The Path towards Loyalty – 6.11.2001
The Path towards Loyalty
Temptations – temptations serve as the perishment of all that is a lie. One of the purposes of temptations is that they serve as the perishment of all which is a lie. Whoever loves Truth grows through temptations. Whoever loves Truth it is certain that they will overcome the temptations.
I will divert here only for a bit. So, passion, the sexual life – in time we will talk of it as well – so called sex, sexual energy etc. It is created for an ascension, not for a fall. You must pass through it consciously, with all your love, to turn it into something Sacred, into a prayer, to bloom and to elevate the energy to your higher chakras. To turn it into Pure Love, free from passion, a Love that unites with God and not a love that unites with passion. This is only a mentioning, in time we will talk on this matter.
Whoever loves Truth turns temptation into salvation – because some people think that temptation is an enemy. It is an enemy of those who are asleep and those who love lies and pleasures. Here we are talking from another point of view. Whoever loves Truth turns temptation into salvation. The temptation is not an enemy of the one who loves Truth, but it is an enemy and a destroyer of the one who loves lies and evil. To the one who is asleep life is a series of temptations and falling into them they increase their delusions – the so called imaginary reality. Delusions originate from common knowledge. Common knowledge creates an imaginary reality. There is no need to create a reality, it already exists and has to be found – but that is a different matter – through Love.
For the awakened one, for the seeker, for the seeker of Truth, life is not temptations but trials through which they grow in their Fifth Body, i.e. in their own Sacred Essence. Later on we will mention the Initiation which corresponds to the idea of the Sacred person. They grow in their own Sacred Essence. The one who is tempted increases their ponderings, their illusions, their knowledge, while the awakened one increases their spirituality. Those are two different paths. The awakened person passes through temptations in a different way, they pass with Love and they overcome them. Whoever has not passed through sexual life with a Deep Love, with a Sacred attitude, they will always come back, they will obstruct their energies, but they will not be able to outgrow this matter. The same goes for anger. Whoever has Love will be able to engulf it. Whoever does not have Love will be coming back.

When the temptation has been overcome, one tastes from the blessing of life. After temptation there comes the blessing – when it is overcome. The temptation leads to a Renewal and a Rebirth, i.e. after the darkness and troubles of the temptations, there comes the Light and Peace. This means that within temptation is the pledge of salvation – in temptation is concealed Salvation, but I say again, to the awakened one. I will repeat again:
Temptation is not an enemy, there is nothing which is an enemy to the disciple. Some think that sex is an enemy. If it is an enemy, you cannot outgrow it, you cannot foresee it, it will surprise you. First you must turn it into a friend, then into something holy, to pass through it and to outgrow it, to liberate yourself.
No one can grow without temptation. Temptation is a concealed friend of ours. This is the Divine plan of God. Christ Himself passed through it. Not only ordinary people, but spiritual people pass through it as well. It is not an enemy, but our concealed friend. It is a plan of God, God has an idea. And this is why no one can grow unless they pass through temptations. Temptations work for us. The temptation itself is working against the old within us.
Temptation is – I will look at it from a different point of view – a great battle between the old and the new person, between the Fourth and the Fifth body. A great battle is waged here, on whether one will know themselves or they will remain a person of knowledge, delusions, plans, etc. The temptation is a very deep inner battle, a battle – I can even say – of life and death. At the end of this great battle the old person dies. In the end we will finish with the idea of initiation. The old person dies and the so called New Birth happens, the New Birthing. Temptations are the path of being reborn into the new, in the new consciousness and in order to avoid hell and heavy states, one must pass – they must pass through temptations with vigilance, with awareness and overcome them. After overcoming the temptations they become alive. Before that, they still walk, imagine that they are alive, but they are not alive. After temptations, after overcoming, a person already becomes alive, they can be called alive. After the overcoming of temptations, the Real development begins, until that point it was a preparation, an introduction, a foreword. From here on, the Real development begins. Because the one who has overcome temptation is internally United with God. The one who has overcome, they are already United and they begin the real development. There is no imaginary – no imaginary devotion to stars, names, made up things etc., – something Real begins.
Whoever loves Truth, they are able to love, whoever is able to love, they are able to meditate – not to reason, but to meditate. Meditation is created from Divine Love. Love itself becomes the Spirit of meditation. It already becomes something natural.

Only Love is able to live. Why? – Because it does not strive for it. The aim itself is a barrier. It does not strive to live. I will explain: Whoever strives to live, to preserve their life, they perish. But whoever sacrifices their life – and Love is able to sacrifice it – they become alive. For the one to whom there is no Love, there is no escape from death. For the one to whom there is Love, there is an escape from death – that is called Resurrection. Love has within itself the power that changes death, changes the quality of death, turns it into life. Precisely Love is this Power. It has within itself the Power that changes death into life, it changes the quality of death. Love is an occurrence of God, of God within the person. This is why it is said that God is Love, it is not said that the person is Love. Precisely Love is God within the person, so it changes death into immortality.
Love is a manifestation of God, an occurrence of Pure Spirituality. Within Pure Spirituality there is no death. Love is closely connected to both the Truth and to Loyalty. According to the revelation of Truth, within the person self-renunciation is increased. When one has Love towards Truth, it starts to give them small insights and revelations. And according to these revelations of Truth within the person, self-renunciation is increased. Exactly here Loyalty grows.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel