The Whispering Quiet – Music for Inspiration. Lyrics based…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
The Whispering Quiet. Music for Inspiration created with AI, part 12: lyrics based on Avalira – Book of the Wise Native Americans
A project by Rosiyan Panayotov and Diana Vrangova. With the support of Eleazar Harash.
The titles of the instrumental songs in the album are given by Eleazar Harash.
Matasanga – The Great Proto-Father of the Native American Race
Aval Mavara – The Eighth Elder, the Father of the Native American Race
Mavahari – The Tenth Elder, the Master of the Native American Race
Votaro Haya – Native American appeal towards the Great Spirit
Avalira – the most Ancient Native American Book

1.Avalira – The Whispering Quiet
O, Avalira, the Whispering Quiet, the Whispering Wisdom –
Sacrament, concealed within the Quiet.
O, Aval Mavara, You are the One, conveying the Sun…
(Eleazar Harash) So, Galya – we dedicate this music to sister Galya, our Galya. She had a Native American Heart and a beautiful Soul. She sang very beautiful Native American songs to us at our gatherings – with her Mystical Soul. She was like the Native Americans – life with the wind. She sowed herself beautifully into the Teaching of the Master and here her heavy karma was of no significance. What was important was her Love towards the Master, towards the Native Americans and towards pure occultism. She came alive in her songs, she became a Living Soul, Living Water. Karma is karma, and Love towards the Master is of a different kind, of another World.
Galya, we shall not forget you, new meetings await us, other meetings too. Reverence!
…when the Quiet begins to speak to you, know that you are a Son of an Ancient Peoples.
Avalira speaks only to Its Sons.

2.Aha Lava – The Great Spirit
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Aha Lava
Inspiration is the sense of the Quiet. The Quiet is the sense of the Great Spirit.
The Inspired One is not able to seek – the Inspired One lives within the Heart of the Quiet.
3.Boundless Vastness. Instrumental

4.Amashiba – the Heart of the Spirit
O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
It is the Heart of the Quiet. It is the Heart of the Spirit.
Be a Great Gazing one. Live in the Third Feather of the Great Eagle.

5.Arihaya – The Great Soul
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
This, that I am sharing, it comes from the Quiet of my Heart.
I did not want to speak anything, but the Quiet within me began to tremble.
Only the Quiet is able to speak as the Sun.
The True Song conveys Quiet – it is a call,
which comes from the Depths of the Wind.
The True song is a call, wishing that you return into your Sacred Heart.
6.I am seeking you in the Boundlessness. Instrumental.

7.Votaro Haya – Appeal towards the Great Spirit. Part 1.
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Votaro Haya
When the Great Grief paid me a visit, I understood, I understood Votaro Haya.
That was the Day in which Your Voice, Votaro Haya, was born within me.
Votaro Haya
Votaro Haya – You are the Great Old One.
Aaa, Wahanatan – you are the Great Light.
Arihaya – You are the Great Soul.
Aaa, Wahira Tanka – You are the Great Spirit.
8.In Solitude I came to know You. Instrumental

9.Shamavari – The Shamans
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Votaro Haya, bless all Shamavari.
Shamavari – these are Beings of the Worthy Way.
Shamavari – these are Beings of the Way.
Shamavari – these are the Shamans, the Keepers of the Way.
Votaro Haya
Avalira is a Sacrament, concealed within the Quiet.
Avalira is the most Ancient Native American Book.
Avalira is the Whispering Quiet.
10.I found You within my Heart. Instrumental.

11.Wakan Tanka – the Great Mystery
O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Wakan Tanka
O, Great Spirit, the Great Secret! O, most Ancient Secret!
You are the One, Who is before every Secret.
And our energy must be Sacred.
12.A Way Endless and Close. Instrumental

13.Aval Wahira – the Eagle
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Aval Wahira.
It is the Bird of Wahira.
It is the Secret of Wahira. It is the Eagle.
See the Concealed within the Concealed as the Eagle.
14.The Eagle flies without wings too. Instrumental

15.Votaro Haya – Appeal towards the Great Spirit. Part 2
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Votaro Haya! And said to me Votaro Haya:
My Truth is the Light for all those who have sought Me.
My Truth is a Light which illuminates all worlds and races.
Votaro Haya! When Votaro Haya shines within me,
Then the Souls, who have ended up in the Dark,
Shall see the Light of Votaro Haya and shall find their Way.
16.In the big Grief I became Clear. Instrumental

17.Avahala – The Greatest Trial
O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Matasanga, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Avahala – it is the Endless Loneliness. It is a Supreme Trial.
And whoever withstands, they become the Bird of the Ancient-Most Secret.
18.Grief is an Endless Bestowment. Instrumental

19.Wahira Hava – The Bird of the Speechlessness
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Wahira Hava is the Bird of the Speechlessness. There is no speech in the Primordial Quiet.
And no one is able to share the Ancient-Most Secret.
Only the Quiet is able to share it.
20.The Ancient Father awaits me with the Heart. Instrumental

21.Wahira Tanka – The Ancient-Most Spirit
O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Mavahari, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Wahira Tanka – The Ancient-Most Spirit. I know that I shall return to Wahira Tanka.
Wahira Tanka is the Father of my Secret.
My Breath is the Breath of Wahira Tanka.
22.Enlightened Sorrow. Instrumental

23.Votaro Haya – Appeal towards the Great Spirit, Part 3
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Votaro Haya, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
Votaro Haya, let my eyes grow weary of seeking You.
Votaro Haya, let my eyes disappear along You.
Votaro Haya, I summon the Concealed Truth within You
To flow towards the whole Native American Race.

O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Quiet.
O, Aval Mavara, share with us, share with us Your Truth.
The only Epistle of the Truth is the Quiet.
You can stand Before the Truth only in one Great Veneration.
Veneration is the measure that you have known the Truth.
Veneration is the measure that you have known the Inexpressible.
O, Mavariya, Mavariya, you are the Throne above all thrones,
You are the Wreath, you are the Truth.
When you have Veneration towards the Truth,
The Truth shall arrange in you a Pure, Pure Quiet.
Only in the Quiet shall the Inexpressible Truths be conveyed.
The Profound Truths shall be whispered.
Each one, who speaks in the Name of Truth,
They preach Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.
O, Mavahari, Mavahari, You are the One conveying the Quiet.
Give us Your Quiet, so that we may hear,
So that we may hear the Speech of the Inexpressible Truth.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel