The Disciple – 24 Important things – 1.10.2002
I will present 24 important things.
First: The disciple never asks the question ‘’Why’’. The disciple does not work with this question, the disciple never asks this question.
Second: The disciple is always deeper than everything that is happening – all sorts of events, all sorts of hardships, all sorts of misfortunes – everything. Here we are speaking of the Spirit of the disciple. This, that I am presenting to you, is a continuation of ‘’The Sacred Words of the Master’’ vol.4, which in time I hope that I will have time for as well, I will publish it. This is one small continuation through the Master.
Third (this is the section ‘’The disciple’’ – especially for the disciple): The disciple does not feed on vegetarian food, but on Love. Here there is no explanation, things are said briefly and clearly. They are especially for the disciple, not for the people of the world, this is why there are no explanations – sometimes I am just hinting something. The disciple does not feed on vegetarian food – this does not mean that they must eat meat – but they feed on Love, the only True food. Fruit is an illusion too. I am not saying ‘’do not eat fruit’’ – so that someone does not rush now, to give up fruit. – The only True food is also called ‘’The Elixir of Life’’. Fruits are not an Elixir – they are nice, there both angelic and spiritual powers are working, but they are not an Elixir.
Fourth: In the gaze of the disciple there is no time and eternity. There is only Spirit and Truth. They do not waste their time with time and with eternity. They live in the Spirit.
Fifth: In the disciple there is no ability for anger – there simply cannot be, there is not. It has been lost somewhere along the way. Along what way? Along the Way of Love. I personally have marvelled: I try, I strain, many people have challenged me, but I just cannot get angry and that is it. It does not work. No efforts help me. One of the things that the Teaching gives, is this. The other is: you cannot hate. I have tried in all sorts of ways, it does not work. There is no ability for anger, there is no place for it to come from, i.e. in the Depth, in the Spirit, in the Supreme Soul, the Fifth Body – there is no anger, there simply is none.
Sixth: When the disciple wants to speak to God, they pray in the Sacred way. This is the way to speak to Him. Not to read sermons to Him or to give advice, like some do. What does the Sacred way mean? – The Law of the Boundless Love. There is no place here for the confused human love at all – we are speaking of the Boundless Love of the disciple. This is the Sacred way.
Seventh: The disciple knows the Law of faith. It states: That, in which you believe – that is what you unlock, such forces. Whether they are dark, whether they are Spiritual, whether they are Divine – that, in which you believe, that is what you unlock. If you believe totally in God, you unlock God and He begins to flow in you. That, in which you believe – that is what you unlock – a Gold Law of faith.
Eighth: The disciple never judges. They make remarks, but as I have explained to you, remarks are according to the Law of Love, criticism is not. Anyone who judges, falls in their judgement. Anyone who judges shall be judged threefold.
Ninth: The disciple sees God everywhere and God sees them, i.e. they exchange glances. This is an inner idea.
Tenth: The disciple knows that health is a part of the body of Love, the Fifth body or the Supreme Soul, it can be called the body of Christ, one and the same thing. They know that the ill person is cured when they are worthy of being cured, i.e. of a blessing. They may seek doctors – they will not help them – the disciple must become worthy, they must know what is asked of them: inner change, reasonableness etc. Then for God there are no obstructions, the ill person will be sent to a suitable place. Otherwise they will wander around mediums, doctors etc. And some time, if the medium or the doctor help, it could turn out much worse with much worse consequences; neither the person knows this, nor the medium, but there are other moments.
Eleven: The disciple greets hardships with a smile. We are speaking of any kind of hardship. Whether it is wide or very wide, this is another question – it could be internal, the matter is that the smile is there.
Twelve: The disciple is reasonable. I will explain: Reasonable has many meanings. One of the meanings is: Divine – I shall not dwell in detail. The disciple is reasonable, i.e. they are repaying their karma with patience, they do not grumble. The unreasonable one repays it with suffering – this is the difference. I am not saying that this is bad: suffering can ennoble the person, or it could turn into torture, it depends on the person.
Thirteen: The disciple is not happy and joyous, they are Truthful. They are something much more. Many times they ask me: Are you happy? – I am not happy, I will not be happy. Some say: We do not believe you, you are happy. – I do not convince them.
Fourteen: The disciple knows that in comparison to Love, knowledge is ignorance. I will not explain to you whether it is big ignorance – said with one word – ignorance! This is why the disciple acts with Love, i.e. acts with God. In China they call this ‘’Wu Wei’’ – it means the Pure act, the selfless act, non-doing, a noble act, i.e. to act with Dao. It does not matter what we call it, this is an act with Love.
Fifteen: The disciple knows that the only real assurance in this life and in eternity – this is Love. There is no other assurance. The Master says: Absolutely no banks. I shall not explain why it is stupid so that we do not offend some people.
Sixteen: The disciple is an awakened being. Briefly, what does this mean. In this case, we are speaking in this case. First, they live in the right way, and then they learn – not the other way around.
Seventeen: The disciple believes in the Truth, and not in stars or in the future. This is said specifically. Without the Truth your stars will fade away, all of them one after the other, and your future will be in detriment. You simply have no choice – this is for the ones separated from the Truth.
Eighteen: The disciple knows that the True saviour of the person is never an external occurrence. The True saviour is a deep inner occurrence. If you have the Love, you have been saved – Love is God. You may not have heard anything of the word God, there are such Native Americans – they believe only in the Truth. This word ‘’God’’ they have not even heard of. They believe only in the Truth and they make effort to live only according to the Law of Love – they are saved. The matter is whether you have Love, otherwise you will speak a lot of salvation and you will seek it.
Nineteen: For the disciple there is no desperation – desperation is forbidden. It does not exist. Not that it is completely gone – it is found somewhere there, along with the illusion and the one, who loves the illusion. I say: I am speaking of the disciple. Whether they will be shot, whether with one bullet or a hundred, it does not matter and there is no desperation, because the bullet can never touch the Spirit. The bullet simply has no chance. It is designed in such a stupid way that it cannot touch the Spirit, or it may be in a clever way – I do not know.

Twenty: The disciple knows that evil flees from the prayer, i.e. the Fiery Word. The intensive prayer is an All-Consuming Fire. If you have some problem, you can be calm about not coming to ask me what you should do, even though many people are coming, more and more. You simply begin a prayer with Fire. If your problem is big, you start for hours. You shall not want to lie to God with a few seconds of prayer – you begin for hours, like I have reached nearly 11.5 hours. So, Fire, I had totally forgotten myself and this helps a lot. I have trained many exercises in concentration in this life, I cannot say millions, but I can say hundreds of thousands, and I have no problems. And I have many enemies, despite them being seemingly so – the lectures created them – the ones who did not understand the lectures, they became more or less enemies and they cost me a lot, including from the brotherhood. Not only do they ban my books on Rila mountain and other places, the new leadership (of the brotherhood) has a unanimous opinion – there is no problem at all. When they ban them, my books are sought more, I have noticed this a long time ago and I continue to love them. But the Divine Law does not forgive, it cannot forgive.
Twenty one: The disciple has True Love and this is why they always shine. Not human, but True Love. This does not mean that they are always on display, but they always shine, because their Love does not depend on others. They do not care about being loved at all, they simply love. In this way, they live in God and there is the place of the True Love.
Twenty two: The disciple is incapable of even the smallest evil. Not in their thought, not in their feelings, not in their actions. For example, if you have just one person who you hate, just a little – do not expect that you will have a real connection to God and to the Master. You cannot depend anymore – the smallest hate, whoever that person is. If you hate an animal or something else – also. The smallest hate breaks the Sacred connection to God, because God is found in this being too, whom you hate. Internally you must give an account to yourself – do you hate, why you hate, and to wish for God to help you, to fill you with Himself, so that even the slightest hate disappears.
Twenty three: The disciple is patient. If someone wants exercises for patience, I will immediately give them some, there are many exercises. One of them, given by the Master: you buy one kilo of wheat grains and you begin to count them all. However many they turn out to be, you write it down. Simple exercise, whoever wants to, can try it. The disciple is patient. When you are patient with evil, you defeat it, in the sense of mastering it. I am saying this, so that someone does not think that they have become a big victor. This is a method of God, but we are patient, and He has Long-patience. I am saying this, because some angels wonder why God tolerates the devil. There are angels who do not know why God tolerates the devil. But God is Long-patient. God defeats not with His Power, but with His patience, i.e. patience is the Power of Love.
Twenty four: The disciple knows that with Love and prayer, they are stronger than everything, including stronger than the world.
I would like to remind: the ones who wish to enter very deeply into the Teaching, there are two main things – they are before Wisdom, before Truth, before Purity. This is: to study Love and prayer most deeply. To manifest Love and to pray diligently, intensively, as the Bible says: ‘’Pray constantly’’. This is the foundation of the Teaching, gradually Purity comes, gradually discernment comes, later Wisdom comes and later the Truth. But the foundation is those two things. Whoever wishes to enter very deeply into the Teaching, must emphasise Love and prayer the most. I am not saying that they should pray 24 hours a day and pass out. Bogomils have reached passing out from praying, I do not recommend it. Whoever is able to increase their prayers, let them increase them. Whoever is burdened by them, if they have 30 prayers, let them make them 20, if those burden them too, make them 10, but never stop them. If 10 are too many, make them 5. In the extreme case I reach to 1 prayer – I do not go any further than this.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel