Questions of the Children towards Eleazar pt.12 – 25th…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
Questions of the Children towards Eleazar pt.12 – 25th of August 2024
When a person dies they do not wake up? Some children do not believe in God! Who has created God Himself?
-Shall we start with a formula?
-To protect ourselves? You say.
-“(God), protect us Almightily in every moment.”
-Hello, friends. Today is the 12th part of our series “Questions of the Children towards Eleazar”. It is now a year since we’ve started this series. We continue with Loa’s questions – who, if we swap the two letters, becomes Lao. So, Loa from Sweden. Before that, let us ask Eleazar – to tell us a little more about the idea that he shared with me last time, that Truth is the True immune system of the person, and how immunity depends on Love and the attitude towards Truth. Would you add to this idea?
-So, every speaking of the Truth, the correct utterance – the Soul knows it – it strengthens the power and the immune system. There are such formulas, right: “God is my Sublime immune system” – I use… Another one is: “Lord, my God, my Master, give me the Sublime immune system.” They are important. So, I do not know if I have said them before, but this is the idea: “Watch fearsomely vigilantly over every word,” right… And this means that the slightest judgment and you already separate yourself. I am speaking whether you criticize an ant or an animal, which is very difficult to achieve (not to do) – but whoever trains and realizes it, will not judge anything. Because in what you judge, God is there too. And you do not really know His Plan, you may think, but what are you imagining… You might think someone is an enemy, another – a friend. It might turn out the opposite in time. So every word – when we start to watch closely, it begins… We heal the Word and heal all who hinder the immune system, and… The immune system is our concealed weapon – actually, our concealed Love towards the Truth and towards God.
-So, can we say that health flows from Truth in the body?
-Yes, if the person has Completeness, has Love, then they have Wholeness. And Love is always directed towards Truth – it is closely connected. They cannot exist without each other.
-Yes, yes.
-You cannot be within Truth and not have Love. Or be in Love and not seek Truth. It means you have not understood them.
-Yes. And Truth has an egregor, just as lies have an egregor?
-Yes. In the end, Truth always wins. Buddha was asked – He… in this world, they say, many asked Him, saying that the lie wins in this world. No. The lie never wins. It may seem so, but no. Truth always wins.
-What is God’s Idea for letting this illusion spread like this?
-Well, so they can pay for their lies and in time come to value the lie and… In Buddhism, it is said in one place that in the world, there is only one Saviour, and that is Truth.
-Not Names, it is not Someone… Some call Him Buddha, Mohammad, Christ, right. No. It is the Truth. Those things are secondary. The Truth. A person might be in some cave, having heard nothing of Christ or Buddha or Mohammad – and simply by observing Truth, that is enough.
-The Truth – as a practice, as an approach?
-Yes, It is there on the inside – the person carries It within. There is no Soul that does not know, when it acts, how it acts. It cannot be, right. And besides that, it is reminded. Yes. So, these actions – the right ones, they build the immune system, they are an attitude towards Truth.
-Yes. Well, thank you. So, the first question from Loa – I will just remind, he is… the specific thing about him is that he answers himself, and Eleazar will add to him. So, the first question: “When a person dies, they do not wake up, right?” and he answers himself “But they wake up in the other world.”
-So, if a person does not have a Soul, do not have Essence. Then they are sleeping here and in the other world. Then others wake them up, because the person has no consciousness. They must wake the person for a long time, until the person begins to remember. Those who have loved God, awaken in themselves, just as they were awakened on Earth as well. Awakening is a matter of Awareness and it does not depend on which world you are in. Death is beautiful when you die with Love for God and for the Master. Our Concealed Essence is God, and so there is no way that we can die, we only migrate and conceal ourselves. It is much better that the body is dead, than the Soul. Whoever believes only in this world and in this life – here, on Earth, they cannot develop. They are bitten by the snake. The true person is something deeper than the other world. We will keep dying until we give birth to God and the Master in ourselves. This is the answer.
-Yes. The second question from Loa: “Some children do not believe in God,” and he answers himself: “How is it so that they not believe in God?”.
-If God wishes, He can send them Himself and an experience of Himself, and then everything changes. But in their past reincarnations, they have denied Him and they are not ready for a meeting with Him now. But God is able to wait. If they do not believe in the Reality of God, they will live another life, a confused life, and they will realize their illusion.
-Yes, yes. The third question: “And who created the stars, the trees? Did they create themselves?” and he answers himself: “It is very clear that God created them.”

-Each tree can tell many Secrets. It has a Core, within which are the Supreme Beings who have created it. God created the Supreme Beings. The Supreme Beings, the trees, and so on… Though secretly behind it all is God again, but He also gave Others the ability to create – they created the tree with the energy by which it blossomed. This energy is reasonable and speaking. Beings speak to each other through their energies, and that is why the Druids talked to the trees. The oak deepens the person’s energy. Trees are Sacraments. In the roots, the energies flow downwards, in the branches – upwards, and in the fruit – inwards. The branch that rises, that is the elevated energy. The energy of the root is bound to flow down, so the branches have a foundation. One true and pure fruit is the result of ripened energy, and the Master says: “There are trees that are even more religious than people.” What will you say about the Tree of Life? – The Master. And the Master also says: “Trees are excellent Sages of Silence. They are deeply silent, but they hear and understand.” The matter is of the Core in their energy – in the Concealed atom. They hear and understand things in their Core energy. And the Master says: “If a person is buried upside down, they will dry out and die, and the tree flourishes.” The oak does not appear from the acorn and from the seed. If you cut open the acorn, you will not see the tree, nor the branches. Trees are born from Invisible Forces that are beyond Earth and beyond the seed. The tree disappears into the acorn, and the acorn disappears into the Invisible. And the Invisible can also disappear, says the Master, into Nothingness – into Its Father. In the oak there is a Fiery Core – a Core of Pure fine energy. This Core can speak, whisper, and give real wise advice. The same applies to the stars. I published a book about the Secrets of the Druids. There are valuable things about the trees in it. Our Pure Spirit can come into connection with the fine vibrations of the tree, and time ago the Sages and the trees were friends and conversed with each other as beings, as energies, as brothers. A tree can teach you how to blossom and bear fruit. A tree can give you so much and even become part of your Way. In the energy field of the tree, there is something from the Great and Ineffable Beginning. In the tree, there is Peace, and Peace is Purity. And much, much more I can tell, but this is enough.
-A long topic.
-What speaks, let us say in the cats – I consider them as my people – is it also the Core in them?… Wordlessly, but they whisper – as thoughts, as images, and you understand what they want to tell you. -They have a Deep Pure Core – that is how they are born. They are beings of Nothingness and within them other Beings of Nothingness together… Sometimes it is the Spirit of the cat itself, sometimes it is the Being that is truly close.
-They are all from Nothingness and this is why they are Deep beings. Dogs cannot replace them. They came much later. Cats are Primordial.
-Yes, because they are able to whisper and to – if you have the attitude towards them – to understand what they want, what they want to tell you.
-They are very Deep beings and they can reveal – including Secrets.

-Yes. So, the last question from Loa: “And who created God Himself?” and he answers himself: “Aaa, God – He is so great that He cannot be born.”
-Yes. God is not a Creation – God was not created, God was Emanated. The Absolute limited itself, it Self-created as God, to become closer, more accessible and better known. God was Emanated from the Sublime Nothingness and is a likeness of the Nothingness and Limitlessness, and the Boundless. God is a Secret of a Great Mystery. And thus, the Absolute Self-created Itself as God and thus became manifest – in this way It became manifest and It hid Itself. God is a Self-limitation of the Absolute, Which, according to the Master, cannot be contained neither within the Universe, n or outside of it. It is Beyond all creation. It is the Origin itself – there is no Beginning. Absolutely Beginningless – without Origin, and that is why the Master says: “Life has a Beginning, but has no Origin.” As God, a Beginning is placed – Alpha and Omega, but it is conditional. Why? Because this is a Mystery of the Sublime Nothingness – the Origin (the Proto-Origin). From there, everything descended in billions of forms – this is Self-creation, the Self-descent of the Proto-Origin, Which is before everything, before Alpha and Omega. Reverence before the Supreme Mystery.
-Yes, thank you. There is an idea I shared with you. Now I will read it again. I will ask you to add something, if you want to. Something about – I call it the Ethnicity of the Soul and the Spirit, which is the Ethnicity of the New humanity, the Ethnicity of those who love the Truth, united by their Love for God. They are beyond all nations and religions. And for me, this is the New Ethnicity that will unite the Sons and Daughters of God. This is the Ethnicity of God, which has been forever. This Ethnicity has its own egregor and the main characteristic of this egregor is Love for God.
-Yes. Ethnicity is a limited concept, like nations, different rays, everything comes together in One Sun, which is the Race of the Gods and the completely Concealed Race of the Divinities – that which is already Primordial. But it cannot be called an Ethnicity. It is a Sublime Proto-civilisation.
-Yes, yes. Next month, Matthey will visit us with his questions – that is for September. And we will read two of his questions: “When will the Apocalypse come?” That is one. And the other: “How did Atlantis fall?” Shall we answer him?
-Children’s questions, beautiful, yes. All beautiful.
-The answer, naturally, to this and other questions – in our next conversation with Eleazar. And we will see you on September 6th in Varna for the Meeting of the Masters at the FCC at 17:00. And the topic of the meeting is: “Awakening.”
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel