Questions of the children towards Eleazar: Parts 4, 5
(Continued from part 1 – here)
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation,
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
Questions of the children towards Eleazar – Part 4, 22.12.2023
How did you meet the Lord, At what age did you meet God, Your favourite food, The Phoenix within us
-Hello, friends. Today is the Fourth part of our series “Questions of the children towards Eleazar” and we will continue with Asen’s questions. But, before that, could we say that the children who ask us their questions and take part in our series, are one Spiritual group of Souls, disciples of the Master?
-Well, in my opinion, the Master chooses them, He enters into their Souls, there is some Old Unity, so… And besides, children are not children, these are Old Souls and we give answers to Souls, who need a corresponding answer as nourishment.
-Yes. Ok, we’re starting with Asen’s questions. The first question is: Eleazar, How did you meet the Lord?
-So, the Lord – this is Love. God – this is Wisdom. And when we say: O, Lord and God of Mine and My Master – this is already a participation of the Truth, of the Entire Truth. And the Absolute – this is the Supreme Truth, which is a different kind. So: How did I meet Love? Love is within us. Love is our Unbornness, we must discover it within ourselves, it is innate. It is our Kingdom of God, it is our Primordiality. We can even say: we do not meet it, we do not seek it, but we rediscover it and we come to realise it. We can live calmly without religion and rituals, but the Master says: We cannot live without Love. Remember, my child, Love is what Unites, and not religion. Be Love, and not religion or faith. God lives most deeply in Love, in what is Sacred, in the Core – there is the connection. In order to enter into Love, you must be Love, and not a believer. Love was before faith, before religions, even before the Word, before the Universe. Seek Primordiality, my child. When I say “My child”, this does not mean that you are young and I am older. We are both Primordial. Yes.
-Amazing. The second question: Eleazar, at what age did you meet God?
-The meeting of Love and Love is natural and inevitable. This is something internal, this is something which you carry within yourself. This is not a meeting in time and this means that the meeting has happened a long time ago, and it only descends here. This meeting is outside of the world. I have never had a feeling of separation from God, from the Master and from the Boundlessness. Everything is here and there, and everything is simultaneous, because everything is on the inside. In 1987 I entered Samadhi, entered Primordiality. But this is something which has always been and which happens in the Quiet. It is not something peculiar, something deep – it is something Natural, something Primordial and everyone will attain it. The Quiet is an ability of the Depths. The Quiet is Deeper than experience, it knows Ancient things. The Quiet is like the Truth – the person of Truth has action, which is above goodness and the world.
-Yes. The third question: Eleazar, what is your favourite food? – I understood that this question has hindered you the most.
-Yes. Food, as a whole, is a big matter. There is physical (food), food of the heart, of the mind, everything must feed. The Soul, the Spirit, even the Spark – it feeds on the Mystery. So, the Primordial food is the Proto-Light, the Shining of Love, the Daily Bread. A corresponding, external food of the same sort, is Grapes and honey. Grapes are Light and honey is Shining. But you must find them – in the honey, the Proto-Fathers work. The vegetarian food is in its proper place if it is combined with the implementation of God’s Will. Whoever is within the Master, they feed on God’s Will. The Primordial person fed on liquid food – the Proto-Light, the Unbornness. This is the Manna. We were Proto-Light. The True Food is Shining, but in this world it has lost something of its Primordiality. The True person, says Zarathustra, drinks Light and eats Fire. The primary food is God. Let Him feed within us, when we eat. A formula: “O, Lord, let every bite build up the Temple of Love within me.” – I have said it a long time ago. There is another, Secret True Feeding, it is within the Deep Understanding. It is the Self-Knowledge. In the Gospel of Thomas, Christ says: Whoever has come to know everything, but has not known themselves, they have missed everything. If you are not Love, it is all the same what your food is. Yes.
-Yes. The fourth question: Eleazar, why did you choose God?
-When God chooses you, you choose Him too. God has chosen everyone a long time ago, but people have forgotten. God knows our Concealed Love from the inside. Love loves Love. In this way, God loves Himself. Without Love, the person does not have Reality. I am reminded: Brother Michael (Omraam) says in one place: A person without Love is like a car without gasoline. It is a very… such an idea. I have chosen God a long time ago, from millions of years, because God is Completeness. For example, I understood, that when you are in the Nothingness, when you are in Completeness, God does things. One of the best, the deepest laws. So, the one, who gives Completeness to people, gives God – this is what the Master told me. Only in Completeness God experiences Himself and grants Himself. In the Completeness of Love, we and God are one Whole – there is nothing else. In the Completeness of Love God is realised within the person here, on earth. There is no resurrection, there is no expecting – here. Such a person has come to know Reality. They are an aware Spirit in a body. In this Completeness God gives Himself away. Love realises God. This precisely is the teaching of the Master, and everything else is secondary. God is Total – you cannot love Him 99%. In this Totality and Completeness is the Total Merging – Resurrection falls away. And this is why I do not expect the Resurrection. Because God is Love, and not expecting. And I can say much more, but this is it.
-Yes. Thank you, thank you. Marvelous answers. And we have a question from last time, I will read it: How does working with digital devices impact the spiritual path and the spiritual development and how do we protect ourselves? Influence on the children, work, formulas. A measure for working with a phone, a tablet, a computer. Something that you decide to tell us, what is necessary.

-So, the main thing is that everyone must touch their measure, because within the measure there is Reasonableness and lightness. The measure is a Preserver. Whoever seeks the measure in everything, they will find God and they will come to know that God is the measure. Now, it is very different how different people should work with these things, but for example: a phone, from 10 to 25 minutes, but for the person, who is free. There are such professions which cannot allow this. With the computer, from 2 to 3, 4 hours, right, and there is a rule: for each hour – 20 minute rest. But there are people who have been punished to work 8-9-10 hours. It must be 4 days or at the most – 5, but 4… And again, if it is possible – for each hour, 20 minutes, so that they have time for themselves, that these cells can relax, but I say again: everyone must touch their measure, because… Like with the food. The large person will eat in one way, the young person in a different way, the child – in a different way – the measure is different. And I will say a joke in this connection, with work, so: “I know everything!” – bragged Wikipedia. “Thanks to me, anything can be found!” – said Google. “I am the most important one in the world” – declared the Internet. “Be calmer and more humble!” – electricity called out. A joke, but so, let it…
-Yes, yes. When you say 20 minute rest, do you mean some kind of break, relaxation?
-You work for 40 minutes and 20 minutes you think of your own things, you say a few formulas, you think in a different direction, other cells are working – those ones are resting. A few formulas: God is my Peace… Whatever formulas they are, you are changing the rhythm, right. You enter into a different thing. And they are relieved, they are renewed, right, because otherwise they become overburdened, they violate the person and in the end the person becomes too mental. And they know many things but here – you pull their plug, the electricity, and everything falls away.
-Yes, yes, ok, thank you for these answers. And for the next month – January, our guest will be Borislav who is 5 years old, with his questions. And we would like to ask you to reply then: How should parents guard their children with prayers? 3 important formulas which the parents should say for their children. And important guidelines for the parents and their prayers, for their children. Many mothers send us their questions, they will have to wait, so that the questions of children are first, and we will show them some appreciation too, in time.
-Yes, yes, the mothers follow after the children. Yes, next time we will bring in this, regarding the guarding of children and so, we will answer this child too.
-So, and Borislav at 5 years old, we will only hint one of his questions: Why does Zarko speak to Grandfather God, and I cannot? – He says that many grown up children want to know how so…
-Yes, yes, yes.
-Yes, ok.
-Because these conversations were Primordial, with God, and they are Natural, right, but in the world, yes, sometimes God’s… The human will has chosen other conversations too. Anyway, we will talk, yes.
-Well ok, thank you. The answer to this and other questions will be left for our next conversation and I thank everyone for their time and attention.
-Can I just ask one question: Petio, when you shared about Samadhi, you mean that the Spirit completely and entirely pervaded into you?
-It always happens with Samadhi. You become Nothingness, you become Lightness, you become Completeness, and death is already engulfed, there is no need of Resurrection, these are…
-And does this mean that you have returned into your most Ancient state?
-Yes, yes, but you continue to work, because there are a few kinds of Samadhi. This is a topic which we can, sometime, especially if a child asks this, but even if a mother does.
-No, we could… But on this matter I have 1-2 hours…
-And can you just say some idea, when you said that the Spark feeds on the Mystery, say a little more about this?
-Well, everything else to it is a limitation. So, including the Boundlessness. We are not even speaking of the personality, not even speaking of Creation. But, for example, it can enter into the Phoenix and feed on Its Fire, because they are in Unity. The Phoenix is a Mystery, we are now preparing an exceptional book on the Phoenix. The others fly in the air, it flies in the Fire, in what is Primordial. The others reincarnate, it is renewed. And so, a lot, a whole book…
-And what is there in our Depths?
-Mhm, well, there is a Phoenix also. Our Primordial Spirit is the Phoenix, which must… Like Christ also became a Phoenix and returned. But the Phoenix-Bird is the Guide of the Souls-Birds. Christ is a Guide, and the Master – are (Guides) of the Souls-people.
-And why is it important to descend to this material world, in the role of mothers, children, brothers, sisters?
-Well, different schools, different lessons. As a mother you will learn one lesson, as a child – a different one, and in time you will have experience of everything.
-Again, a big…
-And who do the mothers love in the children?
-Yes… Well, the Concealed God, if they see Him, if they do not see Him, they love themselves, or the Soul, but they must see God, otherwise… yes.
-Thank you very much.

Questions of the children towards Eleazar – Part 5, 4.1.2024
How was the sea made, What kind of person is Grandfather God, Before we have become people, Talking to God
-Hello, friends. Today is the Fifth part of our series “Questions of the children towards Eleazar.” We continue with Borislav’s questions who is 5 years old. But before that, let us ask: Why are the questions of children so magnetic and they cause a smile and amazement? They string words together like maestros of the Word.
-Because the Soul is speaking and the mind is still not there. This child is 5 years old, as far as I know, from Varna. Its Soul is simply… It flows, a Natural State, this is the Natural State, the Natural State is able to ask. The mind is not able to ask, the mind imitates, the Soul…
-But the questions of all children… when they get here to me, I cannot help but smile and wonder how, how were they born in them.
-This is the atmosphere of the Soul, there is no way that you wouldn’t relax and become joyful. This is the natural atmosphere.
-Yes, yes. So, here are Borislav’s questions. The first question: Zarko – he calls you so – how was the sea made?
-So, the sea descended from water, and water – from the Proto-Light. First was the Proto-Light, then it descends and transforms into energy. Then energy descends and transforms into water, into substance. Liquid matter. And we, from this matter, must return into the energy, and from the energy – into the Sea of Proto-Light. Because water originates from “Guide”, “To Guide”. Water guides us and returns is into the Memory of the Ancient Sea of Proto-Light. God is the Creator of the sea in one Mystical way. Sufis say that only God knows how many drops there are in the rain, because He sets them in motion and gathers them. In Atlantis it has happened that a leaf sunk and a stone floated. The sea began from one drop – in the same way as the most fierce storm – from a light breeze. It is not the one who sees the sea that is seeing, but the one who sees behind the sea. Water is Mystical, it is a Sacrament. A saying: If the sea is set ablaze, what water would you put it out with? There is such water and this is the Power of Truth.
-Yes, thank you. The second question: Zarko, what kind of person is Grandfather God? – I understood that this question is…
-A deep question, several days passed until I entered into the Heart of this question, but anyway. So. What kind of person is Grandfather God? First, He is a Great Love. The Master says: If you solve the question of God, of Love, then all other questions will be solved as consequences. God is the Primordial human within us and this is why we are an Image and Likeness of Anciency. And our Primordial Face is Love. God is Primordially within us and this is why we are Ancient. Grandfather God within us is the True person, the measure. Meister Eckhart says: The Divine Natural State is my Natural State, nothing more, nothing less. Grandfather God is an Image of the Primordial human within us, an Image of the Essence, and this is Love, the Primordial Image. And the Supreme Absolute is a Non-image, Vastness, Without Bounds, Proto-Essence.
-Yes, thank you. The third question: Zarko, before we became people, what were we?
-We were a Natural State, Pure Spirits, immersed in the Source. Beings, but without their own will. One Great Unity with the Source, one Great Immersion. Here, only the Source and the Boundlessness became realised in one aware way, and Peace. But there was something else too, because we were before this. Meister Eckhart explains it: There, in Primordiality – the place, from which I have originated – in me, there was no God, because I am Primordial by myself, too. Here I was Nothingness, and my Nothingness did not depend on God. Here, I had no needs, but when I gave up free will and I became created, out of necessity, God appeared and because of my many needs, God appeared. Before God appeared, He was not God. He was the Great Nothingness. But after, He limited Himself and descended out of necessity, and became God. Something with a different Image, as a part of the Sublime Nothingness and the Absolute. In this Sublime Nothingness, we were Primordial, Mystery. Here we dwelled in Peace, in Completeness, in Total Unity, in the Primordial Bread, the Protogenic Daily-Bread. We are Ancient, and the aim of the Divine Way is to return into the Great Mystery of the Nothingness. This is beyond God, beyond the Word, beyond Scriptures. Even, I am reminded, in one place, Meister Eckhart says: I ask God to liberate me from God, in order for me to return into my Primordiality. A Mystic, Deep Christianity, which has not been understood, because he is ahead of it. Because he is an Initiate, with a Mystical Initiation, not with some benediction and some insights, which… Anyway, this is it.
-Recently, let me just mention.
-Yes, mhm.
-I saw that you presented a lecture by him, based on his work, “The quality which surpasses Love.”
-Yes, yes, of the Great Self-Renunciation.
-Yes, yes.
-But first you pass through Love and then this Self-Renunciation becomes right. You must have walked the Way of Love.
-And if the person…
-It is connected, then the Self-Renunciation is right, and then the Self-Renunciation surpasses, because it already cuts all attachments, even to Eternity, and enters into Deep levels of the Absolute Place of Origin.
-And if the person misplaces things and starts with Loyalty first, and then…
-With Self-Renunciation and then with Love, where can this lead to?
-Whatever Way they walk, if they are sincere with themselves, they will leap into deeper qualities and…
-All Mystics, who attain their Teachings, merge at the Peak, into One Entirety. Buddha, and Lao Tzu, and Christ, right. With Buddha, for example, and with Lao Tzu, there is no crucifixion, because there is no ego, it is a ridiculous matter there, and there is no Resurrection, because they live within the Boundlessness. Buddha is a Teaching of Enlightenment, to experience the Boundlessness. Here, what falls away is… In Lao Tzu it is even Deeper, but we will present this further in time.
-Yes, and why is it that sometimes precisely the followers find it somehow difficult to grasp the subtleties in the Teaching?
-Well, first because they are followers, they have not yet become disciples, then from disciples they must enter into Initiation, and then… and again, gradually. It is a long Way.
-Yes, yes.
-But there must be followers, in the beginning they must be followers.
-Yes, thank you very much. And the last question: Why does Zarko speak with Grandfather God, and I cannot?
-I have very rarely spoken directly with God. God sends us Great Masters, advanced spirits and brothers, Initiates, Sages etc. The True Master is a Being, who has spoken both with God and with the Absolute. The Masters in the world are a Great Bestowment, and you already, seeking the Master, you are seeking the merging with the Divine Voice within Them, because They have attained it. And so, every Master prepares you for Themselves, for the Depths. Yes, this is a briefer answer, because…

-Yes, yes. And can I just say that Petya, Borislav’s mother, shares that Borislav asks: Can we sometimes meet Zarko?
-Well, with these questions which we interchange, we have already seen each other in the Essence, in our Soul. And the physical, if it does happen, God will decide it, but in the Essence we have already seen each other, in the Real world.
-And in the physical world – it is not real, and whether we see each other, or not… It might be pleasant, but it is not… that is not the Essential.
-The matter is that we see each other in the Soul and in the Spirit.
-Yes. And we have one question from last time, from our conversation in December. I will read it, and you will tell us whatever you have decided: How should the parents guard their children with prayers? Three important formulas, which the parents should say for the children. And important guidelines for the parents, something brief.
-The three formulas are… The first, for example: “God is the Absolute Guide of my child.” And this already… the mother fulfils her duty in the most important sense, because she wants the child to have only one Guide and when this has been said in this way, because it has been said in God’s Name… The other formula is “God, My Lord, My Master, guard my child from every evil and give it lessons” – not only to protect the child, but also to give it lessons, so that it is able to make a leap. The third formula is: “God, my Lord and My Master, always defeat evil in all my Ways” – and this will turn into certainty within the child, and into a Way. What must they observe: So, in order for the children, and the mothers themselves, the parents, to learn… To observe the Love for Truth, which is connected to the right way of speaking. This leads to the most important thing, to mastering the mind and the deeds. Because whoever is a master of themselves, God becomes their Master completely. And how does He become their Master: with… He gives the person Peace, equilibrium, becomes their Master with certainty. Equilibrium is Spirit, it is not mind.
-Yes, yes. And for our next conversation in February, we have prepared one question which you have also approved. I will only read it: The Way towards Humility and mostly the difference between Humility and sheepish behaviour. I think that this question will be important for the children in their way of building their character. But we will wait for you to tell us something more next time.
-Yes, yes, it is important for both the children and the adults.
-Yes, yes.
-And let us say that next month we will have Shining as our guest again, who is still 6 years old, soon she will be 7, with her questions, and we will share one of them, which is: Are the books by Eleazarko found In Agartha? If not, I want us to send them there! – maybe through the Phoenix…
-All her questions, yes…
-But the answer…
-Golden Soul, Golden Soul.
-Yes… But Eleazar’s answer to this and other questions in our next conversation, and now Eleazar wants to share something brief with us…
-Which, we are very thankful for the consideration.
-So, I want to congratulate the ones reading the audiobooks: Petya, Deni, Diana Vrangova, Mariya – Shining’s mother, Georgi, who is reading the Atlantean (Aphorisms), Stefan, who (is reading) the Ancient Shards, Danielka, Zornitsa, Mila, Mariya, Fani, Elena and so on… there will be more, so, with… I congratulate them for this nice feeling, feeling of Depth, because it is… It is light and they invest something in the books which I have not invested, right. I have invested Spirit, but they increase and we become a mutual light, which mutually amplifies and I thank all of them.
-Yes, thank you, recently we released your part, “The Master about Himself”, it was marvelous.
-I thank everyone for their time and attention and we would like to announce one upcoming meeting between Eleazar and Guru Tan in Varna, in Festival and Congress Centre, in Hall 1, on the 26th of April 2024. The meeting will be open for everyone, it will be free entry, the meeting was organised by “8 Magazine”, Eleazar Harash Foundation and with the support of Bookstore “The disciple and the Master”. Details will be published on our Facebook page and by our friends from “8 Magazine”. This is it for today from us. Thank you.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
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