Questions of the children towards Eleazar: Parts 6 and…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
(Continued from part 2 – here) (Back to part 1 – here)
Questions of the Children towards Eleazar Part 6 – 21.02.2024
Agartha and Azira, Why are there 24 Elders? Is there a Zero Elder? The Independent Elders. Humility.
-Hello, friends. Today is Part 6 of our series Questions of the Children towards Eleazar. We continue with Shining’s questions, but before that, let us ask: Would you share with us, Petio, why did the children choose your Foundation to ask their questions?
-So, we do not choose anything. There is One Acting God and Master. He chooses, He asks the questions through them, because He loves their Souls. Kindred questions, which are kindred to them. He answers and they are absent, and I am absent too, but we are here and so on – it is interesting.
-We are present, but we are absent and God does His Deed, because He knows how to.
-And why did the Master choose that they find their answers here?
-Well, because He knows where there is a convenient place for Him to give the answers. Because He is acting and with us, He feels good. It has become natural with us, such questions and answers, for years – around 42 years now, and let us not speak that I was involved before that, too.
-And you had shared, you shared with me that the Master, maybe since the time when He was here on Earth, this series had started to be implied.
-There was an idea for the children, for the mothers, for the sisters, He gathered them together, but now is a much denser time and the questions are denser. And again, the Master continues His Deed and He acts, He incessantly… He does not stop working, as a whole…
-Yes, yes, thank you. Well, let us start with Shining’s magical questions. Here is the first question: Are Eleazarko’s books found in Agartha? If not, I want us to send them!
-Yes, this Soul… First, I will say some other things. So, of Agartha in general. There is no reality, which is not deeply within the person – Agartha, The Boundlessness, The Mystery. Some think that Agartha is far, but the concentrated thought of God destroys time, space, the world – and enters into Agartha with ease. The concentrated thought is an act of God Himself, a whole science – I will not explain it here. But this happens with the permission of God and of the Master. The concentrated thought of God is called by the Atlanteans The White Whirl. Something more, a little: Concentration is a Key for penetrating into all the worlds and into Agartha – i.e. God penetrates into Himself. When you are within God in a real way, He gives you the concentration. The concentration itself is God in action, but there is one important condition: You must have mastered the mind, the snake. Her question of whether the books are found (in Agartha): I have four very close beings from Agartha, they know of my books and they take part in them. One is Azira – an Initiate from Agartha. I will say something about Agartha: this is the Concealed Land of Proto-Origin, part of the Concealed Land of Proto-Origin. This is a Hermetic Centre with a Great Shining – on the inside. Here Profound Spirits live with a Deep Divine Nature. They guard the Ancient Tales. I have presented one part in the (material on the) Elders. These Spirits have liberated themselves from the darkness and especially from the trap of light. They are an Image of the Ancient Essence of God. Here the Deeply Ascended Ones teach the other Chosen Ones in the Depths of Self-knowledge. In the Kabbalah this is called The Primordial Knowledge. Here God has made a dwelling in them, in Himself. And they are One.
I have spoken much of Agartha, this is a very long topic, I am reminded of something else here: That in Agartha there is one rule – Purify yourself completely and you shall attain all the desires. Because… In the sense that, the desires will already be the desires of your Supreme Soul, which means the desires of God. And then all these contacts are right, pure, Natural. And for example, I tell you: Today we leave for Sirius – and we leave, there is no “but tomorrow”, there is no “why”. But the matter is that these things are fulfilled. It is not easy, on the other hand though, it is easy, when you gradually walk in this Way, it becomes a Natural State. So each one will be able to do this in time, not with their mind and their imagination – but with the Spirit. But there are conditions, as I said. This is it.
-And is this, that you are saying, attainable for the children?
-It is even easier for children, before they are burdened, but again, if the Master governs and guards the bodies, and gives permission – then it is easy.

-Yes. Shining’s second question: Why are the Elders 24? Am I from the 25th Elder?
-Yes. So, these are 24 Great Epochs of humanity. We will see later what she instils. When humanity ruined itself and returned into the Land of Proto-Origin, after every Perishment and destruction, one Totally Pure Spirit ascended, who became an Elder. This was the Essence of the corresponding Epoch, the Concentrate. In this way the Elders are something above the Gods. There are many Beings, by the way, who are above the Gods. Right, whom the people do not know of. So, something above the Gods. This thing is a Total Returning into the Boundlessness and into the Anciency. Shining says: And why am I (from the) 25th? – This means that she has a strong connection to Christ who is being prepared for the 25th Elder. According to the Master, she, Shining, enters into Christ’s aura, but she has relations to the other Elders too. Such is she, broad-minded. This is it.
-This is according to the Master about her?
-Yes, yes.
-Yes. The third question: Is there a Zero Elder?
-Yes. Another Deep question of this Soul. The Sublime Zero is the Sublime Nothingness, the Absolute Itself. This is His Idea. A Sublime Elder, the Absolute Itself. Here He is only an idea, because He surpasses Absolutely everything – including what is Unuttered. Here, in the Sublime Zero, all prophesies disappear, because within Him, there are no prophesies, no events, no occurrences. In the person there are three Presences of Depth and One Great Sublime Absence. The Boundlessness, the Mystery, the Absolute. The Absolute as an Absence, as a Zero. Towards the Absolute we approach only with Absence. – Regarding God it is different. – Only with Absence, with the Zero. And so, the Zero will return into the Zero at some point. Here I am reminded, by the way: Here you become Nothingness. Nothing can affect the Nothingness – not bad thoughts, not positive thoughts, not spiritual thoughts – but this is a high degree. This Sublime Nothingness – the Zero – is the Proto-Origin. We could only conditionally call It an Elder, because He surpasses notions. And this is why the Master says: Life has no origin. It has a beginning, but it has no origin. In the Absolute there is no beginning and no end. God was created as Alpha and Omega, as a conditional Beginning, but the Proto-Being, the Absolute, is Beginningless – an Absolute Unutterableness. In a certain sense a Sublime Proto-Elder, but this notion does not suit Him completely. The Sublime Nothingness is the most… the Absolute, the Proto-Being.
-This is it on this…
-And the 24 Elders then are like expressions of… His Essences whom He carries within Himself?
-He has ripened in Them through this that They are… They have received Him totally.
-He has ripened in Them…
-Yes, the others received God, but for example, there is a difference, as Thoth says, there are Priests (devoted) – 50%, there are Priests -75%, there are Priests, like Thoth Himself – 100%. These are degrees of work on yourself, of… And this is why there are such differences, right.
-In their Wisdom?
-Both in Wisdom, in Development, degrees. Degrees of…
-And in their presence is there a difference?
-In their presence there is, yes. And… with the Shamans there is another kind of Elders, they are very interesting too. By the way, you may not have heard, there is a Deer chakra, a Tortoise, a Bear…
-Yes, yes.
-And the last, the Highest one – Raven…
-I learned this from you.
-Raven, very… Anyway, this is another topic.

-Yes, yes. Shining’s fourth question: How many are the Independent Elders? How many? What are they independent from? What does it mean to be dependent?
-First, they are many. They have achieved a level above the Divine Will and they do not depend on God. But there is one exception – if God wants to, through the Absolute within Himself, then They, because of this Love, because it is all One on that level, they descend, they instil themselves and they teach the people and the beings. But they descend without reincarnation. They are Totally Liberated from creation – they instil themselves. Because they are beings of Great Love, they do not depend on Love. Deeper, and with Meister Eckhart there is a Deeper degree than Love – this is the Total Renunciation. But you must have passed through Love, anyway. These Elders serve neither God, nor the devil, but only Freedom itself and the Great Mystery. They are the Freedom itself both from the visible and the invisible. But when the Core of Love summons them, they know that this is one Distinct Ray of the Absolute, and they descend to serve It. As I said: through Instilling, and not through reincarnation. And for millions of years they have been beyond matter, they do not even value the diamond – because it is locked, a locked being. What kind of being is the Independent Elder? – she asks. This is a Being, who has withstood… has managed to see, within the State of Being of God, something of the Great Mystery of the Absolute. This Being (the Independent Elder) has outgrown the Gaze of God. This is a Direct Seeing of Depth – in God and beyond God. From here comes the notion and the name an Elder. The Elders are a Great Proto-Freedom. And one clarification: it is not the Truth that made them free, but the Absolute. And maybe we are reaching humility…
-Yes, yes, I will read… I wanted to ask you, if you can say something: In what moments is God able to summon Them? To allow Himself to summon Them, in what…
-The Elders?
-Yes, yes, through the Absolute within Himself…
-Through the Absolute within Himself, there no one is able to…
-And in what moments can this happen?
-He chooses.
-It is quicker than moments there, quicker than the instant, quicker than light, quicker than thought.
-And they respond immediately?
-They decide immediately, because they know what the Core means.
-They have come out from there.
-Yes, yes, thank you. And I would like to share… both to share, and here before our friends… One comment by Shining on the occasion of your birthday, your Jubilee. Her mother shares: We were watching the video and I read “For the 70th Jubilee…”. And I said: Eleazarko was born 70 years ago. Shining turned around with a surprised look and asked: But how so? He is a Sage! Sages are not born! – Are Sages born?
-Well, seemingly. They look as Sages, they act, right. In fact they know deeply that He is helping them, He is acting.
-God makes them appear Wise, God makes them appear strong, sometimes He makes them weak, I have shared this. Both cases are God. Weakness in us is God, where He is testing our weakness: how do we think of the other person when we are weak, are we noble. When we are strong, then what do we do with strength – it is all Him. And if you see God in every moment, in every situation, He will reveal Himself to you and He will raise you up, because He is in every situation. He does not have a situation, that is not Him behind it, there is no instant. We will be publishing A Book on the Instant now – a marvelous book.
-Yes. And when… you said, when you are weak, God is watching what you will do, what you will choose.
-Yes, how you think of… in your weakness… how you become humble, for example. How you become meeker, how you accept, right, because He makes you (weak) in order for you to see yourself, right, how… So that you can later appreciate the strength more wisely and appreciate God, and start to… Everything that He is giving you, is Him. And, so to say: how do you accept it. All of this… We have descended here in order to develop an attitude towards Him and the Master – task number one.
-Yes. I.e. when we are in strength, it is easy for us to act well, but when we are in weakness…
-We can misuse, like many people misuse strength and it will turn against them, and…
-And when you are in weakness, what is required in order for you to act well?
-Well, to accept it with humility, to be grateful, and then He takes it away (the weakness) and he raises you up.
-Yes, yes.
-Both are valuable, and it is all Him.
-But it is a subtlety when you are weak…
-And the weaknesses…
-…that God is observing you again.
-It is subtle, it is not for everyone.
-Yes, and we have a question from last time, yes, from January. The Way towards humility and mostly the difference between humility and sheepishness.
-Mhm. So, long topic, I am being brief here. So, humility is strength, sheepishness is weakness. You reach humility with willpower and according to the Divine Will. Sheepishness is obedience without understanding. Humility is one Inner Attitude of Depth towards God, an aware one. And Christ descended to learn, says the Master, Humility. Humility fulfills God’s Will and this is why it is a Key towards Wisdom. And sheepishness is from the mind, it is a lack of understanding. The measure of the humble person is that they never commit evil and they never allow bad thoughts. There are other measures, but one of them is – the person is incapable. Aside from this, they are unable to get angry, this is another thing, but the matter is, they cannot commit evil. In them it does not exist, because of humility, because they have attained a Deep Unity. If the person is humble in a real way, they never seek esteem and respect from others – another measure. They are within God, and sheepishness is in the world. When they know that they have been approved by God, how could you want that someone else approves of you. Besides, approval by God – again, you must be modest and humble. And there is even such a subtlety, if the humble person says “I am humble” – something has already been lost. Like if you say to someone: I love you, I accept you completely – you have pronounced this, God will put you to the test. And He is the Accepting One, He is the Loving One, He is the Humble one within you. Things have many subtleties, but this humility… We have published a whole book and in time again… I have things to add, but so, in between the rest…
-Yes, yes, you examine the deep matters with our friends from Portal 12, who have been working dedicatedly for the Souls and for the Master for more than 8 years now and… we send our heartfelt regards.
-Yes, yes, for them I… other deep things too, they do not even know what I am preparing, and in general we decided that I do not tell them what interviews, but I am preparing something very deep.
-Yes. Well, thank you for this reply and we have a question for next time that you have approved and I will read it now: When the parent notices in their child negative qualities or negative behaviours, what should the parent’s approach be, in order not to hinder the right development of the child and not to lose its Pure trust? Would you be able to tell us something next time on this matter?
-Yes. Otherwise, no judging, no… Yes. A deep acceptance and in one moment Love penetrates, the acceptance penetrates. Sometime it could be a completely different method. Next time we will…
-Yes. Okay, okay. And next month, let us mention, that Alexander will be our guest who is 6 years old, from the Netherlands, with his questions. And we will read one of them: What is God? Is He a Rock? Or a Stone?
-There are other questions too. But Eleazar’s answer to this and other questions in our next conversation. And I thank everyone for their attention, their time. Thank you, and see you soon.
-Yes, it is interesting, yes. The rock is… it is a hardened Nothingness, again, yes. Everything is in the Nothingness. Yes, we will answer it.
-Yes, Wisdom penetrates everywhere and we are able to see the Concealed God in everything.
-Yes, yes, everywhere. There are such Sages – a Boulder, a Rock. But God has made them and… Everything is His.
-And what are they learning in this boulder and rock?
-Well, Permanence. Permanence, the Secret Immutability, which is without a display, right, because it should not have any display. If it has a display, it will be broken. That Concealed Permanence, which, in all conditions you are Loyal to God. Let people talk, you know it alone. But we will answer the little child, maybe the 3 questions plus this one.
-Yes, yes, yes.
-Well, thank you.
-I am grateful too.

Questions of the Children towards Eleazar Pt. 7 – 23.03.2024
Was there a Year One? What is God? Is He a Rock, or a Stone? How did Eleazar find God?
-Hello, friends. Today is Part 7 of our series Questions of the children towards Eleazar. We continue with Alexander’s questions, who is 6 years old, from the Netherlands, his first three questions. But before that, let us ask Eleazar: Why is a spiritual Master so important in the life of a child?
-So, it is as if you were asking me why God’s Guidance is important. Because otherwise there would be partially spiritual guidance, partially worldly… partially… spiritual… the Pure Divine Guidance leads you out of the world and the otherworld, and leads you into the Divine world – not even the Spiritual world. A Divine Master is always necessary.
-And why is the Spiritual Master important in the life of the parents as well, and is He important?
-He is always important, because He shortens the Way.
-He shortens the Way…
-He shortens development.
-Yes, thank you. And Alexander’s first question: Mum, was there a Year One? Meaning – a Beginning?
-So. Time came into being, the world came into being, years came into being and this is why they all do not exist. The Boundlessness has always been, because It has not come into being. It is not the years, or time, that are important – what is important are the moments which lead us towards God. These moments which lead you towards God and towards the Boundlessness. Time is an illusion, only God is Real and the Way towards Him. 30, 50, 100 years, may be one empty life, but one moment with God – time disappears, the world disappears, and this moment is more precious. This is a Reality outside of time. A life which has been devoted to God, is measured by the Love towards God, and not in years. This is a life in Timelessness, Completeness, Speechlessness, Peace etc. God and Love are Timelessness, and we live and move within God, not in time, in the years and in the world. Our Spirit has not come into being, in It, there are no years, only Boundlessness and Primordiality.
-Yes. You shared with me that children are like a Ray of Light in the Dark, if I can paraphrase what you told me in such a way. And that they are able to transform many forces, which have fallen asleep and are stagnant.
-Yes, children are… These children, especially the Mystical ones, they are Pure Wellsprings. They Illuminate the Way of their parents, as well… The chosen children, we are speaking of the ones, whom God sends.
-And can it be said that they are a Blessing – both for Bulgaria, and for the world as a whole – such children?
-They are a Blessing for the Way towards God, but it is strictly predetermined who will understand these children.
-Yes, yes. Okay, the second question is: What is God? Is He a Rock, or a stone?
-So, first, the Rock: these are atoms, grouped by God, and the symbol is that we become a Rock too – concentrated, grouped and focused in God. The Rock is firstly Spiritual, then it is material. The Rock is the Summoning of Kinship, and the Summoning of Kinship is Mighty, because Kinship is from the World of Unity. If you are a Rock and a Boulder, you will be in Unity with God and with yourself, and your thought will be in Unity. The Master says: The devil enters into the person through the faults in the thought. Each thought which has taken root in you, will become a Rock and will be realised in the future. Constant prayers will be your egregor in time, your reaping and they will become a Rock, because the Master says: You govern your karma, your karma does not govern you. The Person who is a Rock is a Pure Life and if I must say: what do you choose – a Pure Life or religion? For example, I am reminded: Do you choose the Bible, or the overcoming of the inferiour nature? It immediately becomes clear, right. So, what do you choose: religion, philosophy, psychology, or God and the Truth? We must be (in a) very direct (way). All bad influences and thoughts crash into the Rock of Tranquility, of Nothingness. Why? Because tranquil means another word – Purified. This is a science. The Deep Inner Peace is connected to a Mighty Concealed energy, which is the Boulder. In order to be born in God, or in the Rock, you must have defeated evil within yourself.
-Yes, and can you try to tell us, was there an instance in the past when a Phoenix has chosen a child for a Priest, for an Initiate – when it has marked a child?
-This must be looked into.
-Yes, mhm.
-So, the third question: How did he, Eleazar, find God?
-Right, a deep question. Thousands and millions… I sought Him and I did not hurry. And He found me. It is God, Who is able to find us, and we must be able to seek Him. We usually seek Him and become humble after many sufferings. This seeking is innate in us from millions and billions of years. I have never sought Him with faith and religion, but with Love, Wisdom and Truth. You must show God, when you are alone with Him, one concealed Purity and Truthfulness, without display. This, by the way, is innate in our Spirit and our Spirit can show it to God and to… But only alone – no people, no… I am barely mentioning this, but, I am saying it. So, to show to Him a concealed… without display… Let people think that you are making mistakes. This is very nice and favourable for the Deep Inner world. And this is the Way, in which God chooses you specifically, but you have also chosen Him in the right way. And so, one day, He said to me: Come!

-Yes, a beautiful word… Three words… three letters*, and they mean so much.
-Three letters, yes.
*Translator’s note: What is meant is the word in the Bulgarian language.
-Three… And when… This Way, alone, is it connected to Words, or to an Irradiance?
-Sometime you may utter something, but the Deepest Word is uttered more as Unuteredness. It is not exactly words, it may be clad in words, but it is still Unutteredness.
-And can we say that the Spirit communes with God through a particular Irradiation, not so much with the Word?
-Yes, through a particular, distinct, Pure Irradiation, concealed from the world and from the spirits, even from the angels. Many angels do not know what it is they see.
-When a person is praying, do they have a notion?
-Even Isaiah has there… one time he thinks he’s seen one being, but it is another. Even a Prophet… only if God reveals.
-And angels, are they able to perceive the prayers of people, and their, so to say, longings, and…
-Yes, they usually often work together with the person and so, they have a mutual aura.
-But something remains concealed for them as well?
-It does remain, it does. There are Secret things in the person’s life that angels do not know. They know many things, because they have been friends with a certain person for thousands of years, but there are things they do not know and God has left it to be this way, so that they can study God, Who is Concealed within the person.
-But they grasp that there is a Secret, which is not clear to them?
-Yes, they do grasp this.
-And this is probably a magnet for them?
-Yes, yes.
-Yes. Okay, thank you, we have a question from last time. I will only read it here…
-Yes, yes.
-You will answer it in your way. When the parent notices negative qualities or negative behaviours in the child, what should the parent’s approach be, so that they do not hinder the right development of the child and so they do not lose its Pure Trust?
-Now, each child and person will make certain mistakes and have negative behaviours, because for such beings this is the Predetermination for their growth. Sufi says: All events are governed by God and they happen as God wants them, and according to what is right or wrong for you – this is ridiculous. Because if you are not within God’s Love, absolutely everything else is another direction. God is the One Who Instills, the One Who is All-Knowing, He knows things. Your criticism… because there are people from Sofia too, who ask this question. Your criticism towards the child and towards someone, even towards anything, is criticism towards God, and it is an illness. It is already an illness. And if it grows, it already becomes big hatred, otherwise it is small hatred – it becomes big hatred, it becomes a heavy illness and karma. God Himself has predicted this and has said: Do not judge! You will simply be judged, this is against God. He is All-Encompassing and He governs everything. We think what is right and we imagine: Why is that one driving in such a way; a car crash – these are ridiculous things. The approach is – Love towards these children, the disobedient ones, the difficult… The approach is Love, acceptance, Humility and asking God for help, how to help them. Criticism is the beginning of madness, and hatred is the end – this is a road towards heavy karma. And you cannot have this approach towards… not only towards children, you have no right, towards an animal, nothing. The humble one… The humble one, the Patient one – they do not criticise. Because both Humility and Patience are Love. “O, my God…” – formula – “…You be the guide of my child and only You teach it and give it lessons. You teach it to turn what is negative into positive and what is positive into Sacred”. “Lord, You be the Master of my child and lead it towards Yourself.”. This is a question I think from Haskovo, from Sofia, many other people…
-So, “O, Lord, My God and My Master, may Your Love flow towards my child, even when it is in a heavy situation”. Because Love penetrates through the burden of the heavy state and supports the child and guards it from the inside. The rest is big Trust towards God for everything, for every outcome, because God knows the karma and He knows what is the most concealed good. Lao Tzu says: The reason in which the big evil happens upon the person, is the big ego. It may not be visible, I know meek people, who seemed so… right, we are leaving this aside, let us not get carried away. Criticism is an illness and karma, and the remark is Love and dharma, but you must be in the Divine Love, and not in the human love. Do not worry about your child, love it, pray and help it with a measure, because what God wants, is what will happen, and not what you think is right. And your expression and your justice of things, they are pointless. Simply because you are not a measure, God is a Measure. And here today a formula by the Master, which He gave me, I think it will help many people: “God in me will resolve all matters”. This can be transferred in such a way: “God in my child will resolve all its matters”.
-This is it.
-Yes. And according to you, the child in itself, what would it like to see from its parents as an approach, in the way that you perceive it?
-In order for it to become calm, to gain certitude, what would it…?
-It cannot know, because other powers work in the parents. The best thing that it would want, is Love and Trust, but sometimes it is not known if this is the best. Sometimes maybe strictness is necessary in order to… for change.
-Mhm, yes, yes.
-It is not known. Yes.
-Thank you.
-And for next time, our guest will be Shining again with her questions, and we will say two of them, the rest we will conceal, they are also very magnetic. And the first one will be of the Proto-Mother, the First Eldress.
-Yes, we will say briefly.
-You shared that they called her so… the Proto-Mother…
-Ashera. And actually, the Proto-Mother, this is the First Eldress.
-Yes, yes.
-And is she in some way connected to the Elders, is there something?
-There is a connection, yes.
-There is a connection. Marvelous. And the second question: What is God’s favourite formula?
-Do you have…
-Yes, I have an idea, next time we will…
-Yes, well, thank you. Eleazar’s answer to these and other questions – in our next conversation, and I thank everyone for their time and attention.
-Thank you.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
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