Questions of the children towards Eleazar: Parts 1, 2,…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation,
What does God play, God’s favourite colour, How to do things with words – 30.09.2023
Questions of the children towards Eleazar, Part 1
-My name is Shining…
-And I would like to ask…
-I would like to ask with questions…
-Ok, so what is the first question?
-The first question: What does God like to play?
-Hello, friends. Today Eleazar will answer the first seven questions of the Child-Soul Shining Spark. And so: Who is asking in the child and who will answer her? But first – let us greet this little Spark.
-So, both the mother and her daughter would like us not to disclose the Ancient Name that we have given years ago. This Shining Spark is one Higher Soul and this Soul is asking, God within her asks, and God within me answers, and we are all learning. I will start, this is a girl, around 8 years old, as far as I remember. We talked on the phone, she has given me the name Eleazarko – very pleasant, but anyway, I feel like a child too.
-So, the first question is: What does God like to play? Hide and seek?
-Yes, precisely.
-God has concealed Himself so that we seek Him and find Him. When we find Him, we shall seek Him again. God is a marvelous magnet because everyone that seeks Him, becomes Divine. God can be so concealed, as if He does not exist, but what is more important is that God exists, and not finding Him.
The second question…
-The second question: Eleazarko, when are we going to fly?
-Yes, the Soul is asking when we are going to fly. – We are flying now too, but when we merge with God, we shall become the Flight itself. This happens in our consciousness and in our Soul. The Soul is an Ancient Bird, look at the Phoenix, for example – a Flight within the Flight.
-Marvelous. The third question: Eleazaro, what is God’s favourite colour? Is it grey?
-All colours are within God and within Him, there is no consciousness of separation. God has embraced all colours, all religions, all teachings, all musical notes, and He Himself is Concealed within the Supremely-White Colour. Here I just want to say that this Supremely-White Colour is Dazzling and Supremely-Shining, but this is as if darkness to the ones who are not able to perceive it. But the Concealed God is even above this colour. He is a Total Clarity and Transparency. But the White Colour is a wish for a Pure and Shining life, this is a sign of Initiation. But this life is not a display. It should be concealed more than it should be shown. The White Colour is Awareness, Pure Proto-Light. But let me go back to her colour – the colour grey is… The Master says, He says that it is not the colour black that is the colour of death, but the colour grey. But this is it about colours.
-Thank you. The fourth question is: Shining asks – When will we be able to see everything, absolutely-everything?
-So, the Deep Seeing comes from the Seeing One, and behind them is the All-Seeing One – the most Concealed One of all Concealed Ones. The Deep Seeing comes from the Boundlessness, and the Mystical Seeing – from the Mystery. We are only coming closer to this Supreme Master through Unity. But the True Seeing belongs to Him only and partially to the one, to whom He grants it.
-The fifth question: Eleazar, when will you come visit us?
-With these answers I am coming to visit in your Soul, in your Home, in your Essence. This is coming to visit in the Spiritual world, in the Divine world, in the Real world. With this exchange we are visiting each other in the Home of the Master.
-The sixth question: Are we going to eat air when we are with God?
-We are breathing God now, too. The Power comes from the Deep Breathing, from the Deep Thinking – they are synonyms. The Deep Breathing is taking in Pure Power from the Supreme world – Pure Energy. In the Deep Air there live Supreme Beings, while in the shallow breathing, there live inferiour beings. They do not breathe pure air, they breathe impure air, impure thinking. The Master says: Air is one enormous storehouse of energy. It is even better to breathe Ether, i.e. Love, Wisdom and Truth. Each day, breathe your favourite Word or Formula with Deep breathing. Here is one of my favourite Words, it is a favourite Word of the Phoenix: Ayrara. This is an Ancient Word, in which there is God and a Double Sun. This Word means “Primordiality”.
-Thank you. And so, the seventh question: How are we going to do things with words, Eleazarko?
-Words, the Word – this is God, Who sculpts things. The Ancient Words are concealed Wellsprings. When God has said: Let there be Light, Truth appeared. And through Him we understand and reason. When we merge with God, we see all events that are happening, as His Seeing and as His Will. He does what is best. He knows our fate from thousands and millions of years. When we repeat the word “Love”, we instil God within ourselves.
-Yes, this is the end of Part one. It will continue.
-Yes, there will be more, Part two, the next seven questions. This is one very beautiful Soul, who… Even if the questions continue, they are… They otherwise look childish, but these are questions of… Natural questions of the Soul, of the Natural state of Being.
-Thank you very much.
-Yes, yes.
-Thank you, bye-bye, Eleazarko!

Eleazar Harash – How does God make the Soul, about the Elders, about Christ, about Fairies, why is God hiding? – 25.10.2023
Questions of the children towards Eleazar, Part 2
-I am well!
-Well, that is enough…
-Hello, Eleazarko.
-Hi, hello. Tonight we will read your questions. This afternoon, now, in a little while.
-Tonight will be my questions, Eleazarko?
-Yes, yes, we are on your questions. We decided that they are important, and they are, very nice questions and…
-Thank you very much.
-Okay, okay.
-Hello, friends. Today is Part two of our series Children’s questions towards Eleazar. We continue with Shining’s new 7 questions. And did Shining present any difficulty for Eleazar with her questions? And what makes children so Deep? Where do they sense their questions from?
-Yes. These are questions of beings from the Sixth Race. They enter into children Naturally, children have a kinship with them and this is why we must answer honestly, Deeply, thoughtfully, to children. And because along with these children, mature children will grow, too.
-Okay, we start with the first question: How will bad people become better? –asks little Shining.
-Yes, how do we deal with bad people, with difficult ones.
-No, how will they become better.
-How will they become better.
-Yes, yes.
-So, when we think of them and we bring them into God, we simultaneously deal with them, and help them as well. So, think of God a lot and give bad people in the hands of God. And He will deal with them, because everything is obedient towards God. And you increase your reasonableness and your Love towards God. An important formula, it is known: “Wherever God is, there I am, too” and “O, God, you deal with all my visible and invisible enemies”. And when we pray for the bad person, they become better. Wherever God is, there are no enemies there, there is no evil there. Power is Unity with God, and not Unity with the Power. God works through Unity and Love. Love is a Union with God.
-Yes. The next question is: How does God create the male Soul, of the mother and of the child? How does God create the Soul of the man, the Soul of the woman and the Soul of the child?
-Yes. It is very difficult to explain how, but this is His Emanation and He enters into it. And when she has to, she becomes Soul, when she has to, she becomes a mother, when she has to, she becomes a woman, when she has to, she becomes a very Fine Soul. This is a strong energy of God in the woman. If the energy is very strong, it is masculine, but God uses this Power for His Own aims. He sets it in motion within every person. And the Soul, the woman, the energy and everything, He has created through emanation. If the emanation is taken away, the Soul conceals itself.
-Yes. The next question: When will the elders be young? When will they be babies on earth?
-Yes. So, in the Elders there is no youth and old age, they descend as aware Spirits and return being aware. Elders have no childhood, no mature age, they are Beings before birth and death. They only descend, appear and leave, they never die. The Elder gives a Sacred Hand to the ones who seek Him as the Truth, in an Innermost way. He both gives you a hand, and also leaves you free. The Elder takes time away from you, to give you the Purely Sacred. The Elders feed on the Proto-State, the Great Unborn Completeness, the Unborn food, the Essence of Love. Here is one thought from the Second Elder: The Concealed Purity unlocks worlds. – only as an idea.
-Yes, yes. So, the next question is: How was Christ made?
-Christ was created by God as His likeness, without the ability to make mistakes, unlike Adam. God was radiated by the Absolute, but was not created. In the same way, God radiated Christ the Son from Himself. If Christ was created and of creation, He would have died. Christ was created Secretly as visibility, but was not of creation. But we do not have the right to explain the word “Secretly” here, and I know that you, Shining, will not be offended at me. Christ is a Deep internal expression of Love, because Love is something Deeply internal, and not created. And externally there is only its shadow and its reflection. Christ brought Love within development, which is the Way of God and the aim. Christ was made of Love, of God, because God is Love. This Love is never a personality. It is the Proto-Image of God, the Greatest Bestowment from the Absolute. Christ merged with God, and this is the separation with the world, the creation and evil. Love separates us from evil. Christ smote evil, because He did not fight it. He lived within God, and within God, evil is helpless. Christ was made according to the Laws of the Kingdom of God. The world is one unreal reality and it will disappear, and Christ came to show the Kingdom of God.
-Yes, thank you. Shining asks: In which world do fairies live? I see them here, but very rarely. In which world do we live – on the higher land, on the lower land, or on the middle land?

-So, fairies are fine beings from the otherworld, they can partially mix with some girls or women because they seek those, kindred by Heart. And like the Nymphs, they are able to calm people or hinder them. Fairies can become spirits of the water. They like to stay near wellsprings, fountains, streams, rapids. They pulsate Spiritually, they are from the Fine world and they have no Soul, and this is why they die. But if they become close to the person, they are elevated slightly. But the person also dies when they have an inferiour soul. I have seen Nymphs, like a small Fairy, inside a flower, back in the day. I have seen Wood Nymphs too, in a cave. I have not seen Sylphs, but I know from the Master that they live concealedly in the air, they enter in the wind and they knock down the person’s hat, says the Master, and the person thinks that the wind knocked it down. They rejoice and they play. Every person lives in their kindred land, according to their degree of consciousness. Some in the Higher one, some below, others in the middle.
-Yes. The next question: When will we be with God, in order to see everything?
-First, this is God’s Will and our diligent work. And then, when God begins to flow inside us and begins to live within us, He will give us the seeing too, because He will give us the most precious, which is Himself.
-Aha. Shining’s last question: Why is He, God, hiding, and we do not see Him, Eleazarko?
-He is hiding, but He is here. He is within the Pure Heart, and not in the sky. Who entered inside your Heart and asked me these questions? Who entered inside me and answers you? God works in the deepest way within the Sacred and He is apparent here, because only He is the Sacred. In this Sacred, we are inside God, and not inside creation. God is Total and He is so apparent, that He even looks Concealed, but He is everywhere. Only when you, Shining, understand God, everything else will become clear to you. I am learning from God and the Master, and not from the Bible. For me only the Master, God is important and a measure, and God and I were born before the Bible. For me the exceptional Love towards God is more important than all Scriptures, but this does not get in the way of me respecting the Scriptures. But remember: only this Exceptional Love towards God and the Master makes us Complete, Total, filled with the Primordial Proto-Sate. Return, my dear child, into the Primordial and into God, and into the Master, and not into the Scriptures. This is the Seeing.
-Thank you, amazing. And, I will just allow myself to say something of what is to come. One question, which, when in the future you are prepared, we can answer: What should children start with, when they begin with the Way, entering into the Teaching? What must they study first? Books, habits, practices…
-Yes, we will answer it. Otherwise you could say: the Deepest practice to be studied is the Word and the Word as God.
-The Truth.
-As Truth, yes. The Truth is the most Supreme Practice, all other practices are secondary. And when you enter into mastering the Word, you will master the spirits, you will master your mind. While the mind has not been mastered, other practices are like entertainment, right. And everything starts from the Word. Only the Word will allow you to enter in time in the right way into silence, not to imagine it, then in the right way into Speechlessness, in the right way into Quiet. But you start from the Word, it is so, in this world.
-And what…
-It will lead you. A person with impure Word cannot enter into the right silence, in Speechlessness, right, or into Real meditation. First is the mastering, the ruling over the mind and over… And the mind always wants to twist the Word, or to give… You make a conclusion quickly and the mind wants you to make a mistake in order to capture you. Wait, put the mind into tranquility, into Peace, then think what decisions to make. The mind falls short and so, this is one long question and we will…
-Yes, and what is the place of the parents in this matter with the Truth and with children?
-They must also train this, together with the children and their exchange with the children, again in regards to the Word, because from the Word, the Trust will be built, from the Trust – True Friendship and communion with God, and when you enter into Love, then God will act, God will speak there. So, you could say that the most intense Love creates God, but this happens gradually. Right, so you must build and in time when you become intensive in Love, this is actually the most Supreme healing, even. The Intensive Love. The Master gives it also.
-Yes, yes, thank you very much. Just to say, there is another brave little girl who asked Eleazar her questions and this is little Adi. And we will only say one of her questions for next time: May I ask, if Eve does not take a bite out of the fruit, what will happen? – but this and other Wise questions and their answers from Eleazar, we shall leave for next time.
-Yes, yes. Children more and more… Their questions are more and more beautiful and this is why we are setting out, and so…
-And who asks the Deeper questions? Children or one occultist, advanced…
-Well, mostly it is advanced Brothers within them, but such who are in Unity with these Souls of children and they want to increase their Unity, they want the children themselves to understand these questions, their Soul. The Soul wants partially, but they (the Brothers) want it full-bloodedly, in order to create a friendship and to lead the Soul to themselves and to God.
-These are their allies, within them?
-Allies, yes, mhm.
-Yes, thank you very much.
-So much.
-Tell us, when you were up in the mountain, was it actually school children who found you and through them you understood the call to go down, to the adult Souls?
-Well, first it was, yes, a class of schoolchildren from Sofia, I think they were 8th grade.
-Students, yes, and Radoslavcho was from this class there I think, and there were others. And they took me for some yogi-hermit first. Then they understood that I am a disciple of the Master and then they went around Sofia saying “There is some yogi-hermit here”. And that is how it started, as if a joke, they started coming in groups, then one group was formed, who were more serious. And they ran away from Sofia with the early busses, their parents wondered where they went, they came to ask me questions, and so gradually everything expanded, but it is a long story.
-This is the seed?
-Yes, they started, I forgot the names of the others, but I remember Radoslavcho.
-He was…
-A true Chief, a Native American Chief.
-He was very devoted, yes, so it was mainly him that led them, together with another boy, whose name I do not recall.
-Actually, then…
-It was around 40 years ago or so…
-40 years…
-Or I do not recall now.
-Actually, then, the ones that were looking for you could not find you.
-Then this transferred to Sofia.
-It started out in flats, in halls, and then in Varna, everything happened naturally, I hadn’t planned it, right, but… Mhm.
-Yes, thank you.
-And God sent the children in the forest? To find you.
-Yes, yes, and in the house, in which later… There was this abandoned house there, in Samokov, and we gathered there and…
-They asked you questions?
-Yes, they asked questions, they came and… there was this unharvested field of potatoes and we collected them… Long story, it… there are many things.
-Yes, yes… Okay, thank you so much, thank you very much.
-Thank you very much.

Eleazar Harash – Eleazar’s profession, a prayer before eating, did God appear to Eleazar, of Eve – 18.11.2023
Questions of the children towards Eleazar, Part 3
-May I ask: If Eve does not take a bite out of the fruit, what will happen?… When Eleazar was born, was he… as they called him Petko, was he… When he was grown up already and when they call him Eleazar, then his other name is Petko, does it mean God appeared before him?
-Hello, friends. Today is the Third part of our series Children’s questions towards Eleazar. And today our guest will be little Adi with her questions. But before that, let us ask Eleazar for one small clarification: A mother who follows our series shared that she was touched by the idea of how children have their invisible Allies who help them and guide them. This idea that her child has a secret Ally deeply calmed her. Tell us a little more about these invisible helpers. Do children sometimes converse with them?
-The children who are Essence, who are Soul – the Soul speaks with these Allies. The children who are mental, speak in a mixed way – both with Allies who help them, and with concealed enemies. But the children who have Love towards the Truth, they will be liberated and only the Allies will remain, and they will listen… The ones who have chosen their Way correctly, the Allies will become stronger and stronger in them. The ones who have not chosen their way, the others will become strong. These are simply laws.
-Yes, yes, thank you for this clarification. And, would you agree, in one of… in our following series and conversations that we have, to look into the question: How should the parents protect their children with prayers? 3 important formulas, which the parents could say for their children? This is for further in time.
-Yes, we will look into that too, and many questions, connected to the children. In time, maybe partially, mothers and parents, but mainly children, let the emphasis fall on the children.
-Okay, thank you. And so, let us start with Adi’s questions: What is Eleazar’s profession? A Teacher on people?
-So, Adi is 7 years old, I understood. Older than the Shining Spark with a whole year. A Soul, yes, I understood that she loves Egypt, that she loves Wisdom, that she is sensitive, all these are… The Deep Way. So, we answer Adi: I have no profession, I have devotion to God, to the Master and to Truth. I wanted very much for Him to teach me. I wanted His Will, because only It leads to the right place. Otherwise I am an antiquarian, but this is a profession which is something deeper than a profession. This is researching Ancient things, subtleties. It is considered a profession, but otherwise I am an antiquarian. So, a big thrill for thousands of years, maybe even millions. This is the first question, yes.
-So. And Adi’s second question: Why should we say a prayer before eating? Will God make this food tasty?
-So. God is the taste of all things, He is the Essence. Without Him, things are poor and even the nicest and healthiest food becomes poor. Sufi eat and drink God. I will say something about the food: The main food is God. The food is brought to sense when you eat with a person whom you love, or alone with God. The Master says: The most necessary thing is eating, the most pleasant thing is music, the greatest thing is prayer. Eating will bring health, music – happiness, and prayer – Blissfulness. And the Master says: Eating is a conversation with God, with the elements, with the Fineness. For example: the Pure honey is Ancient, it is a connection to what is Fine, a connection to the Ancestors. In small quantities it is an Elixir. In honey, there is a Fine Truth, but the question of food is a big one. This is a Secret Science. Here the question is: How are you feeding your body, your mind, your heart, your Soul, your Spirit etc. This is a question of Completeness, because if you do not feed your feelings in the right way, if you do not feed your mind… The question is one of Completeness and it is very Deep, we answer it only briefly here.
-Thank you. The next question: May I ask, if Eve does not take a bite out of the fruit, what will happen?
-If Eve does not take a bite out of the fruit, there would be no development, no willpower, no growth and no returning into God. I am reminded, that Adam was not punished, as people and churches think, not with the Fall, not with anything. He was sent to learn and to gradually become a Son, a Son of God. Anyway. The Fall is a boon for Eve, a lesson for Eve, experience which will give the Discernment. There is no punishment. The Fall is a Fall for the Virgin, but for Eve… If the Virgin falls, this is a Fall, but for Eve, it is Salvation. The Fall is the creator of the small evil, which saves us from the big evil. The Fall is a type of crisis, but a crisis which can be cured. While in the Ancient Evil there is no cure. But the Ancient Evil does not want a cure, the Ancient Evil itself… The Fall is a concealed Salvation, it was given in order for us to Transfigure ourselves. The Fall is a darkness, in which there is light, unlike the Ancient Evil. In the Ancient Evil there is no light. In the Fall of Adam and Eve, the Way of Purification is allowed. In the Ancient Evil there is no such way, it is a total renouncing of God and of Development. Only in Purity the Power is able to enter, which can remove the Fall. Eve had to take a bite out of the fruit and to enter into the Fall, in order to ignite her lost love towards God. It is not the Fall that is the catastrophe, but ignorance, the unwillingness to seek God – this is the catastrophe. And the big catastrophe, at that. The Fall, Adi, will become a Returning and this is why it is Salvation. The Fall is the created Concealed Salvation of God, but you must seek God purposefully. The Fall is a Conception of the Concealed Love of God. Because God Himself wants us to return. This is it.
-Thank you. And Adi’s last question: When Eleazar was born, was he, as they called him, Petko? And then they called him Eleazar, so did God appear before him, or did He appear before his parents?
-When Eleazar was born, he had to be born again with a lot of effort and work. My parents did not know my Way, I have said, they are blind-deaf and I even wonder how I came to speak, but anyway. So, my parents did not know my Way, it was concealed within me. Around 7-8 years mainly, there was a huge battle to smite the mind and all the kinds of temptations, without exception. The fight was fierce, quiet, concealed, strategic. And in one marvelous day God and the Master appeared. I did not know when they would appear, they appeared, the Sacrament of Samadhi happened – Absolutely Unutterable. Now everything comes from a completely different point of view, from another Dimension, from the Dimension of Truth. Now it can already be said: Do not look at the snake, it is dust. Do not look at the facts, because they… you will grow stupid and become blind. Look at the Truth, the Truth is Deeper than the facts. And the Way, from diligent, became Total. And Humility is something Deep and Natural in this Way, because when you have seen God directly and you have survived, this is a Great Bestowment, Humility. And this is a Bestowment to serve Him. And so, God’s Conception is Deeper than both the Fall, and Purity. The Name is the Returning into the Primordial – the Ancient Name, the Spiritual Name. This is it, yes.
-Thank you. And we have… marvelous. We have one question from last time, of one mother, and it is: What must children begin with, starting, entering into the Teaching? What must they study first: books, habits, practices? What would you advise?
-Yes, they are many things, but here before I read, this is what I am reminded. In The Diamond Book the Master says: God has created Love for Inexpressible Relations. And why do people seek Love? Because it is a world without matter and only the Initiates realise this Deeply, because they live with Awareness in this idea. But otherwise, you must start with… Love is the Foundation. And it will do everything else. It will make Purity right. So, with Purity in thoughts, words, deeds and acts. From Purity, every other bringing to Sense will happen. Purity that derives from Love, not from the mind. Every other bringing to Sense. And then the Right and Discerning Love will come, i.e. Love will return into Itself. And as the Atlanteans say: Love can Rise within you without the Sun, too. The Sun shines upon you, but Love makes you Divine. This is why Love was created and this is why the Master says: The answer to all questions, to the problems, is within Love. Even when Love does not help externally, it has helped internally. Love is alike the Secrecy. Yes, this is it.
-Yes, thank you. And would you specify about the child’s diary: At what age is it good for children to begin having a diary and what should they start with? Maybe with the words, with the Word?
-Well it depends on the child itself, on its attitude, if it wants to, but somewhere from 4, to 8-9 years of age, the mother must feel it. It starts with mastering the words, because mastering the words is mastering the spirits, mastering fate. And whoever masters words, they will master the mind, which is the karma. If you master the words, there is no longer any influence, i.e. you are only influenced by God and by Supreme things, nothing can sway you. The main emphasis is here, because words are spirits.
-So from words.
-Yes, from words. One misused word can ruin a life and can create terrible karma. A mastered word – I have had instances where it comes to you, with N******l S******y and with other heavy instances – that are… you feel like cursing everything, and deeply at that. And precisely then I instill the blessing, and the dark forces within me fall away and simply disappear, they have expected the other thing. To surprise the surprise.
-Do children have this ability?
-Everyone does, they are Souls, in fact, and deeply within themselves, everyone does. And in this way they smite their past.
-Yes. And how, would you say, during the years you have spoken a lot on the Spiritual Diary. What does the Diary that you speak of look like, how big is it, should it be with us constantly?
-Well, this will need a separate topic, because it is…
-The question is of one big discipline over your own self, over the main enemy – the mind, and when the mind is mastered, it already becomes a friend and a servant and cannot interfere in anything Divine, in anything Sacred, it will simply disappear, it will become a servant.
-And this is one little notebook…
-You cannot kill it (the mind), this is… this is the evil, hidden, the Master says: The Ancient snake. None of the Gods, not Masters, not Elders, were able to deal with evil. Because this is the Concealed God, Who has a Plan and a mission to cleanse everything, and when everything is cleansed, God will remove it (the evil). You have the right to master the evil within yourself and this is the Way. Not to kill it, if you kill it, it will be reinforced in you. You kill one criminal, because you do not like them – like Stalin: “There is no person – there is no problem”, which is silly. In time in the other reincarnation there will be not only a person, but there will be a person and many problems.
-And an army.
-Yes. An army.
-This is truly a question of… But I want to say, this is something that you carry with yourself all the time, like a small notebook…

-You train it every day. A suitable shirt with a pocket and a notebook, a small pen, and you immediately write down your mistake. In time you make other mistakes, not this one, you perfect your mistakes, like Osho says, until they disappear.
-Yes, yes, thank you.
-With all these constant efforts, which the children and the parents make, they create an egregor in the Finer world, which distinguishes them from all ordinary people. In fact, ordinary people very easily fall under different influences. This egregor is in fact a protector and defender.
-That is precisely right, yes.
-Could you clarify a little more on the egregor, which is created when we aim towards the Master and how is His Egregor different from the egregor of other Masters?
-So, big topic, I will briefly say that even our habits are egregors. And… You enter into the habit, it is… Your habits are from your past lives, they continue on now. It is very bad if you descend with your past life and you remain in your past life without making a change of your reincarnation. The habit is a big force, but our Love and our Will through these Diaries is the bigger force. And if we enter into this rhythm, we create a new egregor which removes the habits and the karma, and the mind. But we will speak of the egregors, because it is a huge topic, but we are blessed to be in the Egregor of the Master and there His help flows towards us. He says He has taken half of our karma, and so on. A huge topic on the egregors, a very nice topic, very deep. Mhm.
-Yes. And explain this instance when the deepest karma of a child is connected to a Spiritual Master and, as a whole, (the karma) of the whole family is connected to the Spiritual Master. Is this the White karma?
-The Soul must be studied personally, through the Master, through His Egregor, the writings. At a Supreme level, it happens with Supreme energy, Penetration, so that you can pass a remark, because… Now, whatever I say, will be general, and when… Specifically when you enter into one Essence, and you can…
-And the White karma…
-Well, the White karma is coming out of the past.
-The Way of Transfiguration.
-Yes, yes. The Diaries are the helpers.
-And all these children who ask you questions, they are one Spiritual group?
-Well, they are old threads, old friendship, old Trust and now we simply complement each other.
-And where are we speaking now? In time and space?
-We are never in time and space, if we realise this. We are neither on Earth, nor are we in the Cosmos, we are within God. We move within God.
-And when we speak, are the Souls of children present?
-They are present. It depends on how much God and the Master will enhance them, but they are present. Yes, yes.
-Thank you, we have one small question for next time which we would like to look into and we believe that it will be important for both young and old. How does working with digital devices affect the spiritual path and the spiritual development? And how can we protect ourselves, influence on the children, prevention, formulas, the measure for working with a smartphone, tablet, computer. You will look into this question, right?
-Yes, we will look into it, we will include it briefly, so.
-Yes, just so that…
-Like some important rules. Yes, yes.
-Well, okay, this is it, and next time we will hear Asen’s questions, the first boy from the series.
-Where was he from?
-A… right now… Sofia.
-Yes, yes.
-And one of his questions, just to say it, is: How did Eleazar meet the Lord?
-So he is not asking how did you meet God, but the Lord.
-It must be some subtlety, this question.
-Well, yes, yes.
-There is… yes.
-God is one thing, the Lord is another.
-Yes, thank you.
-But the two together, yes.
-We will hear Eleazar’s answers to this and other questions in our next conversation. And we thank everyone for their time and attention, and one picture, Eleazar wanted to show to little Adi.
-For Adi, yes, who loves Egypt, yes. Can you see it like this? Yes.
-Yes, yes. A speechless greeting.
-Egypt, an Ancient Priest, concealed within this symbol.
-Yes, thank you, thank you.
(Continues in Part 2 – here) (Jump to Part 3 – here)
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
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