Sacred Contemplations presented by Eleazar Harash
Taken from the book “Safa Taora – Contemplations of the Ancient Atlanteans”
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel
Contemplation of the Legend
The Legend has no origin. The Legend does not speak with words. The Legend speaks with Speechlessness. When the Legend whispers Words, these Words are an Epistle from Taora. Hear in the Legend the Speechlessness of Taora. See in the Legend the Shining of Taora. Do not seek anything more than the Speechlessness and the Shining of Taora. The Speechlessness and the Shining are the two Hands of Taora. And the Legend, that is His Spirit. Gaze Deeply into the Legend. The Legend is the Symbol of the Otherworld. Gaze into the Otherworld. And only then there is something for you to see.
Contemplation of the Fire
Your Fire burned my heart. Your Fire illuminated my mind. Your Fire incinerated my Soul. Your Fire erased my suffering. Your Fire resurrected my Spirit. Now I am Fire of the Fire. Now I am a Spark of the Spark. Now I am a Flame of the Flame. Now I am visible and invisible. Now I live, because only You exist within me. Please, only You exist.
Contemplation of the Summoning Shining
Here is the Poem of the Shining. Be Pure as Water, be joyful as the Sun, be sad as the Moon. Be Deep as the Ocean, be life-loving as the little Stream, be Quiet as the little Wellspring. Be Absorbed as the Soul, be disappearing as the Way when it is found, be Great as the Love of what is Unknown. Be incessant as the Eternal Secret, be Illuminated as the Sage, be Crystal-like as the eyes of the Child. Be a Way in your lack of ways, be as the Inspiration, which springs out from your own self. Be all of this, so that the Shining of Taora may Engulf you.
Contemplation for the Eyes of my Beloved One
When I gazed into Your Eyes, I saw in them Ancient Skies. When I gazed into Your Eyes, I saw in them millions of Suns. When I gazed into Your Eyes, I saw in them the Love of Taora. When I gazed into Your Eyes, I saw in them my Eternal Way towards Taora. And I am already on my Way. I know already, that Your Eyes will Illuminate my Way Eternally. Through Your Eyes, Taora was Gazing at me. Through Your Heart, Taora loved me. Through your Hair, Taora caressed me. Through your Arms, Taora embraced me. Through your Ears, Taora listened to my needs. But through your Eyes, Taora Illuminated my Eternal Way. And now I am on my Way.
Contemplation of the Master
I gaze upon You, I keep gazing upon You, yet I am not able to see You. I listen to You, I keep listening to You, yet I am not able to hear You. You probably live in a Sacred Depth. I sought You, I sought You, and did not find You. I followed You, I followed You, and did not discover You. I never stopped thirsting for You. And in one wondrous instant, You revealed Yourself to me. This instant transformed me into Eternity and Speechlessness. When I saw You, I lost all my words and I turned into a Son of Yours. Now I am a part of Your Eternity, of Your Speechlessness, and a Shard of Your Miracle. Now I know that You do not exist, but You are my only Reality. When I found You, I came to know that everything else is not real, but it called itself reality. They called You unreal, but You turned out to be the only Reality. May every one, who seeks You, find You. And may the one, who finds You, be touched by the Flame of Your Miracle.
Contemplation of the Beloved One
When you contemplate your Beloved One, you rediscover yourself continuously. When you contemplate your Beloved One, you are born again constantly. When you contemplate your Beloved One, you are resurrected incessantly. When you contemplate your Beloved One, you begin to live within what is Magnificent. When you begin to live within what is Magnificent entirely, you are no longer present. Only what is Magnificent exists. Only your Beloved One exists. Only Love exists. And you thought that you existed. The Beloved One, this is the Sacred Name of Love.
Contemplation of Pain
You say: Pain torments me. I say: Pain purifies you. You say: Pain melts me. I say: Pain Enlightens you. You say: Pain kills me. I say: Pain is seeking the way towards your awakening, towards your True Goodness. Pain wants to aid you and if you do not understand it, it will turn into your torment. Do you know that pain is composed of the Imperceptible Rays of Love?
Contemplation of Poetry
Your Eyes are the poetry of Mystical Suns. Your Heart is the poetry of Purity. Your Soul is the poetry of Love. Your will is the poetry of Graciousness. Your Spirit is the poetry of all the worlds. All this poetry is Reverence before Your Self.
Contemplation of the Seeker
I sought You in Love. I found You and did not find You. I sought You in Goodness. I I found You and did not see You. I sought You in Wisdom. I caught a glimpse of You, but I did not see into You. I sought You in the Truth. You revealed Yourself to me, but You disappeared in an instant. I am always seeking You and I am always left alone. And I decided to seek you in my loneliness. My loneliness was overfilled with the suffering of the world. And I decided to seek You in suffering. I entered very deeply into suffering. I accepted suffering with all my Soul. And I understood, that You wished for me to be born of suffering. And I was born anew. Because only in suffering I saw You Truly. From all of this, I understood, that I had to seek You, and You had to find me.
Contemplation of His Face
Contemplate the Face, which has no Face. Contemplate the Name, which has no Name. Contemplate His Love, which is Boundless. Contemplate His Wisdom, which is Untouchable. Contemplate His Depth, which is Bottomless. Within this Depth, the Absolute Nothingness exists. This is His Face. Because no one is able to see It, because no one is able to touch It, and because no one is able to think of It, because of all of this, only He has an Immaculate Face.
Addition by Eleazar Harash 6.1.2023: This is an exercise for entering into Reality. Only Reality is able to give you reality. The world does not own anything, it is actual, but lacking reality. Pray that God governs your exercises. You are the Love, the efforts, God is the Guide.