Word for the Deep Mystery – the Woman –…
Content provided by Eleazar Harash Foundation
Word for the Deep Mystery – the Woman, by Eleazar Harash – 8.3.2025
Through the woman God has descended, through the woman, Love is here. And this is why the woman is a visible Mystery, because she is the Heart and the Core of Love.
So, we will present some deep things about the Woman for the 8th of March on behalf of the Foundation.
The Master says: the Word Woman, according to the Primordial Language, means Life. This is the Life in the Mystery. I shall explain: the Woman-Soul has no createdness in herself. She is the Taste of Love.
The Woman-Soul is a Magnificent Occurrence, because she is an Ancient Primordial Ray both from God, and from the Mystery. This Divine Woman-Soul is a Portal towards God. She is a Key and she creates God within us. But whoever has not overcome themselves and has not achieved their own Spirit, their own Divinity, they are not able to meet this Great Love, behind which is God.
First, there was Love, then it descended from the Mystery and clad itself in the Secrecy-Soul. Then this Soul descended and became Primordial Woman, who is a part of God and a part of the Great Soul of God, a part of the Great Conception of God.
This Magnificent Woman-Soul is beyond history, in her, there is no time – she lives in the Quiet of her Original and Primordial State. Even, here, if I must add something – the Primordial State is before God – the Absolute ProtoState – back then God was yet not. These are very Deep things otherwise… So, Love, Love as Mystery in the Absolute… Love is the Ancient State of God Himself.
This Woman-Soul is neither earthly, nor Spiritual – she is Divine, Primordial. She is of the Sublimity of God. This Primordial Woman-Soul is above the human seeing, she is the Conception of God. If it were not for this Woman-Soul in the world – who exists and does not exist, the world would collapse. Without this Love, there would be no one to Shine upon the world.
The True Love in the Woman-Soul knows its Way towards God. Love is the Core of the Woman-Soul. The Woman-Soul is the descended Love of God, of God Himself. She is Divine descent, but people do not know God Totally and this is why they do not know the woman. The Love of the Woman-Soul is the Elixir of Life.
Through the woman, God has descended, through the woman, Love is here. And this is why the woman is a visible Mystery, because she is the Heart and the Core of Love. The woman is Soul – this means: she is Essence without time. If the Woman-Soul meets Love, she becomes Great Loyalty.
The Woman-Soul has no name. The Soul is Love, and the name is something transitory, something temporary – it is connected to the body. True Love is a meeting of two Aware Non-created Souls. Two Depths meet here, two Pure Sacred Depths. The body of the woman has no name, but the Soul is without name and without image, because it is Nameless. In the Woman-Soul, God embraces you.
To stand before the Woman-Soul, is to stand before the Unknown, before the Mystery of God. Thoth says that the Secret of the Woman-Soul is in this, that she is more Ancient than life. The True Woman is Love and she returns the person into the lost outlook of Netjer, of God – this is by Thoth again.
In the True Woman-Soul, only God resounds, because this Woman has been touched by God and by the Mystery. As a whole this is an Egyptian outlook. And the woman-earth has to suffer her way and to return into the Paradise of her Soul.
The Soul is the lost Garden of Eden – this happened when the person was chased out of their Soul. They lost their Soul: God separated it, in order not to ruin her – for the person not to ruin the Soul. The Woman-Soul is the bridge above the world and above the emptiness.
Without knowing True Love, the world turns into blooming chaos. You are not able to find True Love, or the Woman-Love – she is a Bestowment, or she is not there; you must wait, you must ripen. Understanding this Love is a Profound Initiation, but the Secret still remains. It is Love that understands Life, and not knowledge.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel