The Master says: Havara Iri Aihama – Seek me…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
Eleazar Harash: The Master says: Havara Iri Aihama – Seek me Incessantly – 11th of July 2024
So, we will say something about the Master’s anniversary, the 160th anniversary.
First, some excerpts from the Diamond Book. The Master says: Once in Anciency I encountered the flood and it said to Me: “Why do you destroy me?”.
When you think only of the Master, you become a Mystery.
The Master is the Ancient Consciousness in a body and out of a body, because He is always Pure Consciousness.
The conversations with the Master are conversations with God and with the Boundlessness.
The Master is our Source, we must never lose our Source.
The Master says: I am before the future.
The Master was born before the utterance of the Word and therefore He is Unutterable.
If you are firmly in the Master, the world cannot divert you.
‘’One with the Master’’ means: overcoming the world and creation.
Here are some excerpts from “The Concealed Biography”, otherwise, whole books will be published- so, they are being prepared.
The Master carries God within Himself, not some teaching.
God is first, everything else is a consequence.
First is Love, everything else is a consequence.
If you are in the Master, you will become a Mystery, not a disciple.
The world is in a heavy state because the Master has been abandoned by people – only the disciples have chosen Him.
God and the Master are One Whole and whoever has not accepted the Master, they have not accepted God and development – and their development will be delayed.
The Master is like the Nothingness, like the Great Love – He engulfs you so that you are born in your Primordiality. And this is why it is said: “Love is as death”. This means that Disappearance in the Master is the peak of communion.
There is something New and Secret under the Sun and this is the Master and the Mystery of His Depths.

The Master is an Outpouring from God and from the Anciency towards the world.
What the Master brings, is not in the world and in the Universe, and I experienced it.
Everything in the Master is imperceptible – both what is clear and what is concealed.
The Master says: If you are in Me, you are in the Divine Order.
Where to seek the Master? In our Love for Him.
What is the Master in the world? The Acting Divine Will.
Only one Glance from the Master can take you out of the world.
An event – someone asked the Master: “Why are you looking at me?”. “I have not yet glanced at you. If I glance at you, you will be saved.”
In the Master is concealed the Divine Gaze – they are One Living Unity.
What is the Master? The Daily Bread on Earth.
To meet the Master, this is an Ancient Blessing from your past.
If you have some fears in your heart, introduce there the Image of the Master.
If you see the Master in everything, He has given you His Gaze.
Only the Master can take proper care of you, you cannot.
Closeness with the Master is Peace.
Seek the Master until He finds you, and then comes Service, as well.
The Master – this is a quality of God and a quality of the Boundlessness.
The Master is an external reality, an internal Reality and a Concealed Supreme-Reality.
The Master is always accessible for Love, Wisdom and Truth and for the True prayer.
In the Master is our Extraordinary Way.
Without the Master the world would not be Illuminated.
In the Master, God is realized.
The Master is close to us because He is Anciently-Natural.
The Master surpasses the miracle for the one who has had Insight of Him.
There is something Majestic in the Master and I sought it for a long time – I sought this in the Master for a long time and I saw it through Revelation, but I will keep it to myself.
Many disciples, who have not understood the Master, think that the most important thing is: “I need to feel good”. But God in us is more significant than feeling good. I say: Choose the Master, and how you feel is secondary. I will explain. If you do not feel good and this brings you Depth, and then a bringing to sense, and then a state of life that was brought to sense – is this not better than feeling good, than your own “right”?
Love the Master more than yourself and you will understand Him.
And recently, a precious thought, which I encountered, from the Master: All words, which we use, are Invisible. That was it.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel