let more people give thought to all these things that you are sharing with us. And, finishing the topic on the woman, the man, the child… I would like to ask you: Is it possible that the meetings between a woman and man, who in time have children… That these meetings are a reason, which is in result to this specific child or these children being born to them… As a whole, that the meetings of the man and the woman are caused by events that have already happened in the future?
No, not in the future. But events that have happened in the inner realm, in the Concealedness of God, in the Divine Conception. Because in God there exists no future. The ones who believe in some future – it is a wrong aim in itself. You should believe in God, in the Truth and in the Divine Conception. You do not need a future. The future shows that people have been misled by their mind. The mind believes in a future and a past, because it misses them – it cannot live in the present. God is always in the present. He is here. God is here now, too. He is here at all times. Mohammad says: If you believe God is by your side, He is by your side. If you do not believe – He is still by your side – whether you see this or… Anyway, what was your idea precisely? Whether they will come together because of future… because of the reason of the child?
Yes, so that… In a way, they may think ‘’I like you, you like me’’, but in reality all this is happening in order to create the conditions that in time certain children appear there.
So, we are not speaking here that they like each other… The karma has liked them. They must come together, karma has loved them, fate has brought them together. And it might be a large family, it might become a whole kindergarten, it does not matter – these are past friends and enemies gathered together, says the Master – to solve their past relations in the name of growth. – Whether they will realise this, whether they will seek Truth and Wisdom – this is… freedom. The matter is, they have been brought together according to the laws of the Divine Conception. And the angels of destiny govern the karma, we have explained how they act, they gather all these Souls together in the name of development and each one in their own way – because everyone is composed differently – each one embarks on their own way in this collective.
And my final question: For those people who have decided to follow the deep spiritual growth and the devotedness to God, but they have a family, they have kids – should they, towards the end of their life, withdraw and live in solitude?
The one who has truly chosen development – nothing hinders them. A person may go in a monastery and be worse off there. It is an inner matter –now, in the New times, the monastery is internal. You can use the relationships to observe how you speak, do you speak sincerely with your children, are you a Deep friend of theirs, do you underestimate them – because you have no right to underestimation. In fact, your love for these things, your approach – and already you do not need to withdraw, because God wants these relationships to… You have nowhere to run. Well, if we say conditionally that you have to run somewhere – I say: run to God!
Thank you very much for this interview.
I am grateful also.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel