Toltecs and The book of hell, Toltecs and the…
We will talk of the parasites – we will explain what they are and again we will return to the important idea of what we must do so that we may gradually liberate ourselves from them. They work in many dimensions.
The parasites introduce The book of hell. They belong to an old and backward civilisation, which in Atlantis was called The book of hell and in the Bible it is called The tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The Toltecs found that the parasites begin to die along the way of Impeccability. The surest vaccine against these parasites from our point of view, equal to the Toltecs, is a firm choice of Love, Wisdom and Truth. If you make a mistake in choosing something else, I guarantee that the parasites will be many and you will see how they work. So, the parasites warp our views on things, our health, our way. They introduce into the person a wrong way of thinking and all this happens in the way of compromises.
What are the parasites themselves? They range from small to large. The big ones are demons who also do not have a physical body – they possess other bodies – and the small parasites are all kinds. Some call them microbes, viruses, bacteria etc. They have no cellular structure. They are backward spirit forces, beings. They have no metabolism of their own, they look for victims and this is why they look for an exchange with the person for their spreading, multiplication and feeding. They are able to use the consciousness of the cell: within every cell there is consciousness. They are able to use it.
They are many kinds. There are parasites of an emotional nature, of a mental nature, biological parasites, of the psyche and spiritual parasites – very delicate. They can even steal fine energy from the consciousness and motives of the person and to – take note – change the person. So, the matter is of an ancient battle which the Toltecs discovered and they defeated them. It is possible to overcome them.
Toltecs passed through four big floods, but I will speak of this another time, huge floods. The first one, 700 000 years ago split Atlantis into many islands. A second flood, which was very heavy, a third one and the last one – the fourth – which is well-known, was devastating. Only the Toltecs remained absolutely untouched because they understood the methods of dealing with all parasites on all levels.
These parasites can silence the consciousness and the intentions of the person, and as I already said, the big parasites are already demonic beings. In all these parasites, without exception there are invested negative outlooks of life, this is why it is called a backward civilisation. So this is innate. In the person this is in the form of negative impulses. This is actually the parasites’ knowledge, but in the person it manifests as negative impulses, heavy states, depressions and moods. All of this is these parasites. They can rob the outlook of the person and they can transmit to the person all sorts of influence. This is why the Toltecs say: a person must encircle their own Divine energy and guard it, because within it their own Path is locked. So if you scatter your energy on pleasures, ordinary conversations and other things, this energy in which your path is locked will not reveal itself to you. This is similar to the indecisive person: they do not want to take a risk, they do not want to accept Truth in a particular way – because they are indecisive life itself does not reveal to them their own purpose. They always delay, they hesitate – this is also the parasites.
So that the parasites are unable to capture them, the person must at least choose the way of Impeccability. This is what we have talked about of the Warriors of the Third Attention. The psychic parasites spread the easiest through rumors, starting from fashion and gossip and reaching to the life of the Hollywood stars. All of this is so easy, so natural and so bringing perishment. They are everywhere, they are found in computers, on TV, on the radio, in newspapers and this is why the person must arm themselves at least with Impeccability, and choose firmly the way of Love, Wisdom and Truth.

These parasites travel very easily and gradually bring death to millions of people. People do not even sense how these parasites work. This is called a clean infection of the consciousness. A simple, natural infection, as if this is the world – but this is not our world.
The parasites are constantly looking for their way into the person. Why? Because they require energy, this is their food. They can deceive the person even while they are reading books, because the parasites enter there as well, so that the person does not understand correctly. They enter into music too, in the so called culture, in the so called gestures and so called jokes. Everywhere they are working secretly, but they are otherwise very elementary. In this way they very finely and insidiously gradually assume rulership over the person.
The parasites can penetrate into the person so much, that they can shape their desires and interests, and the person will think this is their own desires and interests. Take note, they can penetrate so much into the person, that the person may think that this is their own natural desires.
Sickness – this is already materialised and grouped parasites. They enter into the consciousness first, because every sickness starts from the consciousness first; then gradually from the consciousness they travel towards the body. Once they take over the consciousness, then it is easy to move into the other bodies.
For example, sometimes you say to a person some nice word or you gift them something with a very nice feeling, but the parasites sneak in and they change the energy. Some worry is the result, something unpleasant – they have ruined everything. But if you are firm in this nice, Sacred feeling, if you do it in the Right way, they cannot touch it. The question is, are you really instilling this detachment, this Voidness in a gift.
I remember once one sister was giving me a wooden plate… “You must like it, you must take it’’, something like me having no choice. I wondered what to do with it… Like this neighbor of mine who, on all kinds of holidays, does repairs and refurbishments and in the end I came up with: “God, help my neighbor to do the best repairs”. And the matter was solved – he started doing repairs very rarely, so this means something very nice has happened. But I had to find the Key, the precise words, the Pure words without any interventions. If there are impurities things are ruined.
Humankind as a whole cannot understand that it has become more or less food for another civilisation, a backward civilisation called in Atlantis The book of hell. Impeccability, which is at the same time an attitude towards Love, is a great method. This is a method of healing from all the kinds of parasites. This happens gradually. Whoever has chosen this Way, they start to gradually clear away the parasites. This civilisation starts to become dim within them.
When you firmly choose the Way of Love towards Truth, then the influence of not only the parasites, not only of people, not only of stars, but even the influence of the suns will be lost. Only God will remain, only the Truth and nothing else. Once you have this, then nothing else will bother you, you will be in another dimension – where The book of hell does not exist.
Indecisiveness is also a parasite. When you are indecisive, as I have told you, life will not reveal to you your own purpose. Have you ever heard of Christ being influenced by the stars? And He is a Sacred example, not just some example, He is so much more. He is only influenced by Sherara, this is the Aramaic word for Truth. In Aramaic Sherara means the Truth.
Toltec means a person loyal to the Way of Freedom.
Observing life, the Toltecs saw that the most common parasites are the so called illusions. They noticed that these illusions were born from a lack, an insufficiency of True knowledge. This also means not knowing yourself. The Toltecs understood that neither Power, nor Peace, nor Freedom were given as gifts. You must fight for them. You must declare your rights, your inner wants. They understood that all those who live in the parasites called illusions will begin to fall into desperation. Why? Because they lived in the old world, in the old way of thinking, in the old civilisation, called in the Bible The tree of knowledge of good and evil. Illusions are like the visible world, they fall apart.
Another interesting parasite is criticism. The critical person often uses words-parasites, i.e. self-destructing words. And because this is too much for them, because this is bad interaction, this person begins searching for other people. So criticism must exit from somewhere, the right person is needed. The parasite of criticism, the bad thing about it, programs the person for illness, misfortune and fall. This is why the Bible says: Do not judge! You do not know the Deep reasons, the Deep intimate things, the inner things of the person. The person is not in the facts of their life, but in their secret intentions and motives. A person like this, the criticising person, robs themselves of energy, something like an inflation of the way of thinking and the consciousness, an impoverishment. Therefore, such a person is voyaging towards mitote, i.e. chaos.
But according to the Tradition the Toltecs had a Father. He is called The Pure Conception. In their language He is called Quetzalcoatl. What Hermes/Thoth is for Egypt, Quetzalcoatl is for the Toltecs. He taught them the so called Il Namiki – a seeking within the Essence. He taught them how to bring to motion their Living Essence called in the Toltec language Iol Lotl – the most dynamic organ in the person, i.e. that which we call Heart. This is the organ which preserves life.
Quetzalcoatl has said that without a big intensity of the Heart the entrance towards the Unknowable remains closed. Therefore, the Heart must develop a big intensity.
The parasites always bring dissatisfaction, hate, greed, anxiety, because they do not have Iol Lotl, they have no Essence, they do not have the living Heart. The Toltecs noticed that people and parasites as a whole did not love the Truth. This meant that since they do not love the Truth, they begin to lose their right to understand things.
As I told you before, the Toltecs do not believe in the future, they create it. I will say this another way: do not give your energy to the future because you need it now, for your current development, so that you can recreate yourself now.

When a person is not aimed towards something True, the parasites slowly shape the person according to their own plan.
The scientists say that the person has a predestined genetic code. But the genetic code can be changed. How? In the way of conscious action. If you have a sickness in your genes, you can change it. Said in their language, you can change your so called structural algorithm. The matter is whether you will understand this.
In order to master the parasites you must understand the language of your consciousness, you must understand yourself. The consciousness which is infected by parasites is a consequence of the wrongly applied energy, then the consciousness becomes infected. This is why the Toltecs chose the Way of Impeccability or the Way of the Right Attitude. The Right Attitude is the Key for the healing of the person. It is not curing, but a total healing of the mind.
The Toltec is awake. They realise that their thoughts and feelings are really actions. They are actions both in this world and in other worlds.
For the Toltecs Freedom is important because it is returning into the Truth. It is a vesting through Impeccability in the Truth.
The Toltec has understood that the healing of all sicknesses and parasites is called Unity, Closeness to Truth.
What happens in the Way of the Toltecs? In the beginning the Toltec has a Way. Then it turns out they have Depth, then it turns out they have Spirit, then in turns out they have a Way again, but for others. They return to the others, but now in a different dimension, in order to help them, to convey to them the Truth which is the Pure Spirit, the Pure Water.
Translated by Ruah Ezekiel